King of Gods

Chapter 207

This is the first time Zhao Feng has applied Spiritual Secret Technique, and he has just stepped into the door of this road, and everything is smoother than expected.

Grand Elder and Li Fuluan are right. Zhao Feng’s true innate talent potential is the Spiritual Domain.

For two or three days, I stepped into the door of the Spiritual Secret Technique, and even got to know the basic know-how and secrets of Mind Control **. If the Dooren are still alive, they can take a piece of tofu and run to death; if the mysterious skeleton knows this, I am afraid that they will not evacuate so quickly, no matter how much it costs, they will also have to win Zhao Feng.

At the moment, among the trees.

Zhao Feng and white eyebrowed old man, one question and one answer.

“Why are you betraying Broken Moon Sect?”

“The little ones were forced by them and were forced to do so.”

white eyebrowed old man with awe and panic.

Zhao Feng frowned, the actual situation is not as simple as that. The white eyebrowed old man is not only threatened, but also the soul. He is extremely awed and surrendered to the existence of Ancient Shrine.

The mysterious Spiritual Secret Technique in “Mind Control **” can affect or even manipulate the human mind.

Zhao Feng’s practice of this Taoism is not deep, and his accomplishments are not as good as those of others.

“What is the origin of this power? What is the connection between Ancient Hidden Palace and Scarlet Moon Religion?”

“The villains are just doing things for them, but they don’t know where they came from, let alone the existence of Scarlet Moon Religion …”

white eyebrowed old man is slightly confused.

Zhao Feng was unexpected, and the white eyebrowed old man seems to be just a perimeter errand. Without enters into the core circle, his understanding of the inside story is not as good as himself.

After some inquiries, it confirmed that Zhao Feng’s conjecture explored the full-text reading of Xuling Modern.

The white eyebrowed old man is just a peripheral member, infiltrated and controlled by the forces of Scarlet Moon Religion, even just a bait, a pawn.

It is understood that the forces of Scarlet Moon Religion have penetrated into the forces of Thirteen Sects Alliance, but most of them are limited to the periphery.

Half a day later.

Guangling Mansion, in a study.

“I didn’t expect that in just six months, you became Core Disciple and worshipped under Grand Elder.”

Lord Guangjun’s face was filled with emotion, and his eyes were surprised and unexpected.

The moment Zhao Feng was sent to Sky Moon Mountain, he never expected that there would be such a good prospect.

At that time, Lord Guangjun believed that Zhao Feng’s success rate was no more than 50%, but this was no small hope.

After half a year, Zhao Feng became Core Disciple and will also participate in the Small Assembly of 3 Sects, becoming a generation Chosen in sect.

In the study, except for Zhao Feng, a white eyebrows stood aside, sincerely fearful.

Zhao Feng briefly talked about the mission.

Lord Guangjun was shocked after listening, not only because of Zhao Feng’s strength, but also because of Scarlet Moon Religion’s extension.

“I didn’t expect the character of Scarlet Moon Religion Branch Lord Level to appear in Hunan Cloud Country.”

Lord Guangjun frowned.

So far, Zhao Feng does not know the true identity of the skeleton in Ancient Shrine. His left eye, after all, only brings vision and cannot hear the content of the dialogue.

He speculated that with Blood Corpse Branch’s awe of the mysterious skeleton, the latter might be a Branch Lord Level character.

The Scarlet Moon Religion in the past was powerful, with a total of XNUMX rudders, distributed in various various lands. Any rudder can dominate one side, enough to shake the Thirteen Sects alliance.

Therefore, it is difficult for Zhao Feng to think of a higher Hall Master level.

“Master, what kind of Sect is Ancient Hidden Palace?”

Zhao Feng suddenly curiously asked.

Lord Guangjun expression grave, replied: “Ancient Hidden Palace is ranked second in the Thierteen Sects alliance and is the most mysterious Sect in the Thirteen Sects. The head quarters of this Sect are somewhere deep in the Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest. So far, there is almost no outside world People know the exact location of the Ancient Hidden Palace Headquarters. “

“So mysterious”

Zhao Feng can not help speechless.

A Sect can be concealed to this extent, and the Headquarters are deep in the Tranverse Cloud Sky Forest, which is really not easy.

“Ancient Hidden Palace is good at Spiritual Secret Technique. Although it is the Sect of the unorthodox way, it is extremely demanding in terms of discrete inheritance. Each generation only collects a few disciples. The total number of members of Ancient Hidden Palace is estimated to be no more than one hundred, or even more. less……”

Lord Guangjun explained.

Zhao Feng can not help If you are thinking, the rareness of spiritual innate talent is no less than top grade Spirit Physique like Bei Mo. The threshold for entering this channel is too high. It is doomed to have few members and thin inheritance. route.

“But don’t underestimate ‘Ancient Hidden Palace. Although this sect has very few members, the comprehensive strength can rank second among Thirteen Sects, which is obvious. On that day, the mysterious fighting man controlled the Army of Deadly Beast, attack Guangling City, He is part of the Ancient Hidden Palace. “

Lord Guangjun added that there was a grave in speech, and obviously he was extremely afraid of this case.

Zhao Feng laughed about Dou Ren, without mentioning the full text of the last fox essence.

If you let Lord Guangjun know that the terrifying fighting person, the alert will be dropped by himself, I don’t know how it will feel.

But the mysterious nature of Ancient Hidden Palace gave Zhao Feng some inexplicable conjecture.

He always felt that there was a special relationship between Ancient Hidden Palace and Scarlet Moon Religion.

It stands to reason that such a powerful mysterious Sect is also good at spiritual control and cannot be easily controlled by infiltration. If not, the Thirteen Sects Alliance may be overwhelmed by the army, and infiltrated by Scarlet Moon Religion.

On the difficulty of penetration, Ancient Hidden Palace should be the most difficult one.

Of course, these are just Zhao Feng’s guesses and analysis. Without evidence and facts, it cannot be concluded.

If he is good at making rumors, the terrifying strength of Ancient Hidden Palace ranked second is enough to bring threats and pressure to Broken Moon Sect.

“Master, the Small Assembly of 3 Sects is approaching deadline, disciple can’t stay longer, just leave.”

Zhao Feng has no plans to stay in Guangling Mansion.

Small Assembly of 3 Sects is a top priority, even if he is not in a hurry, Grand Elder will urge.

“Good Small Assembly of 3 Sects! Your teacher totally underestimated your strength.”

Lord Guangjun couldn’t hide his excitement in his expression.

Small Assembly of 3 Sects, for him as Outer Disciple, were all rumors.

“Feng’er, if you can participate in ‘Small Assembly of 3 Sects, then you can participate in’ Alliance Grand Meeting on behalf of Broken Moon Sect, and there is no major problem. As far as the teacher knows, Small Assembly of 3 Sects is just a neighbor. The private contest between the three sects. The Alliance Grand Meeting is the real stage in the sect world, and it belongs to the best genius contest. Even Bei Mo is not a top innate talent at such a grand event. “

Lord Guangjun had hope on his face.

Small Assembly of 3 Sects, Alliance Grand Meeting, were the stage and heaven and earth he longed for. Unfortunately, none of these wishes has been fulfilled due to the potential of natural talent.

“Master rest assured that discipline will regain all glory.”

Zhao Feng solemnly left a sentence and went away.

With him, there were white eyebrows, like servants.

Lord Guangjun turned his eyes, and suddenly found an extra package on the table, opened it, and saw a few bottles of Spirit Pill, several cultivation techniques above Low-Rank Mortal Grade, and even two middle grade Divine Weapon.

Seeing these, Lord Guangjun’s eyes were ruddy, I wonder if it was comforting or moved.

That night.

“There is a mysterious person in the newspaper. Under the steps, leave a thing and leave a message on it.

A Guangjun Guards bowed and handed a tin box.

Lord Guangjun opened it and took a look. It also contained some Spirit Pill and cultivation techniques. Although the quantity value was not as good as Zhao Feng, it was also quite intentional.

Under the iron box, leave a note: “someday, replace the Master, take the Spirtual Master Yun Hai item on the person’s head.”

Drop: Bei Mo.

Lord Guangjun drew a breath of air, and immediately the expression suddenly changed, and the True Strength on his palm trembled, and the note instantly turned into powder.

“Feng’er …… Mo’er …… can accept you two as apprentices, die for your teacher without regret, without regret Yun Hai, let your mechanism plot against, the scenery is beautiful, but it is not as good as mine. Lost completely lost “

Lord Guangjun was full of tears and ecstatic, almost crazy. I had a date with Wolf King to read the full story.

Broken Moon Sect.

Small Assembly of 3 Sects, with the last three days left.

On this day, Zhao Feng returned as scheduled and handed the task to Vice Hall-Master Li, which also included the betrayed white eyebrows.

“In the past six months, Thirteen Sects various lands have been reported to have been infiltrated by Scarlet Moon Religion. But in the past century, Scarlet Moon Religion has tried several times to try to make a comeback, all strangled by the North Continent’s big Sect. We small sects, we just need to strictly guard the sect Internal members … “

Vice Hall-Master Li was not particularly surprised by the outcome of the mission.

Zhao Feng was somewhat unexpected. The character who appeared this time may be Branch Lord Level.

“You said it, it’s just possible. I will play sect in this matter, but I’m sure that because of your appearance, Scarlet Moon Religion’s secret stronghold must have moved.”

Vice Hall-Master Li, with a firm face.

Zhao Feng and Vice Hall-Master Li, I don’t know yet, the mysterious skeleton is not the possible Branch Lord Level, but the higher Hall Master level.

According to legend, Scarlet Moon Devil Religion has 12 Halls and XNUMX Branches.

Reaching the Hall Master level, it is definitely the high-level giant of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, which is enough to set off a tide in North Continent and destroy a small Sect, like a child’s play.

Fortunately, the place of Thirteen Sects, not at all is put in the eyes of the other party, this is just a fringe area that has nothing to do with.

Zhao Feng thought to you, none of you middle and high-level Sects care about me, I’m a little disciple, worried about the use of farts.

But he still told the matter to Grand Elder.

“You mean … an Elder of Silver Moon Sect could be infiltrated by Scarlet Moon Religion?”

Grand Elder hearing this, just doubtful, if there is such terrifying existence, Zhao Feng cannot retreat from the whole body.

The day.

Broken Moon Sect sent two Elders and Ruo Yu to their bones, and went to search.

As a result, the Ancient Shrine is in ruins.

This matter, nothing will be left.

Broken Moon Sect’s current focus is the Small Assembly of 3 Sects. At that time, among the senior Sects, there will naturally be discussions on various issues, including threats from foreign enemies such as Scarlet Moon Religion.

Zhao Feng is relaxed, no matter how chaotic the sect world is, striving to improve strength is the foundation of everything.


Three days have passed.

Zhao Feng has made new progress together with Spiritual Secret Technique.

At this moment, he was controlling a bird and flying in the mountains. With the help of the left eye, far away, Zhao Feng can still control the birds.

As the bird approaches the Floating Crest Palace, it is turned into ashes by Lightning Glow.

Zhao Feng was shocked. There was a feeling of being touched by electricity, but a glimmer of Clear Comprehension flashed in his eyes. His personal experience made him feel closer to the reality of “Profound Truth of Lightning”.

He spread his hands, and the detailed Lightning Marks appeared in the palm of his hand. The sound of “” came, and his fingertips moved the light green lighting arc.

Since then, Profound Truth of Lightning First Layer has been completely introduced and has achieved a degree of understanding of XNUMX%.

“Junior Brother Zhao, Master summoned. Small Assembly of 3 Sects, set off today.”

Outside the courtyard, Yang Gan’s voice came.

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