King of Gods

Chapter 216

Alliance Grand Meeting, more than a month left.

Zhao Feng went out at this time, also because of various aspects, he encountered bottleneck and was difficult to improve.


As soon as he stepped out, he caught the attention of other disciple and supreme layers.

This is not only because Zhao Feng is a seed player participating in the event, but also for other reasons.

Among the mountains, in Elder’s mansion.

“Report to the master, Zhao Feng is out.”

Quan Chen said respectfully.

“In the past two months, where Zhao Feng closed the cultivate, thunder and lightning, his” Wind Thunder Palm “is most likely to step into the highest Realm on the assault sixth layer, and even alert. You immediately notify Bei Mo and Yuan Zhi … “

Elder Yun Hai, standing with his negative hand.


In the past few months, Zhao Feng closed-door cultivation cultivate, understated and excessive, is quite different from his previous arrogance and strength.

It is said that there was a thunderous sound from Zhao Feng’s house from time to time.

Many people speculate that “Crazy Zhao” is the highest Realm in Assault “Wind Thunder Palm”.

In sect history, there are very few geniuses that can cultivate “Wind Thunder Palm” to the sixth layer. Most people give up, or become disabled, or even suffer misfortune.

Even in the case record, there is a genius with a very high level of understanding, cultivate “Wind Thunder Palm” to the highest Realm, but the result is that it was cut to death by thunder?

The last few days.

The natural phenomenon of lightning in Zhao Feng’s residence disappeared, did he succeed in assault?

If he succeeds, will he be hacked to death?

This is a concern for many people, not to mention hostile people.

Paradoxically, Grand Elder kept silent about it.

“Grand Elder didn’t stop Zhao Feng, there must be something tricky in it.”

Elder Yun Hai, not a stupid person.

In fact.

A month ago, Elder Yun Hai and Sect Master asked Grand Elder to inquire. It was nothing more than to let Grand Elder gets rid to stop Zhao Feng.

After all, Zhao Feng is the core of Core Disciple in Sect. Alliance Grand Meeting also counts on him to win glory for Sect.

As a result, Grand Elder shook his head, saying that he could not stop it, and even sent someone to protect Zhao Feng secretly, so that no idlers would interfere.

Sky Moon Mountain.

A jasper mansion.

“Zhao Feng is out? Ma Feng calls him”

Broken Moon Sect Master to Ran Xiaoyuan and Senior Sister Yuan below.

“Master, why do you value him so much?”

Senior Sister Yuan said puzzledly.

Although Zhao Feng is Core Disciple, after all, it is only a discipline, and it is not under the control of Sect Master.

“Alliance Grand Meeting has more than a month to start. At the conference, the ancient Hidden Palace’s discipline is good at Spiritual Secret Technique, and the headache is the most. Zhao Feng’s only mastery of the Discipline of Spiritual Secret Technique …”

Broken Moon Sect said with a slight smile.

“It turned out to be.”

Senior Sister Yuan is like Big Enlightenment.

Broken Moon Sect Master’s move is to set off from sect benefits.

If Zhao Feng is willing to get rid, let the participating participants of the event “feel” the Attack of the Spiritual Technique in advance, and have a coping method, then when facing the terrifying successor of Ancient Hidden Palace, they can also have more odds of success.

The reason why Sect Master went to Zhao Feng so quickly was that he was worried that Zhao Feng would soon enter into the next round of retreat.

At the same time.

Mansion of Grand Elder.

“Feng’er is finally out.”

Grand Elder expression, there are expectations and concerns.

Can Zhao Feng succeed? Can he break the death robbery of Wind Thunder Palm.

“You uploaded Zhao Feng.”

Grand Elder instructed.

“Master, it seems that Sect Master has sent someone to look for Junior Brother Zhao.”

Yang Gan

For a time.

Zhao Feng’s exit, attracted the attention of sect, and even some movement.

The rookie disciple generation is more concerned about the improvement of Zhao Feng’s strength.

After the first and second Yang Gan and Bei Mo, and the Small Assembly of 3 Sects returned, the cultivation base has not made much progress, and they all encountered bottleneck.

Bei Mo is a distance away from Fifth Sky Layer Peak.

Yang Gan is still the Sixth Sky Layer, and trying to reach the Sixth Sky Layer Peak is by no means a matter of months.

According to common sense, Yang Gan wants to break through Seventh Sky Layer, as short as two or three years, and as many as nearly ten years are possible. Unless natural talent reaches the level of the legendary Earth Spirit Body and there are resources available that are several times more available, at this level, it is difficult to break through the first layer in a few months.

Ascended Seventh Sky Layer, seven times transmutation, To surpassed by the limit of ordinary souls, it is more difficult than once.

It is Zhao Feng, who previously only had the Fourth Sky Layer cultivation base, and the improvement was faster.

Not long after he left the border, there was a constant stream of visitors.

Lin Fan arrived first, followed by Yun Xiangmeng, Xiao Yun, Xu Zhi, Liu Yue’er, including some Core Disciple, all coming from the wind.

“Congratulations to Brother Brother Zhao, Divine Art great accomplishment for cultivating Wind Thunder Palm to the highest Realm.”

Quan Chen said without smiling.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar on the field.

Most people congratulate Zhao Feng for being promoted, but he mentions “Wind Thunder Palm”, which is obviously tentative.

“It’s nothing short of” Wind Thunder Palm “, and I will even consider changing to a higher level cultivation technique in the near future.”

Zhao Feng is ambiguous.

His tone was seemingly arrogant and confusing.

Zhao Feng did not succeed in the end, he said, what does it mean to change the cultivation technique?

“Why did Zhao Feng change the cultivation technique? Don’t tell me, he successfully broke through the Wind Thunder Palm sixth layer, but because of the danger of the cultivation technique, he could not easily use it, and there are some restrictions.

Quan Chen’s eyes are flickering.

His idea is quite reasonable.

According to records, “Wind Thunder Palm” cultivate to the highest Realm, is likely to be hacked to death.

Zhao Feng is not dead now, and also said that he would like to change to a higher cultivation technique, and he must have some jealousy.

After a while.

Yang Gan, Ran Xiaoyuan, and Senior Sister Yuan arrived.

It turned out that the Sect Master and several Elders were all looking for Zhao Feng and simply met in the Central Hall.

“it is good.”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded and went to the Central Hall with some Core Disciple.

Central Hall.

Sect Master, Grand Elder, and Spirtual Master Yun Hai, all three were present.

Broken Moon Sect Master had a smile on his face.

Grand Elder expressionless, but there are faint expectations in his eyes.

Spirtual Master Yun Hai gaze as if a torch, staring at Zhao Feng.

Soon, the three explained their intentions.

Nothing more than two points.

First, the question about Zhao Feng cultivate “Wind Thunder Palm”.

Second, sect needs Zhao Feng gets rid to perform the Spiritual Secret Technique, so that several Core Disciple can experience it for themselves.

Regarding the second point, Zhao Feng agreed.

“How many people are participating in the Alliance Grand Meeting this time?”

Zhao Feng asked.


Broken Moon Sect Master replied.

Zhao Feng thought that the number was quite large, more than expected.

Grand Elder explained: “According to the rules, there are three fixed places for each alliance sect. The remaining places need to pay a large amount of Primal Crystal Stone. After all, Alliance Grand Meeting also has rewards, which requires Thirteen Sects to contribute money.”

Zhao Feng can’t help

Alliance Grand Meeting, is a big stage, it is an opportunity to sharpen and improve for the Direct Disciple elite.

Therefore, even if a place needs a huge price, Thirteen Sects will spare no expense.

Broken Moon Sect’s top ten Core Disciple, all participating in the event, can be described as a major bleeding.

However, in Thirteen Sects, the top few Great Sects may have more places. After all, these Sects have more financial capital.

Broken Moon Sect Master includes said with a smile: “Ancient Hidden Palace follows the elite route. Basically, every disciple can raids the top XNUMX. Therefore, My Sect’s disciple needs the raids top XNUMX, and it cannot be avoided. fight with. “

She also requested that when Zhao Feng exhibited the Spiritual Secret Technique, he could not cause damage to these Core Disciple, let alone leave a shadow or something.

The strength of Zhao Feng Spiritual Secret Technique, on the Small Assembly of 3 Sects, is obvious to all, strong as Ascended Fifth Sky Layer, can not resist.

“No problem, depending on your individual Will situation, you can increase your resistance by about 10% to 100%.”

Zhao Feng nodded agreed.

This is the time for success, and Sect will definitely reward him, including contribution points, Primal Crystal Stone, and other benefits.

The higher Zhao Feng’s status in the sect, the stronger the protection he received, and together with Lord Guangjun and Zhao Clan, they will all shine with it.

Spirtual Master Yun Hai complexion was slightly ugly and was soon replaced by a bright smile.

“Martial Nephew Zhao, how is your” Wind Thunder Palm “cultivate? It is rumored that this cultivation technique can reach the highest Realm and can kill True Spirit Realm. Even True Spirit Realm must avoid three points. . “

Spirtual Master Yun Hai finally raised his concerns.

The presence of the following True Spirit Realm was shocked: “This” Wind Thunder Palm “is too terrifying.”

In the presence of Core Disciple, he looked at the “Crazy Zhao” with dread.

Crazy Zhao is a nickname given to Zhao Feng by members of the Broken Moon Sect. One is that he has a “peak” in his name. On the other hand, he cultivates “Wind Thunder Palm”, arrogantly overbearing, and few people in the sect Dare to provoke him.

“Don’t tell me he really cultivates Wind Thunder Palm to the highest Realm.”

Everyone was scared.

Even Sect Master Elder is concerned about this issue.

“Disciple does indeed cultivate to the highest Realm.”

Zhao Feng replied.

With this remark, everyone in the great hall was shocked.

Quan Chen, Bei Mo and the others, as if being hit hard.

“Feng’er, are you unwell, are you in danger?”

Grand Elder asked.

Zhao Feng explained: “This cultivation technique has been perfected to minimize the danger. But its power is equivalent to the general High-Rank Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique, and the cultivate is to the Perfect Realm.”

A Peak-Rank Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique, if it is cultivate to Perfect Realm, the power is also terrifying, not to mention it is related to lightning.

“In that case,” Wind Thunder Palm “highest Realm, Ninth Heaven thunderclap, is it true?”

Spirtual Master Yun Hai stared at him.

According to Zhao Feng’s description, although “Wind Thunder Palm” is terrifying, it is not too abnormal.


Zhao Feng is concise.

it is true.

Everyone present, sucked in a breath of cold air. Even Sect Master and Elder were moved.

“Of course, any strength beyond its own Realm is too costly and restrictive.”

Zhao Feng continued.

Limitations and costs?

Elder Yun Hai hearing this, secretly said in one’s heart, sure enough.

“To trigger Thunderclap, you need to be in Yun Yun Tian or thunderstorm. Under Wu Yun Tian, ​​there is a 50% probability to trigger Thunderclap. In thunderstorm weather, there is a XNUMX% probability to trigger Thunderclap. This is a conditional limitation.”

Paused, Zhao Feng continued: “Once thunderclap is triggered, To surpassed itself will be launched more than ten times, or even more terrifying power, killing True Spirit Realm. How to survive, True Spirit Realm may face serious damage if confronted. Of course, the price is that I also have a 50% probability of being killed by thunderclap. The greater the power of thunderclap, the greater the probability of being killed by myself. “

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