King of Gods

Chapter 283

“Ha Ha Ha…”

On Pirate Ship, all the water thieves laughed. The red robe one-eyed person, with a black eyepatch, was still a bald head.

He is the leader of Cruel Blood Pirates famous distinguished name-Cruel Blood Condor.

Zhao Feng took a glance at a glance, which is also the Spiritual Master Level, aura of Cruel Blood Condor body, which is much stronger than Lord Bi.

No wonder this person can design a pit to kill Lord Bi, and even almost succeed.

“Cruel Blood Condor River Moon Treasure Deposit is at the site of my Transverse Water Fortress. If you, the thieves, don’t retreat quickly, more and more experts will arrive, enough to wipe you out.

Lord Bi’s face was calm, eyes narrowed, and in his vigorous voice, he contained a True Spirit Prestige, straight through his heart.

The pirates and the complexion on the boat are all changed.

These people brought by Lord Bi are all elite and not many.

In fact, Transverse Water Fortress has more troops and troops. As time goes by, the situation is very bad for the pirates.

“We have heard from outside that Cruel Blood Condor, if you remember correctly, you are wanted by Iron Blood Religion, and ‘Imperial Family.’

Bi Family Patriarch gloomy and cold smiled.

The people on Bi Family’s side were not weaklings, and they fought back.

However, neither side has any plans to do so in a short time.

“The two sides are basically evenly matched, but the one who really doesn’t want to go to war is Lord Bi.”

Zhao Feng has a keen eye and has control over the situation on both sides.

Why doesn’t Lord Bi feel like a real war?

Only Zhao Feng, his God Eye has been transformed and improved, and clearly understood that Lord Bi’s injury is false.

“Lord Bi burns True Spirit Qi, hurts the source, and has a missing leg. The Battle Strength is only 60% of the Peak period. In contrast, the blood vulture, although also injured, has its own base Battle Strength stronger than Lord Bi, and the injury is not fatal , At least 80% of Battle Strength. “

Zhao Feng’s assessment of strength is very accurate, even Cruel Blood Condor and Lord Bi cannot reach it.

Lord Bi didn’t dare to really compete with Cruel Blood Condor, so he created an evenly matched situation.

Moreover, Bi Family threatened to report to the outside air.

As a result, Cruel Blood Condor is even more afraid to fight a protracted war, either do it quickly or negotiate.

It’s not realistic to want to do it quickly.

After all, the two sides are evenly matched on the surface, really fighting, both sides suffer, maybe there is unaware of the oriole behind, which is cheaper than others

Cruel Blood Condor, complexion is fickle.

The most important thing is that he couldn’t be sure whether the Transverse Water Fortress passed the news and was arrived outside.

But Zhao Feng knew that Transverse Water Fortress had not yet spread the news, and now it is even blocking the whole village. River Moon Treasure Deposit is no small matter. If it attracts more terrifying experts outside, no one will get the treasure at that time.

5 minutes later.

Transverse Water Fortress reached a temporary agreement with the residual blood.

Both sides open the treasure together.

Cruel Blood Pirates, naturally unwilling.

Cruel Blood Condor, the complexion is calm. Here is the site of the Transverse Water Fortress. He has made every effort to finally open the treasure with the other party. The basic purpose is achieved.

Moreover, the battle for treasure, there is still some wisdom and courage.

The people here at Transverse Water Fortress have a very ridiculous feeling: they have always been fighting with water thieves in the normal, but never thought that they would negotiate with them and open the treasure together.

of course.

Transverse Water Fortress is not without its advantages.

Cruel Blood Pirates has mastered the specific entrance of the treasure, and even surveyed in advance, there is even an open mind.

Otherwise, Lord Bi and the others, would like to open River Moon Treasure Deposit, I am afraid not so smoothly.

Thought of this, Zhao Feng admired the Lord Bi’s plan more and more.

“The location of the River Moon Treasure Deposit is in the vicinity of Secret Cave under the hundred zhang river. However, this river has a lot of water swirling, and some of them are vortex, which can even pull big ships away. Ascended Realm Are hard to resist. “

Cruel Blood Condor expressionless, briefly.

Pirate Ship stopped at the shore and was afraid to approach the area.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, staring at that area and penetrating the river, did indeed see many water swirling.

Those water swirls have a strong pulling force. Even if the Seventh Sky Layer expert goes deep, it may not be able to retreat from the whole body.

But on the surface, the area was calm and deadly stillness.


The two sides sent people one after another, tied the ropes, dived into the vortex zone, and looked for Water Moon Secret Cave.

On the Transverse Water Fortress side, an Expert of Sixth Sky Layer and Seventh Sky Layer were sent to sneak into the river to search.


The first Sixth Sky Layer expert, after a while, lost motion.

When the rope was pulled up, it was a pale face, and the man was corpse body ice-cold, as if he was overstretched by some strength.

Seeing this scene, the water thief party to rejoice in other people’s misfortunes.

The second Seventh Sky Layer expert went deep for a moment, struggling hard to rescue the land in time.

“The water swirling deep down the river is full of terrifying squeezing and tearing forces …”

The Seventh Sky Layer expert, complexion pale, was weak.

Lord Bi complexion grave.

If the entrance to the River Moon Treasure Deposit is so easy to find, how can Cruel Blood Pirates wait for the Transverse Water Fortress.

Zhao Feng calmly walked around the river bank.

his left eye, controlling the dynamics in the river.

Those water swirls, as if having a natural formation, the more disobedient, the more terrifying the final force.

In the end, it’s up to you to equate to the tearing pressure of terrifying caused by hundreds or thousands of water swirls.

“Even the normal True Spirit Realm, it is difficult to contend with the strength of this natural formation.”

Zhao Feng sighed secretly.

If we just send people and make inquiries again and again, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve results and will only be fatal.

Lord Bi noticed Zhao Feng’s move, slightly smiled: “little brother, what do you think.”

Lord Bi, as the leader of True Spirit Realm expert, his words naturally attracted the attention of both parties.

The water thief, looking at Zhao Feng’s image, was slightly miserable.

At first glance, they thought that this guy was his own gang of thieves.

“In my opinion, first touch the layout of the clear water swirl, there seems to be a natural formulation below.”

Zhao Feng opened the mouth and said.

As soon as he said this, Cruel Blood Condor saw severe light flashes in his eyes.

“This boy, there are two children, don’t tell me?”

Cruel Blood Condor looks at a glance with a Blue Robe Old Daoist beside him.

Blue Robe Old Daoist squinted and glanced at Zhao Feng a glance, grinning: “This child’s eyes are indeed old and hot, and he probably knows some formulations.


Cruel Blood Pirates has been trying to decipher the natural formations underneath.

In fact, it is basically impossible to think of the natural formulation of Deciphering, which is equivalent to confronting the infinite power of nature of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Cruel Blood Pirates, on the other hand, tried to find the weakest path through the “water swirl” strength.

To put it simply, it is to look for weak points in the formulation, and even look for weak spots.

With a clear idea, the Transverse Water Bay side, a few people who understood the formation, began to discuss.

Bi Qiaoyu is a genius who is proficient in the formation mechanism. In addition, there are two elders who are proficient in the formation.

For a time.

Transverse Water Fortress and Cruel Blood Pirates are both working hard to study and send people to explore from time to time.

Zhao Feng stood by, looking coldly, and wandering around the river bank again.

Both sides are discussing how to avoid the swirling strength and how to open up shortcuts to find the entrance to the treasure.

“Well, what a fool …”

Zhao Feng sighed secretly.

That’s right.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, already found out Profound Mysteries of natural formation.

Moreover, he basically determined the entrance to the treasure

If you let the Cruel Blood Pirates know, you’ll probably be shocked to vomit blood.

You know, in order to find the entrance to the treasure, they have paid countless manpower and materials, and lost the expert elite with at least two hands.

Zhao Feng, just near the river bank, walked around twice and looked for the entrance of arrived.

Time goes by a little bit.

Whether it is Transverse Water Fortress or Cruel Blood Pirates, they are encountering Arrived Bottleneck when they overcome the natural battle and find the entrance.

On the Transverse Water Fortress side, Bi Qiaoyu’s formulation accomplishment is beyond Zhao Feng’s imagination.

However, they have great deviations in the direction of thinking.

“It seems I have to remind them a few words.”

Zhao Feng thought to himself.

He not at all alone, annexing the idea of ​​treasure.

Because these people want Deciphering River Moon Treasure Deposit, it’s just a question of sooner or later, but the longer the time drags on, the more people look into the treasure, which is not good for Zhao Feng.

“There is a saying, ‘The most dangerous place is the safest place.'”

Zhao Feng walked to Bi Qiaoyu and reminded him in a low voice.

The two elders who were proficient in the formation next to him were somewhat hesitantly and even sneered with contempt.

“Oh … I see. Thank you, Big Brother Zhao, you must be genius.”

Bi Qiaoyu’s face jumped.

Everyone looked sideways, looking towards Bi Qiaoyu.

Bi Qiaoyu’s face flushed with a smile: “River Moon Treasure Deposit should be in the core and most dangerous area of ​​water swirling. If you guessed right, the formation core of natural water swirling formation should be there.”

“It’s impossible to vortex the most dangerous areas, terrifying the force, and even tearing the Half-Step True Spirit Realm.”

One of the elders objected.

Zhao Feng listened, and almost didn’t scold the fool.

“In a tornado in nature, the strongest wind is around, but at the real Wind Eye, it is very quiet. The water swirling great formation is more subtle, the more you resist, the greater the pulling force. On the contrary, if you do not resist, obey this strength Maybe the safest Wind Eye can be reached at the least cost. “

Bi Qiaoyu quickly explained.

In a word, she broke the mysterious whirlpool of natural water.

“She makes sense.”

The pirate side, the Blue Robe Old Daoist, eyes shined.

They are not stupid. They were just mistakes in their minds. They subconsciously wanted to avoid the most powerful area of ​​hydrocyclone.

But the opposite is true. The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Furthermore, the location of the River Moon Treasure Deposit is also very particular. If you are not willing to take risks, how can you gain?


Transverse Water Fortress and the water thief side, along this line of thought, first asked for directions, then sent expert experiments.


There was a scream of a Seventh Sky Layer pirate suddenly at the bottom of the river.

A moment later, a bloody deformed corpse body was pulled up.

“What’s going on is not to say, obey this strength, you can reach the Formation Core, and there is a safe place …”

On the side of the water thief, several people’s eyes were blood red and they stared at Bi Qiaoyu in dissatisfaction.

Bi Qiaoyu complexion pale, helpless, looking towards Zhao Feng and Lord Bi.

This idea was provided by Zhao Feng.

“Really stupid”

Zhao Feng cannot help, yelled out.

How the pirate died, his God Eye, seeing clearly.

Although, the more you resist, the greater the strength of the water swirling. If you are obedient, the strength you receive will be smaller.

The problem is that not resisting does not mean you don’t need True Strength Protection.

You think you are a legendary immortal.

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