King of Gods

Chapter 237

The moment Lin Tong was defeated, the audience was in a tumult, and members of the Ancient Hidden Palace changed colors.

Zhao Feng and Lin Tong’s fight with, less than ten breaths time, invisible fight with, in reality Space, can not be seen at all.

Lin Tong’s “Heavenly Dark Eye” has always been a glance opponent.

Even in the face of Cang Yuyue, the No. XNUMX star in the league, he only launched a glance. Although he lost, he only reversed in a single thought.

This time.

Lin Tong undoubtedly lost even more, being defeated by Opponent in his best Domain.

Moreover, Zhao Feng defeated him and only used “a glance”.

“How could there be such an Eye Bloodline … such a powerful Spiritual Source … the mystery of stealing opponent …”

In Lin Tong’s eyes, spiritual was sparse and unconscious, and it seemed that he could not accept the result.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, the shock to him is really too great.

a glance broke his “Heavenly Dark Eye” Spiritual Illusion Technique, and within a few moments, “theft” his secret technique.

Moreover, the other’s Spiritual Source is almost immune to a spiritual attack. In contrast, the Bloodline Inheritance that he was proud of was unbearable to look at.

“Zhao Feng wins”

At the moment of the ruling, Lin Tong woke up like a dream and looked at Zhao Feng a glance deeply.

As early as the first game, when he faced Zhao Feng for the first time, he felt the trembling of Eye Bloodline, which was an invisible suppression.

At that time, Lin Tong was shocked and stirred up his Fighting Intent.

Until then, Lin Tong finally understood that the intuitive sense derived from Bloodline was not an illusion.

When Zhao Feng stepped down from the battle stage, the countless eyes of the audience fixed on his face.

In these eyes, most of them were fear and fear, and some eyes flashed a murderous intention.

“This child must never stay”

The sense of crisis in Spirtual Master Yun Hai became stronger.

After Floating Crest Trial, Zhao Feng step by step wonders, incredible growth, making him more and more stressed.

Now, Zhao Feng has finally revealed his natural talent, Eye Bloodline, which is so powerful. If he is allowed to grow, he will be fine.


Spirtual Master Yun Hai realized that Zhao Feng had deliberately “pretended” before even being deceived.

Zhao Feng, at a young age, has such a temperament, and he has so long in sect. This temperament is by no means comparable to his peers.

Thinking of this, Spirit Master Yun Hai is even more chilling.

“The Eye Bloodline of this child is so powerful that it is my nemesis of ‘Ancient Hidden Palace'”

“If you can’t do it for yourself, it’s best to kill it.”

The senior elders of Ancient Hidden Palace communicated one after another.

Zhao Feng’s senses, extremely powerful, faintly captures the emotions in the surrounding Spiritual Fluctuation.

He smiled indifferently and swept the audience lightly.

When God Eye swept over, those represented disciple, the inexplicable sting of the mind, and a kind of chill that penetrated the body.

Those who are secretly pregnant with ghosts have an inexplicable guilty conscience.

Cloud Sword Sect.

“Unexpectedly, he was so easy to beat Lin Tong.”

Cang Yuyue sat cross-legged, pretty face slightly pale, watching Feng Yun decide the battle stage.

In her behind, three True Spirit Realm Elders brought a stream of warm and powerful True Spirit Qi into her within the body.

“Yuyue was on the verge of collapse of consciousness and realized the seed of sword intent. At that time, she was exhausted from the heart of Divine Power. She was weak to the peak. Lin Tong’s counterattack before the defeat was more important.

Sigh of Cloud Sword Sect Grand Elder.

“Fortunately, we gave her the precious Qing Spirit God Dan, the loss on spiritual, and made up almost. The only troublesome thing is the trace of trauma in the mind. If it is not repaired as soon as possible, Yuyue’s seed of sword intent, leaving a noticeable weak spot. “

Cloud Sword Sect’s Sect Master, worrying.

Cang Yuyue is physically harmless. No one at Alliance Grand Meeting can do this yet.

But Lin Tong, the second star of the league, is not to be trifled with its weird and powerful Spiritual Technique.

In the words of Lin Tong, Cang Yuyue was tied up in a fantasy world and was tortured for ten hours. This pair is a unimaginable spiritual torture with a woman.

Cang Yuyue realized the seed of sword intent at the end of the spiritual collapse. At that time, she was very weak, and was counterattacked by Lin Tong before her defeat.

“The seed of sword intent is more important to Yuyue than Spirit Pill. This Zhao Feng is weird and powerful and unfathomable. Spiritual Secret Technique is also terrifying than Lin Tong. In my opinion, for safety, let Yuyue Give up fighting with Zhao Feng’s. “

“No, my Cloud Sword Sect is the alliance First Sect. How can you give up such awards. Besides, Yuyue will not easily give up?”

“Yuyue understands the seed of sword intent and slays the Void. Just resist Zhao Feng’s Round of Spiritual Secret Technique, and its Dao of Sword attack with seed of sword intent is stronger than ever. It takes only one sword to decide Winning and losing. “

For a time.

At the top of Cloud Sword Sect, a dispute arose.

Judging from the current situation, Cang Yuyue’s odds of success is still larger, at least 70%.

Because of the seed of sword intent, there is a certain ability to destroy Void initially, even if it is Lin Tong’s Heavenly Dark Eye mystery, it is also intentional.

But the problem is that Cang Yuyue’s mind has some future problems, seed of sword intent, and it needs stability.

If it’s general opponent, that’s all.

However, Zhao Feng was strange and powerful, unfathomable, and even Lin Tong was easily defeated by him.

Even after Cang Yuyue realized the seed of sword intent, he still had to admit that it was a tough enemy.

“Sect Master, Master, Elders. I have decided, as a swordsman, we must go forward. Besides, it is Yuyue’s wish to reach the top at the Alliance Grand Meeting.

Cang Yuyue had a firm face and an unparalleled belief.

The sword intent aura of her body, encircling endlessly, made the sword all around, trembling gently.

Feng Yun decides the battle stage.

The test is still in progress.

After the eighth round of decisive battles, the entire Alliance Grand Meeting had only the last suspense.

Third place, fourth place, fifth place … These rankings are basically determined without much suspense.

The only suspense is who eventually reached the summit.

Alliance first.

This is extremely glorious for Any Sect of Thirteen Sects.

For individuals, this is a moment of history and destiny.

Zhao Feng and Cang Yuyue, who are first in the league.

On this topic, members of Thirteen Sects various sects, the discussion is endless.

“Cang Yuyue is definitely older than she has realized the seed of sword intent, and under True Spirit Realm, I am afraid no one can resist her sword.”

“But after Cang Yuyue and Lin Tong’s war, it seems to have left behind, otherwise how could they use the three True Spirit Realm Elder to treat her Protector?”

“Zhao Feng has not failed so far. The true strength has not been determined yet. I see this battle hanging very …”

Although the decisive battle is still going on, most people are concerned about the alliance first.

at last.

At the tenth round of the decisive battle, the Alliance Grand Meeting ushered in the most Peak battle.

“Cang Yuyue vs Zhao Feng.”

In the last battle, both the elders of True Spirit Realm expert and the representatives of various sects disciple are extremely looking forward.

Zhao Feng expressionless, took the lead in the battle stage.

Cang Yuyue is slower, coming from the battle stage, it seems to be back to normal, empty eyes reveal a trace of sword intent divine light, people can not look directly.

Cang Yuyue understands the seed of sword intent, and looks straight at the Void Dao of Sword strength at the To surpassed Matter level, which can split the second and cause the opponent to collapse.

In other words, the average Sixth Sky Layer, with her glance, all beliefs and Fighting Intent, will instantly collapse.

It can be seen that sword intent is such a powerful Void strength.

Sword intent, contains the extremely powerful Dao of Sword belief, which incorporates the lifelong Dao of Sword Profound Truth. This strength is expressed in the manner of Spiritual Will, which cuts off the Void, To surpassed Matter level.

When Cang Yuyue reached the battle stage, her spiritual level of sword intent aura condensed to the peak.

pressure covers the sword of the audience, there is an idea power, cut Void, go forward.

the strange thing is.

After Zhao Feng and Cang Yuyue went on stage, neither immediately got rid.

After a decisive battle with Lin Tong, Cang Yuyue understood that the spiritual attack was faster than Dao of Sword attack.

Furthermore, he realized the seed of sword intent, and only waited for Zhao Feng Spiritual Secret Technique to come out, and instantly cut off Void, and then a sword was set.

“Cang Yuyue, the cracks and wounds on your mind have not been repaired. The spiritual weakness of the ground, the condensed seed of sword intent, is unstable, and even has a deadly weak spot.”

Zhao Feng stood by his hands and smiled indifferently.

He also didn’t immediately get rid.

Zhao Feng’s eyes met Cang Yuyue without giving in.

Even if Cang Yuyue realized the “seed of sword intent” and faced Zhao Feng’s God Eye, his heart was slightly shaken.

It was a profound Eye, like Heaven’s Eye, Heaven and earth.

This eye, the pressure on her is several times greater than Lin Tong’s Heavenly Dark Eye, the stronger.

Cang Yuyue within the body Qi and blood, slightly stagnant, from the uneasiness of the body, this is her disadvantage without the bloodline strength, and Zhao Feng and the others.

“So what? Even in this case, I still have confidence that one sword is better than you.”

The aura of Cang Yuyue body sword intent is getting stronger and stronger. The three-foot Qingfeng in his hand is gently trembling, and the sound of the sword cuts through the tsunami.

That is a belief that one sword will prevail.

I realized that “seed of sword intent”, Cang Yuyue’s strength, rose to a whole new level.

Looking at Thirteen Sects on behalf of Disciple, there is no one, and you can be sure to take her sword-including Zhao Feng

“If you are wrong, it is also a test. From the sub-match to the finals, no one can cause threats and harm to me. Even Lin Tong was easily defeated by me, but you almost lost, even in mind, stay Under the rift. “

Zhao Feng has green hair, dancing like a waterfall, and whole body Fighting Intent.

In God Eye, the sharp green glow flashes, like Ruler looking down at everything.

“so what?”

Cang Yuyue found that Zhao Feng body condensed the rising faith and Will. Under God Eye’s gaze, there was a tendency to assert themselves as “seed of sword intent”.

“What I can do, you can’t. This shows the deadly weak spot of your body.”

Zhao Feng calmly.

Cang Yuyue startled, immediately dismissive.

But Zhao Feng’s next words made her feel shocked.

“Your strength, your bottom line, are all exposed to my eyes. And my true strength and means, you have not yet found out.”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, pan-sharp azure light, every word, every syllable, and even every breathing action, has a mysterious strength that strikes the soul.

Under the lock of God Eye, Cang Yuyue lovable body is slightly stiff, and the word intent in the eye is constantly around.

The chill that was pierced through all the secrets has been covering her heart, which is why she didn’t cut it off instantly.

“Yuyue don’t be affected by his words, he is trying to break your soul weak spot”

“Don’t listen to him. You can defeat him with a sword and invincible faith.”

The elders of Cloud Sword Sect are a little anxious.

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