King of Gods

Chapter 246

Thunderstorms poured down the mountains and forests.

The escape squad of Broken Moon Sect was drowned, but there was no gloomy on everyone’s face, eyes full of surprise, shock, and the joy of avoiding a catastrophe.

True Spirit Realm’s adversary came, and the originally determined death situation turned out to be dangerous.

All this comes from that youngster.

Zhao Feng was caught in the rain, his breathing was a little rough, his face was tired, and his complexion was weaker than usual.

But his face was calm, calm, sharp eyes, glancing at the environment around all Geography.

At this moment, everyone looked at Zhao Feng’s, some looked like freak, but they were all grateful and awed.


Zhao Feng spit out a word without leaving a moment, leading the way.


The entire team, under the order of Zhao Feng, continued without any hesitation.

Although Zhao Feng was a bit weak, he was not slow to rush.

For an hour … for a long time … One Day and One Night …

Zhao Feng hardly made a stop, squeezing everyone’s energy and potential to the limit.

In the following section of the road, the fugitive team never encountered any crisis. On the way, in the wilderness, not even a strong Demon Beast was encountered.

Along the way, everyone walked dizzy and turned into a maze-like wilderness.

Zhao Feng, who leads the way, is calm, calm, and his left eye moves sharp green glow, as if he can penetrate all the mists.

Every time the road is closed, when it seems like a desperate situation, Zhao Feng leading the way can always bring a glimmer of hope to another village.

Yang Gan is thinking, this should be related to Eye Bloodline of Junior Brother Zhao.

Finally, on this day.

Zhao Feng ordered a full rest and a half-day rest.

The crowd was exhausted, and Ran Xiaoyuan and Lin Fan, who were cultivation base foundation weak points, almost did not fall asleep.

Zhao Feng’s eyes, sweeping everyone, secretly said in one’s heart: “Here the distance of the incident, there are nearly ten thousand li long distance, even if the ‘Nether Soul’s mark, it can only be in the thousands of miles, sensing my specific location . “

The previous short old man suffered such heavy injuries, and his body was almost destroyed. If he didn’t hurry to repair it, he would leave irreparable permanent damage.

And in the Iron Dragon Powerful Country’s big scene of Thirteen Sects, a True Spirit Realm can be dispatched to pursuit Zhao Feng. This is the greatest limit.

With that in mind, Zhao Feng was sure.

After two hours.

After rest, they recovered almost, with a little more expression on their faces.

“Junior Brother Zhao, although we escaped from birth, Master them …”

Yang Gan was worried.

After the fall of Broken Moon Sect Master, Grand Elder became the core of My Sect, coupled with the betrayal of Spiritual Master Yun Hai, the entire Broken Moon Sect, strength dropped sharply.

“They are alive”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, staring at a certain direction behind, bloomed a deep blue dot, a faint hint of Spiritual Fluctuation spread out, as if it could extend to the other side of time and space.

I do not know why, with the words of Zhao Feng, everyone is extremely trusting and reassuring, relieved of the burden.

It was just Zhao Feng’s eyebrows, and there was still a little worry.

Alive does not mean that already is out of danger, nor does it mean that it is safe and sound.

As True Spirit Realm experts, the pursuit strength of Grand Elder and Grandma Liu Yue will be even greater.

“In this way, Vice Hall-Master Li stayed, and the rest, along with Senior Brother Yang, returned to Broken Moon Sect, notified sect, and stepped up vigilance. If the Broken Moon Sect is abnormal, you can hide in Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest, or leave Thirteen Countries area.”

Zhao Feng instructed.

At this point, Zhao Feng was in the team, and Already had imposing majesty.

“Junior Brother Zhao, be careful.”

Yang Gan took a deep look at Zhao Feng a glance and led the rest to return to Broken Moon Sect along the way.

place to.

Only Zhao Feng and Vice Hall-Master Li remain.

Before leaving, Ran Xiaoyuan and Lin Fan wrote worries and concerns.

It is not difficult for everyone to guess that the two strongest members of the team stayed to cope with Grand Elder and Grandma Liu Yue.

Zhao Feng left Vice Hall-Master Li because he was trustworthy, and because of his strength, he was closest to himself.

If the Grand Elder and the two were also met by True Spirit Realm pursuit, they would join Zhao Feng and Vice Hall-Master Li, with at least some assistance.

“Go over there.”

Zhao Feng, with the help of God, chose a direction directly.

Vice Hall-Master Li, following silently, everything is dominated by Zhao Feng.

He had no objection in his heart and had a subtle perception of the life of the unknown.

At the time, Zhao Feng had just entered Inner Sect and received his censorship. He was still a young youngster struggling at the bottom of Sect.

It is only now long before this youngster has a strong prestige in his mind.

With a calm and calm face, Zhao Feng gave each decision order an inexplicable sense of conviction and practicality, as if he had a backbone.

After a few hours.

The two came to a precipitous cliff with a bottomless abyss below.

“right here.”

Zhao Feng jumped out of the abyss, crossed the volley, and Shadow Cloak vibrated. He could basically fly in a short time.

Vice Hall-Master Li, as Half-Step True Spirit Realm, can also do this, follow closely from behind.

After more than ten breaths, Zhao Feng flew to the midair of the abyss.

In front of him, a hidden cave appeared.

At this moment, a True Spirit Prestige came down, making Vice Hall-Master Li startled and horrified.

“Master, it’s me”

Zhao Feng’s voice, spread into the cave, diffuses the True Spirit Prestige in void, and is instantly disappeared.

“Come in.”

The sound of coughing in the cave was Grand Elder.

Zhao Feng two, enters into the cave, startled.

I saw Grand Elder’s face sloppy, hair pale, and blood on his body, especially his right shoulder.

“Grand Elder, your arm …”

Vice Hall-Master Li looked at the empty right shoulder, bloodstained, arm parts, incomplete.

Grandma Liu Yue complexion was pale and bitter: “Grand Elder was in a fight, killing an enemy’s True Spirit Realm at the cost of abolishing a right arm …”

The miserable scene in front of you can imagine the terrible battle.

Zhao Feng was silent and came to Grand Elder.

“Feng’er, Broken Moon Sect preserved most of the strength, and more importantly, we all survived this disaster.”

Grand Elder was relieved, even if his voice was so weak.

When I arrived at Vice Hall-Master Li, and told the team about the danger, Grand Elder and Grandma Liu Yue were shocked and happy.

Grand Elder and Grandma Liu Yue looked at a glance and smiled with relief: “I have this apprentice in Situ Mo. It’s not a mention to lose an arm.”


I saw Grand Elder and Grandma Liu Yue. They exchanged eyes and sound transmission with each other. They seemed to be communicating.

“what do you mean……”

Grandma Liu Yue was a little surprised.

“Yes, the area of ​​Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest is too small, after all, to be on the table. Furthermore, even for his safety, such a decision must be made.

Grand Elder said flatly.

For a moment, Grand Elder and Grandma Liu Yue, after frequent exchanges and nodded, seemed to reach a certain consensus.

Zhao Feng faintly realized that his destiny in life would have an unpredictable turn due to discussions between the two.

After half an hour.

Grand Elder’s injury improved, and Zhao Feng was called alone.

“Feng’er, now is the time of Broken Moon Sect’s crisis. I have a secret mission for the division, and I entrust it to you.”

Grand Elder looked solemn, but with an inquiry in his tone, expectations and requests were revealed in his eyes.

“Disciple agreed.”

Zhao Feng didn’t ask any tasks and agreed directly.

With the continuous integration of God Eye, although he has become more and more indifferent, human nature has not changed.

Grand Elder is an important teacher in his life. He was blessed by sect. The seedlings of Zeng and Jin gradually grew stronger.

This time fleeing, Grand Elder has exhausted his life, in exchange for the safety of everyone in Zhao Feng at the cost of losing one arm.

Even if it was for the favor, Zhao Feng would agree to all the requirements of the Master.

What’s more, Zhao Feng is convinced that everything Master does is for his own good.

Grand Elder took a deep look at Zhao Feng a glance. Without a thousand words, a simple detail can tell the temperament of the discipline.

He was even more relieved that there was no such regret in this life.

“You also see arrived, Iron Dragon Powerful Country’s sect power is extremely powerful, non-Thirteen Sects can be compared. Not to mention, now Scarlet Moon Religion has contributed to the flame …”

Grand Elder said slowly.

Zhao Feng was nodded, and my heart had guessed.

“So I decided to send you out of Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest and ask for help from the Great Sect Great Country in North Continent.”

Grand Elder explained the intention.

Ask for help

Zhao Feng confirmed his conjecture.

The situation today is really bad for Thirteen Sects.

While Iron Dragon Powerful Country defeated Sky Rich Powerful Country, it also spared more effort to contain and deal with Thirteen Countries. This kind of control over the whole world made people shudder.

In other words, Thirteen Countries is only affected by the battle between the two Powerful Countries.

This is not the main battlefield, not even the battlefield.

“Rescue, to whom?”

Zhao Feng doesn’t know much about the situation outside Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest.

“North Continent, half of the number of Powerful Country, such as Iron Dragon Powerful Country, Power Rich Country such as Sky Rich Powerful Country. Of course, there are some Powerful Country, several times stronger than these two Powerful Country. But, in Above Powerful Country, there is also Great Country. “

Grand Elder slightly paused.

Small Country … Powerful Country … Great Country

A silhouette emerged from Zhao Feng’s mind.

Like Thirteen Countries, on North Continent, it must be Small Country, hundreds or thousands, trivial.

Faced with Powerful Country, Small Country has no resistance at all.

The sect forces behind Iron Dragon Powerful Country, with no difficulty, can destroy Thirteen Sects.

However, a Powerful Country like Iron Dragon or Sky Rich is not the Peak of North Continent.

Because on top of Powerful Country, there is a more colossal Great Country

“For Foreign Territory in Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest, there are other Powerful Countries. If they are willing to get rid, they have the opportunity to resolve the crisis in Thirteen Countries. If you can get assistance from ‘Canopy Great Country, you can more easily reverse the Transverse Cloud Territory’s situation.”

Grand Elder contains said with a smile.

After that, he took out the map of North Continent and gave Zhao Feng a look.

On the map, densely packed geographical names areas, including some special zones.

“Where is Thirteen Countries?”

Zhao Feng a glance Copy map, it’s not easy. In the lower right corner of the map, look for arrived Transverse Cloud’s 13 Countries, sesame-sized sites.

It is Iron Dragon and Sky Rich Powerful Country, which are marked more clearly on the map.

“It depends on luck if you can get support. You also see that the area of ​​Continental is so large-scale, Transverse Cloud’s 13 Countries, which is really small and does not have enough benefits, those Powerful Country Great Sect, maybe inclined to pay attention. “

With that said, Grand Elder turned his head again.

“Calling for help is not the main goal … I have to explain one more important thing.” The fastest reading novel is Ruler, and I’m reading.

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