King of Gods

Chapter 252

Meow meow

Perhaps it smelled of money, Small Thieving Cat emerged from the Storage Bracelet, and looked around, his eyes dripping.

“What a cute cat!”

“Hehe actually has such a small demon cat and looks very smart.”

As soon as the Small Thieving Cat appeared, immediately caught the attention of several girls on board.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat hugs her chest with her two claws, her toes are high, and she immediately makes the girls laugh, hehe laughs.

Zhao Feng’s heart was tight, and he cursed secretly, if you come out to make fun, maybe you have to pay extra Primal Crystal Stone.


Small Thieving Cat is only the size of a slap and belongs to the category of small pets. No additional Primal Crystal Stone is charged.

The noble golden robe looked at Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat with a little interest, and didn’t say much after that.


After the Sky Crossing Ship was filled with 49 people, four magnificent sailors pulled out the sails and waved a layer of blue and blue light all around, pushing the building ship to the other side.

The stormy waves in the Angry River are extremely scary. Even if the Ascended Seventh Sky Layer is caught in it, it can’t persist for a moment, and it will be buried at the bottom of the river.

In such storms, the speed of the Sky Crossing Ship is very difficult.

“The width of this section of the Angry River is nearly 100 li, which is still a relatively narrow area. At the current speed, there are no four or five days, and I am afraid that I cannot reach the opposite bank.”

Zhao Feng reasoned.

Forty-five days, if used for cultivate, it will pass quickly.

The problem is that the waves in the Angry River are surging, and the Sky Crossing Ship is often violently bumpy during the journey. After all, ships from time to time have to withstand millions of pounds of huge assault.

Not only that.

When the storm wave is the biggest, the Sky Crossing Ship will even shake violently, and there is danger of overturning.

In this case, let alone a cultivate retreat, even a small nap is a luxury.

When the Sky Crossing Ship is bumpy, most people are slightly embarrassed, urging True Strength to stabilize the figure.

The person with the most calm performance is naturally the golden robe of True Spirit Realm.

He sat on the boat like a nail, letting the wind and rain scream, and the storm howling, without moving.

Followed by several Half-Step True Spirit Realm, the performance is quite relaxed.

These Half-Step True Spirit Realm, strong and powerful, within the body are all modified to “Half-Step True Spirit Qi”, which is much stronger than the Half-Step True Spirit Realm that Zhao Feng encountered in Thirteen Countries. .

Fortunately, the Sky Crossing Ship is not always bumpy at all times. At some times, it will be abnormally calm, and the nearby river is also calm.

When the Sky Crossing Ship is stable, the experts on the ship will communicate with each other and even carry out simple transactions.

“Little brother, can you trade ‘Green Sharp Swallow’, Jia is willing to pay XNUMX Low Grade Primal Crystal Stone”

A middle-aged gray robe quietly walked to Zhao Feng and talked.

Two thousand Primal Crystal Stone?

Zhao Feng’s surprising colour, if placed in the previous Thierteen Sects league, this equivalent to 200,000 Inferior Grade Primal Crystal Stone, is not a small number.

But he shook the head: “No deal.”

At this stage, Zhao Feng still needs Green Sharp Swallow to move. Furthermore, he doesn’t think that the bird of this species of Green Sharp Swallow is worth the price.

On this ship, no one except the Golden-robe Four-Winged Flying Cloud Leopard, Spirit Beast, can beat Zhao Feng’s Green Sharp Swallow. There are even some people who don’t have a bird mount yet.

“Otherwise, I’ll give you three thousand Primal Crystal Stone. This is a huge number of equivalent to 300,000 Inferior Grade Primal Crystal Stone.”

gray robe middle-aged one gnashes his teeth and whispers.

Zhao Feng still shook his head.

“Three thousand five”

“four thousand”

“Five thousand. This is the final floor.”

No matter what the middle age of the gray robe said, Zhao Feng kept shaking his head.

Several people on the boat were cheeky or disdainful.

The discerning person can see that the middle-aged gray robe wants to cheat this country guy from Sky Peng Foreign Territory.

Unexpectedly, the youngster not at all was shocked by seemingly large numbers and remained unmoved.

In the area outside Canopy Great Country, many places are short of resources, heaven and earth Origin Energy is scarce, and the output of Primal Crystal Stone is very low.

Generally people from Sky Peng Foreign Territory are easily shocked by thousands or tens of thousands of Primal Crystal Stones, but the youngster in front of them is an unexpected.

In the middle-aged gray robe, the price was reported to 8,000 Primal Crystal Stone, and Zhao Feng remained unmoved.

“My ‘Green Sharp Swallow, is it worth the price?”

Zhao Feng was somewhat surprised.

In the Canopy Great Country, heaven and earth Origin Energy is rich, and the output of Primal Crystal Stone is high, and prices here have increased accordingly.

And things are rare.

The Canopy Great Country side is dominated by Martial Path Cultivation and is highly developed. Many Demon Beasts in the nearby wilderness have been slaughtered in large quantities. Some rare birds, Spirit Pet, are relatively rare compared to Thierteen Countries.

Most people want to get a good bird mount unless they go to some very dangerous areas.

High prices and scarce varieties.

For two reasons, the Canopy Great Country bird mount, especially the rare species, is expensive.

“Hmph 8,000 Primal Crystal Stone, do you sell or not?”

The middle age of the gray robe was gloomy, and the complexion was a little glomy.

It is also the Ascended Seventh Sky Layer. The aura of his body is much stronger than the same rank of Thirteen Countries.

Zhao Feng guessed that this person’s strength could be as long or even more sophisticated as Xu Zixuan and Ao Yuetian.

Zhao Feng was just about to decline, and another voice came from nearby: “Yo? Hui Maoying, do you want to buy or sell?”

a silver-haired youth, come slowly.

This youth, Zhao Feng has the impression that when he boarded the ship previously, he used the “Sky Frost Extreme Tyrant Fist” to pull back one Ascended Seventh Layer and two Ascended Sixth Sky Layers with his own strength. The Battle Strength is extremely strong.

Without the use of bloodline strength, Zhao Feng did not have much odds of success against this person.

“Qi Jiu has nothing to do with you.”

A middle-aged man called Hui Maoying, with dreads, looked at the silver-haired youth with vigilance.

“Fair trade, the one with the highest price. Don’t tell me I’m not qualified to trade this Qi?”

Qi Jiu coldly snorted.

The same Ascended Seventh Sky Layer, Qi Jiu’s strength is comparable to Cang Yuyue, Qi Field is so powerful, several people nearby have avoided.

Gray robe is middle-aged, and he is powerless to stop Qi Jiu from paying a higher price.

On strength and natural talent, the opponent is much stronger than him.

“I will give you XNUMX Primal Crystal Stone and buy you this Green Sharp Swallow.”

Qi Jiu’s voice is light, but there is an indifferent force that is hard to reject.

Ten thousand Primal Crystal Stone, almost all sum of Primal Crystal Stone in the hands of equivalent to Zhao Feng.

“I’m out in case”

gray robe

“Two, I said, Green Sharp Swallow is not trading for the time being.”

Zhao Feng complexion calm, shook his head.

With this statement, many people present were somewhat unexpected.

This youngster from Sky Peng Foreign Territory can easily withstand such a large number of Primal Crystal Stones.

“I heard that Cultivator in Foreign Territory is very poor. Don’t tell me?”

“Is this youngster the Young Master of a certain Clan, or even the Crown Prince of a certain country?”

Several people nearby exchanged glances.

Qi Jiu and Hui Maoying, looking at a glance, walked away quickly.

Qi Jiu looked indifferent, cold glow in Hui Maoying’s eyes.

At the moment on the Sky Crossing Ship, no one dare to get rid of trouble, even if any beams are settled, they are usually resolved after disembarking.

Zhao Feng expression remained calm, and the Small Thieving Cat on his shoulder yawned.


This round of storm has just ended, and several people came on the other side of the building.

“You cat is so cute, can you sell it to me?”

A young girl in blue clothes flashes the color of crafty in her bright eyes. It is about fourteen or fifteen years old. She looks like a pink sculpted jade.

The blue maiden is smaller than Zhao Feng, but the cultivation base reaches the Arrived Sixth Sky Layer Peak.

Walking together, there is also a black clothed temperament youngster, about the same age as Zhao Feng.

Young girls and youngsters are walking side by side and young, but the cultivation base is good.

The two were behind, followed by a commoner old man from Half-Step True Spirit Realm, at this time can not help shake their heads.

“Do not sell.”

Zhao Feng is still cold.

He secretly tangled, why do these natives of Canopy Great Country have to trade for this Outsider?

don’t tell me Outsider

“Green hair boy, we are from the Overlooking Mist County Liu Family. If you are interested, you do as you wish. Ask for a price and sell this kitten to us.”

black clothed youngster, indifferent, said Zhao Feng’s look.

“Overlooking Mist County Liu Family?”

“This Liu Family, don’t tell me, and Clan, one of the Sky Peng Four Great Clans, have a trace?”

Many people on board were slightly surprised.

“Liu Family? These three are from Liu Family. Are they the same as what I am looking for?”

Zhao Feng secretly said in one’s heart.

He calmly asked tentatively, “do as you wish?”


temperament black robe youngster.

The girl in blue dress looked at the Small Thieving Cat, holding a pink fist slightly: “This kitten is the smartest and spiritual intelligence pet I have ever seen. Tianyi must buy it today”

“Well, so … XNUMX% off for you.”

Zhao Feng said slowly.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat waved the cat’s claws to express protest and dissatisfaction. This spiritual intelligence is intelligent and has made the blue maiden girl more and more like.

“What price do you say as you wish.”

The black robe youngster is a little bit smug. This green hair kid must have heard the prestige of Liu Family. He has a XNUMX% discount and sounds good.

“1 billion Primal Crystal Stone.”

Zhao Feng slowly reported a number.

As soon as this remark was made, the scene suddenly became cold.

“1 billion kid really can daylight robbery”

“Even if the Overlooking Mist County Liu Family is demolished, it won’t sell so many Primal Crystal Stones.”

The people present, after being surprised, clicking one’s tongue in wonder, and they were deeply surprised.

The black robe youngster and the blue maiden were dumbfounded.


black robe youngster complexion azure-white, shaking with anger.

He originally thought, slap a kitten, a small pet cat, what value can it be, at best hundreds of Primal Crystal Stone.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng was so daylight robbery.

Before waiting for the black robe youngster reaction to come, Zhao Feng hehe smiled: “I said Top Rank Primal Crystal Stone”

Top Rank Primal Crystal Stone

Not only the black robe youngster, everyone else on the boat was stunned.

The golden robe of the True Spirit Realm, can not help and shook his head with a smile: “The Top Rank Primal Crystal Stone on the Continent has long since disappeared, and even the High Rank Primal Crystal Stone can’t be seen. Even Middle Rank Primal Crystal Stone is also extremely rare. “

The words True Spirit Realm expert naturally have a say.

Obviously, Zhao Feng didn’t want to sell at all, so he issued a “sky price”.

“Green hair kid dare to fight with me, let’s go and see …”

The black robe youngster was shaking with anger and turned away.

He never thought that this country guy from Foreign Territory didn’t give himself face, and put himself and the two together.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat looked cheerful and compartnt, and looked up at Zhao Feng’s face with satisfaction, looking at the black robe youngster a glance with contempt.

“I really like this cat …”

The girl in blue clothes bit her red lips slightly, her eyes were watery, and she turned towards the commoner old man in the Behind Half-Step True Spirit Realm.

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