King of Gods

Chapter 736

Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, fourth 18th-layer.

Zhao Feng did not expect that in this way, he would once again see the Fang Ying Xianzi who was pursuing seven years.

The scene of Liu Qinxin in the scene is basically the same as that in the memory; but the temperament revealed is a kind of qualitative sublimation than in the Great Lake City.

The woman, wearing a quaint snow white dress that fell to the ground, was spotless; just like Fairy in the ink painting, she was elegant and empty; she was standing on the top of the times and she was extraordinary.

“Peak, it’s you …”

The elegant and elegant classic woman was surprised to turn pale.

Bang bang

The ancient zither in front of Liu Qinxin suddenly broke a string.

“You… do you know?”

The Qingong couple, Liu Xueyi, Half-God Child and the others, were shocked.

Deciphering to the fourth 18th-layer, every scene character, each is a mythical existence against the sky.

The woman in front of her is no exception.

But what was unexpected was that the figures in this scene met Zhao Feng.

“She … is this the person you are looking for?”

Liu Xueyi’s heart trembled.

The woman on the opposite side, Dao of Music, achieves the highest peaks and the highest temperament.

What Zhao Feng was looking for was the perfect woman who was peerless.

“Are you Qinxin?”

Zhao Feng It is unbelievable how Liu Qinxin could be an evolving figure in the painting wall.

Liu Qinxin was faintly, staring at Zhao Feng, and looking at Lake Water in the autumn. There was a layer of ripples, and there was a sense of affection and a bitterness in the joy.

“Who are you, anyway?”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye is fully open. If Left Eye is purple, a purple hair will fly up.

A strong Eye Strength Will shocked the audience.

“This … is his true strength”

The Qingong couple and Liu Xueyi and the others were shocked and had a sense of suffocation.

“Peak, I’m Liu Qinxin; but not the Qinxin you’re looking for …”

Liu Qinxin looked at Zhao Feng deeply.

Unconsciously, she shed two tears.

Zhao Feng froze. What the hell is going on here?

The beauty in front of her smiled and the resentment in her eyes was the same as Liu Qinxin, who had parted in that year.

“Qinxin what is going on? Are you dead or alive?”

Zhao Feng takes a deep breath.

The ultimate mysterious of the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace cannot be seen through God Eye.

“Only the dead will trace back in the painting wall. I am Liu Qinxin, but it is not. To be precise, I am a part of Liu Qinxin and possess all the abilities, memories, and emotions before she stepped into the 19th XNUMXth-layer. …

Liu Qinxin said.


Zhao Feng felt a chill when he heard “ge-deng” in his heart.

Liu Qinxin … She’s dead?

Both the Qingong couple and Half-God Child showed contemplation.

Liu Qinxin in front of them, what kind of existence, they probably have some speculation.

“This Liu Qinxin should be the creation of the strength of ‘Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace’. It is an illusion or a living body.

Half-God Child has speculation.

“Only the dead will trace back in the painting wall; it seems that the real Liu Qinxin Zhao Feng is looking for, Already is dead.”

Liu Xueyi was a bit unbearable and sympathetic.

Zhao Feng stood for a long time, holding his hands tightly, shaking slightly.

“Peak, you have to mourn.”

Liu Qinxin in the scene, with a trill.

She is traced back by the strength of Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, but the emotional memory of Zhao Feng’s is the same as the real Liu Qinxin.

“Qinxin, how did you die?”

Zhao Feng calmed down.

He always felt that there were some undisclosed truths.

Liu Qinxin didn’t speak, but just looked forward with affection.

In Zhao Feng’s mind, all kinds of scenes suddenly appeared, a woman in a white snow gauze, a step by step to overcome the mystery of the ancient temple, and explore the ultimate Profound Truth of Dao of Music numerology.

During the breakthrough, Liu Qinxin received various insights and rewards.

However, with layers of Deciphering, her body and mind are not supported.

Liu Qinxin’s Concept realization is far more than a thousand times higher than the cultivation base and life level

In the fourth 18th-layer, Liu Qinxin’s mind and life force were almost exhausted.

Facing the last layer close at hand.

She exhausted all her mind and life force and stepped into the fourth 19th-layer.

Picture memory, stop here

After that moment, Liu Qinxin should be dead.

“The real Liu Qinxin you are looking for must have died in the fourth 19th-layer. If not, it would not have traced me back.”

Liu Qinxin of classical Bai Chang, bitter Tao.

Especially referring to the words “real Liu Qinxin”, her heart was like a knife.

Zhao Feng was silent for a long time to digest and accept this “reality.”

After a while.

“I want to enter into the 19th XNUMXth-layer to determine the final truth.”

Zhao Feng was determined.

Liu Qinxin in front of him should be a scene retraced by Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, which is an illusion.

——Although Zhao Feng’s God Eye, he cannot see through the essence.

“But, with your ability, you cannot pass through me.”

Liu Qinxin faintly.

Cannot pass

Everyone present, looked at each other in shock, but had no doubt at all.

You know, Liu Qinxin, with his own strength, went all the way to the 18th 19th-layer, and even entered into the highest XNUMXth XNUMXth-layer.

She is at the top of the times with Dao of Music strength.

“Liu Qinxin, since you and Zhao Feng know each other and love each other, why can’t you coexist?”

Liu Xueyi cannot help.

“This is the rule of ‘Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, I can’t violate it.”

Classical woman shaking her head.

Everyone is sinking.

Zhao Feng stood on the spot and looked in the direction of more than 40 floors, his heart was unwilling.

To see people alive, to see dead bodies

Zhao Feng always felt that the truth was still one step behind.


The classical woman suddenly said: “Here, only you can defeat me; and there is only one method, you can think of.”

Is there a way?

Zhao Feng calmed down and his mind fluttered.

His cultivate “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, ideas can be turned into thousands of shares, and his thinking ability is very strong.

That method.

Immediately he wanted to arrived, but there was a bit of bitterness in the corners of his mouth.

In my mind, Liu Qinxin suddenly appeared near Great Lake City to make a bet.

At that time, Liu Qinxin, unblocking the cultivation base of True Spirit Realm, Zhao Feng was not opponent at all.

But in the end, Zhao Feng won.

Remember here.

Zhao Feng took a step, and God Eye rushed out with a huge heaven shaking Eye Strength Will.

Immediately, a dreamlike strength penetrated a void.

“Qinxin, you know, since I first saw your face, my heartstrings have completely touched you

Zhao Feng was warm and moved towards “Liu Qinxin” slowly.

In a dreamy purple light, the sight in front of me has evolved into a wilderness near Great Lake City.

“This is real?”

The classical white maiden’s eyes were lightly red with a mist of mist.

“Qinxin, I decided to marry you”

Zhao Feng’s voice, full of expression, not only integrated into God Eye’s Dao of Illusions strength, but also his own emotions were released like tide.

Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

Zhao Feng and Liu Qinxin hugged tightly.

“how come……”

Zhao Feng felt the familiar body fragrance, the snow white smooth skin, the touch temperature, just like real

God Eye clearly understood that Liu Qinxin in front of him is the real flesh and blood.

“If it’s a dream, it would be too realistic.”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

“Fantasy Supreme Realm is reality.”

The lady in her arms, the lost in her eyes, gradually faded, but still looked at Zhao Feng with affection.

“Are you real life or unreal?”

Zhao Feng’s heart raised the Stormy Sea.

According to legend, the highest Realm of Dao of Illusions is fantasy reality.

“Peak, you have Ninth God Eye, have you heard of Pu Weitong, legend.”

Liu Qinxin said.

Ancestor Eye Legend

Zhao Feng had no time to think about how Liu Qinxin knew that he had Ninth God Eye.


Eight Great God Eyes come together, and can summon out ‘Supreme Ancestor Eye, and be able to Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, and rebuild the order of the universe

However, Supreme Ancestor Eye cannot be opened.

Because of rumors, everything between heaven and earth is a Brahma dream. Ancestor Eye eyes opened, that ‘dream, then Annihilation.

In front of Liu Qinxin, is it real or unreal?

Zhao Feng couldn’t tell.

“Feng goes after your true Liu Qinxin. She who has experienced the Brahman amulets, although she is dead, still has her life.

Bai Chang classical Liu Qinxin, and finally looked at Zhao Feng a glance deeply.

That glance.

Seems to sustain all the emotions and essence of her life.

The sight before him disappeared, and Zhao Feng successfully “Deciphered” this scene.

But for some reason, Zhao Feng felt a sense of emptiness.

This time, defeating Liu Qinxin in the mural, also used the same inferior means to attack his soul weak spot.

“The fourth 18th-layer, got through”

The Qin Gong couple and Liu Xueyi showed surprise.

To the next level is the supreme hall of “Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace”.

Meow ~

The eyes of Small Thieving Cat fell on that large mural.

Except for it, no one found that the classical woman originally existing in the mural looked at Zhao Feng a glance deeply, and then immediately revealed the color of pain, turned into a plume of smoke, and disappeared.

“Zhao Feng, enters into the 40 layers, we can know the truth.”

Liu Xueyi said.

The Qingong couple and the others have a look of expectation.

“it is good”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded, led the way and stepped into the fourth 19th-layer.


At the end of the fourth 19th-layer, there are no winding steps in aready, and the top of the head is a vast mysterious starry sky.

Under the starry sky, there is a giant ring-like temple.

The material of that temple is the same as the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace seen from outside.

But the people in the temple can see the mysterious starry sky from the center of the circular dome.

That mysterious starry sky has a kind of irresistible strength.


Zhao Feng felt that the entire ring-shaped circular hall slowly moved in the starry sky.

“Here is the ultimate Profound Truth in Dao of Music?”

The Qingong couple and the others felt the unstoppable fate of the starry sky.


In a certain area of ​​the ring-shaped temple, there is a layer of starlight.

“That is”

Everyone’s eyes then moved back from the starry sky, fixed on a “human” body.

to be exact.

That’s a woman, Ice Jade’s skin like snow, perfect with no blemish, hits white snow gauze, sits on the spot, lingers in a layer of 氤氲 shenghui, and connects to the mysterious starry sky on the dome, creating a mysterious connection .


Zhao Feng can tell from the back that it is Liu Qinxin.

call out

At a glance, Zhao Feng silhouette came to Liu Qinxin and saw her face with a happy smile.

His figure, however, froze, staring at the silhouette of the motionless.

“This is a corpse body without any life aura.”

Qin Palace palace master said.

“She is dead”

In the eyes of Half-God Child, there was a hint of surprising colour.

After a lapse of seven years, this corpse body is not only rotten, but its skin is as white as it is, perfect with no blemish, Ice Jade is like snow, with a touch of ruddy light glow, and it even exudes a refreshing fragrance.

When everyone was silent, mutation

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