King of Gods

Chapter 734

Zhao Feng is no longer hesitantly, and takes Liu Xueyi, speeding near ten thousand li.

Not long.

There is a landscape of flowers and flowers in front of it, just like the paradise in the paintings, the magnificent scenery of nature and all the world’s brilliance, all the noise and away from the dust.

This serene and distant scenery with poetic landscapes is immersive and difficult to extricate.

Zhao Feng returned to peace with a little urgency.

On this journey, whether gain or loss, he gradually opened his eyes and asked for a clear conscience.


Liu Xueyi took Zhao Feng and flew to the mountain that is surrounded by water, and there are many towers in the upper building. Relics is ancient and faint.

Here is the Mountain Gate of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, capturing the aura of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, suddenly understood why Heavenly Saint Zither Palace would gradually decline.

Why, Dao of Music sect is difficult to stand on top of the times.

Because it’s so cozy here.

A peaceful and worry-free environment, lack of competition and loss of the fighting spirit to pursue endless.

“Xue Yi”

“Senior Sister Li”

Along the way, members of the Heavenly Saint Zither Palace disciple greeted Liu Xueyi.

Those people, looking curiously, looked at Zhao Feng.

Looking at the situation where Zhao Feng and Liu Xueyi are flying side by side, some male disciples are inevitably hostile and jealous.

“Law enforcement, this is a guest from Master.”

Liu Xueyi spoke.

Those members of the Sect responsible for law enforcement, resigned after hearing Liu Xueyi’s solemn words.

Liu Xueyi had a little in mind, following his side, but a Void God Realm King, in case of any offense and conflict, that was not a joke.

Not much time.

The two came to a palace clustered in the center of Baijie Hualien.

“Palace master and Grand Elder are both retreating.”

In front of the palace, a man and a woman, two members of the palace, stopped them.

From Liu Xueyi, Zhao Feng knows the status of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace.

There are two Void God Realm Kings in the palace, palace master and grand elder, and they are still a couple.

“Retreat? This couple of Qin Gongs will not be doing doubles. Cultivation, right?”

Zhao Feng can not help evil thoughts.

As he grows older, he is no longer the simple youngster of the original Mune, and he is very thorough with men and women.

“Senior Zhao, look …”

Liu Xueyi was a little embarrassed.

The palace master and Grand Elder are in retreat; but Zhao Feng is a Void God King, and he cannot be neglected.

“can not wait.”

Zhao Feng groaned slightly, with a resolution.

Staying too long in a time, the crisis of Pursuit of Death will gradually rise.

To know.

The Zhao Feng quartet robbed a 2-Star battlefield a few days ago. The girl with Eye of Destiny is not to be trifled with.


Suddenly, a mighty King mighty, like a huge mountain, oppressed the palace in front of it.

The surface of the palace suddenly appeared multi-colored Guanglian, forming a powerful formation shelter.

“You … you stop”

Liu Xueyi felt the King ’s power hiding the sky and covering the earth, can’t help turn pale.

Zhao Feng controlled it very well, King Weili only controlled it in a small area, otherwise this mountain range may collapse.


The magnificent lotuses around the palace were broken in layers.

You know, Zhao Feng Soul levels and Void God Great Emperor, regardless of up and down, Will is also extremely powerful.


“Where is King, come to commit me to the palace?”

Shockedly shouted and coquettishly came from a man and a woman inside the palace.

Zhao Feng stood by his hands and smiled with ease.

Liu Xueyi looked at the youth, who was lingering in a layer of mighty glory, with a complex expression.

don’t tell me, this young King, is not afraid to offend the anger of the two Kings of Qin Palace?

Shua shua

A man and a woman, two silhouettes shrouded in the glory of Weili, appeared before the two.

One of the dignified and noble bridesmaids is the palace master of the palace.

Another elegant middle-aged man is naturally the Grand Elder of the sect.

“Xue Yi”

Bishangli and Ruya were middle-aged, stunned, and glanced back and forth from Zhao Feng and Liu Xueyi bodies.

It seems that Zhao Feng and Liu Xueyi live in harmony without any separation.

The two Kings slightly save a sigh of relief, can not help doubt the relationship between Zhao Feng and Liu Xueyi.

“Is it possible, Xueyi is looking for a future King Husband?”

Bishangli seemed to have ambiguous eyes, so that Liu Xueyi tender face can not help turned red, knowing that he was misunderstood by the master.

Qin Palace’s palace master and Grand Elder, not at all, asked angrily, but looked at Zhao Feng first.

As a Dao of Music expert, he has a self-cultivation and meditation, and his quality is excellent.

Furthermore, as a powerful Void God King and so young, visiting Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, gets rid to shock them, but it doesn’t hurt the flowers and grass, and it is understandable.

The two Kings looked at a glance, and they were convinced that they did not know the Void God King.

“Under Zhao Feng, from the distant True Martial Spirit Terrirtory. One important thing, come to Heavenly Saint Zither Palace and visit the two seniors.”

Zhao Feng is not humble.


The two Dao of Music King, seeing Zhao Feng’s courteous manner, did not have the slightest youthful vigor, but also developed a good impression.

Tianqin palace master, would rather, Zhao Feng and Liu Xueyi have the relationship or the sign of that aspect.

after all.

Such a young King, rarely seen, its Void God Will, seems to be slightly better than their two old Kings

An elegant and fragrant hall.

The Qin Palace palace master couple, Zhao Feng and Liu Xueyi, all took their seats.

In words, Zhao Feng explained the intention directly.

“Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace? Xue Yi, seven years ago, did you really see that silhouette?”

The Qin Palace couple were deeply shocked.

Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace is the core inheritance of My Sect that was discovered by the founder of Qin Palace.

But now, I have learned a truth. There used to be Outsider, enters into the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

“That’s a silhouette of a woman, and it’s very much in line with what Senior Zhao said. If it was an illusion then, how could it be so coincidental.”

Liu Xueyi confirmed.

She had just communicated with Zhao Feng. The silhouette I saw seven years ago was basically in line with Liu Qinxin’s description by Zhao Feng.

“It’s no wonder that there was such a thing that the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace would open spontaneously.”

The Qin Gong couple felt incredible.

The two looked at each other, exchanged a brief moment, and soon reached a resolution.

“This matter, we must find out the truth.”

Qin Palace couples, complexion grave.

Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, but the core Inheritance of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, was unexpectedly introduced by outsiders, top secret

Such a thing makes the Qin Gong couple difficult to rest.

In a way, this is a potential crisis for Heavenly Saint Zither Palace.

The Qingong couple decided to check an As the water recedes, the rocks appear. If there are any loopholes in the Inheritance arrangement, they should be repaired in time.

Both sides were honor and open and decided to join forces to find out the matter together.

Zhao Feng was comforted by the nodded, the Qingong couple were reasonable and did not deliberately exclude Zhao Feng.

The purpose of double shots is basically the same.

To determine the whereabouts of fiancée’s alive or death, Zhao Feng and his wife had to identify the omissions of the core inheritance.

After half an hour.

The Qin Palace couples, who convened the seniors of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, and the Elder who attended the meeting, had at least the Venerable Lord Peak.

Because, the next step is to enter into the core inheritance in an “abnormal” way.

In principle, this is contrary to sect rules Ancestor Teaching

Such behavior requires Nine Grand Elder to make decisions together to show justice.

Knowing the “seriousness” of the matter, Nine Grand Elder passed with all his rights.

The core Inheritance, being entered into the top secret by outsiders, is intolerable.

Not much time.

Heavenly Saint Zither Palace was filled with high-rises and came to the forbidden area of ​​the Sect.

In view, there is a large-scale abyss covered by cloud light and mist.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, faintly understood to an ancient mysterious Pang great hall; that palace is magnificent and magnificent, with four 19th-layers, and the whole body is lingering in a layer of hazy color flow, blurred.

But Zhao Feng can see that the ancient sound hall looks like an elliptical giant wheel, and the central area should be hollow.

In the midst.

Zhao Feng’s Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List Bloodline, a slight tremor; God Eye also pulsated slightly.

Even though this Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace was blocked by mysterious great formation, Zhao Feng still felt the aura of Immemorial Era.

That Immemorial aura is similar to aura in Immemorial Dreamland, has several points of.

Zhao Feng has an intuition that this Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace is definitely beyond the control of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace.

This hall was discovered by the originator of Heavenly Saint Zither Palace. Even the half-foot Dao of Music supreme being stepped into Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord could not unlock all the secrets of the ancient music hall.

The Qin Palace couple and several Elders teamed up and waved the formation flag. The cloud light colored mist in the huge abyss quickly trembled, and then scattered away, exposing the outline of “Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace”.

Even if cloud light is removed, the ultimate hall of Dao of Music still has a hazy sense of primal chaos.

But the aura of Immemorial Era is getting stronger and stronger, making everyone present present a small sense of ants looking up at the giant.

sou sou sou

The Qin Palace couple led several high-level officials, including Zhao Feng and Liu Xueyi, a total of nine people, who entered into the huge abyss

Except for Liu Xueyi, the minimum training base for others is the Great Origin Core Realm Peak.


The Qin Gong couple and Zhao Feng and the three Kings joined forces to force the opening of the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

Even if Qin Gong masters the formulation, there is still great resistance to “abnormal” opening.

In an instant.

Three large Kings of power were integrated into a special ancient silver command token before being integrated into the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

The Qingong couple are both Domain-level Kings, and their strength is good.

The King’s power displayed by Zhao Feng is not inferior to the Qingong couple, indicating that his King Concept has reached at least Domain-level King.

On the ancient silver command token, a sky-colored bloom bloomed, trembling gently, and laboriously rising.

At the same time.

Hong long long

In front of Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, a simple and unadorned ancient silver metal door slowly opens the door.

For the Guyin command token, how much the door will open every time it rises.

The ancient metal gate stopped when one third was opened.

Because it is abnormally opened, it is good to be able to open one third, which is enough for one person.

“hurry up”

The Qingong couple hurriedly sounded.

call out

Zhao Feng turned into a scarlet-red wind lightning arc, at the fastest speed, the first enters into the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace


The Qingong couple took Liu Xueyi and went into the Ancient Music Hall together, and then several Elders.

Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, First Layer.

At the foot, there are winding steps, and the end is not visible; on the stone wall in front of it, there are ancient walls that are connected.

A strange scene appeared.

The scene in the painting wall, the light and shadow of classical figures, and even the sound, jumped out of the wall and appeared vividly in front of them.

Zhao Feng stepped up and encountered a resistance.

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