King of Gods

Chapter 705

“On the side of the Pirate Alliance, the odds of success is not higher than 30%. I recommend Master to quit this vortex.

Half-God Child solemnly.

At Zhao Feng’s strength speed, it is not difficult to escape in the chaos of war.

Zhao Feng fluttered his thoughts and shook his head: “This is a great opportunity to learn about the strength of Void God Great Emperor.

From now to today.

Zhao Feng hasn’t really played against Void God Great Emperor yet.

This Great Emperor Mu Yun is not the top Great Emperor. If there is no courage to fight against it in such a group battle, how can we face the Great Emperor of Death?

What’s more.

Zhao Feng joined the Cold Moon King camp and should also do his best to fulfill his promise.


Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s Purple Soul Sea, shook violently, was locked by a mighty Will like heaven and earth, and endured a strong assault.

If it is changed to King, I am afraid that it will be soul destroyed, and if it is changed to King, it will at least be damaged.

“Great Emperor Mu Yun”

Zhao Feng chilled his face, looking towards the Great Emperor Mu Yun in the center of the stream of light.

Just now, that lock of Will and assault came from Great Emperor Mu Yun.

Great Emperor Mu Yun actually “stared” at Zhao Feng.

same moment.

Cold Moon King and Great Shark King, figure simultaneously start.

At that moment, Will of Great Emperor Mu Yun, locked the three of them at the same time, and assaulted Soul.

“Master, the Great Emperor Mu Yun, left a mark on the three of you.”

Half-God Child reminded.

Zhao Feng found that on the other side, the “Black Dragon King” hated a cruel smile.


Zhao Feng became one of the Black Dragon King’s kill list, so left a mark on his body.

Because, he killed his Adoptive Father Black Snake King.

The Great Shark King and Cold Moon King are strong opponents of becoming Pirate Emperor. As long as they are removed, no one threatens the status of Black Dragon King.


Great Emperor Mu Yun was slightly unexpected, with a flick, his eyes glanced at Zhao Feng.

His Great Emperor Will, just a round of assault, did not let this junior, soul destroyed.

He even felt that Zhao Feng’s Soul aura, condensed like Thunder Mountain, was hard to shake.


Great Emperor Mu Yun didn’t think too much about this Brahma Universe heaven and earth, there are too many extraordinary natural talents, some people, Soul is born strong, or Will is extremely firm and difficult to shake.

In the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, there is even a special devouring Soul to grow your terrifying race.

“Everyone be careful, King below Domain level, pull away from Great Emperor Mu Yun.”

“I and Cold Moon King, four Domain Kings, first restrained the Great Emperor Mu Yun …”

Cold Moon King and Great Shark King, Divine Sense sound transmission.

But at this moment, Great Emperor Mu Yun gets rid.


All around the dark red cloud light, which flows like life, isolates heaven and earth from Sun and Moon, and envelops several hundred li.

A piece of void heaven and earth, controlled by Great Emperor Mu Yun’s greatest limit, the power of the invisible heaven and earth, to contain the pirate alliance, many Pirate Kings.

“To die”

Great Emperor Mu Yun raised his hand gently, and a huge dark red hand condensed between Heavens, and a flurry of blood red cloud threads appeared, and from the void, came suddenly.

That dark red giant hand, accompanied by the flow of all around dark red cloud light, like fog, like cloud, seems to represent Will on one side of the heaven and earth universe.

“Not good”

Cold Moon King and Great Shark King have heavy body and mind, have a short breath, and dodge.

Because the dark red giant hand is aimed at the two Peak Kings.

As long as they can kill two Peak Kings, then the Pirate Alliance will fall apart.

“Giant Shark Shadow”

Great Shark King loudly shouted, turn on Bloodline, whole body is covered by a huge Antiquity giant shark phantom.

He waved, the giant shark phantom Antiquity overbearing strength, top of the head huge shark blade, fiercely cut red cloud giant hand.

“Cold moon Unparalleled”

Cold Moon King Blade and Sword are intertwined, Sword Qi and blade glow are intertwined into a distorted substantive Moonlight vortex, cold glow with no stronghold one cannot overcome, and even dark red cloud light that smashed all around.

of course.

Even the two Peak Kings can only dodge while simultaneously strengths resisting the dark red giant hand, and dare not to continue.

噗 pu chi

After the dark red giant hand shrouded in a few hundred squares, it bombarded.

Two Peak Kings, figures flew out.


In this area, two ordinary Kings failed to escape, and they were immediately crushed into two splatters.

With one palm, kill two ordinary Kings.


The Pirate League, some Kings, took a breath.

“Kings without condensing Space Domain are just ants in front of the Great Emperor.”

Half-God Child whispering.

Obviously in this case, he was not unexpected at all.

Zhao Feng’s heart is straight from feeling numb, the strength of Great Emperor, too terrifying.

“Flick off”

Those ordinary Kings, quickly pull away the distance.

“Everyone, try your best to disperse”

Cold Moon King Blade and Sword simultaneously shine, ice-cold’s Sword Light blade glow, twisted together and cut to Great Emperor Mu Yun.

In the hands of the Great Shark King, a two zhang giant axe appeared, which turned out to be a Heavy Type Divine Weapon of Top-Grade Earth Rank

That giant axe waved, contained the power of Peak King’s Domain, and Giant’s Shark Shadow’s Antiquity power, making void tremble.


The attack of the two Peak Kings fell to the Great Emperor Mu Yun body.

Great Emperor Mu Yun laughed a little, and a single palm waved, a dense dark red Void Light, forming a huge hole to absorb the attack of the two Peak Kings.

Not only that.

The huge hole formed by the dark red Void Light echoes the dark red cloud light world of all around, creating a huge attraction.

“Not good”

After the Cold Moon King and Great Shark King launched the attack, the figure was also pulled by the dark red hole.

Bang jeer

At this moment, the Golden Light Arrow has been lingering on a layer of scarlet wind lightning, flashes condensed to the peak, passing away, stabbing the Great Emperor Mu Yun.

Great Emperor Mu Yun was startled. The Golden Light Arrow turned out to have the illusion of locking and penetrating his Soul.

strong as he can’t dodge.

And, the Golden Light Arrow contains a cataclysm calamity-like aura, which is close to Soul.

This sudden arrow made him dare not to underestimate.

In fact, this is the most peaking arrow since Zhao Feng got the Heaven Locking Bow.

Compared to ten days ago, this arrow’s Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder, the crucial moment is stronger, and the contained Thunder Calamity Profound Truth is half more than last time.


Great Emperor Mu Yun body lingering around a substantive Space phantom. The strength of that arrow was quickly consumed. After hitting Great Emperor Mu Yun, it was immediately shattered.

“The small world of the Great Emperor, the Matterized Space Domain.”

Zhao Feng was at a loss.

This arrow, although it did not pose some threats to the Great Emperor Mu Yun, resolved a problem for the two Peak Kings.

“Go together”

Cold Moon King, Great Shark King, and four other Domain Kings also launched counterattacks against Great Emperor Mu Yun.

So many Peaks or elite Kings, Simultaneously strengths attack, Great Emperor Mu Yun cannot be taken lightly.

Bang bang

Leng Yuwang and six other King elites collided with Great Emperor Mu Yun and felt like Heaven and Earth Shaking.

same moment.

The other Pirate Kings led by the Black Dragon King are fighting with the Pirate Alliance.


The Black Dragon King holds Battle Halberd in his hand.

That Great Emperor Mu Yun, one person suppressed the six strongest elites such as Cold Moon King and Great Shark King.

Invisibly, the giant strength of the Black Dragon King is manifested.

“Junior, let’s die”

Black Dragon King licked his lips, cruel and cold eyes, staring at Zhao Feng.

He strode meteor and killed Zhao Feng.

“Wind Thunder Wing Flash”

Zhao Feng unfolds Wind Thunder Wings and pulls distance with Black Dragon King.

Without opening the God Eye, it would be difficult for Zhao Feng to face off with Peak King.

On the Black Dragon King side, there are four Domain Kings and two ordinary Kings.

In addition to the Pirate League, there are ten-twenty Kings, including three Domain Kings.

But for Black Dragon King alone, there must be at least two or three Domain-level Kings.

Depending on the number of people, Zhao Feng won’t suffer, and even has a certain advantage.


On the side of Great Emperor Mu Yun, with the Single-handedly, six King elites such as Cold Moon King and Great Shark King were easily suppressed.


Great Emperor Mu Yun can also free up time. Once gets rid, he can at least kill an Alliance Pirate King.

Once the Cold Moon King and Great Shark King are defeated, even if a Peak King falls, then the battle situation will completely fall.

“Little Kun Yun”

Zhao Feng looked towards the Half-God Child around him, secretly ordered.

“Master, do you want to …”

Half-God Child rarely showed a touch of excitement.

Half-God Child was taken in by Zhao Feng.

Meow meow

Immediately afterwards, a silver-gray Thieving Cat, holding a formation flag, appeared on the battlefield.

hu hu 唰

In a short time, the Ghost Corpse great formation unfolded and shrouded several li.

Ghost Corpse great formation, in the previous battles, absorbed some of King’s spirits, the ghosts of contain Corpse Qi, and the Strength of Reception, to a thrilling point.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat masters the Ghost Corpse great formation, and compresses the formation to a few circles.

Its mission is to absorb Essence, Qi, Spirit of King who died.

“Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique”

The Wind Thunder Wings behind Zhao Feng disappeared from place to.


The next instant, an ordinary King of the enemy was killed by Zhao Feng.

Combining Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique and Wind Thunder Wing Slash, Zhao Feng can kill targets perfectly and seamlessly.

In the Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique, the moment before reaching the target, Wind Thunder Wing Slash cut off the power. The target did not react at all, even if there was a reaction, it was far behind.

Because in speed, except for the Great Emperor and a few Peak Kings, everyone else couldn’t beat Zhao Feng at all.


Thunder Wings Void Light, flashes and ransacked, killing another ordinary King again.


On the Black Dragon King side, there are only four Domain Kings left, plunged into a group attack by many Pirate Kings in the Pirate League.

Great Emperor Mu Yun frowned, he can’t put Black Dragon King into crisis.


Great Emperor Mu Yun smashed through the air, killing two ordinary Kings, and wounding one ordinary King.

of course.

Great Emperor Mu Yun also wanted to obliterate Zhao Feng, but the secret technique of Zhao Feng’s Thunder Wings is so brilliant that he has the ability to break the space 桎梏.

in those days.

That Wind Thunder Great Emperor has also escaped from Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord pursuit.

At the same time.

Ten Thousand Abyss Group Territory, high above Fog Sea.

A huge black-ice-cold huge metal sailing ship, shuttled on the void Fog Sea, exuding an amazing Death Aura.

Death sailing past, nearby Sea Territory, countless ocean creatures, trembling and choking.

“Ahead, 18 Corners Pirate Holy Land.”

A gentle youth with a look of the sun, overlooking the front.

“According to the analysis, this area is the direction Zhao Feng might escape.”

A heavily overlapping, yin and yang voice, come to myself, The head Death Soul King wearing a yin and yang mask

Sunshine youth Wen Luoan, with a touch of awe, looking towards the “Yin-Yang King” at the head of the Four Great Dead Soul Kings

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