King of Gods

Chapter 729

This 2-Star battlefield is an island region with rich Geography resources within the Red Dragon Group Region.

This island area, regardless of population range or Sect resources, is more than twice the Green Flower Territory.

The leaders of this war are three 2-Star Sects, and eighteen 1-Star Sects involved.

The pattern of Red Dragon Group Region is similar to Sky Black Archipelago Region.

The three major 2-Star Sects, one of which is up to 2-Star half, is called “Sky Star Devil Sect” against the other two major 2-Star Sects.

At this moment, the battlefield is high in the sky.

On the side of Sky Star Devil Sect, there are two Void God Realm Kings.

One of the great shore men wearing a black gold robe was flickering with a dark star mark on his brows, lingering in a layer of black cricket Force Field.

The man in the black gold robe, against one of the two Void God Realm Kings in the opposite direction, was relaxed.

“This’ Sky Star Devil Master, cultivation base, alert breakthrough to the late stage of God’s virtual realm, strength is not far from Peak King.”

Opposite two Kings, a white-haired old man and a white clothed beauty, were in a hard fight.

Sky Star Devil Master is the head of Sky Star Devil Sect and the Void God Realm expert in Red Dragon Group Region one of the very best.

“Magic Domain”

I saw a wave of the Sky Star Devil Master sleeves, a void of heaven and earth, enveloped by a dark Demon Domain starry sky.


In the Space Domain, one after another dark star emerged, and a blast of magical flames starlight shot against the old man and white clothed beauty.


Territory within Sky Dome, another beautiful and alluring woman in the palace dress of Sky Star Devil Sect, surrounded by a layer of black Qi Field, the magnificent Devil Path, pressed against a Dao of Sword King.

“Tianliu Sword King”

Demon Sect Gongshang woman, white teeth lightly, soft smile: “My ‘Wuyou Force Field, good at leveraging strength, your attack, no matter how high it is, you can’t help it. After half a day, you will not be able to continue .Maybe it won’t take that long, Sect Master will solve the battle. “

“Try it out”

Dao of Sword King is unmoved, Dao of Sword Will is as firm as a rock, and Cold Flowing Swords like Tianhe are shining through the sky and domineering Unparalleled.


Demon Sect’s “Wuyou Force Field” suddenly showed an unstable trend, and the complexion can’t help changed.


On this day, the Sword King is the first Dao of Sword expert in the Red Dragon Group Region, and the only sword repair promoted to King.

Bang bang bang ——

In Territory within, the core strength of Origin Core Realm, mountains bursting and ground splitting, the storm was rising, and the dust was rolling.

In ordinary islands, Origin Core Realm is an invincible Venerable standing between pyramids.

But in the high air, the collision of the digital King, the vast power of Aura, made some Venerables frightened and afraid to approach.

same moment.

In the Foreign Territory Void Sea, there was a sound of breaking air.

A Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, enters into the edge of the 2-Star battlefield.

On the edge of the Foreign Territory, there are also some fighting Lord-level experts, including some ships that transport resources.


The arrival of Ghost Corpse Sea Ship caught the attention of one of the 2-Star Sects.

Meow meow

On the Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, a silver-grey kitten plugs a large skull flag.

“Sea Pirate Ship?”

Experts who fought in this area looked strangely weird.

General pirate forces, see 2-Star Sect, that is not far away.

When encountering a 2-Star battlefield, experts are generally far behind.

Today’s scene has broken their mindset.

That Ghost Corpse sea Pirate Ship, seeing the 2-Star battlefield, not only did not detour, but also rushed to raids excitedly.

“Stop the Sea Pirate Ship”

A Great Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord, leading a team of dozens of people, the lowest training base is True Lord great accomplishment, killing Pirate Ship to the sea.


On the Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, a thick layer of Ghost Corpse flame clouds emerged, with a hundred pairs of blood-red eyes appearing inside, bursting into an amazing Response Strength assault.


Those Origin Core Realm-level experts are not yet approaching, each and everyone spiritual collapses, or even soul destroyed.

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship

This team of horses instantly turned into a pool of blood, among which Essence, Qi, Spirit was absorbed by 100 Corpses Great Formation.

Meow meow

I saw a Thieving Cat and a golden-skinned child, shuttled in void, and harvested some spoils of war.

of course.

Only the spokes of war from Origin Core Realm will allow Small Thieving Cat and Half-God Child to get rid.

Captain’s Room.

Zhao Feng sat down leisurely, paying attention to the situation outside and took a sip of the fairy wine spirit from the Half-God wine cellar.

“Everyone, surrender the Storage Item to die around you.”

Half-God Child 吆 shouted.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat waved the skull flag and waved the flag.

The two Little Brats, a vacuum zone floating on the Ghost Corpse flame cloud, had no effect on the 100 Corpses Great Formation.

“Impossible Pirate Ship, dare to rob us of Sky Star Devil Sect.”

A Demon Sect team, aggressive kill.

The team was led by two Great Origin Core Realm Venerable Lords, and the remaining ordinary Venerables also had seven or eight.

Such a lineup can easily destroy several 1-Star Strong Sects.


In the Ghost Corpse flame cloud, a hundred pairs of blood-red Eyes were stared at, Demon Sect expert, each and everyone’s heart broke, soul destroyed.

There is still no resistance.

This team of horses became the nourishment of the Ghost Corpse great formation.

“Jié jié … this 2-Star battlefield is really a good feeding ground.”

Skeleton Hall Master said with a smile.

Then, where Ghost Corpse Sea Ship passed, many 1-Star and 2-Star Sect experts, each and everyone were frightened.

The Ghost Corpse Sea Ship was extremely quick and strangely fast, and the Origin Core Realm expert couldn’t escape it.

“Hand over Storage Item, spare the life is not dead”

Half-God Child 吆 shouted.

“Adult spare the life, we pay …”

A few Origin Core Realm Venerables were scared to soul destroyed, kneeled on the spot, and surrendered Storage Item obediently, including the Divine Weapon rare treasure of the body.

Half-God Child and Small Thieving Cat have old-fashioned eyes, and those experts cannot hide private goods at all.


These Venerables who have voluntarily surrendered the Storage Item have escaped.

There are also people who resist, but without exception, all become the nourishment of the 100 Corpses Great Formation.

For a time.

Territory within the battlefield, causing a small riot.

Everywhere Ghost Corpse Sea Ship passes, the chicken jumps and everyone jumps.

Fortunately, the purpose of Ghost Corpse Sea Ship is to plunder, not slaughter.

As long as you pay the Storage Item, you can save money and avoid disasters.

At the beginning.

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, just playing the autumn wind outside the battlefield.

After walking around the perimeter, Ghost Corpse Sea Ship turned towards the center of the Territory within battlefield.

“Where’s the sea, Pirate Ship, so bold?”

In the Foreign Territory high altitude, several Void God Realm Kings and the complexion were fighting.

I saw it.

That Ghost Corpse Sea Ship plundered all the way, regardless of the camp, the righteous demons.

Several Void God Kings, who thought that Nahai Pirate Ship, just hit the iron while they were hot, hitting the autumn wind on the periphery.

And look at the current trend.

The Ghost Corpse Sea Pirate Ship, after finishing the autumn wind on the periphery, went deeper into the center, and seemed to want to rob the entire 2-Star battlefield over and over again.

“Where the thief is, quickly capture”

In the center of the battlefield, a Half-Step King, plus a number of Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord, culled over.

These experts came from several factions.

Apparently, the actions of Ghost Corpse and Pirate Ship caused “public anger”, and the two parties of Zheng Mo and Demon joined hands to deal with it.

“Leave the Storage Item, but spare the life.”

Half-God Child complexion Indifference.

“Little doll with no hair”

The leading Half-Step King, without anger and laughter, Half-Step King Will, breaks through.


A mighty Ghost Corpse flame cloud turned into a tornado, engulfing the team instantly.


In a burst of screams, a team of men and women, including the Half-Step King, turned into nourishment.

Such a scene shocked the entire battlefield.

In the center of the 2-Star battlefield, there was chaos and fear.

The Ghost Corpse Pirate Ship plundered many experts with invincible potential.

Some Origin Core Realm experts, obediently hand over all capital, save yourself from death.

With this example, many experts followed suit.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat grinned, non-stop charged for spoils of war.

Of course, there were also a few experts who tried to reverse the Small Thieving Cat, without exception, being instantly spiked.

These include one Half-Step King and two Venerable Lord Peaks.

After killing the pheasant monkeys, the remaining experts shuddered, and each and everyone took a cool breath.

Between the sky.

The fighting Void God King finally stopped fighting.

“What is the origin of this sea Pirate Ship”

Several Void God Kings on the 2-Star battlefield look at each other in shock, but their expressions are grave.

On the Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, a youth, a toddler, a cat, and a skull are such a combination that people can’t see through.

But it was this strange combination that successfully plundered the 2-Star battlefield.

“Anyway, leave this sea Pirate Ship.”

Sky Star Devil Master frowned, the dark star mark, flickering.

If you let this sea Pirate Ship whole body retreat, it will be a great shame for the entire Red Dragon Group Region.

The five major Void God Realm Kings reached an interim agreement to send the “Tianliu Sword King” and “Demon Sect Girl” among them to solve the sea Pirate Ship below.

Sou sou

The two Void God Realm Kings descended from the sky, and King Weili let one side void, heaven and earth Origin Energy stagnate.

“Tsk tsk, there are spoils of war again.”

Half-God Child is not disappointed.

Seeing the arrival of the two Kings, the Half-God Child body golden light is brilliant, like a diamond Buddha, all around void, a terrifying Saint Body Strength and King might emerge.

Until this moment, Half-God Child did not expose King’s cultivation base.


Tian Liu Sword King and Demon Sect woman, the figure shocked, as if being crushed by a huge mountain earthquake.

The two Kings, simultaneously grunt, almost vomited blood.

“Not good”

“Hurry to the rescue”

Sky Sky Devil Master several people, complexion changed greatly.

The strength displayed by Half-God Child is already comparable to Peak King, Tian Liu Sword King, and Demon Sect. It is not opponent at all.

Even the Sky Star Devil Master does not have the Battle Strength of Peak King.


Underneath the void, came the heaven shaking, the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles, collapsed and broken.

“Kneel down”

Half-God Child small body, the overbearing unparalleled Saint Body Strength erupted, two golden light brilliant hand giant hands, crushed void, pressed the Heavenly Sword King and Demon Sect woman to the ground.


The two Kings, simultaneously spit blood, complexion pale.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat flew in, plundering two King’s Storage Item.

There is a shadow in Demon Sect’s eyes, and the body Sword Light of the King of Swords trembles, wanting to fight back.

Half-God Child sneered.


The two powerful hands, with a strong push, crushed the two Kings into a ball of blood, and were immediately shrouded in flames by Ghost Corpse.

Half-God Child’s “Golden Earth Saint Body”, first entering the fifth layer, can sweep the Void God Realm King with just the Saint Body Strength. If the fifth layer great accomplishment is achieved, Saint Body can resist the Great Emperor.

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