King of Gods

Chapter 1390

Giant God Clan and the others want to enter into the castle.

Of course, everything is unknown and dangerous.

But if Ancient Soul Palace is more powerful, the most disadvantageous thing is Giant God Clan, and they can’t leave this space at this moment, it is better to let go.

Zhao Feng’s is strong and deeply rooted in their hearts. If Zhao Feng is willing to go with them, their ability to protect themselves is even greater.


Subsequently, the entire group approached the castle and rushed directly into the gap.

After a period of time and space confusion, everyone felt that the time and space of the whole body was suppressed, more powerful and the figure sank.

Heaven and earth is vast, strange rocks are everywhere, and the occasional visible vegetation has already dried up.

“So desolate, but exuding such a powerful Power of Time!”

Xin Wuhen’s eyes were dimmed.

When the crowds entered this place, the repression suddenly came, extremely powerful, like Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Po Yue, as if they were trapped in a quagmire, and they struggled.


Zhao Feng running Primordial Divine Power in turbid dark silver, it felt much easier at once.

At the same time, the invisible time strength between heaven and earth is absorbed by the Primordial Divine Power, which increases its own power.

“What the hell is this? The suppression is so great!”

The Ancient God Po Yue complexion was red, and the Immediately operated Giant God Clan Bloodline, only to feel slightly better.

“Ancient God Cheng Yun should be right ahead!”

Xin Wuhen said directly after he inducted through the command token.

Ancient God Cheng Yun and Ancestral Item fragments are together, while Ancient Soul Palace and the others go to chase Ancestral Item fragments.

Then, the entire group acted carefully.

First, the time and space of this place is extremely suppressed, that is, the strength of the crowd is reduced.

Also, beware of those from Ancient Soul Palace and Ancestral Item fragments.

The complete period of Ancestral Item fragments is the time type Ancestral Item, which should not be affected here, but Yu Heng, who urged Immemorial Race strength, was even more overbearing, ignoring everything.

The Profound Truth of Space-Time suppression here is very huge, and everyone is moving forward very slowly.

It would be feasible to resist this pressure, but it would consume too much.

One day later.


Zhao Feng suddenly said.

In this Space, the oppression of the crowd has never been stronger.

The suppression of his God Eye sight was relatively small.

“what’s the situation?”

The crowd stopped immediately, Zhao Feng Eye Bloodline was amazing, they knew it well.

“Ahead, the group of Ancient Soul Palace!”

Zhao Feng whispered.

The rest of the complexion changed suddenly.

Ancient Soul Palace and Giant God Clan are still enemies, but the appearance of Ancestral Item fragments allows them to temporarily shift their targets.

If at this moment they take the initiative to approach Ancient Soul Palace and the others, they will definitely be attacked by each other.

“They stopped!”

Zhao Feng said again.

“What is this?”

Giant God Clan and the others can’t figure it out.

It stands to reason that with the strength of Ancient Soul Palace and the others plus Yu Heng, there should be no fear of Ancestral Item fragments, but the other party stopped temporarily.


“Kill it directly and take Ancestral Item fragments!”

Ancient God Yu Hai immediately said.

“Not urgent!”

Yu Heng complexion is dull, staring into the distance.

I saw, in the center of an open rocky field, a towering ancient tree with an incomparable gigantic standing in gray, exuding a vicissitudes of ancient aura, as if the center of this space, affected heaven and earth time strength.

But there was no leaf on the towering ancient tree. Some parts of the already were rotten, and the stump fell to the ground.

Under the tree, Ancient God Cheng Yun sits cross-legged, while Ancestral Item fragments float aside.

The three major Half-Step God Lords, revealing suspicion.

“What kind of tree is that?”

Ancient God Han Yu asked.

Even if Ancestral Item fragments and Ancient God Cheng Yun team up, it is far from their opponent.

But at the moment Yu Heng didn’t choose to attack, it may be because of the gray ancient tree.

That ancient tree seems to wither, but some time between heaven and earth seems to be centered on the gray ancient tree, so it is definitely not an ordinary tree.

“The reason why Ancestral Item fragments are here is because of the ‘Tree of Time’, the core of the entire Space!”

Yu Heng smiled indifferently.

“Tree of Time? Core?”

The Ancient Soul Palace three faced with doubt.

“Unfortunately, the ‘Tree of Time’ is about to wither, otherwise we will control the Tree of Time and we will be equivalent to control the entire Space!”

Yu Heng sighed.

Controlling the entire Space will not be suppressed here, and even strength can increase.

By then, all Precious Materials here will not be left to pick.

But unfortunately, Tree of Time seems to be exhausted.

“Stay here for a while and adjust the status to Peak!”

After Yu Heng finished speaking, the figure disappeared, enters into the separate cultivate Space.

“There seem to be unknown variables there!”

Yu Heng whispering.

Perhaps because Tree of Time and Ancestral Item fragments are too high, his guessing is more difficult.

Just in case, stay for a while.

Moreover, the strength of the Immemorial Race has strong side effects after each use, and it takes time to adjust.


the other side.

“We’ll bypass them first and see what’s going on!”

Zhao Feng said directly.

Then, the entire group bypassed from the side and moved in another direction.

Before long, Zhao Feng complexion was startled and stopped.


Zhao Feng presented the picture he saw.

“Ancient God Cheng Yun and Ancestral Item fragments are all there!”

Ancient God Hua Cai’s eyes flickered slightly.

Xin Wuhen’s eyes were fixed on the gray ancient tree.

“This ancient tree should be the core of this Space!”

For a moment of contemplation, Xin Wuhen opened the mouth and said.


The rest of the complexion was startled.

They can only see that the ancient tree is very out of the ordinary, but only Xin Wuhen can judge the specific role of the gray ancient tree.

“Unfortunately, it will soon wither, otherwise we might be able to deal with Ancient Soul Palace if we control it!”

Ancient God Hua Cai said regretfully.

“At least Ancient Soul Palace, you can’t control the core!”

Xin Wuhen said, this is good news.

The Tree of Time is the core of the entire Space. It is extremely advanced. Ordinary methods cannot restore it at all.

“They didn’t act, and we didn’t move!”

Zhao Feng directly enters into the Space-Time Robe.

Now that the situation is urgent, he must hurry up every bit of time to improve his strength.

Shua! Shua!

Closing Eye, Zhao Feng appeared a few times of Precious Materials in front of them. These times, Precious Materials, were scavenged near the ruined castle, with high quality.

His mind is divided into two, one part absorbs the time essence in Precious Materials, and the other part runs the Primordial Divine Power to directly absorb the time strength.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also lifted the space isolation of Space-Time Robe, so that the external time strength can be extended to allow Primordial Divine Power to absorb more time strength.

Within Space-Time Robe, in less than five days, Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time successfully broke through to the seventh layer.

“Profound Truth of Time reaches 7th Layer, and the power of Primordial Divine Power has increased a lot!”

Zhao Feng was faintly surprised.

Although he previously reached the Sixth-Rank Peak in Profound Truth of Time, he recently soared too fast. He did not have much time to become skilled and consolidate, and it is not easy to improve.

But within five days, it broke through.

The reason may be that the situation is critical and has greatly inspired Zhao Feng’s potential.

Moreover, the time suppression of this Space is more powerful, and the strength is more essential, which is absorbed by Zhao Feng’s Primordial Divine Power.

Although the Profound Truth of Time breakthrough reaches the 7th Layer, the Primordial Divine Power has increased its power, and it is more resistant to suppression.

Facing Ancient Soul Palace and the others, it still doesn’t help much.

Therefore, Zhao Feng did not stop and continued to consolidate other Profound Truth strengths.

Today, his Space Profound Truth reaches 8th Layer, Profound Truth of Time reaches 7th Layer, and some other Profound Truth, many of them stay at 6th Layer Peak.

唰 Shua!

Zhao Feng took out a few Profound Truth cultivate Precious Materials.

Although most of the Space’s Precious Materials are Profound Truth of Time cultivate, other Profound Truth’s cultivate Precious Materials are not without.

In less than ten days, Zhao Feng upgraded Five Elements, Profound Truth of Wind and Thunder to 7th Layer Realm.

In this way, his heritage will be stronger.

Zhao Feng’s awareness, sinking into the God Platform at dantian.

Hu hu!

The prototype of the ninth God Platform surrounds the last medicine efficacy of Nine Lotus Jade Brithing Flower.

Zhao Feng instantly lifted the restrictions and absorbed its medicine efficacy.

At the same time, Zhao Feng began to shape the ninth God Platform.


Although Giant God Clan and the others are also cultivate, Zhao Feng’s aura condensing the God Platform is relatively large, and they are aware of it.

Not long after, Xin Wuhen cultivated a sudden bloodline surge.

At this critical moment, Xin Wuhen is also maximizing his strength.


the other side.


Yu Heng indifferently said.


There were a few ripples in the void, and then the Three Half-Step God Lord of Ancient Soul Palace burst out.

“Well, the injury is already healed!”

Ancient God Yu Hai immediately said.

Among the three, his injuries were more serious.

In order to be able to repair the injury in a short time, he even used a few precious Rare Treasures that he had obtained before.

“Set off, the goal is ‘Ancestral Item fragments’ and ‘Tree of Time’!”

Yu Heng smiled indifferently.

The Ancient Soul Palace was a little surprised, and anyone of the Tree of Time could see that it was about to wither.

It is extremely difficult to revive it. Even God Lord, I am afraid.

But Yu Heng made it a goal.

Sou! sou! sou!

Ancient Soul Palace entire group, directly approaching Tree of Time.

When approaching here, they were suppressed by the time and doubled.

Under the Tree of Time, Ancient God Cheng Yun opened his eyes, and Ancestral Item fragments also emitted waves of time.

“obediently surrender!”

Yu Heng stands proud and shouted directly.

Everyone at Ancient Soul Palace smiled.

After getting the Ancestral Item fragments, this is all over, and the Ancient God Seal is also very easy.

It is at this time.

“You have such a courage to break into my clan!”

Inside the Tree of Time, a powerful vicissitudes sounded.

The sound was continuous, echoing heaven and earth, giving people a sense of confusion in space and time.


A strong Bloodline aura, permeated with the invisible time strength.

Ancient Soul Palace and the others within the body Bloodline shuddered, and their body was constantly distorted by the powerful time strength.

“There are people!”

Ancient God Han Yu’s eyes were dimmer, staring at the Tree of Time.

“very powerful!”

Ancient God Yu Hai is wary.

The opponent’s aura is very powerful, and the Bloodline aura is far better than the Ancient Soul Clan, at least the Immemorial top ten.

Yu Heng complexion changed slightly, with a big wave of his hand, cast a layer of mysterious light shield to resist the invisible strength.


There is a ripple on the trunk of Tree of Time.

A silhouette of an old man slowly emerged from it.

His body is very wonderful. It is composed of flowing crystal white Void Light, and the moment it appears, it affects the infinite Power of Time between heaven and earth, putting tremendous pressure on Ancient Soul Palace and the others.

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