King of Gods

Chapter 285

Faced with the expressions of anger and interrogation, Zhao Feng not at all felt the pressure, just wondering that the hardness of this piece of stele is by no means capable of breaking.

What is the mystery of the shallow palm print between the cracks of the stele?

Zhao Feng’s God Eye determined that before he reached out his hand, the shallow palm print existed, and it was difficult to detect if he did not walk into it.

Later, Blue Robe Old Daoist and Bi Qiaoyu carefully studied Stele and placed their palms on the cracked fingerprints. They both had a strange feeling, but they did not produce the previous vibration.

“This stele should be a pivot switch in the land of treasure, which may cause an unpredictable crisis.”

After Blue Robe Old Daoist finished speaking, with a grim look and a warning, fiercely glared at Zhao Feng a glance.

This Old Daoist, proficient in the unorthodox way, has extraordinary means, and even the people on the water thief side are afraid of him.

After this vignette, Blue Robe Old Daoist and Bi Qiaoyu are still groping in front to lead the way for their respective teams.

Bi Qiaoyu is indeed a genius along with mechanism formation. Throughout the journey, I saw a lot of delicate mechanism designs.

However, she is inexperienced and sometimes unsure.

At this time, instead of consulting several elders of the Transverse Water Fortress, she asked Zhao Feng, a foreign aider, for consultation.

Zhao Feng has a certain research on formation, and with God Eye’s clearly understood control, he can discuss with Bi Qiaoyu one or two.

Transverse Water Fortress Several elders who knew the formation were a little dissatisfied, but did not dare to show it directly. After all, Zhao Feng played a significant role in Deciphering the water whirlpool.

The blue and black steps, when walking to a certain high slope, Blue Robe Old Daoist took a step, looked flickering, and secretly turned to the pirate sound transmission.

Bi Qiaoyu also sound transmission to the people of Transverse Water Fortress: “Be careful, there is a mechanism in front of me.”

Some of the mechanism formations in Secret Cave can be avoided, while others are difficult to resolve and can only be forced to break through.

The crowd watched, and moved forward slowly.

Just arrived at the high slope, in the stone wall on both sides, ka ka sounded directly, and each and everyone ice-cold metal cylinder appeared.

On the surface of those metal cylinders, there are countless fine holes, which rotate at high speed, ejecting a thin silver needle.

whoosh whoosh whoosh-

Those silver needles are amazingly explosive enough to pierce the True Strength layer of ordinary Ascended Realm, and they also emit a horrible green light, which turned out to be a poison needle

“Hurry up”

On the pirate side, Simultaneously operated True Strength Protection, tried to dodge, and rushed forward.

The Transverse Water Fortress exclaimed, forming a defense formation, crossing this dangerous high slope.

Ding Ding Ding

Everyone used various means to deal with the poisonous needles that came from both sides. Cultivation base Gundam Half-Step True Spirit Realm, dancing to the wind with True Strength, shaking the poison needle.

Body Movement An agile person can easily avoid most poisonous needles and block poisonous needles for a small price.

Zhao Feng encircled the arcs of cyan Lightning Current. Between them, precision was extremely high. He dropped the close-up poison needle to the ground, leaving a fragmented black needle.

Those poisonous needles, although dense, are fortunately confined to the ten zhang area, and most people have succeeded.

Looking back, the location of the high slope left several corpse bodies with a lot of holes, flowing with purple black liquid, which made people chill.

Just past the high slope, black and white floors appeared in the area ahead.

The mechanism formation here is even more subtle, Blue Robe Old Daoist and Bi Qiaoyu cannot be completely Deciphering in a short time.


The floor beneath a Transverse Water Fortress expert collapsed without warning.

not good

The Transverse Water Fortress expert, who just urged True Strength, was about to vacate the black paint collapse below. He extended a metal steel claw and dragged him directly alive.


The scream of screaming came from the sinkhole, and with the closing of the black and white floor, the sound stopped abruptly.

This area, the floor collapsed from time to time, stretched out the metal steel claws, and pulled the Outsider into the endless dark nightmare.

The metal steel claw is very magical and will automatically capture creatures near you.

There was a water thief, who was clever by himself, flew to midair, and his feet did not stick to the ground. As a result, one leg was broken by metal steel claws.

In Secret Cave, after all, the top of the head Space is limited and cannot fly very high, so there is no height limit for grasping the metal steel claws.

This black and white floor journey was very thrilling.

That metal steel claw’s speed, catching power, and unpredictability were strong. One side of the Transverse Water Fortress, a Half-Step True Spirit Realm, was almost pulled away. Fortunately, Lord Bi gets rid.

Zhao Feng also walked very cautiously. His God Eye barely penetrated the black and white floor and saw the complicated mechanism structure of those.

The design of the mechanism formation naturally takes into consideration the Spiritual Realm’s Spiritual Sense, so it has a strong isolation force for various senses.

“Be careful”

Zhao Feng suddenly reached out and grabbed Bi Qiaoyu’s hand, and pulled it to the side.


The black and white floor in front of Bi Qiaoyu suddenly collapsed, and the metal steel claws flew violently. After falling, they turned to Zhao Feng.

Ding Dong

Zhao Feng figure moved to half an inch, avoiding the metal steel claws, and placed a splash of spark.

He smiled lightly, stomping metal steel claws on the ground.

But the metal steel claw, with infinite strength, forcibly recovered the pitch-black pothole.

“Thank you. The mechanism design just now is so hidden that I can’t even confirm it.”

Bi Qiaoyu stuck out his tongue.

Lord Bi on the side, secretly nodded.

Zhao Feng’s role in foreign aid cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, Bi Qiaoyu cultivation base is low and inexperience is not enough, how to contend with Blue Robe Old Daoist.

Blue Robe Old Daoist on the pirate side, gloomy and cold, glanced at Zhao Feng’s face.

“This Blue Hair kid …”

Cruel Blood Condor’s eyes flashed coldly.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng, the Transverse Water Fortress side would inevitably have more casualties than the water thief. But because of the existence of this youngster, the two sides were tied again.

In Secret Cave, the path of mechanism Deciphering is difficult.

After each section of the road, one or two corpse bodies are left.

Zhao Feng Although there is no research on mechanics, there is God Eye surveillance, but it’s not surprising.

After half an hour.

The two sides, the members of the cultivation base lower than the Seventh Sky Layer, were basically killed, except that Bi Qiaoyu was the key protection object, and they were all right.

At this time.

A promenade of jasper carved beams appears in front of it, and it looks Relics with no trace of mechanics design.

“This Secret Cave is the design idea of ​​tomb. After walking here, you can probably enter the core of the tomb treasure.”

Blue Robe Old Daoist grinned.

Along the way, Deciphering various mechanisms, he is a pirate and has made great achievements.

Lord Bi laughed and praised Bi Qiaoyu for a few words, and also expressed his gratitude to Zhao Feng for his foreign aid.

Next to this antique gallery, from a design point of view, there is no mechanism formation.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, also swept a glance, but found no mechanism ambush.

“Perhaps already is out of danger.”

Bi Family Patriarch has a faint look.

Blue Robe Old Daoist and Bi Qiaoyu, for caution, touched the wooden building of the promenade with their hands.

In the promenade full of Relics, there is an intoxicating fragrance in that special wood, which is very memorable.

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, always felt that something was wrong there.

This treasure, Secret Cave, has a history of nearly XNUMX years. Why is there such a fresh fragrance?


Blue Robe Old Daoist complexion suddenly changed: “This corridor building contains a kind of soft fragrance”

“We shouldn’t knock on these buildings …”

Bi Qiaoyu’s petite body was weak for a while, her cheeks were red, and some were unstable.

The two sides of the horse, only feel the blood swell, some can not control the body.

Zhao Feng felt only an original flame, burning fiercely, and Bi Qiaoyu’s red and beautiful face evoked the infinite desire in his body instinct.

“Not good. This is probably Thief Yue, the ‘Intoxicated Immortal Fragrance’ that used to run wild in the past. This fragrance makes the body soft, ** uncontrollable, and even makes people have spiritual hallucinations, which doubles the effect on women.”

Lord Bi turn pale.

Intoxicated Immortal Fragrance

Everyone just felt that the brain was buzzing, and the desire fire of the men within the body, such as the release of a volcanic eruption, could not be contained.

And in their minds, all kinds of hallucinatory hallucinations have been produced, which further promotes the fire of desire.

The water thief party, there is a person Female water thief, eyes blurred, spring wavy, soft to the ground, actively stripping clothes.


Several water thieves, roaring, rushed to the female water thief’s body, and soon stripped off his clothes, exposing a patch of snow white skin, and his breath was rising and falling.

Some water thieves, greedy eyes, stared at Zhao Feng side Bi Qiaoyu.

Bi Qiaoyu’s cheeks are dripping with red blood, the whole body skin warm red is like jade, the eyes are ** continuous, and the lovable body is trembling gently, all of a sudden, Zhao Feng’s bad.



At the critical moment, the True Spirit Prestige of the two True Spirit Realm penetrated the audience.

However, the strength of the Intoxicated Immortal Fragrance penetrates the body and spiritual level, and most people just have a rigid movement and still cannot control their desires on the body and spiritual.

On the side of Transverse Water Fortress, two middle-aged and one elder, roaring like a beast, rushed to Bi Qiaoyu.

Pu chi

Bi Qiaoyu’s clothes were torn, revealing a piece of warm red skin, a pair of pink Jade Rabbits, jumping out, as if exposed to the lights in the dark, attracting more saliva.

The Aphrodisiac strength of Intoxicated Immortal Fragrance affects both men and women, and especially makes women’s bodies weak and weak.

Zhao Feng only felt that Bi Qiaoyu’s undeveloped, pure lovable body, with seductive hair and fragrant hair, exhaled like blue, and her soft lips touched her neck directly.


The water thief side and the Transverse Water Fortress side, with five or six people at the same time, rushed to Bi Qiaoyu in Zhao Feng’s arms.

The situation at the moment.

Half-Step True Spirit Realm, barely curbing his own blood spirituality, is on the verge of an explosion at any time.

The “Intoxicated Immortal Fragrance” strength has a strong effect even on True Spirit Realm.

If Cruel Blood Condor and Lord Bi are women, twice the effect, even they will be soft and unable to resist.

All they can do is to launch True Spirit Prestige, to blame everyone, or to stop the people in front of them.


Bi Family Patriarch exclaimed and roared, but he was reluctant to protect himself. If he did not curb the spiritual blood, he would also become a member of the beast.

Lord Bi, just stop the experts on the two Transverse Water Fortress sides.

The two eyes stared at the group of greedy wolves and rushed to Bi Qiaoyu, a white tender young sheep, and closed their eyes subconsciously.

At the same moment, the female water thief was drowned by the breathing and drooling of seven or eight people, and the snow white white lovable body was almost torn by a group of greedy wolves.

Seeing Bi Qiaoyu, he will also fall into an endless nightmare.


Silhouettes of five or six greedy drooling thirsts rushed to her, close at hand

Zhao Feng sighed, moving away silver eyepatch, a light blue Bingyou eye pupil, swept across several people in an instant.

In a hurry, an invisible spiritual chill permeated.

The hungry and greedy silhouettes, the body were stiffened on the spot at the same time, their eyes were frozen, as if their hearts were frozen.

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