King of Gods

Chapter 739

The Qin Palace couples, the two King King swords together, just like the enemy.

However, the torrential death chill made the two limbs cold and depressed.

The war has not yet started, but the two have the illusion that alive or death is not under control.

“Zhao Feng, you really are at Heavenly Saint Zither Palace.”

The sound of the Great Emperor of Death, as if coming from all directions of the universe, heaven and earth on one side was dim, and it seemed to be in a dark age.

Hong long long

A mighty death force shrouded heaven and earth, and for the first time, they collided with the King Weir of the Qin Gong couple “Qin Sword”.


Over the entire Qin Palace, there was a violent vibration. The ancient 2-Star Sect’s Mountain Protecting Formation, a dazzling light, the gorgeous formation rays of light, suddenly dim.

“Fast against it”

“Not good, if the Mountain Protecting Formation collapses, the piano palace will be ruined.”

At the height of the crisis, nearly XNUMX members participated in the adherence of the great formation.

Among them, there are dozens of Origin Core Realm Venerable, and there are hundreds of others at the True Spirit Realm level.

Thousands of sect elites came forward to integrate their strength into that Mountain Protecting Formation.

Many people have a strong strength, and the 2-Star Sect’s Mountain Protecting Formation is also mysterious. It can incorporate many True Strength and True Yuan strengths.

Mountain Protecting Formation is holding on.

But on the other side, the Qin Gong couple, with great tremor, and King Wei with their sword and sword, were shattered by the Great Emperor of Death.

The two figure flickered, their blood twitched, and they almost vomited blood.

This is also the Qingong couple, who are good at joint attack and can share the damage.

In addition, the Great Emperor of Death does not seem to look at the two directly. It is just the Great Emperor power of Nature’s Will that naturally radiates, and they dominate the Qin Palace couple.

His Divine Sense, covering the entire Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, seemed to be looking for something.

Soon, he locked in where Zhao Feng was.


The Great Emperor of Death reveals surprising colour. This Zhao Feng seems to be gestating Will, the great perfection of Void God.

His heart trembled: How could it be so fast?

The birth of any Void God Great Emperor has great opportunities and Great Destiny. There are countless efforts behind it and experience ups and downs in rough life.

Even if Zhao Feng is just gestating Great Emperor Will, it is not assault Void God Realm great perfection.

But Great Emperor Will has succeeded, Void God Realm great perfection, there will be no bottleneck.

“Hehe, Zhao Feng Even if your Great Emperor Will is successful, it is not my opponent; moreover, I will not let you succeed.”

The laughter of the Great Emperor of Death is like the cold wind of death.

The voice fell.

Great Emperor-level Death’s Will, shocking Soul, rushed directly to the elegant building where Zhao Feng is located.

That Great Emperor Will, contain the powerful Profound Truth of Death, suddenly attacked, can almost wipe out the ordinary King’s Soul, at least Soul collapse, nine deaths and still alive.

“Don’t think”

King Will and his wife are together, King Will with a soft and strong strength, blocking the top of the elegant pavilion.

The combination of the two Domain-level Kings and Wills is faintly stronger than Peak King.

Will, after the integration, is better at defense.


The Half-God Child took a step forward, a half-God Will, arrogant to the wild, went straight to the sky, hitting Will in the Great Emperor of Death in attack form.


The Will of the three Kings collided with Death’s Will, causing a huge tsunami on the Soul level.

That Will’s power, despite being the strength of Void spiritual, sustains the Concept Profound Truth realized by the Master, and can crush Matter.


Half-God Child body flickered, a trace of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

He issued a Will attack in the form of an attack, and the attack he received was relatively large.

The Qingong couple, complexion is red and white, and their minds have already been wounded, which is why the two of them jointly bear the harm.

Moreover, a larger part of the pressure is sustained by Half-God Child.

“Will so aloof … Which Saint Lord are you born again?”

Great Emperor of Death complexion stunned, staring at Half-God Child.

Just now, the collision between Will, Half-God Child turned out mysterious method to resolve the death

What’s even more incredible is that Half-God Child will share part of the damage and share it directly with his powerful Saint Body Strength.

“Be sure to delay time and stop the Great Emperor of Death”

“If Zhao Feng successfully bred the Great Emperor Will, Heavenly Saint Zither Palace has a few hopes.”

The Qingong couple looked at each other a glance, took a deep breath.

So far, the two did not have time to complain about Zhao Feng, which caused a crisis for Heavenly Saint Zither Palace.

of course.

The power of the Half-God Child is beyond their imagination.

The strength of his body has caused the suspicion of the Great Emperor of Death; if this young child is really a rebirth of Saint Lord, there may be a way to deal with the Great Emperor of Death.

“Saint Lord? Hum me when he and earth and you were not born.”

Half-God Child coldly snorted, smearing blood on the corner of his mouth, his face proud.

The strong strength of the Great Emperor of Death also caused his deep fear.

If everyone’s strength is not united, even him, it will be impossible to escape.

Seeing the Great Emperor of Death, Half-God Child had to admit that even if he was promoted to Void God Great Emperor, he would lose more and lose less than the Great Emperor of Death alone.

“Great Emperor of Death, you cannot stop me from giving birth to the Great Emperor Will.”

A calm and confident voice came from the elegant palace, a strong Will tending to Perfection, lingering in the midair.

Zhao Feng

Qin Gong couple, can’t help shine.

Zhao Feng’s voice has a calming effect.

“To boast shamelessly, my means, has not yet begun …”

Great Emperor of Death sneered.

Despite that being said, the Great Emperor of Death felt a bit of stress.

If Zhao Feng successfully bred the Great Emperor Will, the difficulty of killing him will inevitably increase a few points-even the Great Emperor of Death is not afraid of it.

“go with”

Zhao Feng loudly shouted, a force of Will that sounded like Lei Zhen, rushed towards the Great Emperor of Death.

Soul level, as if the calamity of Thunder Calamity was raging.

“The aura…”

The Great Emperor of Death felt a little disturbed by Aura.

Zhao Feng’s Will, belonging to the powerful Attack Type, is infinitely close to the Great Emperor, and incorporates the power of Thunder Calamity’s Profound Truth.


Great Emperor of Death sneered, Death’s Will turns into a death Black Dragon, baring fangs and brandishing claws rushing towards Zhao Feng.


Half-God Child and Qin Gong’s auxiliary assault were shaken away instantly.

“The Great Emperor Will also incorporates such terrifying Secret Skill. This Soul Dao accomplishment of the Great Emperor of Death is truly unimaginable …”

Half-God Child feels a pain.

Only Zhao Feng, who joined Thunder Calamity Profound Truth, barely collided with the Great Emperor of Death.


Two Will, fight with one or two breaths, a burst of transparent black smoke.


The power of Zhao Feng’s Will, broken back, grunt.

“Death Scythe”

The Great Emperor of Death is void, the power of death is turbulent, and a huge sickle of black mist lingering over the palm, there is a kind of death spirit that chops heaven and earth.

This time.

Instead of using Great Emperor Will, he switched to the Death Battle Skill.

It is not that the Great Emperor of Death has no odds of success, but that he found that the collision of Will just now seems to promote Zhao Feng Will’s improvement.

“Seen by him …”

Zhao Feng in the attic, complexion stunned.

In Half-God’s Heritage Garden, he was using the Murloc King to speed up his King Will.


The hill protection formation of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, a while shaking, terrifying strength of Death Scythe, unbridled flurry in Space.

“Not good”

The Qin Gong couple was forced to retreat in a row, and their Space Domain was also eroded by the Death Scythe aura.

Sealing Heaven 18 Palms

Half-God Child gets rid in time, mysterious grand golden palms, twisted, caught in heaven and earth, and formed a trance to the Great Emperor of Death.

Even so, the Qingong couple suffered minor injuries.

Moreover, this is the Great Emperor of Death, focusing on Zhao Feng under attack formation.

He wants to stop Zhao Feng

Zhao Feng, who owns Ninth God Eye, is his biggest goal.


The Half-God Child’s Sealing Heaven Palm has limited the offensive power of the Great Emperor of Death. On Concept, it faintly suppresses half-chips.


In the Mountain Protecting Formation, some experts were leaked into the Death Strength and turned into a ball of black blood.

The Great Emperor of Death danced “Death Scythe” quickly, generating a range attack that shrouded hundreds of miles.

The Qin Palace couple, Half-God Child, Zhao Feng, including the entire Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, were attacked by their attack.

It can be said.

He casually suppressed the entire 2-Star Sect with one person, and added strong players like Zhao Feng and Half-God Child.

Seeing the situation, the Qin Gong couple and Half-God Child couldn’t hold their breath.

Thousands of miles round, surrounded by Death Aura, it seems like hell on earth.

At all times, there is the death of the piano disciple.

“You can’t let Heavenly Saint Zither Palace take on this scourge …”

Zhao Feng got up slowly.


He had a purple hair and fluttered wildly, and Left Eye was like a “Purple Fantasy Power”, set in the Great Emperor of Death body.

“Void Eye Slash”

A strange wave of Eye Strength shrouds the place where the Great Emperor of Death stands.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, locked the Great Emperor of Death.

Sealing Heaven 18 Palms

The Half-God Child cooperated in a timely manner and further blocked the Great Emperor of Death.

“such insignificant ability ”

The Great Emperor of Death stood on the spot, motionless, and let a scarlet Void Blade slash from within the body.


The Great Emperor of Death completely motionless stands on the spot, and its body is like a death sculpture, standing proudly.

“That’s’ Immortal Death Body. His body is a living dead man, theoretically not vital, even if it’s dirty.”

Half-God Child took in a cold breath.

Immortal Death Body is an Indestructible Physique. Although it does not tend to physical strength, its survivability is extremely tenacious.

Simply put, the Great Emperor of Death can be regarded as a powerful zombie with an Indestructible Body attribute.

“Void Eye Slash is restrained …”

Zhao Feng not unexpected.

He learned a lot from the Great Emperor of Death from Duanmu Qing.

The general Indestructible Body is a strong enemy. If the fleshly body is too strong to be killed, you can target Soul.

The problem is.

The Soul accomplishment of the Great Emperor of Death, looking at the entire Deep Green Sea, is the top existence, here is his Eye of Death characteristics.

No wonder the Great Emperor of Death stands on top of the Great Emperor.

“Ha Ha Ha … kill some of you first”

The long laughter of the Great Emperor of Death was so cold and cold that it carried through the sky.

He successfully interrupted the birth of Zhao Feng Great Emperor Will, and turned his attention to the Qingong couple and Half-God Child.

First kill these flies, then deal with Zhao Feng to implement the “eye-catching plan”.

Turning “Death Scythe” in his hand, he split head-on towards the Qingong couple.


The dark sickle lingering on the giant sickle drags a layer of cold edge, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and directly splits the couple’s defense layer.

The Qingong couple screamed, at least one of them would fall under the shadow of the huge death sickle.

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