King of Gods

Chapter 719

The blood-red vortex is the center of the great formation of Necronic Purgatory, the powerful Blood Dao purgatory power, can devour and refining Void God King.


The yin and yang giant hand prints integrated into the sky, promote the entire Ghost Corpse great formation, including Zhao Feng, Half-God Child, and Skeleton Hall Master in the middle.


In blood-red vortex, there is a huge pulling force.

“Once caught in a blood-red vortex, 100 Corpses Great Formation will die …”

Zhao Feng has a big heart.

100 Corpses Great Formation As long as Annihilation, Zhao Feng and Half-God Child, there will be no barriers, and it can withstand thousands of blood-red light assaults, and even the Secret Technique attack of several major Death Soul Kings.

This is the moment to alive or death.

“Little Kun Yun”

Zhao Feng sternly shouted, and a pair of Wind Thunder Wings extended behind.


Kun Yun Half-God is connected to Zhao Feng and Dark Heart Seed, and the communication is very simple.

“Heaven Breaking Golden Fist”

Half-God Child’s Half-God Will and Fist Technique Concept are highly integrated.

The void where Purgatory Array is located produces a faint feeling of shaking, naked eye saw a golden brilliance gorgeous fist, turned into a sharp overbearing beam of light, fiercely shook the shade of the yin and yang where the giant hand imprint.


On the imprint of the yin and yang giant hand, a large hole appeared, and the black and white twisted sky curtain shook suddenly.

“This baby’s Fist Technique Concept seems to be stronger than the average Great Emperor …”

Yin-Yang King was slightly surprised.

Of course, the gap between the cultivation bases of the two sides is too great.

Yin-Yang King’s Battle Strength is invincible under the Great Emperor; Half-God Child’s Fist Technique Concept, despite being clever, cannot beat his Secret Technique with one punch.

The yin and yang giant hand prints that are integrated into the canopy are only reluctantly contained, blocking most of the power.

Half-God Child figure Shocked a dozen feet and almost vomited blood.

Then Yin-Yang King’s strength Concept, or Soul level, is extremely close to Void God Great Emperor.

In the singles fight, even if Eye Fengline is on, the odds of success is very low.

“Master … wonderful”

Skeleton Hall Master exclaimed that the 100 Corpses Great Formation was still being pushed and pulled, close to the blood-red vortex.

after all.

Half-God Child can’t stop all the attack of Yin-Yang King.

Just at the moment when alive or death is at stake.

Wind Thunder Wing Flash

A scarlet Thunder Wing Light quickly swept to the center of the blood-red vortex.

“Ice Emperor Frozen Seal”

In the palm of Zhao Feng’s, an ice blue long spear is like a liquid of ice water, turning into a huge iceberg with glittering ice.


The huge iceberg, in the glittering ice, faintly showed the outline of an ice crystal seal, which fell on the blood-red vortex.

The entire Death Soul Purgatory Array was slightly shaken.

The huge iceberg, surrounded by ice crystal seals, was devoured by the blood-red vortex.

Ice Transformation Strength and Devouring Strength fight each other.

But the Frozen Mountain imprint, obviously falling into the downwind, aura cut.


Zhao Feng’s gaze was cold, and his whole body skin was covered with a layer of ice-colored blue scale pattern.

A peak Cold Strength derived from Immemorial is integrated into the Frozen Mountain seal.

In a few moments, the frozen mountain with Ice Emperor Spear as its core seems to have a substantial trend. The frozen Cold Strength distributed has doubled in a short time.

With Zhao Feng as the center, everything in the square circle li is frozen.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

Those blood-red rays, after approaching Zhao Feng, were slow and the surface frosted with a layer of frost. After hitting him, the power dropped sharply by 50-60%.

Ding Ding Ding

Zhao Feng body surface The layer of blue scale pattern, like the scale of ancient Ice Dragon, the defense is strong enough to be a peak.


The blood-red vortex under the seal of the frozen mountain showed a tendency to solidify and almost stopped rotating.

“Close call”

Skeleton Hall Master stabilized the Ghost Corpse great formation.

100 Corpses Great Formation, distance blood-red vortex, only a few ten zhang left.

Fortunately at this moment, the blood-red vortex is frozen for a short time, and its attractiveness has almost disappeared.

“That Bloodline aura …”

The Kings who presided over the formation, especially Wen Luoan, turned pale.

Heaven Luo Sun Battling Clan Bloodline of Wen Luoan within the body, a faint tremble of restlessness.

“Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List … Bloodline by Profound Ice Scale Clan”

“How could he have …”

The three Death Soul King and Wen Luoan were simultaneously moving.

The Coldline Xuanbing Bloodline, which originated from Immemorial Era, caused a few senses of oppression in the Death Soul King and even Death Guards.

Coupled with the enhanced “Ice Emperor Spear”, Zhao Feng used the “Profound Ice Scale Clan” Bloodline to briefly freeze the blood-red vortex in the center of the Purgatory Array.

The power of the Death Soul Purgatory Array is also sharply reduced.

“Gets rid”

Zhao Feng low roaring sound, a light purple hair, dancing in the cold wind, misty evil looking.

The voice fell.

Half-God Child and Skeleton Hall Master tried their best to counterattack.

That purgatory great formation has great power. Zhao Feng can only suppress the blood-red vortex for a short time, and the bloodline strength is huge.


Yin-Yang King sneered, void in the yin and yang sky, a phantom outline of a five-finger mountain looms, fiercely strikes onto Half-God Child and Ghost Corpse great formation.

You Spirit King and Witch King were not idle either, urging the Secret Technique to form repression again.

Half-God Child and Skeleton Hall Master were beaten to death.

Ding Ding Ding

Zhao Feng stood on the frozen mountain seal and also endured the blood-red light and the attack of the Green Insect Flying Insect.

Wind Thunder Wing Flash

Zhao Feng disappeared from the frozen mountain, avoiding the attack range of the yin and yang sky.

Apparently, he gave up the freeze on blood-red vortex.

During the flight, a huge and amazing Eye Strength Will surged in his Left Eye.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a deep purple mist, as if hiding a purple fantasy world.

“Beware of Zhao Feng’s Bloodline Eye Technique”

Wen Luoan whispered, and immediately tightened his mind.

“Endless maze”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, fixed in the strongest Yin-Yang King body in strength.

It is this Peak King that has suppressed his own side.


Yin-Yang King body and mind was shocked and attracted by Zhao Feng’s hazy purple Left Eye.

Suddenly, his surroundings changed.

Everything in sight was shrouded in a misty maze.


Yin-Yang King sneered, Will must be, the Void scene in front of me is melting like snow.

He is close to Void God Great Emperor at both Concept and Soul level.

“Worthy to be called is the head of Four Great Dead Soul Kings. Also, the gray flame on the outer layer of Purgatory Array has the effect of isolating Soul. My Bloodline Eye Technique has been weakened by 30-40%.”

Zhao Feng not unexpected.

He was just now, just a tentative attack.

The purpose is to understand how effective the Purgatory Array is against Bloodline Eye Technique.

“60% is enough.”

Zhao Feng nodded slightly.

At this point, Yin-Yang King easily deciphered the single Illusion Technique of the “endless maze” with a bit of ironic cold intention in the corner of his mouth.

But soon, he felt that something was wrong.

Zhao Feng’s attack was defeated, but there was no surprise colour, and there seemed to be a smile.

“Don’t be careful–“

Yin-Yang King cried out in surprise, finally thought of something.

In the field, his Strength Realm is the highest and can resist Zhao Feng’s Bloodline Eye Technique.

But it does not mean that others can.

“Spiritual Thorn”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, Xun shot a huge spiritual spike of ice-cold purple, which instantly penetrated the gray flame of the outer layer of Purgatory Array.


The gray flame stabbed that huge spiritual sword by 30-40%.


The remaining 60% of the mighty Spiritual Thorn penetrates Wen Luoan who presides over the formation flag.


Wen Luoan sent out a scream, the tingling at the Soul level was XNUMX times stronger than the pain of the fleshly body

Even the remaining 60% of the Spiritual Thorn almost penetrated its Soul, and almost made Wen Luoan faint.

Wen Luoan’s Soul Will is just close to King.

The Spiritual Thorn, as the simplest and original Soul attack, wins and loses with Soul strength.

The bigger the Soul gap between the two sides, the greater the damage.

There is a big gap between Zhao Feng and Wen Luoan. Even Spirit Thorn, which is weakened by 30-40% by the Purgatory Array, has an overwhelming advantage.

This Spiritual Thorn wrecked the mind of Wen Luoan and caused fatal injuries.

“Junior suffers death”

Yin-Yang King was furious, and Will King’s mighty Will rushed towards Zhao Feng to stop his next attack.


That Witch King and Spirit King also stepped up on Zhao Feng’s attack.


Zhao Feng smiled slightly, Thunder Wings flew behind, enters into the Ghost Corpse great formation, and half-God Child and 100 Corpses Great Formation shared the attack.

“Luoan, how is your injury?”

Witch King looked forward to Wen Luoan with concern.

At the level of Wen Luoan Soul, he was fatally attacked and almost lost control of the flag.

The power of Purgatory Array has clearly begun to decline.

at this time.


A dark silver dotted line flashes away, accompanied by a touch of chilling nether shadow sharp blade.

“Be careful”

Witch King was beating.

But her reminder was too late.

Pu chi

A peculiar dagger like a shadow that pierced Wen Luoan’s heart.


Wen Luoan was struggling, but his body was numb, and immediately fell into the void Fog Sea.

Meow meow

The Shadow Killing Emperor Blade in the hands of Small Thieving Cat waved suddenly, a shadow blade cold edge, passing through several Death Guards near Wen Luoan.


Several Death Guards nearby were pierced by shadow blades, their bodies were stiff, and Internal Qi was killed instantly.


“Third Highness”

“Leave the cat”

The three Death Soul Kings, as well as the Death Guards, were frightened.

The necrotic purgatory great formation lost a hosting core, its power decreased sharply, and some weak spots appeared.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat turns into a dashed silver gray line, Space Escape goes away and disappears.

“Small Thieving Cat … good job”

On Zhao Feng’s side, 100 Corpses Great Formation, the pressure suddenly dropped a little.

As early as the Death Soul Purgatory Array was laid out, Zhao Feng knew that Wen Luoan was the weakness of the formation.

Among the four hosts, Wen Luoan cultivation base strength is the lowest.

Zhao Feng first tried attack Yin-Yang King, but it was just a “sound east and west” strategy.

If you let Small Thieving Cat go to attack Yin-Yang King, the success rate is extremely low, and you may even risk your life.

Zhao Feng’s target is Wen Luoan, whose strength is relatively weak.

just now.

This breakthrough port was successfully opened.

Over the three Death Soul Kings, I have n’t come here yet, the next round of attack, already begins.

“Extinguishing Scarlet Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng Left Eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame emerges.

A group of translucent scarlet Eye Fire radiates a burst of aura, and its core contains a trace of Thunder Calamity Qi.


The group of scarlet fireworks, like a red flame storm, strikes to the “Witch King” body.

“His …”

Witch King’s pale body, wrapped in a translucent Extinguishing Scarlet Eye Fire, destroyed the aura of the cataclysm calamity and raged.

Even if she was prepared, she was panicked by this violent attack.

Witch King’s body surface, lingering on a layer of withered white weird flame, is intertwined with the bombing Extinguishing Scarlet Eye Fire.


Her Evil Spirit Ghost Dao firework was restrained by the “Extinguishing Scarlet Eye Fire” of contain Thunder Calamity and Profound Truth of Destruction, which caused a burst of black smoke and quickly faded.

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