King of Gods

Chapter 717

Zhao Feng surrounded a layer of scarlet wind lightning, with a hint of playful irony, and gave a high look at the Death Guards on the opposite side.

Great Emperor of Death, Four Great Dead Soul Kings, XNUMX Death Guards.

If it was two or three years ago, it would be Zhao Feng’s nightmare facing Pursuit of Death.

In the past, even the bottom-down Death Guards, Zhao Feng could not escape, and paid a huge price to win.

And now.

The Death Guards showed deep shocked and fear in his eyes, and the latest information of Death Target appeared in his mind.

I’m afraid.

In the thirty-sixth Death Guards, no one can continue with this youth.

The speed shown by the opponent makes him deeply weak.

“I can’t escape without reinforcements nearby.”

This Death Guards is also battle-hardened and has not lost his calm.

“Devil Bat Wing Shadow”

Death Guards complexion is fierce, with a bite of teeth, whole body True Yuan burns, a figure like nether shadow, a twist and expansion, suddenly turned into a “Flying Bat Shadow” with a dark flame burning, wings spread, ten zhang wide Like a Devil Wing Bat.

The Devil Wing Bat aura was brutal, bloodthirsty, and issued a sharp spiritual sound wave, straight into the Soul plane.

Zhao Feng was moved by this. The Death Guards, desperately at all costs, strengthened the strength to King level in a short time.

Moreover, the speed of the Devil Wing Bat is terrifying, the speed of the assault, even the ordinary King, is not easy to dodge.


Zhao Feng sneered, grabbed with one hand.


In a moment, a King of Power emerged from heaven and earth void, shrouded in the bat’s wing body.

This is King, the gap between Concept and King.


Immediately, a huge scarlet light claw, dropping from the sky, Wind Lightning Encircles, grabbed “Devil Wing Bat”.

“There is no resistance at all …

The Death Guards, shivering in spirit and physical consciousness, seemed to be imprisoned in void.

He realized that it was no fluke that Zhao Feng could kill Domain King.

“Since it is impossible to escape, then …”

In Death Guards’ eyes, there is a madness in despair, whole body Soul Strength and True Yuan, burning and inflating, like a balloon being inflated.

“Hehe, want Self-destruction?”

Zhao Feng chuckled, and Left Eye froze.

The next moment.

An extremely strong Eye Strength Will traps Death Guards’ body Soul in void.


Death Guards has completely lost control of the body, and it is difficult to move their minds.

Except for the Great Emperor of Death unexpected, he has never seen such a strong Eye Strength Will.

“Soul Search”

In Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, a surge of evil looking Soul waves emerged, rushing into the Soul of Death Guards.

At the level of Zhao Feng’s Soul, the accomplishments on Soul Dao are performed by Soul Searching Technique, with no difficulty.

In fact.

Overwhelming majority of Soul Dao’s mystery, and even some Spiritual Illusion Techniques, can be used without Eye Bloodline

But through Eye Bloodline, the mystic power is stronger, the activation speed is faster, and the mental consumption is also the most

After one or two breaths.

With a wave of Zhao Feng, Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder surged, transforming Death Guards’ body into fly ash.

Soul and fleshly body, annihilated at the same time, can’t die completely.

Like last time, although Zhao Feng defeated Death Guards, due to the speciality of its Death Shadow Body and the shelter of Soul by the Death Command Token, there was no real obliteration.

“It turned out to be…”

Zhao Feng got some important information from Death Guards through Soul Search.

Among them, there is information about tracking Zhao Feng’s clues.

Due to Zhao Feng’s huge pass on Death Eye Strength Will, reducing its induction to a peak, plus “ Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art ”, Soul Dao’s secret to aura’s sealed, Death Guards, and Death Soul King, it is difficult to sense To him.


Zhao Feng’s Soul, absorbed the God Tribulation Thunder Strength, and further killed the Death Eye Strength Will in Soul.

Unless the distance is close, Death Command Token is difficult to sense Zhao Feng.

Pursuit of Death, the reason why Zhao Feng can be found is because of “Great Emperor Mu Yun”.

Zhao Feng’s Void Eye Slash, which runs a lot of Soul Eye Strength, is stained with Death Eye Strength

Great Emperor Mu Yun body, stained with this aura, was discovered by Yin-Yang King.

“The Great Emperor Mu Yun was turned into the Great Emperor of Death, spread across several Group Territories, performed ‘Death’s Gaze, and ingested away Soul.”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

Spread across several Group Territories and use the Soul forbidden technique, the consumption will increase by dozens of times, even hundreds of times.

Besides, the goal is still the Great Emperor-level Soul

“Fortunately, the Soul Eye Strength of the Great Emperor of Death has not recovered and is still recovering.”

Zhao Feng is a bit lucky.

If the Great Emperor Mu Yun is just a pirate cormorant, even if the Great Emperor of Death cross-space several territories and cast “Death’s Gaze”, there is no need to pay a lot of cost, and it can come in a spurt of energy pursuit.

of course.

Ordinary pirate cormorants will not force Zhao Feng to show Void Eye Slash.

“Heaven Locking Bow”

Zhao Feng opened God Eye and scanned an area of ​​Void Sea. An Ancient Bow appeared in his hand.

That dark silver on bow, mysterious hollow inscriptions, silver gloss glittering, forming a three-dimensional 蝌蚪 like living spirit pattern for each and everyone.

Zhao Feng pulled the Golden bowstring and a purple hair danced upside down.

call out

An extremely dazzling golden light light arrow, condensing on the bowstring, dragging a layer of Extinguishing Scarlet Wind Lightning, flashes and passed away

Suddenly, a wave of gold sharpness pierced void and broke Space’s fist.

At the same time.

Counting beyond a thousand miles, a Death Guards, stiff body, cried out in surprise.

A sharp aura piercing all things, locked his Soul, and even the nearby void fainted and was blocked by the strength in the underworld.


silver Void Glow flashes, a Golden Light Arrow seems to emerge from the Space gap, running directly through his body


The Death Guards screamed and annihilated in Golden Glory and Extinguishing Scarlet Wind Lightning.

The death of two Death Guards in succession naturally shocked other Death Guards, including the three Death Soul Kings.

Death sailing.

“The whereabouts were found.”

There was a trace of grave in Yin-Yang King’s voice.

According to the plan, they need to stare at Zhao Feng first, waiting for the Great Emperor of Death to clear the gate early.

Only then can we be sure.

However, just after reaching the edge of 18 Corner Canyons, he was discovered by Zhao Feng, which was much faster than expected.

“All Death Guards take orders, encircle Death Target”

A yin and yang overlapped voice passed through the Death Command Token to the nearby Void Sea, ten thousand li.

Just a few breaths.

“Launch Siege Plan”

The other two Death Soul Kings, and many Death Guards, have received news.


Two King Wills came from the nearby Void Sea.

The Ghost Corpse Sea Ship in flight seems to be under the pressure of a huge mountain range, and the speed of the flight is sharply reduced, as if trapped in mud.

same moment.

Shadowy Death Guards figures flew from the nearby Void Sea Territory towards the Ghost Corpse Sea Ship.

In Death Guards, some of the higher ranks, the strength speed, are close to King.


In other directions, the mighty aura of the three Death Soul Kings swept through like a storm of death.

Zhao Feng complexion changed slightly, sound transmission said: “Little Kun Yun, Small Thieving Cat, Skeleton Hall Master …”

If he was alone, Zhao Feng would run away desperately and would not dare to fight.

No matter how strong his strength is, he will not be arrogant with the three major Death Soul King contend, plus Wen Luoan of King class strength, and many Death Guards with strength between Half-Step King and King.

But this is not what it used to be.

Zhao Feng is not alone, he also has a powerful servant and Spirit Pet.

“Skeleton Hall Master, arrange the great formation. Those Death Guards also have a great formation.”

Zhao Feng instructed.

The voice fell.


A layer of dark and dense Ghost Corpse flame cloud, covering a circle of 10 li, showed bloody red eyes inside.

Different from the past, in the flame cloud of Ghost Corpse, a translucent faint red electric chain still faintly appeared. In the Ghost Corpse great formation, it was fadely discernible.

In the city of Heavens Secret Clan, the Ghost Corpse great formation was further refined.

“Small Thieving Cat …”

Zhao Feng hadn’t commanded yet, the Thieving Cat on his shoulders jumped out.

Meow meow

In the void Fog Sea, only a dashed line of silver and gray is visible, and the flashes disappear and disappear.

Zhao Feng understands that Small Thieving Cat has its own intentions, hiding in the dark.

At this time.

The three major Death Soul Kings led more than twenty Death Guards, distributed heaven shaking Death Aura, and came under oppression.

Thousands of miles away, there is nothing in the Void Ocean.

Zhao Feng and Ghost Corpse Sea Ship were surrounded.

The three Death Soul Kings, plus Wen Luoan, and the four King-level Battle Strengths, are divided into four sides and surround Zhao Feng.

Behind every King, there are at least four or five Death Guards.

“Jié jié … Although Black Prison King is not here, it is enough to launch ‘Death Soul Purgatory Array.'”

That body is like the “Spirit King” of the ghost phantom, can not help lick his lips.

The voice fell.

In the hands of Yin-Yang King, Witch King, Spirit King, and Wen Luoan, a blood-red flag appears.

Those four flags, standing void, each one burned a gray flame, and there was a fiercely shouted sound of heaven shaking ground, letting one have one’s hair stand on end.


Suddenly, the four flags and blood light shone, rising to the height of the hunted zhang, just like the four holding the Heaven Giant Column.

Fangyuan several dozen li, penetrated by a black blood rays of light, and a gray flame burning light cover was faintly visible on the periphery.

Zhao Feng and the others, including Ghost Corpse great formation, fell into a desolate and bloodthirsty Purgatory Space.

The Purgatory Array, in some respects, is much smarter than the Cursed 100 Corpses Great Formation and is able to form an independent Space Domain.

“Death Soul Purgatory Array has been completed, and that kid is impossible to escape.”

The “Witch King” with pale skin and whole body lingering on a layer of strange white flame, like a Female Ghost King, shows a spooky thriller.

Yin-Yang King, Wen Luoan and the others all showed a touch of joy.

The Necromancer Great Formation is a great death formation created by the Great Emperor of Death. It requires four Death Soul Kings to guard the core of the Quartet in order to play the most huge might.

In addition, each side has a number of Death Guards to assist.

The Peak’s power in this array can even challenge Void God Great Emperor.

Even if Wen Luoan replaced one of the Death Soul Kings, the number of Death Guards was less than 70, and its power was XNUMX% of that in the Peak period.

70% powerful “Death Soul Purgatory Array”, except the Great Emperor, even the Peak King cannot escape.

“Enable Killing Array”

Yin-Yang King low roaring sound.

Three Death Soul Kings and Wen Luoan, simultaneously operate special methods, slap the flag like Holding the Heaven Giant Column in the palm of their hands.

whoosh whoosh whoosh

In the blood-red Purgatory Space, thousands of blood-red light threads emerge, like a heavy rain of pear blossoms, and high-speed continuous contact shuttle.

The blood-red light threads are extremely sharp, and each one can penetrate Half-Step King and devour the spirit.

And such blood-red light threads, densely packed, thousands of absolutely, do not puncture and cut to non-stop, even King, will be hit with a lot of holes, refining as blood.

All of this is tied to a black blood rays of light in the Purgatory Space, outside the light cover, with a layer of gray flame condensing, even Soul can burn.

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