King of Gods

Chapter 182

Floating Crest Palace, step entrance.

Five Grand Elder (Sect Master), sit to place, sit silent for a long time.

In a flash, Floating Crest Trial, eighteen days passed.

Since the eighth day, no one has been out of Trial.

“Eighteen days, it should be arrived the final sprint.”

Grand Elder spoke slowly.

Five True Spirit Realm expert with grave on his face.

Grandma Liu Yue and Broken Moon Sect Master have worries in their eyes.

According to past experience, even if the performance is good, at this stage, at least half of the people are out, and more often, only two or three people are left.

In this session, seven disciples remained, and none were out.

“There must be some factors that have greatly affected Trial. Maybe the best result, maybe the worst result.”

Spirtual Master Yun Hai is not surprised.

“As long as the Floating Crest Palace is not closed, there are still survivors in it.”

Elder Xue lightly sighed.

His disciple Kong Yuanhao, Already was kicked out, and there was nothing to expect from Trial.

The only thing that made him miss it was Zhao Feng, the culprit who made himself disciple out.

At this moment.


At the entrance, cyan light gate flashes.

Five True Spirit Realm experts, eyes shined, showing surprise.

Someone finally came out!

A cold shivering silhouette appeared in the field of vision.


Spirtual Master Yun Hai I don’t know if I’m surprised or happy.

The person who is out now is his discipline, Quan Chen.

Quan Chen had no scars on her body, but a non-stop chill, and the body exuded a chill.


Quan Chen burst into tears and slammed his cold body to the ground.

“let me do it.”

Grandma Liu Yue One-handed strokes, a soft and gentle jade green True Strength, integrated into Quan Chen within the body.

After a while, the Cold Strength of Quan Chen within the body was resolved.

“So pure Cold Strength, there seems to be an aura of Ancient Bloodline. Fortunately, this strength is very weak …”

Grandma Liu Yue was surprised.

“Chen’er, what do you encounter when you arrived and landed in such a field?”

Spirtual Master Yun Hai asked.

Quan Chen saw resentment in his eyes, gnashing teeth: “It’s Zhao Feng!”

Zhao Feng?

A few Elders at the scene, look at each other in shock, why are they related to Zhao Feng again?

“Disciple managed to overcome the core of an old castle. Then Zhao Feng inserted it halfway, and Disciple had to join forces with him. Unexpectedly, this guy, extremely shameless, stabbed me at the back!”

Quan Chen both eyes almost spit fire, and that hateful look seemed to tear Zhao Feng apart.

This is Zhao Feng again!

Several Elders were furious.

“This Zhao Feng … how many people do you want to kill before you are willing?”

Elder Xue was furious, powerful True Spirit coercion, pervaded all around, making Quan Chen startled and wondering: “don’t tell me this Zhao Feng, but also provoke others.”

Several Elders, including the Sect Master, were very angry.

In sect, who ever had such a scum.

Only Grand Elder, browse slightly wrinkle, expression quite calm: “These grievances will be investigated after Trial is over. It is imperative to find out the situation in Trial first.”

Sect Master and the others, all eyes turned to Quan Chen.

Now, everyone is eager to know the situation of others in the Floating Crest Trial.

Quan Chen immediately told the story of Trial.

Of course, he described some performances about Zhao Feng’s, and described them extremely badly. For example, the snake venom in same sect, Zhao Feng couldn’t help but ridicule. For another example, this shameless apprentice grabbed his Scarlet Bood Fruit …

Every time Quan Chen mentioned Zhao Feng’s bad behavior, several Elders in the presence frowned.

For Chen Feng’s credit, Quan Chen said nothing.

“It’s incredible that all of you seven can pass the second pass.”

Five True Spirit experts, slightly heave a sigh of relief.

Determine the seven Trial disciples, all enter into the third level, and the Elders are all very surprised.

As for why you can safely pass the second pass, Quan Chen’s explanation is “unity.”

“According to your description, the second pass is extremely thrilling. Even if you are united, it is very difficult for you to survive without injuries and exits. You have to clear all customs, and there must be other reasons.”

Grand Elder’s eyes flickering, grabbing a key point.

Several Grand Elders are nodded slightly. For Floating Crest Trial, they know better than these disciples.

“Maybe there is another reason, Zhao Feng’s shameless, I don’t know what dog shit was, and realized a kind of” spiritual sound wave “, which can restrain the demon bats from being expelled …

Quan Chen supported each other, the language is unknown.

spiritual sonic?

Grand Elder eyes flashed a bright glint, facing a glance with Sect Master.

Based on their experience in life and hotness, how can they not see the one-sidedness in Quan Chen’s statement.

“By the way Chen’er, what did you gain in Trial, and what was your final reward?”

Spirtual Master Yun Hai smiled and changed the subject.

Several Elder hearing this showed interest.

After all, Quan Chen is the one who broke through the third level, and there should always be opportunities.

“Disciple’s Trial score is one hundred and fifty Trial Points, and finally redeemed a High-Rank Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique. In addition, I also got some heaven and earth Precious Materials and a few Divine Weapon Items …”

Quan Chen presented his gains.

High-Rank Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique is the final redemption.

Other gains, heaven and earth Spiritual Item, Divine Weapon, Item, are all good.

Of course, he did not get a Divine Weapon item above Mortal Rank high grade, a valuable heaven and earth Spiritual Item, and he could take a few.

“One hundred and fifty Trial Points, this grade is good. To get a High-Rank Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique, your contribution to sect is not small.”

Quan Chen praised.

High-Rank Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique, there is not much in the entire sect.

Many High-Rank Mortal Grade cultivation techniques, the strength background of sect is also added.

“One hundred and fifty Trial Points, in previous Trial, the results are all upper and middle.”

Grand Elder smiled nodded.

For the remaining disciplines in Trial, Elder is full of expectations.

A total of seven people persisted to the late stage. This is the first time in the past hundred years.

Quan Chen can have such a harvest, the remaining Trial disciple, harvest opportunities, I’m afraid it will be bigger …

“Trial already has been eighteen days. In the last ten Floating Crest Trial, it seems that only Junior Brother Yun Hai can persist for more than a month.”

Grandma Liu Yue smiled, with red light on her face.

Spirtual Master Yun Hai, breaking the record of Floating Crest Trial for nearly XNUMX years.

In the last ten years of Trial, only he can persist for more than a month.

This is an excellent result.

However, the momentum of this session, beyond imagination, may have a chance to break the record of Spirit Master Yun Hai.


Several Elder, expressions are excited and urgent.

What is the highest score this time? Can it break the record of Spirit Master Yun Hai?

Expectant, including the Spirtual Master Yun Hai, secretly thought: “Bei Mo, don’t let me down …”


Floating Crest Trial, Sky Boundary Island.

In the blink of an eye, the day passed.

Zhao Feng figure is steady, flying across the iceberg.

He played at about half the speed and easily threw the Black Iron Monster far away.

“The speed of this huge monster is getting faster and faster.”

Zhao Feng figure paused, there was some stress.

According to his estimation, by the fifth day of pursuit, the speed of Black Iron Monster can be upgraded to the level of Ascended Fourth Layer.

Once the speed reaches the Ascended Fourth Layer level, even the strongest Yang Gan in Trial is nine deaths and still alive.

Because Black Iron Monster reaches True Spirit Realm, the pulse is long and there will be no exhaustion or need to rest.

And Trial disciple, they all need to rest and supplement Origin Energy.

In other words, the speed of Black Iron Monster reaching Ascended Fourth Layer will be a huge watershed.

What’s more, there are several people in Trial disciple whose cultivation base did not reach the Ascended Fourth Layer and did not adhere to the fifth day at all.

The first day … the second day … the third day …

The Trial disciple on Sky Boundary Island is under increasing pressure.

Black Iron Monster, tirelessly, no need to recover, speed steadily increased.

By the third day, Liu Yue’er and Lin Fan were struggling.

The cultivation base of these two people is at the Ascended Third Layer level. The speed of Black Iron Monster is almost not slower.

As for the others, Bei Mo and Ran Xiaoyuan have both been promoted to Ascended Fourth Layer.

The strongest Yang Gan, half foot into the Ascended Sixth Sky Layer.

The Trial’s unexpected results have also squeezed the potential of many Trial Persons.

“Go on this trend. By the seventh day, Black Iron Monster can catch up with me.”

Zhao Feng brows tightly frowns.

He realized that passive escape would make it difficult to escape Pursuit.

Secretly, he had a different idea.

Rather than being pursuit, why not take the initiative and destroy the enemy.

For ordinary people, facing the Pursuit of True Spirit Realm, there is only one option to escape.

Because face True True Realm, dead end one.

But running away is ultimately passive. Besides, the speed of Black Iron Monster will be faster and faster, sooner or later will face it.

“Kill Black Iron Monster!”

Zhao Feng’s heart breeded a terrifying idea.

Instead of passively escaping, it is better to kill the crisis with one hand.

hu hu ~

Just then, the huge shadow of the Dark Iron Monster flickered its wings and approached from a distance.

I’m afraid the coercion of aura makes Zhao Feng almost unable to breathe.

Zhao Feng secretly thought: “There are some extremely dangerous existences in this Sky Boundary Island. Even True Spirit Realm, if you are not careful, you may end with hate.”

Thinking of this, he suddenly changed direction.

Destination: Dragon Snake Glacier!

Zhao Feng’s speed increased greatly, and even secretly urged “Shadow Cloak” to run towards Icy Pond, where the former “Blue Crystal Tears” was.

His Shadow Cloak, although invisible, is obviously impossible to conceal the existence of True Spirit Realm.

What’s more, he had the Floating Crest Command within the body, locked by the Black Iron Monster, and he couldn’t escape even faster.

After two hours.

A small pool of chills appeared in front of him.

The water in the pond, moving the strange blue, all around is a world of ice and snow.

Zhao Feng came near Icy Pond, with a terrible chill, he wanted to condense his vitality.

He urged bloodline strength, took out Luo T bow, only felt the chill sharply reduced by half.

Part of the chill was resisted by bloodline strength, and the other was absorbed by Luo T bow, the blue mark of on bow, such as the blooming ice lotus, now glowing slightly blue.

Zhao Feng stood near Icy Pond, waiting quietly.

He took a deep breath and looked at a glance Icy Pond.

Only he knew that there was a taboo in Icy Pond. The previous one was unintentionally touched, and the entire Sky Boundary Island became a world of ice and snow. What a strength.

In the distance, the terrifying aura from the Black Iron Monster is getting closer.

Coming, coming …

Black Iron Monster, howling room, enters into the field of vision.

Zhao Feng’s green hair fluttered in a world of ice and snow, and the Shadow Cloak behind him agitated with the wind, emitting simple and unadorned mysterious aura …

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