King of Gods

Chapter 256

Zhao Feng sighed, first arrived, unfamiliar with life, can only leave Green Sharp Swallow, outside the city first.

He intends to leave Green Sharp Swallow at high altitude among clouds and use God Eye to monitor care.

At this moment, Uncle Liu opened the mouth and said: “Master Garrison, according to the regulations of each city, the Beast Taming Master can bring Spirit Pet Mount into the city.”

In any world, no matter how stringent the rules, there will always be a few privileged people.

For example, if you reach the True Lord Level, even if you take the Spirit Pet into the city, no one can stop it. All rules are clouds.

Correspondingly, Beast Taming Master is also a special group, which is very scarce in Canopy Great Country.

And because of the particularity of the Beast Taming Master, I often bring a lot of Spirit Pet Demon Beast and Spirit Pet Pocket, which may not be enough.

For this group, the major cities will also take special care of it.

“Beast Taming Master?”

A leader of the team, Half-Step True Spirit Realm guard, looked towards Zhao Feng with a suspicious look.

All the guards questioned, and apparently did not believe it.

Great Lake City, as a huge city of Canopy Great Country, there are many Beast Taming Masters in the city.

But these Beast Taming Masters are generally quite famous, and most of the guards know them.

And now this youngster, the one-eyed green hair, adds a bit of fierce evil looking, and it doesn’t look like a Beast Taming Master.

“Hehe, when there was a youngster Beast Taming Master in the Great Lake area, this Liu would have to teach one or two.”

A clear laugh came.

Tone barely fell, a Double-Headed Crimson Bird, sustaining a purple armor youth, galloping.

“Young Master Liu”

“Willow Captain”

The guard is long and the others, saluted, expression respectful.

This purple armor youth, cultivation base is also Half-Step True Spirit Realm, but the aura of the body is much stronger than Uncle Liu.

“Half-Step True Spirit Qi, 60% conversion”

Zhao Feng was startled.

But Uncle Liu, a glance recognizes youth: “Young Master Liu Yuan”

The purple armour youth, glanced at the three Uncle Liu, feeling a little familiar: “You are …”

Uncle Liu hastened to identify.

“Hehe, it turned out to be Overlooking Mist Liu Family Branch Clan. I almost forgot … it’s time for my family to recruit Branch Clan places.”

Young Master Liu Yuan finally remembered.

In the past, Uncle Liu once sent Branch Clan disciple to the Great Lake Liu Family and met this Young Master Liu Yuan.

After introduction, Zhao Feng learned that this Young Master Liu Yuan is the righteous son of the contemporary Liu Family Lord. Among the young and new generations, he is an outstanding figure.

“This Brother Zhao Feng is a Beast Taming Master my family has recently met, and just happened to come to Great Lake City …”

Uncle Liu solemnly introduced Zhao Feng.

Young Master Liu Yuan faintly nodded, obviously does not agree with the identity of Zhao Feng Beast Taming Master.

In this era, the Beast Taming Master is in short supply, and it is very common to impersonate the official Beast Taming Master.

“It’s an honor to meet this youngster Beast Taming Master. It happens that this Liu’s Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird has a manic temperament recently and is somewhat out of control. I wonder if this Zhao Beast Taming Master can give pointers One or two. “

As Liu Yuan’s voice fell, the two-headed fury flame bird under the seat issued a sharp weep, and the “pu” body burst into flames.

Liu Yuan was “forced” to fall from Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird.

Zhao Feng sneered in his heart, this Liu Yuan would act, but deliberately made “Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird” angry, in order to make trouble or test himself.

Anyone who can see it can see that Liu Yuan’s bird mount is a coincidence.

Uncle Liu three wanted to say something, but stopped talking.

After all, Zhao Feng is a formal Beast Taming Master. This common problem should be solved.

Furthermore, they also wanted to take the opportunity to learn about Zhao Feng’s ability to train animals.

“Yes, but … need to be paid.”

Zhao Feng looked calm and looked at the two-headed fury flame bird opposite him.


Everyone was surprised that Zhao Feng’s tone was not small.

However, those genuine Beast Taming Masters don’t seem to be very good at serving.

“As long as you can calm down my small red flame, the general requirements can be met.”

Liu Yuan was confident and confident.

Zhao Feng immediately asked Liu Yuan to help find the whereabouts of a surnamed Liu woman.

“no problem.”

Liu Yuan without the slightest hesitation.

His small red flame was deliberately insane by intention. In this case, if Zhao Feng could calm him down, he would prove that he really has the real talents to learn.

And a formal Beast Taming Master, even the Great Lake Liu Family, also needs to draw close relationships, and the general requirements can be fully met.

Zhao Feng clicked on nodded and slowly walked towards Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird.

Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird flapped its wings, and the flames rose about one zhang high. It was fierce and manic, and was demonstrating to Zhao Feng.

“Good … good …”

Zhao Feng faint smile, stretched out a finger, circled in front of Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird.

At the same moment, he slowly walked towards Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat also emerged from Zhao Feng’s shoulder. Bared teeth cracked, facing a two-headed fury flame bird.

Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird stunned, motionless.

The first is Zhao Feng’s finger. In the circle, it seems to contain some kind of mysterious strength.

Followed by Small Thieving Cat’s tease, it seems to have some effect.

In short.

A Person and A Cat, safe and sound, came to Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird.

“Good … good …”

Zhao Feng reached out and stroked the head of Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird.

This scene shocked the people nearby by namelessness.

In front of the huge Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird, Zhao Feng figure is small like a pygmy.

But he simply soothed the giant bird in front of him in such a simple way.

Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird is so quiet.

Liu Yuan startled, immediately whistleed, but Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird, softly trembled, did not noticeably react.

At this time, Zhao Feng was standing on Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird.

“Without my permission, no one can safely stand in a small red flame body except Beast Taming Master”

Liu Yuan eyes presented with a bright light.

When Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat stood on the Two-Headed Fury Flame Bird body, Liu Yuan found that his small red flame was shivering inexplicably.

“Meow meow……”

Small Thieving Cat learns Zhao Feng’s previous actions, and strokes the head of small red flame with cat’s claws. It seems to be saying: “Good, good.”

Liu Yuan and Uncle Liu and the others have wonderful expressions.

Especially Liu Yuan, his face fiercely convulsions, his small red flame, his character is hot, has he ever been so insulted.

That little pet cat dared to tease small red flame

Although Liu Yuan was a little bit angry, on the surface he remained polite: “Master Zhao, he really has psychic powers, this Liu admires it. Your request, Liu Yuan will try his best to satisfy him after returning to the tribe.”


Zhao Feng nodded slightly, a lot of Beast Taming Master’s posture.

The more so, Liu Yuan and the others must be treated more carefully; winning a Beast Taming Master, even for a big family like the Great Lake Liu Family, is not easy.


There was Liu Yuan leading the way and everyone was unblocked.

Zhao Feng took Green Sharp Swallow, and nobody blocked it.

When his “Beast Taming Master” name is approved, he can enjoy these privileges.

Beast Taming Master has the ability to train beasts, not to mention his own Spirit Pet, even the Spirit Pet Mount of others nearby will be extremely quiet.

Not much time.

Zhao Feng entire group, was honored as a guest of honor, enters into the Great Lake Liu Clan.

The three Uncle Liu, on the contrary, had some light, and were treated unprecedentedly.

Great Lake Liu Clan even sent a True Spirit Realm Elder to host Zhao Feng.

The True Spirit Realm Elder, who focused on meeting Zhao Feng, was willing to promise “first-class official guest” treatment.

“First-class official guest”, almost equivalent to Liu Clan’s honorary Elder treatment.

Honor Elder, generally need to reach True Spirit Realm to be competent, which shows that the weight of “first-class official guest”.

“Let me think about it.”

Zhao Feng nodded slightly, without immediate consent.

His most important thing at the moment is to send a letter and complete the Master mission.

He remembered that the Master seemed to have explained it, and the Master who received the letter would arrange for him.

However, if Grand Elder knows that Zhao Feng is expected to be the first-class official guest of Clan on the Canopy Great Country side at this moment, I am afraid that he will be immediately consented instead of sending a letter.

Because the purpose of Grand Elder is to arrange Zhao Feng in Canopy Great Country properly, the letter is just a trace of network connections.


Become a first-class official guest of Great Lake Liu Clan, with a high status, which is stronger than the treatment of Core Disciple.

Zhao Feng didn’t need any connections at all. With an imposter’s Beast Taming Master, he achieved an effect beyond imagination. This is a situation that Grand Elder couldn’t predict.

But obviously.

Zhao Feng not at all realized the true meaning of the Master, and only had a simple thought in his heart, and sent the letter to the hands of the real Master.

“This is a ‘Great Liu Command. With this order, Brother Zhao can have unimpeded access to the site of Great Lake Liu Clan.”

The True Spirit Realm Elder, not unexpected, not to mention dissatisfaction, instead sent a command token.

Great Liu Command?

Uncle Liu can not help reveal an envious expression, Beast Taming Master in Canopy Great Country, it is too much sought after, and the forces of all races are competing for it.

This Great Liu Command represents Zhao Feng’s “noble status” at Great Lake Liu Clan.

With this command token, Zhao Feng will be more convenient to act in the Great Lake generation.

After Zhao Feng’s things settled, then it was Uncle Liu’s turn.

“You two come here and test your natural talent.”

True Spirit Realm Elder, a touch of Liu Tingyu and Liu Dong, expressionless.

“Ting’er, fast”

Uncle Liu was expectant and nervous.

The Elder of True Spirit Realm didn’t have much to test Item, close his eyes and stretched out the pulse for Liu Tingyu.

“Bloodline Inheritance This turned out to be the bloodline of my Liu family.”

True Spirit Realm Elder, startled.

I saw a faint jade-green blood glow on Liu Tingyu’s skin, like a jade-like color.

Bloodline Inheritance, even in Canopy Great Country, is very rare, not to mention that Liu Tingyu’s Bloodline Inheritance is still the ancestral Bloodline of the Liu clan.

On the same day, Liu Clan executives were also shocked.

Liu Tingyu and Liu Dong, who successfully entered into the Great Lake Liu Clan, turned into a dragon from a fish, took this crucial step.

Zhao Feng witnessed this scene, feeling deep in his heart, remembering the situation when he entered the Zhao Clan with Zhao Xue.

That night.

Zhao Feng lived in a VIP residence at Great Lake Liu Clan.

In addition, Liu Yuan quickly sent a booklet for Zhao Feng, which contained densely packed messages.

All names on the list are called “Liu Qinxin”.

Zhao Feng can not help admire, Liu Yuan’s efficiency is not fast.

“By the way, forget to remind Master Zhao, the Great Young Lady of the Great Lake City Lord, it’s called Liu Qinxin.”

Liu Yuan has some hesitantly.


Zhao Feng didn’t pay much attention, after all, there were too many people with the same name on the roster.

“More importantly, this Qinxin Young Lady recently hosted Competition for Groom Selection.”

Liu Yuan has some to blush with shame.

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