King of Gods

Chapter 731

“With two or three months to go to ‘Heavenly Saint Zither Palace, …”

Zhao Feng whispering.

Seeing that the destination was getting closer, he was worried, worried, and had several points of eager expectation.

In my mind.

The light and elegant shadow like a fairy in the painting, a snow white veil, an ethereal and quiet beauty, looks like resentment and joy, and is looking back at himself with a smile.

“Seven years …”

He took a deep breath, with a rare trace of nervousness.

Looking back seven years ago, the XNUMX-year-old youngster was full of spirits and famous for Saint Region True Dragon Meeting.

Time, in unconsciously, has passed so long.

Seven years is enough to happen a lot.

Regardless, Liu Qinxin’s slim chance of survival, even if she is still alive, there will be too many variables in seven years.

If he was alive, would Liu Qinxin remember the same promises that year?

She is in a different place. If she has no roots, will she … have been married to a woman?

Seven years.

If Liu Qinxin had not died and never returned, there would be unpredictable changes in life and fate.


Zhao Feng spits a long breath.

Whether it is life or death, he needs an exact answer.

This is not only his personal wish, but also his wish to be father, the Great Lake City Lord.

void Fog Sea.

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship keeps high speed and shuttles void.

In the Foreign Territory Void Sea, Origin Energy is thin, heaven and earth pressure is small, air resistance is extremely small, and the flight speed will be more than ten times that of Territory within.

Even so.

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship will take at least two or three months to reach the Group Territories where Heavenly Saint Zither Palace is located.

Inside the sea boat.

Zhao Feng’s foursome are all counting the recent spoils of war.

From the spoils of war searched on the 2-Star battlefield, Zhao Feng alone captured 40%.

Among them, some capital of the Sky Star Devil Master body is quite generous. Only Divine Weapon of the Top-Grade Earth Rank has seven or eight pieces, and there are some rare Inheritance treasures.

“Seven Stars Soul Condensing Grass … Ten Thousand Years Earth King Ginseng … Deep Cloud True Fruit …”

Zhao Feng found that several of these Precious Materials rare treasures have certain benefits and consolidation to his cultivation base Realm.

The seven-star Soul Condensing Grass can strengthen the soul and condense the soul, and promote the transformation of Soul.

This soul grass even repairs Rare Treasures of Soul.

“No wonder that the seven-star Demon Lord, is very unwilling …”

There was a smile in the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

The seven-star Demon Lord is the oldest King in the Red Dragon Group Region and the first person in Devil Path Paragon.

Zhao Feng is not difficult to analyze. The above three top Rare Treasures Precious Materials are the seven-star Demon Lord for the Assault King Peak, and even laid the foundation for breaking through the Void God Great Emperor in the future.

The other two Peak Level Precious Materials, “Ten Thousand Years Earth King Ginseng” and “Deep Cloud True Fruit”, can greatly increase the True Yuan background and cultivation base.

Void God Realm is mainly a transformation of the Soul level, but within the Body Crystal Nucleus, under the magnificent power Concept, it will also develop into a True Yuan Space.

And, the general Space Domain is based on this True Yuan Space as the strength source.

Zhao Feng first entered Void God Realm, True Yuan in Crystal Nucleus.

But this is just the beginning.

When the cultivation base reaches King Peak, the True Yuan Space in Crystal Nucleus can be developed into a truly vast True Yuan Sea.


The seven-star Demon Lord Body, and a “Blood Fiendish Bead”, can strengthen the physical blood physique, which is of great benefit to Devil Path Body Tempering.

But this bead was begged by Half-God Child.

Zhao Feng did not repair Devil Path, nor did he embarrass him.

Then for three months.

The Zhao Feng foursome began to consume the precious resources plundered in order to improve strength.

However, there are few heavenly materials and earthly treasures that really have an effect on Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng has taken “Ten Thousand Years Earth King Ginseng”, “Seven Stars Soul Condensing Grass”, and “Deep Cloud True Fruit”.

These are all Sky Star Devil Masters, a subversion for assault King and a foundation for assault Void God Great Emperor in the future.

And Zhao Feng took these three top Precious Materials Rare Treasures in just one and a half months.

On average half a month, taking the same.

Among them, the “Seven Stars Soul Condensing Grass” gave Zhao Feng’s Soul a touch of strength.

Even if it is just a trace, it is not easy for Zhao Feng.

After all, his Soul background has grown throughout the cultivate of God Tribulation Thunder Strength and “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, and there is also the promotion of Immemorial Dreamland.

Zhao Feng’s Soul level is not much different from Void God Great Emperor.

Now, after taking the “Seven Star Soul Condensing Grass”, Soul is further strengthened and condensed. Compared with the Great Emperor, it is also birds of a feather.

The “Ten Thousand Years Earth King Ginseng” and “Deep Cloud True Fruit” greatly expanded Zhao Feng’s True Yuan Space.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng’s first entry into Void God Realm, these two top Rare Treasures, I am afraid that he can break through to Intermediate Stage Void God Realm in a few months.

However, due to insufficient information in Zhao Feng, it is not yet possible to break through to Intermediate Stage Void God Realm.

Even so, after taking “Ten Thousand Years Earth King Ginseng” and “Deep Cloud True Fruit”, Zhao Feng’s heritage base is no longer lost to some of the old names of the Initial Stage Void God Realm, and it is not considered a Void God intermediate stage. Far away.

“I still have some Spirit Fruit of Immemorial Dreamland, and within six months, I hope to break through the Intermediate Stage Void God Realm.”

Zhao Feng was not worried.

His focus is still on absorbing the God Tribulation Thunder Strength, insight into its Profound Truth, and improving the level of the cultivation technique Inheritance.

These techniques can improve Zhao Feng’s Battle Strength in a short time.

In Purple Soul Sea, absorbing God Tribulation Thunder Strength is still a daily task.

just now.

In Zhao Feng Soul Sea, the absorbed God Tribulation Thunder Strength, Already reached a hundred silk.

Even if it is a tiny trace of God Tribulation Thunder Strength, after converging to a hundred, it is not to be underestimated.

Zhao Feng’s Soul is similar to Eye Technique, and attributes of God Tribulation Thunder Strength will be added.

Even Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder, at its core, contains a trace of God Tribulation Thunder Strength.

That God Tribulation Thunder Strength, imprinted into Soul, and feel cultivate, it is naturally a hundred times easier.

I don’t know when it started, Zhao Feng’s Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder gradually showed a trace of “red gold” light glow.

His Wind Thunder Inheritance is no longer an evolution to pure Golden Wind Thunder.

Chijin Wind Thunder ——It should be the next level or even the highest level of Zhao Feng Wind Thunder Inheritance.

At that time, the Wind Thunder Great Emperor and Wind Thunder Inheritance could reach Golden Wind Thunder and Dark-Gold Wind Thunder.

Dark-Gold Wind Thunder is the peak of Golden Wind Thunder.

From the beginning of the Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder, Zhao Feng gradually evolved into the system of Surpassed Wind Thunder Inheritance.

Because, with the integration of Immemorial Dreamland aura, Zhao Feng can stabilize the Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder flame conflict, and even master some source Profound Truth.

That’s why.

Zhao Feng step by step to promote Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder to a higher level, in pursuit of the strongest explosive power.

“Once I complete the evolution of ‘Akin Gold Wind Thunder, its power will be To surpassed Wind Thunder Great Emperor’s Golden Wind Thunder.

Zhao Feng set his course.

The gap between him and Wind Thunder Great Emperor is mainly the cultivation base and the details.

If Zhao Feng has the foundation of Wind Thunder Great Emperor’s cultivation base, then he should not be afraid of the Great Emperor of Death.

Inside Ghost Corpse Sea Ship.

After getting huge resources, Half-God Child, Small Thieving Cat, and Skeleton Hall Master are all making progress.

Huge resources plundered from the 2-Star battlefield.

The remaining huge middle and high-level resources are given to Skeleton Hall Master to improve the Cursed 100 Corpses Great Formation.

Cursed 100 Corpses, its strength background, are all transitioning towards the Great Origin Core Realm.

Zhao Feng occasionally entered into the Immemorial Dreamland, hunted some large wild beasts, and used his flesh to irrigate and raise Cursed 100 Corpses.

Cursed 100 Corpses, all have “Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone” Bloodline, and have absorbed the flesh of the dream, with great potential.

Zhao Feng predicts and analyzes that the limit of these Ghost Corpse is at least Half-Step King. If enough King Yuan Soul can be swallowed, there is a small probability that it will break through to King.

In Heavens Secret ancient city.

Both Zhao Feng and Cursed 100 Corpses have detected that the “Immemorial Bloodline factor” is contained, thus greatly reducing the cost of Bloodline enhancement.

He suspected that it had something to do with Immemorial Dreamland.

time flies.

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship shuttles void Fog Sea, passing each and everyone Territory within the island.

The destination “Heavenly Saint Zither Palace” is getting closer.

“One more month …”

One day, Zhao Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

Skeleton Hall Master’s cultivation base, breaking through to the Great Origin Core Realm Peak, is not far from Half-Step King.

Its aura change caused the induction of Zhao Feng and Half-God Child.

The two did not take it to heart and continued to cultivate.

Zhao Feng enhances strength in all directions through various methods.

The Half-God Child is almost the same, recover the strength as much as possible, and cultivate the various Secret Technique Battle Skills of the previous students.

Last month.

Zhao Feng’s focus is on shaping the Wind Thunder Space Domain and cultivate “Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”.

Thunder Wing Spatial Flash, Zhao Feng gradually explored its threshold, the flight speed increased greatly.

As for “Wind Thunder Domain”, as early as 18 Corners Pirate Holy Land, Zhao Feng had an outline.

But the actual situation is that Zhao Feng’s Profound Ice Domain is shaped first.

Profound Ice Domain is the innate talent Domain that comes with Bloodline of “Profound Ice Scale Clan”. With a little cultivate Bloodline Inheritance information, you can shape success.

Zhao Feng felt that the frozen effect of Profound Ice Domain was better, so he shaped it first.

Previously, Wind Thunder Domain had some small resistance in shaping.


In Zhao Feng breakthrough Void God Realm, within the body Crystal Nucleus, the True Yuan Space was developed, with this as the core, the establishment of “Wind Thunder Domain” will have no resistance.

“In the past, I shaped Wind Thunder Domain. It was not smooth because the cultivation base was less than Void God Realm, and the True Yuan Space was not developed.”

Zhao Feng got it.

Next, he shaped the prototype of the previous Wind Thunder Domain to further shape it without difficulty.

After half a month.

Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder Domain has finally shaped success.

Wind Thunder Domain is based on Wind Thunder Inheritance and True Yuan Space is Source.

If Zhao Feng revises other cultivation techniques in the future, then this Wind Thunder Inheritance will disappear accordingly.

The space where Ghost Corpse Sea Ship all around is located, the phantom of Lightning Wind Billows has emerged to build a space domain with a radius of hundreds of miles, breeding an amazing Lightning storm.

This Space Domain, Zhao Feng will serve as the Attack Type Domain.

As long as he punched away, Wind Thunder Domain would condense to one point, and the power would more than double.

“Wind Thunder Domain, Zhao Feng … already has shaped the third Space Domain.”

Half-God Child was shocked.

That’s right.

Zhao Feng Now, Already has completed three major Domain Spaces.

Soul Dao-Illusionary City Domain

Bloodline-Profound Ice Domain

cultivation technique ——Wind Thunder Domain

An Initial Stage Void God King, with three Domain Spaces, is simply unthinkable.

Of course, these three major Space Domains, the first two, are basically an innate talent capability.

Only the “Wind Thunder Domain”, Zhao Feng spent a lot of effort to shape it successfully.

“The three Space Domains are superimposed, and I don’t know how powerful they will be.”

Zhao Feng is inspiring, can not help with some expectations.

After half a month.

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship finally arrived at “Earth Saint Archipelago Region”. According to the information on the map, Heavenly Saint Zither Palace is in this Group Territories.

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