King of Gods

Chapter 271

When the truth was revealed, Zhao Feng and Master Tie Qian were shocked.

Zhao Feng is looking for this Liu Qinxin, which is too big to be the Princess Qin of the “Imperial Family”

In the Canopy Great Country, the Imperial Family is the highest ruling body, in charge of the Great Country. Nominally, even the Three Sects and the four families must obey its orders.

Zhao Feng thought of this, slightly slightly wrinkle, and suddenly thought of something, complexion changed.

If you remember correctly, the Imperial Family is fighting with Iron Blood Religion, incompatible as fire and water.

The Imperial Family is nominally orthodox, ordering the world and in charge of the Great Country; and Iron Blood Religion is the state religion, with powerful powers, crushing everything with iron blood.

“This Princess Qin, the power of the world, charming all sentient beings, and even trying to control the court, is my enemy of Iron Blood Religion.”

Tie Mo said coldly.

With this remark, Zhao Feng felt a little hesitant in his heart.

Iron Blood Religion and Imperial Family, and even Princess Qin, are alive or death.

“If I take Faith Token and go to Princess Qin, wouldn’t it …”

Zhao Feng was at a loss, can not help and worry.

Master Tie Qian also realized this, and turned to Tie Mo for consultation.

Blood Haired Man – Tie Mo, flickering uncertainly, and finally pondered then said: “Anyway, you have great help and credit for Iron Blood Religion, and This Majesty. This Majesty gratitude and grudges are clear, at this point It won’t embarrass you. “

After getting the answer, Zhao Feng slightly saved a sigh of relief.

He was a little worried that Iron Blood Religion would force himself to make a position and choice.

However, even if Tie Mo did not embarrass Zhao Feng, he still had a headache.

Iron Blood Religion and Imperial Family are at odds.

If he makes friends with Iron Blood Religion, he is bound to become an enemy of the Imperial Family, and even an enemy Master Mail Qin.

However, if he is settled by the Imperial Family after sending the letter, I am afraid it will inevitably be the enemy of this mighty Iron Blood Religion.

No matter which side is offended, Zhao Feng will be the enemy of the other side.

After the completion of the Refining commission, Zhao Feng did not stay, and immediately filed a resignation.

At present, the most important thing for him is how to deal with this imminent “marriage”.

Watching Zhao Feng’s direction of departure, Master Tie Qian probed: “Vice-Religion Master, don’t tell me, don’t you worry, Zhao Feng is reused by the Imperial Family? His Eye Bloodline plays a very important role.”

“If you want to look deeper, even if you are forced to make a choice now, you won’t get its loyalty. Also, how deeply does Princess Qin come from the Great Country and meet the Foreign Territory?”

Blood Haired Man’s eyes are deep.

“You mean, Zhao Feng and Princess Qin have no deep roots.”

Master Tie Qian 恍 enlightenment.


Blood Haired Man smirked with evil looking: “It won’t be long before the answer will be revealed. Everything depends on whether this Majesty’s guess is true.”

After returning to the city.

Zhao Feng was summoned by the Great Lake City Lord.

It turned out that Zhao Feng and Liu Qinxin’s wedding would be held in half a month.

“From now on, don’t be busy with the rest, focus on preparing for the wedding.”

Great Lake City Lord is right.

During this time, Zhao Feng’s marriage with City Lord Daughter spread throughout the Great Lake area.

City Lord Mansion, Already is preparing for the wedding, and the whole Great Lake City is filled with a festive atmosphere.

Zhao Feng felt more urgent.

The closer he gets to the day of his big wedding, the less likely he will escape.

All this is a step by step plan of the Great Lake City Lord, so that Zhao Feng has no escape route.

For any man, facing a woman like Liu Qinxin, he would be willing even if he knew he was being calculated.

Liu Qinxin has the appearance of sinking fish and falling wild geese.

She is impeccable in all aspects of natural talent and background.

But Zhao Feng had no intention of getting married.

He is still young, just over XNUMX years old, and is pursuing Peak Great Dao as a wholeheartedly. At present, he has not known anything about men and women.

All these are the plans of the Great Lake City Lord, plus the so-called “fate destiny”, which is the small veil of Liu Qinxin taken off by Small Thieving Cat.

However, in the presence of the Great Lake City Lord, Zhao Feng calmly, one after another promised.

“Also, if you become the son-in-law of my Liu Family, it is best not to go too close to Iron Blood Religion.”

The Great Lake City Lord cautioned again.

Zhao Feng soon realized that Princess Qin was from Liu Family Sub-Clan.

She joined the Imperial Family, in a way, representing the relationship between Liu Family and the Imperial Family.

Liu Family and Imperial Family are close, so they must stay away from Iron Blood Religion.

Farewell to Great Lake City Lord.

Zhao Feng returned to his residence, and God Eye swept all around.

With this glance, he had a complexion grave.

Near his residence, there was an additional True Spirit Realm expert who was constantly monitoring Zhao Feng.


Because of the imminent marriage, and the relationship of Iron Blood Religion, the Great Lake City Lord transferred a True Spirit Realm expert to prevent “unexpected”, specifically “protecting” Zhao Feng.

there is a person True Spirit Realm expert, who is involved in monitoring Zhao Feng, then his escape plan will be much more difficult.

Zhao Feng takes a deep breath, sitting cross-legged immediately, pushing luck within the body cultivation base.

Since there is a True Spirit Realm expert involved in monitoring, there is no need for him to hide the strength.

That night, he “breakthrough” to Seventh Sky Layer in one fell swoop.

This time breakthrough, Zhao Feng does not need to consolidate Realm. Equivalent to is to “return” to the original Realm.

“The cultivation base and heritage are deeper than before.”

Zhao Feng secretly nodded.

It is also the Seventh Sky Layer. He is now a lot stronger than when he was at the peak of the Alliance Grand Meeting.

After the Alliance Grand Meeting, Zhao Feng realized the “Venerable Concept”, the spiritual concept is extremely high, exceeding the Half-Step True Spirit Realm.

Not to mention, today, his “Lightning Inheritance” First Layer building, reaching the Grand Perfect Realm, including the Spirit Secret Technique, is much stronger than before.

The news of Zhao Feng breakthrough quickly reached the Great Lake City Lord.

“My aunt just broke through the cultivation base and said that the cultivation base needs to be strengthened, which pushed away a lot of wedding preparation work.”

A steward said.

“Realm breakthrough, that’s a good thing. In this case, those complicated things should be avoided as much as possible.”

The Great Lake City Lord was undoubtedly with him, with a touch of relief on his face.

For one, Realm’s breakthrough really needs to be solid; for another, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base breakthrough is more compatible with Liu Qinxin.

“One more thing, before and after getting married, let him take off that eyepatch. The genius with Eye Bloodline is enough to match Qinxin’s Bloodline natural talent

Great Lake City Lord instructed.

City Lord’s order quickly passed to Zhao Feng.

“Very well, to escape marriage at this time, we must rely on God Eye, the strength.”

Zhao Feng slowly took off eyepatch.

After returning from Tie Qian Mansion, he changed into a new eyepatch, light silver, thin as blade, showing elegance and nobility.

This new eyepatch is a gift from Master Tie Qian. When worn, it is the best way to isolate Eye Bloodline aura.


By consolidating the name of cultivation base Realm, Zhao Feng began secretly planning a “fleeing marriage” plan.

He rarely goes out, but has been planning.

For some inconveniences, he even sent Small Thieving Cat to do it.

Small Thieving Cat is small in size, superior in hiding methods, low in attention, and convenient for many things.

“City Lord Mansion, Great Lake City, nearby terrain, I basically figured it out …”

Zhao Feng groaned in his heart.

With his current cultivation base strength, he is not afraid of two or three Half-Step True Spirit Realm pursuits.

The hardest part is the new True Spirit Realm expert.

This person’s name is Liu Yian, and it is said that he was a cousin of the Great Lake City Lord. He went to Zither Sword Palace to cultivate in the vicinity in the name of protecting City lord’s Son-in-law.

Seeing that the day of marriage, a little approach, 5-6 days left.

This day.

Zhao Feng was all ready and finally “out of customs.”

The first thing that happened was that Zhao Feng was not looking for Liu Qinxin, nor was he visiting the City Lord Mansion.

The target he was looking for was the True Spirit Realm expert who monitored him.

“Uncle Yuan, I have just stabilized Realm recently. I have a lot of cultivate questions. I want to ask you for advice.”

Zhao Feng took the initiative to find the True Spirit Realm expert.


Liu Yian ordered nodded. As an elder, he never refused. Usually, there are many juniors, so he asked him for advice.

Moreover, the youngster in front of him is City lord’s Son-in-law.


Liu Yian secretly thought: “Take this opportunity to understand the depth of this boy.”

Zhao Feng owns Eye Bloodline, and the body has a variety of mysterious colors, even the Great Lake City Lord is curious.

Zhao Feng first approached Liu Yian and discussed some cultivate experiences.

Subsequently, he offered his advice.

Zhao Feng’s intention is to explore the details of this True Spirit Realm expert.

Liu Yian can be regarded as a half of Zither Sword Palace’s discipline.

Zither Sword Palace is one of the Great Country Three Sects. It has some relationship with Liu Clan, and it is not wrong with the Imperial Family.

In terms of fighting style, the inheritance of Zither Sword Palace mostly uses piano, sword, pen, flute and other objects, and there is an indescribable elegance.

Liu Yian’s weapon is a black pole writing brush. Under the waving, True Spirit Qi floats and forms a spectacular scene of each and everyone.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, opened slightly, understand Liu Yian’s combat style, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages.

“Elegant, elegant, and clean … attack and defense belong to the mean, but Body Movement is more powerful, and the speed is certainly not bad.”

Zhao Feng basically figured out the situation.

The strength he shows is close to the Half-Step True Spirit Realm of Canopy Great Country, and is slightly stronger than the Half-Step True Spirit Realm of Thirteen Countries.

Because of God Eye, Zhao Feng and Liu Yian can deal with one or two.

Of course, Liu Yian’s strength is suppressed at about 30%. If True Spirit Realm’s full power is released, the gap between Realm’s big barriers cannot be bridged.

After studying for half an hour, Zhao Feng probably figured out the details of Liu Yian.

In appreciation, Zhao Feng proposed to help domesticate Liu Yian’s Spirit Pet Mount.

Liu Yian had some excuses, but Zhao Feng was very enthusiastic, so he agreed. He had heard long ago that Zhao Feng wanted to tame the animal, which is no trivial matter.

After an hour.

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat teamed up with Liu Yian’s “Phosphorus Colored Swallow”, which was domesticated.

Compared to before domestication, “Phosphorus Colored Swallow” seems to be more intelligent and more intimate with Master.

“Many thanks Virtuous Nephew.”

Liu Yian was overjoyed, but he didn’t know it. From the beginning, Zhao Feng was step by step plot against him, and his success was successful.


Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat looked at a glance and went back to their house.

Since then.

The plan for fleeing the marriage is all ready.

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