King of Gods

Chapter 723

void Fog Sea.

A pair of dark and deep huge eyes, indifferent like Heavenly Law, overlooking from the top, showing the bottomless vortex inside, as if the world of death is endless.

“Dead … dead … gazing …”

The voice of ice-cold, accompanied by an all-knowing Death’s Will, echoed on one side of Void Sky.

this moment.

The strong form of Eye of Death comes from cross-space, launching the Soul Dao forbidden technique of the famous Deep Green Sea.

Inside the square ten thousand li.

Countless ocean creatures, or human experts, seem to be enveloped by the Death Shadow lock, and the spontaneous chills in the heart can’t stop the strength like Heavenly Law Law.

This feeling, like the old man Shou Yuan was about to do, could not stop the pace of “death”.

Profound Truth of Death, like the strength of time, is the most irreversible ultimate force between heaven and earth.

The feeling that step by step into death and life is not under control has made Zhao Feng a little familiar.

In the past, in Purple Saint Ruins, facing the strength of the Death Command Token, Zhao Feng had a similar feeling.

The difference is that.

The Death Command Token at that time was just a simplified version of “Death’s Gaze”.

And this time.

The “Eye of Death” strength, cross-space from the Great Emperor of Death comes from full force, the power is greater than the last time, I do not know how many times stronger.

“This feeling……”

In the Ghost Corpse great formation, the Soul consciousness of Skeleton Hall Master seems to be imprisoned and wants to be separated from the body.

His Soul, shouting.

This is just “Death’s Gaze”, a spread of awe-inspiring effect.

“Eye of Death’s Profound Truth, who controls death, is a restraint for all beings, especially Soul …

Half-God Child takes a deep breath, deeply shocked.

Not to mention he is now, he has not been promoted to Void God Realm, but even if he is promoted to King, even Great Emperor, in the face of this strength, he is not sure to resist.

For Profound Truth of Death, Soul’s understanding, in the Deep Green Sea place, almost no one can To surpassed Great Emperor of Death.


Half-God Child, breathing heavily, Soul Will, has a sense of depression.

Although he is not as strong as Skeleton Hall Master’s death crisis, the illusion that alive or death is not under his control is very impractical.

He can’t help look towards Zhao Feng.

That youth with purple hair fluttering is really the goal of “Death’s Gaze”.

Death’s Gaze, in principle, is the “single” Soul Dao forbidden technique.

However, due to his strong death, Soul Dao Profound Truth, and nearby weak creatures, his Soul may also be pulled away.

Zhao Feng stood to, body and mind completely cold, struggling.

An irreversible force of death, Soul Dao, enveloped his body and mind.

His Soul consciousness was shrouded in the taboo strength and was pulled by a huge strength, and he wanted to get out of his body.

Zhao Feng could hardly control his body, and sweat was seeping from the forehead.

But Will’s faith in his eyes never extinguished.

“Death’s Gaze? This move, hehe, Great Emperor of Death, can you be creative?”

The purple rays of light in Zhao Feng Left Eye are getting more and more prosperous.

He whispered and ridiculed, running “Soul Dao Supreme God Secret Art”, Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art, resisting the pull of the death Soul Dao.


Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will, like a huge sharp mountain peak, blasted into the sky, and the huge shadows were dark and deep.

“This guy …”

Nine Death Guards in the distance, incredible. They maintain the Death Command Token and are sheltered in Death Strength.

Zhao Feng’s resistance to “Death’s Gaze” seems to be stronger than the previous “Great Emperor Mu Yun”.

Not only that, he also has the ability to counterattack.

“Death’s Gaze? Huh this move, how could I not have guarded.”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a deep purple ocean emerges.

Dominated by Eye Strength Will, his confrontation with Death’s Gaze gradually strengthened, although Still in the struggling disadvantage.


Zhao Feng previously obtained the Great Emperor of Death by extracting the memory of a Death Guards. Through “Death’s Gaze”, he took the Soul of Great Emperor Mu Yun.

This is just one of them.

There is another important point.

Don’t forget, Zhao Feng cultivated Dark Eye Secret Technique.

In “Dark Eye Secret Technique”, there are many Soul Dao Eye Technique principles of Great Emperor of Death, but there is not much record about Attack Type’s forbidden technique.

Although there is no recorded forbidden technique of “Death’s Gaze” in this Secret Technique, Zhao Feng might as well understand his death system.

That’s why.

Zhao Feng has some precautions against “Death’s Gaze”.

His God Eye has a strong immunity to Soul Dao attack.

And “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” is the Supreme Secret Technique of Soul Dao Cultivation. Some Great Emperor wanted to trade, and Great Emperor Duanmu did not agree.

“Great Emperor of Death”

Zhao Feng’s sneer, echoing at the Soul level: “You need to recover for one month to recover all Soul Eye Strength. Now it is only more than half a month later, you will force the cross-space forbidden technique again”

He made this statement.

Those Death Guards, and Yuan Soul of Yin-Yang King in the distance, were all sinking.

The forbidden technique itself is expensive, not to mention the distant distance.

“As long as I can persist in ten breaths, your Soul Eye Strength will not be supported and I will lose without a fight.”

Zhao Feng gave a psychological counterattack while struggling to fight back.

Between the sky.

The huge eyes of Eye of Death sneered.

“Zhao Feng, your growth is indeed fast. However, you underestimate Eye of Death, control of Profound Truth of Death, and restraint of Soul.”

In the cold voice, a chill of death hiding the sky and covering the earth emerged.

The dark and dark Eye of Death, the inner vortex, spins, and its pulling force gradually increases.

Zhao Feng’s body was ice-cold, and all vitality seemed to be frozen.

He understands that this is the powerful Profound Truth of Death controlled by Death Pupil.

As long as it is a living being, it will be restrained by the strength of death.

Zhao Feng, naturally does not leave the realm of life.

In the deep, the invisible pulling force is getting bigger and bigger; Zhao Feng’s Soul struggles, and gradually looks weak.

“Can’t do this”

Zhao Feng had a cold heart, and his body, alert ice-cold, lost control.

The only thing he can control is Soul, God Eye, against that pulling force.


The pulling force from “Death’s Gaze” is getting stronger and stronger.

Under the gaze of Eye of Death, Zhao Feng body and mind ice-cold, a step by step approaching death.

With each breath, Zhao Feng’s struggle will weaken one point.

at last.

The spiritual state of a human figure, phantom, will flow from Zhao Feng’s within the body.

Look closely, that is Zhao Feng’s Soul.

Zhao Feng’s Soul is very strong, and the whole body is full of purple wind lightning, and it has a good momentum, which is better than overwhelming majority King.

“Is this about to end?”

Half-God Child and Skeleton Hall Master, with their bodies standing on the spot, are enveloped by Death Shadow.

Fortunately, Death’s Gaze’s strength is focused on Zhao Feng body.

They are more under the pressure of spiritual senses.


When Zhao Feng’s Soul was about to be out of the body, he encountered arrived resistance.

I saw, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, suddenly contracted.

“Want to take away my Soul, unless you can take away God Eye …”

Zhao Feng was struggling frantically in the critical condition of death.

God Eye.

This will be his biggest dependency and the last barrier.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Strength, with Eye Bloodline, is highly integrated and difficult to separate from each other.

That year, Zhao Feng was able to get the integration of God Eye, also because of his Soul fluctuations, which fit perfectly with God Eye.

If not, God Eye won’t “select” him.

“This is God’s strength asylum …”

For the first time, the huge eyes of Eye of Death showed a few grave and fear.

Ninth God Eye, but it is on a level with his Bloodline originator “Death God Eye”.

“Great Emperor of Death, see how long you can hold on”

Zhao Feng’s low roar, coming from Soul level.

Pingping Pingping

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, beating quickly.

Seems to be stimulated, some sleeping strength auras in God Eye are faintly excited.


In God Eye, a burst of overbearing aura of Immemorial source was issued, and Wild was disdainful.


As if incarnation was an infinite giant of Immemorial Era, he thought and thought, Ruler surrendered, every move, shocked the Sun and Moon.

“The aura…”

In the presence of the enemy and us, Soul shook, like a ant, shuddering under the strength of the Immemorial giant.

Zhao Feng’s eyes showed a trace of madness.

He already gave up the confrontation of “Death’s Gaze” pull.


The strongest defense is attack


Zhao Feng loudly shouted, on the Soul level, there is a kind of Immemorial aura.

He runs Eye Strength Will, Soul Strength for the rest of his life, and goes straight into the huge dark shadows in the sky.

As abandoning resistance, Zhao Feng’s Soul and God Eye strength, like giant beasts swallowing the sky, rushed towards the Great Emperor of Death.

“how come……”

The Eye of Death presented by the Great Emperor of Death came cry out in surprise and withstood an overbearing assault of Immemorial Era aura.

Zhao Feng’s Soul consciousness, including God Eye, is completely out of the body.

I saw it.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, normal black, hair returned to normal color.

Next, an amazing scene appeared.

Across the sky, opposite to the huge form of Eye of Death, a purple God Eye covering the Sky appears, with a scarlet wind lightning on the surface.

The purple God Eye, unlike phantom, looks like a corporeal eye. You can see three-dimensional eyeballs and pupils, embedded in void, and lifelike.

It looks as if there is real life and flesh-like eyeball form.

This is definitely not the form of Cross-Space Eye, nor is it simply Soul Spirit Physique.

God Eye, already does not exist in Zhao Feng’s body.

It, integrated with Soul, goes beyond Zhao Feng’s body and travels too vainly.

“God Eye Out”

Zhao Feng felt that his Soul Eye Strength was unprecedented and its Soul Strength fluctuated, and he was afraid not to lose to Void God Great Emperor.

After being promoted to Void God Realm, King Great Emperor can be released by Yuan Soul.

fleshly body is gone, Soul is not dead.

And Zhao Feng’s Soul, integrated with God Eye, detached from the fleshly body, and in the form of “Yuan Soul”, traveling heaven and earth is too vague.

In this state, Zhao Feng has a high degree of fit with heaven and earth. Even in the form of Soul, he can fight.

“Great Emperor of Death, see if you can take my God Eye away”

Zhao Feng’s Soul consciousness, integrated with that purple God Eye, exudes a violent heaven shaking Fighting Intent.


The huge purple eyes aroused the thunder of the vast Void’s Wind Thunder, which more faintly accompanied the aura of God Tribulation Thunder Strength and blasted into the huge form of Eye of Death opposite.

snap snap

The oppression of God Eye ’s huge strength has caused the Death Command Token in the hands of nine Death Guards to break.


Void Sky, as if corporeal purple God Eye, and the dark and deep Eye of Death, hit each other directly.

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