King of Gods

Chapter 221

Within the stone house.

A Person and A Cat.

Half a day later, a jug of spirits was brewed in the jug in front of it, and the wine contained a touch of aura of aura.

Although it’s not Spirit Wine, Zhao Feng’s left eye has confirmed that this wine can strengthen the body, even for the Ascended Realm level.

Moreover, he also found a rule, the longer the time, the higher the quality of the wine in the jug, and even brewing into the real Spirit Wine.

This process takes about a month.

Zhao Feng negotiated with Small Thieving Cat. The wine brewed in the jug was divided into XNUMX% and XNUMX%.

Small Thieving Cat’s thirst for wine is almost close to its level of fortune and refuses to give in.


A Person and A Cat, cultivate in a stone house.

Zhao Feng is consolidating the cultivation base to further tap the potential of that mysterious liquid.

Small Thieving Cat will not be digested for a while because of eating the corpse.

Two days later.

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat body have increased aura.

Small Thieving Cat’s strength and Zhao Feng are not easy to evaluate, but it seems that there is no major problem with Core Disciple in sect.

“Alliance Grand Meeting, there are more than ten days left. The sect mission for this trip has not been completed.”

Zhao Feng decided to return.

A Person and A Cat, flew in the air, leaving Silver Crystal Square.

Zhao Feng looked at the tomb group below, but was afraid to approach.

This forbidden ground, the root of the “Curse of 100 Graves”, is the tomb. The corpse body under those tombs, even if they die, still exudes coercion. The lifetime strength is definitely above True Spirit Realm.

The closer you are, the more eroded by that mysterious strength.

Back to Bone Land.

Zhao Feng was inevitably attacked by the bone skeleton.

Wind Thunder Palm

Zhao Feng waved with all his strength, Wind Thunder staggered, and the roar was amazing. Wind Thunder swept away like a lightning arc, blasting several skulls in front into a fly ash.

At this point, even if it’s an Ascended Seventh Layer skeleton, Zhao Feng can easily solve it.

Leaving the place of the bones, all around the mist spread like before.

“The tomb group is the core of this cursed forbidden land. The boneless land is the inner layer, and the misty area is the periphery.”

Zhao Feng concluded.

enters into the misty area, the senses will be disturbed, lose their direction, can’t escape, it depends on luck.

And once enters into the bone, it will be affected by the cursed strength.

Shadow Cloak faltered, Zhao Feng, like the same light green shadow, accompanied by lightning arc flickering, rushed towards the Foreign Territory in the foggy area.


Zhao Feng seemed to be inducted, and quickly hid in a big tree in the sky.

After a while, the sound of breaking air came, and two auras, awe-inspiring, entered into the misty area.

newcomer is a gray robed old man, and an old woman.

The duo’s body surrounds True Spirit Qi, with invisible coercion, and can even sustain mysterious strength in the foggy area.

Obviously, these are two True Spirit Realm experts.

“Forbidden Land of 100 Graves, name is not in vain, my Spiritual Sense, here, it can only be extended by one foot.”

gray robed old man sighed.

“Do you still insist? The curse of the Forbidden Land of 100 Graves is not resisted by True Spirit Realm. In the past, True Spirit Realm, who escaped from the forbidden area, was cursed and didn’t live many youngsters, all mad …” The old woman sighed and advised.

Zhao Feng hiding in the big tree of the sky, hesitated, he did not expect the curse of “Forbidden Land of 100 Graves”, so terrifying, even if those True Spirit Realm can save his life, it will eventually escape.

This cursed strength, is there also a part that remains in his body?

Zhao Feng didn’t dare to pack tickets despite having Mystical Left Eye.

Moreover, looking at the aura of the two True Spirit Realm in front of me, it is obviously stronger than the Elders in sect.

“The old man has only more than ten years of life, and continues to stay in this dusty place, and it is difficult to break through True Lord Realm for life, and more hopeless to stabilize Origin Core Venerable. According to ‘Ancient Hidden Palace, the secret palace records, if you can leave Here, the chance of promotion outside is ten times higher. “

gray robed old man with a determined face.

Watching the two True Spirit Realm, Zhao Feng didn’t dare to urge the left eye to lock easily. Although he knew that in foggy areas, the senses were limited to the limit.

Because of this, Zhao Feng hides with the help of Shadow Cloak, even the two True Spirit Realm experts are unaware.

After a while.

Zhao Feng heard a long howling in the distance, and gray robed old man already went deep into the bones.

“These two people should be ‘Ancient Hidden Palace, True Spirit Realm Elder, and see what happens.”

Zhao Feng stayed still.

In the foggy area, even Forbidden Land of 100 Graves, he has the advantage of Geography, and he is not afraid to be found.

After a long time.

There was a scream in the direction of the buried land.

The sound of breaking air came, and I saw the previous gray robed old man, with a miserable face, flying out of the buried land.

The old woman was anxious, and chased after him, asking about the situation.

Gray robed old man looks horrified, shivering, complexion, and has a harsh voice: “I am cursed, my life force and Life Essence, are dying and losing …


I saw a gray robed old man sitting cross-legged, swallows several Spirit Pills, and an old woman assisted.

Zhao Feng had a strange face, what did the gray robed old man get infected with?

He was in the distance and opened his left eye to observe.


When Zhao Feng’s left eye touched the gray robed old man, his heart was cold and he took a breath of air.

Under the lock of his left eye, a white and miserable Void’s hand, bloody, tangled around the gray robed old man.

The internal organs of the gray robed old man were eroded by the hands of those who were pale, Void, non-stop.

This scene, let Zhao Feng have one’s hair stand on end.

Even the gray robed old man side old woman felt uneasy and urged True Spirit Qi involuntarily, and maintained a certain distance.

When the old woman approached, those white miserable Void’s hands would also strike her.

Of course, even with the existence of True Spirit Realm, the existence of Void’s hand is not noticeable, but they can instinctively perceive threats.

There was a touch of pity in Zhao Feng’s eyes, and the gray robed old man was afraid that he could not live for half a year.

“This Forbidden Land of 100 Graves is really a taboo.”

Zhao Feng was scared after looking, but did not expect that Small Thieving Cat actually introduced himself into this forbidden area.

If you know the situation here in advance, give Zhao Feng a hundred guts and dare not go in.

Zhao Feng quickly urged his left eye and checked himself and the Small Thieving Cat.

It was found that there was no difference between the Small Thieving Cat and his body.

Zhao Feng slightly heave a sigh of relief.

Zhao Feng missed the curse because Mystical Left Eye dispelled easy to ward off Gods and Devils, dissipating the Curse Strength from the body.

As for Small Thieving Cat, its history is mysterious, its ability is unpredictable, and it leads the way into the place.

“Small Thieving Cat, not an example.”

Zhao Feng’s deep cyan left eye, coldly swept Small Thieving Cat a glance.

Small Thieving Cat shivered, nodded again and again, with grievance on his face, playing with the ancient copper coin in his hand.

Zhao Feng obviously knew that his body, only Mystical Left Eye, could shake the Small Thieving Cat. Otherwise, with such a catty, cunning personality, even those True Spirit Realm expert will be dismissive.

It didn’t take long.

gray robed old man and old woman

Before leaving, a sigh came from the old woman: “You must not listen to my advice. For thousands of years, only the Religion Master, enters into the Forbidden Land of 100 Graves, can return safely. But even the Religion Master I haven’t conquered this place either. Now I can only go to Iron Dragon Powerful Country and look for Lord Hall Master. He himself has the Spiritual Secret Technique unpredictable and mysterious. He also knows about the Spiritual Secret Curse, maybe there is a way … “

The two left for a long time.

Zhao Feng showed his figure, squinting, “Is this Religion Master the Scarlet Moon Religion Master?”

He didn’t do much to stay, leaving the misty land the same way.

The next two days.

Zhao Feng In Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest, find the “Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird” mission goal.

Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird, with two heads, is the overlord in the sky. Battle Strength is invincible in the Ascended Sixth Layer.

But Zhao Feng’s strength at this moment was at least doubled when he left the sect. Luosui Bow pulled and shot a Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird.

According to mission requirements, four crowns are required.

Zhao Feng quickly found another Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird.

At this time, Zhao Feng didn’t shoot and executed the Spiritual Secret Technique to control the Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird.

If anyone at Ancient Hidden Palace is here, they will be shocked to turn pale.

With Fifth Sky Layer cultivation base, beyond control of a Sixth Sky Layer Demon Beast, this is incredibly original. What’s more, Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird has two heads, and it’s twice as difficult to control as the same rank.

Zhao Feng took the “Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird” and returned to Sky Moon Mountain.

“What is Demon Beast?”

Some members of Disciple on Sky Moon Mountain, panic turned pale, like the enemy.

Even for Inner Disciple, Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird does not exist.

When they saw Zhao Feng sitting on the silver-crowned bird, they were even more shocked by their body and mind, with awe in their eyes and even worship.

Back at sect, Zhao Feng is ready to kill the Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird and complete the mission.

Unexpectedly, several Vice Hall-Masters in sect are rushing to buy Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird.

If there can be a bird mount like “Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird”, what an eye-catching is it, second only to the Golden Dark-Green Great Hawk of the main mountain in the sect.

It is important that the presence of Zhao Feng, the “Beast Taming Master”, can affect the mentality of the silver-crowned bird and reduce the difficulty of domestication.

After half an hour.

Zhao Feng sold the “Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird” to Vice Hall-Master Li. Not only did he earn tens of thousands of Inferior Grade Primal Crystal Stones, but he also completed this task, which can be described as one move, two gains.

Vice Hall-Master Li, with a smile on his face, red face.

Of course, Primal Crystal Stone is not so profitable. In the next few days, Zhao Feng will perform Spiritual Secret Technique to assist Vice Hall-Master Li in domesticating Double-Headed Silver Crown Bird.

This day.

Core Disciple Bei Mo. After going out to practice, the eyebrows are a bit more powerful, and the cultivation base is raised to Fifth Sky Layer Peak.

However, when Bei Mo found Zhao Feng, the complexion changed, and he was incredibly shocked.

Because Zhao Feng’s cultivation base is higher than him, reaching the limit of Arrived Fifth Sky Layer, Sixth Sky Layer is not far away.

“It seems that the risk and effort have not been wasted this time.”

Zhao Feng’s heart was dark.

After all, this is his first time, in the true sense, to overtake Bei Mo

At this time.

Alliance Grand Meeting, with a few days left.

“Thirteen Sects Alliance Grand Meeting has 5-6 days left. But the venue of the conference is far from Sky Moon Mountain, and it will be set off the day after tomorrow.”

Grand Elder called Zhao Feng and Yang Gan.

When Grand Elder’s eyes fell on Zhao Feng body, eyes flashed a bright glint, a look of surprise.

Yang Gan turned pale slightly. I didn’t expect this little Junior Brother to step into the Ascended Sixth Sky Layer with half a foot.

Zhao Feng stood with his hands on his head, a green hair with no wind automatically, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and an indescribable evil looking self-confidence, even deeper and more unpredictable.

After this training, he has full confidence in Alliance Grand Meeting.

From now on, there is no strength, can stop myself, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, spread wings and fly high.

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