King of Gods

Chapter 269

Tie Qian Mountain.

Zhao Feng came all the way from Great Lake City and arrived as scheduled.

According to the agreement with Master Tie Qian, starting tonight, will start to refine the commissioned Spirit Rank Divine Weapon.

This time enters into the Tie Qian Mountain, Zhao Feng felt an unusual aura, and his heart was stunned.

The entire Tie Qian Mansion was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

On the mountain and in the mansion, there was no sound, no noise.

At the door of Tie Qian Mansion, there is a sedan chair cast by cast iron and Blood Dragon, and there is also a fork and cross staggered by Blade and Sword, showing 狰狞 overbearing.

On the four corners of the sedan chair, there are four bearers standing, figure straight, motionless.

Zhao Feng’s eyes glanced at the four bearers and turned pale.

The four bearers, the body aura, are rich and vast, like four lakes.

True Spirit Realm

All are True Spirit Realm

Zhao Feng can not help took a sip of air-conditioning, what kind of character came down, and actually made the three Expert Master Level experts become the bearers?

In terms of strength, each of the four bearers is bigger than the Spiritual Master Yun Hai stronger.

At the same time.

After being half li away, the silhouettes of the four dark robes blended into the night, monitoring Zhao Feng at all times.

“Tie Qian Mountain tonight, something is wrong.”

One of the dark robes silhouetted whispering.

The person in front, hiding in a high place, sound transmission said: “Beside Tie Qian Mansion, there is a sedan parked, gold iron casting, Blood Dragon, Blade and Sword …”

Half barely fell.

The silhouettes of the four dark robes, shuddering, were air-conditioned.

“Golden Spear Blood Dragon Sedan Chair”

The four stared at the sedan chair, plunged into inexplicable shock and fear.

this moment.

The backs of the four were soaked with sweat, and they did not dare to move.

“How to do?”

One of the dark robes silhouetted.

“do not move”

For the first silhouette of the dark robe, the voice was bitter.

“If the Master of the sedan has a killing intent … even if City Lord and Liu Clan Patriarch are together, it won’t save us.”

Silhouettes of the four dark robes, like wooden stakes, stop on the spot, motionless.

If you look closely, you will find that the birds and beasts on the entire Tie Qian Mountain are afraid to make a sound.

Wan Hao is silent.

Zhao Feng felt the atmosphere, inexplicably heavy, breathing harder than usual.

He faintly realized that everything was related to the domineering Blood Dragon golden iron sedan.

“As agreed with Master Tie, that mysterious client will also arrive today.”

Zhao Feng calmly, enters into the Tie Qian Mansion.

The four bearers in front of the Blood Dragon golden iron sedan, like wooden stakes, stood still, like Dead, did not look at Zhao Feng a glance.

Zhao Feng felt only an inexplicable chill.

Inside Tie Qian Mansion, there was nothing left, not even a Refining apprentice, including several Direct Disciples from Master Tie, who were not present.

“You came.”

Master Tie Qian dragged a flare and fell in front of him.

Zhao Feng was startled, and just about to speak, Master Tie Qian pulled him, entering into the underground Refining Secret Hall.

In the Refining Secret Hall, there was a man with blood hair golden robe, about XNUMX years old, with an ordinary appearance and deep eyes.

“Lord Tie Mo, my assistant is here.”

Master Tie Qian said respectfully.

Zhao Feng stood behind and remained silent. The blood hair golden robe man in front of him was completely invisible, like a very ordinary person, but it was difficult to forget a glance.

And an inexplicable instinct made Zhao Feng dare not observe with God Eye.

“On him? According to the original plan, two Refining Masters are needed to have odds of success.”

Blood Haired Man’s voice was very peaceful.

Master Tie Qian explained: “The most demanding part of refining this Divine Weapon is that it cannot be leaked in any way, and requires strong strength control and precision. This is more important than a Refining Master. Furthermore, Lord Tie Mo needs to make this Divine Weapon as soon as possible, and Master Pei is still in the Imperial Family and is refining for the monarch.

During the conversation between the two, Zhao Feng kept silent.

But he captured a huge amount of information. If he remembered correctly, the Master Pei seems to be the first Refining Master of the Canopy Great Country.

“Also, you and Master Pei are the Final Disciple of the former Refining Grandmaster. On the real Refining accomplishment, you and him are equally excellent.”

Blood Haired Man ordered nodded.

He not at all questioned Zhao Feng’s ability and was convinced of Master Tie Qian’s words.

“What’s your name?”

Blood Haired Man asked.

“Younger generation Zhao Feng, met Senior Tie Mo.”

Zhao Feng realized that the character in front of him was absolutely no small matter, and his words were a little respectful, but he did not show any clinging and charming.

Blood Haired Man nodded slightly, no more words.

Master Tie Qian didn’t delay for a moment, took Zhao Feng and started Refining.

Zhao Feng didn’t ask much, all he had to do was to do his best to help Master Tie and complete the commission of this work.

“You have to build these parts according to the specifications on the drawing.”

Master Tie Qian took out several drawings and explained some details of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng took off the eyepatch, swiped his left eye, and engraved the content on the drawing.

He can be sure that these drawings are not the complete drawings in Heavens Secret Inheritance, but the contents of the separation.

Carefully analyzing the content on the drawings, Zhao Feng was slightly surprised. The accuracy required above, as well as the melting and fitting of the materials, reached a point of abnormality. No flaws were allowed.

Not only that, but the number of parts to be hit by this hit is thousands.

Each part is as small as the volume of sesame, and the largest is slap big.

There are thousands of demanding requirements, and there must be no flaws. This is the initial processing of the material, not the finished product.

Even at the Master level, several works can be flawless, but there must be no error in the size, quantity, melting degree, and crucial moment of the thousands.

The important thing is that some very small omissions, even at the Master level, are hard to tell.

However, the hardest part seems to be no big problem for Zhao Feng.

“No problem?”

Master Tie Qian asked.

“No problem, it just takes some time and energy. And in the process, a small amount of material will inevitably be wasted.”

Zhao Feng replied.

“Waste a small amount of material?”

Blood Haired Man pursed his lips and laughed.

In order to make this Divine Weapon, the previously wasted materials can be filled with a Tie Qian Mansion.

“Remember, any omissions may be the last Refining, a shortfall.”

Master Tie Qian warned repeatedly.

“Even if there is an omission, I will check it out one after another.”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded and started processing and melting of materials.

From beginning to end, his complexion was calm and there was no trace of emotional fluctuations.

Every breath, every strength, is in control of the peak.

Blood Haired Man looked at Zhao Feng, stared at his cyan eyes pupil and looked at both eyes with great interest, but didn’t interrupt.

Time passed by.

Zhao Feng and Master Tie Qian have their own division of labor.

The difference is that Zhao Feng does some elementary and tedious content.

Master Tie Qian has to start some advanced Array Pattern processing, as well as some advanced materials melting.

Zhao Feng was shocked when he was processing the material. Some of the materials he processes are relatively inferior. If you do as you wish, you can buy a bunch of ordinary Divine Weapon.

For some of the High Level materials, Zhao Feng couldn’t even name them, Master Tie Qian would tell him the attributes and deal with them according to the specifications on the drawings.

Refining’s initial stage preparation is extremely long.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, handles the processing or smelting of every material.

Later, he was intent on expressionless, the speed at hand, getting faster and faster, like a pipeline.

Some materials must be handled with special care, a point of strength and a point of temperature will not work.

In the process, Zhao Feng did waste some materials.

But he never repeats the waste several times, and can quickly reach a precision degree.

On the side of Blood Haired Man, his face was indifferent at first, gradually solemnly.

In a flash, half a month passed.

Zhao Feng was exhausted, woke up and woke up.

Finally on this day, the initial processing of the material was finally completed.

“The first step has finally been completed. Now, we are going to check for omissions, and it is best to ensure that these materials are free from flaws.”

Master Tie Qian.

The approach taken by the two was simple and cross-checked.

First Zhao Feng, check the material processing of Master Tie Qian, every part is carefully crafted, just like artwork.

According to Master Tie Qian’s request, Zhao Feng checked a total of one hundred three omissions, including some extremely subtle flaws.

Of course, the flaws here are relative and must be controlled within a certain limit.

“One hundred twenty places, so many?”

Master Tie Qian was a bit surprised, but upon closer inspection, there were some slight flaws in the barely acceptable range, which was picked out by Zhao Feng.


It’s Master Tie Qian’s turn to check for Zhao Feng’s flaws and omissions.

“A total of six places.”

Master Tie Qian was a little surprised.

Moreover, many of these flaws and omissions are errors caused by Zhao Feng’s experience or understanding.

Blood Haired Man not far away, slightly moving.

“Let me do it myself.”

Zhao Feng checked his own and consulted Master Tie Qian from time to time.

Soon, Zhao Feng picked out twenty or thirty flaws in his material processing.

Some flaws are so hidden that even Master Tie Qian cannot see them. There are also some blemishes that are too small or barely acceptable.

But without exception, Zhao Feng one after another singled out.

And, after the inspection, Zhao Feng checked all the parts several times.

“No problem.”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

The first step was successfully completed, and Master Tie Qian was a little surprised that the time taken was more than half of what was expected.

In the following Refining step, a high degree of skill is required. Zhao Feng is only responsible for the strike.

Moreover, all core secrets, Master Tie Qian also kept confidential from Zhao Feng.

What Zhao Feng has to do is “picking the wrong.”

Non-stop correction, non-stop nitpicking.

each and everyone steps in an orderly way.

Until the first month and eight days, Master Tie Qian stopped.

“All the steps are done already, and there is one last step left-Fusing.”

Master Tie Qian takes a deep breath.

He asked Zhao Feng to check all the omissions repeatedly.

Zhao Feng checked again and again to make sure it was correct and ordered nodded.

In the final Fusing step, Blood Haired Man was also involved.

The success of the last step lies in the foundation of the previous step.

Therefore, at this step, Zhao Feng did not need to participate, and even took the initiative to avoid it.

After all, the drawings of this work, from “Heavens Secret Inheritance”, the materials consumed, and the difficulty of refining, are horrifying, and the final product will be shocking.

“If Refining is successful this time, you are the hero of Iron Blood Religion.”

Blood Haired Man ordered nodded at Zhao Feng.

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