King of Gods

Chapter 742

“Great Emperor spare the life!”

“I waited for ignorance and interrupted Great Emperor’s rest.”

Nearby, those Territory within experts were so scared that soul destroyed, and each and everyone complexion was white.

The Great Emperor Projection, which stands high in the sky, gently lifted his hands, causing everyone’s body and mind to be damaged and imprisoned by the invisible Great Emperor.

At this time, these experts within the Territory Within shivered like ants.

“This island is very similar to Green Flower Territory …”

Zhao Feng lowly mumble.

In a foreign land, he suddenly thought of his hometown, the Green Flower Territory.

In unconsciously, Zhao Feng has left the Green Flower Territory for several years.

As for “Great Emperor Projection”, it is the Secret Skill of Zhao Feng plagiarize Duanmu Qing. As long as you have Soul Will of great perfection, you can cultivate.


The Great Emperor Projection between the heavens and the sky suddenly waved, those Territory within to the experts, like a piece of paper, flying backwards in void.

After a few breaths.

All of them were thrown away a hundred miles away, each and everyone battered and exhausted, shocking.

“Great Emperor strength is terrifying …”

Everyone has a lingering fear.

Legendary Great Emperor, why do they appear in the small Bright Flower Territory?

The Territory within to the expert present was the only Venerable Lord who had ever seen Void God Realm King.

But the higher Great Emperor, the entire Group Territories, has never been born.

Ordinary 2-Star Sect has almost no Void God Great Emperor, even if it is 2-Star half, most of them do not.

Often there is only 2-Star Peak Sect, and Void God Great Emperor will be in town.

“Everyone disperses quickly!”

These Territory within to expert quickly evacuated the area.

If that Great Emperor changes his mind, one idea, Ruler their alive or death.

thousand zhang inside the giant pit.

Zhao Feng sat cross-legged, side Half-God Child, and his face was startled.

“This Zhao Feng’s Bloodline, understanding, and potential is really amazing, especially he has also successfully absorbed the God Tribulation Thunder Strength.”

Half-God Child is under pressure.

Following this trend, Zhao Feng’s future achievements are afraid of him who is expected to To surpassed Peak Half-God.

of course.

The premise is that Zhao Feng can escape in “Pursuit of Death”.

“En? Not good …”

Zhao Feng, who was sitting in a cross, suddenly felt induction, looking towards the direction of Foreign Territory.

Just the next moment.

A dim shadow of light penetrated the Force Field air film of the Bright Flower Territory, wherever it passed, it was dim in heaven and earth, and Cold Strength shrouded heaven and earth.

That scene, like a natural disaster star, opened a dark prologue to Continental.

“Death’s Will! Great Emperor Will!”

Those bright Flower Territory experts who have just evacuated a distance, have the illusion that they are falling into the abyss and alive or death is not under control.

In the field of vision.

That dim death power, wherever it was passed, thousands of vitality were wiped out.

“Come so fast …”

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child face each other a glance.

The two did not hesitate, and immediately welcomed the Great Emperor of Death in the direction of Foreign Territory.

Wind Thunder Wing Flash!

Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of huge red golden light wings, dragging a huge Yan Lei Chi Jin storm between Wind Lightning Encircles.

The red golden light wing-inspired storm filled the violent aura of the cataclysm calamity with death, and it was also an Annihilation.


Zhao Feng flew high into the air, colliding with the Great Emperor of Death fiercely.

Compared to Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, Zhao Feng’s offensive power has been improved by half a level.

“Death Force Field!”

The Great Emperor of Death has a slight movement, and a terrifying Force Field as dark as ink appears on its entire body, devouring all vital Origin Energy, and even reverse the strength.

Hong long long ——

The top expert of the Bright Flower Territory below has a feeling of Heaven and Earth Shaking. It seems that even Space is shaking between the collisions.

Great Emperor-level battles, heaven falls and earth rends, one side of heaven and earth Origin Energy forms a vast tide.

do as you wish The slightest aftermath of the fall is on the ground, leaving a large pit with a diameter of each and everyone hundred zhang.

This is still Zhao Feng and Great Emperor of Death, living at high altitude, close to Foreign Territory void.

If not.

Great Emperor battles are a disaster for Bright Flower Territory experts.

“Still unable to Deciphering ‘Dead Force Field’.”

The red gold Thunder Wings behind Zhao Feng, vibrating at high speed, and fighting with the Great Emperor of Death with superb mobility.

His attack power today, combined with the three major Domain Spaces, can completely resist the Great Emperor, coupled with the high mobility of Wind Thunder Wings, he can even take the initiative.

However, the “Death Force Field” of the Great Emperor of Death devours the strength at a certain intensity, and transforms it to a certain extent, and even reverses the attack.


Zhao Feng’s Red Gold Wind Thunder, integrated into the God Tribulation Thunder Strength, even if it is Death Force Field, it can only absorb and convert 50-60%.

Even so, this was enough to make Zhao Feng weak.

“Saint Body tyrannical strength!”

Half-God Child golden light is brilliant, the body of a three- or four-year-old child has skyrocketed in half, the powerful force is in the void, forming a Golden phantom, oppressing the Great Emperor of Death body.

That “Saint Body tyrannical strength”, the meat of the Great Emperor of Death

The level of “Golden Earth Saint Body” is so high, and the “Immortal Death Body” of Great Emperor of Death is not good at physical strength.

“Sealing Heaven 18 Palms!”

Half-God Child patted mysterious golden palms, twisted between them, fell into heaven and earth, and formed a heavy burden for the Great Emperor of Death.

“Banning Origin Palm!”

Half-God Child’s bizarre rotation of the palms, invisible gray golden three-dimensional apertures, enveloped the Great Emperor of Death.


Once the Great Emperor of Death complexion condenses, the Death Strength of his whole body, and all kinds of Origin Energy, have a sense of stasis, not so smooth.

It’s still him. The Battle Strength and Death Strength of the Great Emperor are extraordinary.

Change to the King’s strength, I’m afraid I will be imprisoned for more than half.

“Banning Origin Palm! You’re going to get this lost forbidden technique, even if it’s a scrap …”

Great Emperor of Death gloomy and uncertain staring at Half-God Child.

Although the Half-God Child is not the main Battle Strength, his assistance allows the Great Emperor of Death to play its role.

Otherwise, the Battle Strength of an ordinary Great Emperor alone has long been captured by the Great Emperor of Death.

“Death Scythe!”

The Great Emperor of Death is void, and the power of death is turbulent. A black sickle-like giant sickle emerges in the hand, surrounding a thrilling force of death.

噗 Pu chi!

That huge death sickle, dragging layers of dead cold edges, flurry dancing heaven and earth, combined with Death Force Field, chopped Zhao Feng and Half-God Child back and forth.


Half-God Child’s Palm Technique Secret Skill was forcibly removed, and he immediately spit out blood.


Zhao Feng ice-blue scale pattern body surface, leaving a half-foot-long bloodstain, and quickly healing.

One void was shrouded by the dead cold edge dragged by the huge sickle shadow, and replaced with a normal King, which has been destroyed several times.

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child’s offensive will be transformed by Death Force Field, further increasing the “Death Scythe”.

“too strong……”

The Half-God Child has a shock, and the enters into the crazy Emperor of Death, which is invincible.

To know.

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child, the Battle Strength teamed up for a short time, has recently become the top Great Emperor at the level of Duanmu Qing. The difference is just the bottom line.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash!”

The vivid red gold Thunder Wings behind Zhao Feng bloomed a dazzling Wind Thunder Wings light, suddenly turned into a wind lightning arc, integrated into void, flashes and passed away,

赅 В

In the field of vision, only a narrow wind lightning arc was captured, running through the Foreign Territory Space.

This time, Zhao Feng’s “Thunder Wing Spatial Flash” exhibited a higher achievement in the crucial moment.

His red gold Wind Thunder is stronger than Golden Wind Thunder of the Wind Thunder Great Emperor.

An instant burst of flying crickets is placed in Territory within at least a thousand miles; placed in Foreign Territory at least ten thousand li away.

“Master, you are a little faster, close to the Wind Thunder Great Emperor during the Peak period.”

In the Ancient Iron Ring, the voice of Half-God Child came.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash!”

Zhao Feng flashed again in the void Fog Sea, crossing the distance of ten thousand li, and further widening the distance with the Great Emperor of Death.

“You and I joined forces to get closer to the Battle Strength of the top Great Emperor, and still ca n’t deciphering the Force Field, let alone the Immortal Death Body. The Eye of Death of the Great Emperor of Death, some taboo Eye Techniques, have never been performed.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

After the first battle and the second collision, he more and more felt the amazing strength and background of the Great Emperor of Death.

What Zhao Feng didn’t know was.

Great Emperor of Death, not easily using Death Pupil, is out of fear of “Ninth God Eye”.

First, the Great Emperor of Death learned that Zhao Feng’s God Eye has an almost perverted immunity from Soul attack.

It is precisely his Death Pupil that is dominated by Soul attack.

Secondly, the Great Emperor of Death is worried that the attack of Death Pupil will show the potential of “Ninth God Eye”.

Ninth God Eye, feel that the pond is still on the reef

For a variety of reasons, the strength of the Great Emperor of Death is at its best.

If I changed to the normal Peak King and Great Emperor, I don’t know how many times have been killed by the Great Emperor of Death.

Even some of the top Great Emperors have the potential to fail.

A few days later.

Zhao Feng got rid of the Great Emperor of Death again and flew for a while.

A month later.

Zhao Feng spanned several Group Territories and entered into a Void Sea Spirit Palace.

“Void Sea Spirit Palace is a neutral and detached place, and behind it is the Spirit Territory Holy Land.”

Zhao Feng has a calculation.

He enters into the Void Sea Spirit Palace, the purpose is to recover interest and replenish some resources, including some Spirit Pill to restore Origin Energy.

The Spirit Pill, which can quickly recover King, generally has no supply points at all.

Only at Void Sea Spirit Palace, Zhao Feng and Half-God Child can you find what you want.

Zhao Feng has another purpose, cultivate here with the aloof status of Void Sea Spirit Palace.


Zhao Feng and Half-God Child have not yet cultivate ten days, the Great Emperor of Death Shadow Chase, killing the Arrived Void Sea Spirit Palace.

Great Emperor of Death didn’t bother to think about it, and directly gets rid.

It is conceivable that two Great Emperor-level Will forces collided at the Void Sea Spirit Palace, what a disaster.

“Great Emperor battle!”

“It turned out to be the Legal Great Emperor of Death …”

Inside Void Sea Spirit Palace, there was a mess.

The Void Sea Palace Master was furious, but unable to stop it.

The general Void Sea Palace Master, the cultivation base is Half-Step King or King, and there are very few Great Emperors.

“Great Emperor of Death, you dare to do it at the ‘Void Sea Spirit Palace’. You are not afraid of the strength of the ‘Floating Dream Spirit Terrirtory’ Holy Land, and pursuit you.”

Zhao Feng laughed proudly.

The words are complete.

He has another “Thunder Wing Spatial Flash” that disappears from the Void Sea Spirit Palace.

Great Emperor of Death expressionless, cast “Death Flickering Shadow” and continue to pursue.

For Ninth God Eye, even if he offends the Holy Land forces, he does not hesitate.


In the Spirit Territory Holy Land, it is not wholeheartedly; the Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, aloof, most of the time, is in retreat to seek God Position.

The rest of the Great Emperor’s pursuit, the Great Emperor of Death is not afraid at all.

A dazzling look.

Two months have passed.

On this day, Zhao Feng enters into the familiar Group Territories-Ten Thousand Abyss Group Territory.

Mention Ten Thousand Abyss Group Territory, the most famous is 18 Corners Pirate Holy Land.

“It’s going to be ’18 Corners Pirate Holy Land ‘soon. That Cold Moon Great Emperor is a new generation of Pirate Emperor. I owe it to me.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickering.

He faintly realized that the destination might be a turning point.

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