King of Gods

Chapter 696

“Well that little boy …”

Black robe old man, big unexpected.

His King Will-dominated Space Domain was ripped apart by the two or three-year-old kid.

The youngster’s strength and Fist Technique Concept are aloof, and they just hit the weak spot of his Space Domain with one punch.

“Wind Thunder Wings”

A wind lightning wing light, with Half-God Child, flashes out from the gap in the Space Domain.

So fast

Wu Pao old man unexpectedly, he has not come to repair the gap in Space Domain.

The cooperation of Half-God Child and Zhao Feng’s is like flashes of thunder.

The former opened the gap for a while, and the latter Wind Thunder Wings opened, breaking through the King Domain.

“Domain King, come out and fight.”

Zhao Feng Fighting Intent increased sharply, and the Extinguishing Scarlet Thunder Wings behind him danced at high speed, as if burning, carrying a horrible aura that destroyed the flames, spurring a scarlet zhang diameter scarlet tornado, and rushed to the dark glow warship.

Half-God Child, caught in Zhao Feng body, felt the Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder that destroyed the manic, and formed the Extinguishing Scarlet Tornado that destroyed everything.

“A Great Emperor’s Inheritance, can it have such power?”

Half-God Child was in shock.

Compared with True Martial Holy Land, when fighting with Lei Zhen, Zhao Feng’s Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder has more than doubled

“Very powerful aura … open great formation soon.”

Wu Pao old man complexion suddenly, immediately ordered.

He has to admit that the Battle Strength of Thunder Wings youth can compete with ordinary King.


Wu Pao old man can see that Zhao Feng’s Inheritance is derived from Wind Thunder Great Emperor. Wind Thunder Great Emperor, the first speed in the Great Emperor, has a reputation that matches the first-generation Pirate Emperor.


The black robe old man figure leaped up, a King Will, forming a grand Domain-level heaven and earth power, covering Thunder Wings youth.

鎹 ㈠ 仛 King 涔 嬩 笅, 浠 栦 竴  剰 蹇  剰 蹇 鍗 彲 绂 侀 彲 绂 侀, 鐢 氲 呖 璁 ╃ 洰 镙 soul destroyed destroyed

“Wind Thunder Wing Flash”

Zhao Feng’s “Wind Thunder Wings”, it is enough, and it’s not enough, it’s not enough, and it’s a streaks void.

鍏 fall into harm

浠 栫 殑 Wind Thunder Wings, void 镄 镄 rofound Truth 銆

Zhao Feng ‘檚 Soul 灞 傛 , Concept 鏂 归 溃, 鐢 熷 懡 physique, 璁 ╀ 粬 璁 ╀ 粬 King 浼 熷 姏 銆


Half-God Child body surface, 娉 涜 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 en en 鎸 ュ 姩 en 鍦 坓 en en 鍦 坓 en en 鍦 坓 en 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 en 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 en 鍦 坓 鍦 坓 en en en en bear en bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear bear overbearing 鎷 olden en 厜镄 凛 oncept 濞 佸 娍 銆


all around 镄 凨 ing 浼 熷 姏, 灏 氭 湭 濉 戦 € 犳 垚 Space Domain, 灏 灏 Zhao Feng 鍜 孒 alf-God Child, 镵 旀 落 through

call out–

Zhao Feng’s injury, fear of eak, 璁 ╀ 箤 琚 man ld

闱  Domain 绾 ing, 浠 栦 富 锷 ㄥ 嚭 鍑

 €€€ eally strongâ €

鏆 楄 鎴 樿 埞 浼 梀 浼 梀 浼 梀 Sea Sea Sea Pirates 囩 劧 囩 劧 囩 劧 囩 劧 嶅 嶅 嶅

Wind Thunder Wing Flash

竴 阆 竴 阆 竴 阆 棯 鐢 棯 鐢 棯 鐢 椋 椋 椋 妯 ︼ void void void void Fog Sea, rather, more scarlet tornado, save the key.

闾 i € 熷 熷, 璁 ╀ 竴 鑸 琄 ing 镞 犲 姏 銆

“Evil Snake Sky”

Black Snake King gallium, top of the head, and top of the head. The following is an introduction:


浘 鍏 夋 i 浘 鍏 夋 繁 娓娓, 鍓 х 儓 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 鏉 鏉 鏉 澶 澶 澶 澶 嫲 镫 炵 殑 嫲 镫 炵 殑 嫲 镫 炵 殑 Black Patterned Devil Snake, 闀 胯 揪 hundred zhang, 镙 ╂ 牍 濡 傜 敓 銆 镙 ╂ 牍 濡 傜 敓 銆

闾 lack Patterned Devil Snake, 鏆 檺 gloomy and cold, 铚 胯 湌 宸 ㄥ ぇ 镄 勮 泧 fiercely 缂 犲 悜 Zhao Feng 銆

Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder Wing Flash

EDelete heaven and earth void, fogblack fog

“Golden Emperor Fist”

Half-god child

PatternBlack Patterned Devil Snake, 浠 嬩 簬 Matter 鍜 孴 rue Yuan 涔 嬮 棿, 娌 ℃ 湁 湁, 佸  搴 炲 ぇ 镄 勮 泧 fiercely Gallium 悜 Zhao Feng 浜 屼 汉 浜 屼

Zhao Feng 鍗 save

Bang bang

Wind Thunder Wings 鎼 coup 镄 delete undred zhang scarlet tornado, lack patterned Devil Snake, fiercely strikes

庢 椂 闂 搷 鐖

What’s more, Red Wind Thunder Annihilation, Shoulder Songs, Thunder rolls, and Dark Dungeon.

闾 lack Pattern

Âomain King

Zhao Feng 鑳 屽 悗 镄 刉 ind Thunder Wings, 闀 胯 揪 ten-twenty 橀 橀 熻 垶 锷 熻 垶 锷 熻 垶 锷 瀹 涜 嫢 € € € € € 缈 缈 缈 瓟 澶 瓟 澶 瓟 澶

浠 ヤ 粬 腑 蹇 冦 腑 蹇 冦

鏂 格 浑 several dozen li, 琚 犷 xtinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder 镄 rerifying strength 娉 ㈠ 强 銆

This is the prerequisite for the formation of the margin.

鑸 笂 镄 勬 笂 镄 勬 笂 镄 勬 鐩 椾 鐩 椾, each and everyone 灞 忎 綇 forged 惛, dark back 獓 turn pale 銆

“jié jié ……”

Black Snake King


top of the head void, 闾 lack fog 娣 娣, 鍦 xtinguishing Scarlet Tornado 镄 刟 ssault ning 嵎 not at all 娑 堟 映, 鍙 嶈

鍞 攑 u pu pu

The black fog can be identified by the black pattern, and the pattern can be changed to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng 鑳 岃 剨 瀵 瀵 笁 鏉 d 笁 鏉 lack Pattern 宸 ㄩ 瓟 铔 囩 殑 attack

闾  闾  闾 lack fog 娣 笂, 灏 灏 槸 ake Black Snake King Domain thtrend 镄 勫 澶 澶 綋 鐜 gre gre Greatly restricted hao feng 檚 阃 熷 檚 阃 熷 銆


Zhao Feng 鍜 孒 alf-God Child, 琚  竴 鏉 「法 旇 泧 旇 泧 Ga 旇 泧  腑, figure comes back €€, 骞 朵 笖 鍒 嗘 映 寮 € 寮 € 鏉 ャ

”Omain 绾 ing

Black Snake King 鐪 腑, 闂 ︼ € € € 濋 槾 鎴 濋 槾 鎴 濋 槾 鎴 濋 槾 鎴 嬩 腑 闄 嬩 腑 闄 嬩 腑 闄 鏉 栨 尌 锷 笁 鏉  笁 鏉  笁 鏉  笁 鏉  Pattern 笁 鏉  浼 熷 浼 熷Zhao Feng 灞 alf-God Child 銆,

Bang Bang

Zhao Feng 鍜 孒 alf-God Child, figure 鍒 嗗 紑, 钖 勮 嚜 chain 掗  銆

among them.

Half-God Child, body surface Golden Pattern 鐏 cross, 瀹 涜 嫢 Diamond Saint Body, 娌 ℃ 湁 鍙 楀 埌 瀹 炶 川 浼 ゅ  銆

浠 栫 殑 鍗 奊 od Blood 鑴 夊 拰 銆 奊 olden Earth Saint Body 銆 搴 曡 暣 娣 卞 帤, Profound Mysteries 銮  祴 銆

Zhao Feng Forge Korean, 钀 ︾ 粫 钀 ︾ 粫 灞 傛 灞 傛 灞 傛 殑 闾 冨  殑 殑 殑 闾 冨  殑 闾 冨  water blue 娑 熸 吉, body surface 杩 哜 缁 哜 缁 竴 灞 傜 竴 灞 傜 竴 灞 傜 竴 灞 傜 竴 灞 傜 竴 灞 傜 scale pattern 鐞 濡 悓 悓 浠 禤 urple Scaled Skin Armor 銆

浠 杦 ithin the body 姘 旇  暗 锅 崱, 鍦 ╓ater Bloodline 鍜 孭 urple Scale Grass 镄 刣 efense Bloodline

“Umbrellas” “や”

There was finally a trace of grave on Black Snake King’s face.

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child’s physical defense are both powerful perverts, making him a bit impenetrable.

“Heaven Breaking Golden Fist”

The Half-God Child suddenly turned into a Golden beam, rushed to the black fog abyss in the top of the head void, and punched out, golden light gorgeous Fist Force, cold light rotation, Changhong-like overbearing beam of light, pierced into black fog abyss.


Black Snake King was surprised and angry, yelling, a little tricky, because the body of the Half-God Child was too small.

However, the body of two or three-year-old children, the golden body strength of contain terrifying, and the Fist Technique Concept are transcendent, and every time they hit, they hit the point.

He can not help wondering if this little child is a Void God Great Emperor’s Body Possession rebirth, or recover one’s youthful vigor for some reason.


Seeing the black fog abyss, there was a shaking, and the center already ripped a crack.

Half-God Kun Yun, the child’s body, is completely a little bit, but deal with between those three troll snakes.


His figure was shaking, his pace was mysterious, the golden light was gorgeous, like a mountain like a pillar, overbearing, and he had the power to crush heaven and earth.

“Don’t think”

Black Snake King coldly smiled, waved his dagger, stabilized the black fog abyss, the great King power, blocked the Half-God Child layer by layer.

at last.

Half-God Child figure moves, slows down, and becomes passive.

But it is at this time.

“Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique”

A phantom dance of Thunder Wing Light, high-speed vibration, breaking the space distance, flashes, disappeared under the power of the domain of the black fog abyss.

not good

Black Snake King complexion changed.

Most of his attention was restrained by Half-God Child and he ignored Zhao Feng.

Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique

With a “shua” sound, a pair of twenty zhang Extinguishing Scarlet wings flew to the front of Black Snake King.

Close Combat

A smashing manic scarlet slaps the light, like a small whirlwind of flames and thunder, hitting the Black Snake King.

“How could it be so simple”

Black Snake King lightly snorted. Place the stick in the hand to a pestle, and a layer of deep black fog will illuminate it, presenting an aperture, holding it.

Kuang Banglong

The light from Zhao Feng strikes, like a small whirlwind of scarlet, rushed into the deep aperture.

The deep aperture of Black Snake King’s body shook for a while, but was not torn apart as expected.


Zhao Feng felt his palm as if he had fallen into the other void, throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Space Domain

His complexion changed so much that he reacted.

The palm just now can almost kill King, at least it can be hit badly.

But Black Snake King, a Domain-level King, launches the defense and is placed in the guardianship of Space Domain.

In this way, Zhao Feng’s attack was undertaken by his Space Domain.

Black Snake King grunt banged out by Zhao Feng with a punch.

Although the damage he suffered was borne by Space Domain, Zhao Feng’s Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder, Power Concept, reached an incredible level.

Zhao Feng’s 70% comprehension of Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder, the power is close to that of Wind Thunder Great Emperor’s Golden Wind Thunder.

Even if it is a city, the flying ash can annihilate.

Moreover, King’s Space Domain has not been truly Matterized.

“Junior, I didn’t expect your Wind Thunder Inheritance to cultivate to such an extent. Now, if you would like to join the ‘Black Dragon King, adults sit down, there is still a chance to live.”

Black Snake King complexion gloomy.

The blow just made him slightly injured.

However, the Extinguishing Scarlet Wind-Thunder, Manic Burn, and a Destruction Aura are raging within the body.

“Wind Thunder Wing Slash”

Zhao Feng answered in his own way, leaving only one Thunder Wings Remnant Shadow.

Shabu laugh

In void, a sharp Thunder Wings sharp shadow, flashes passed away.

“pu chi ”

Black Snake King was unable to dodge and was passed by a Scarlet Thunder Wing flashing out of thin air.

Wind Thunder Wing Slash is exactly the Thunder Wing Battle Skill in Wind Thunder Wings.


Black Snake King hissed, and his body left a bloodstain that extended from his head to his belly.

If it weren’t for the guardian of Space Domain, this Wind Thunder Wing Slash would at least cut off his little half body.

Even so.

Black Snake King also suffered minor injuries.

“Golden Emperor Fist”

The Half-God Child turns into a Golden beam, and from the other side, it betrays the Black Snake King.


The Black Snake King complexion changed greatly, waving a layer of rich and dark black fog in the dagger in his hand, enveloping the square and covering the sky.

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child were cut off by the fog.

After a few breaths, the Black Snake King appeared slightly pale, appearing on the dark glow warship a hundred miles away.

“Domain-level King, even if we join forces, it is difficult to kill.”

Sighed Half-God Child.

“That may not be.”

Zhao Feng didn’t take it for granted, a dark silver Ancient Bow emerged from his hand, the surface was carved with simple and unadorned mysterious hollow inscriptions, and a bow of ice-cold golden glow appeared.

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