King of Gods

Chapter 1388

Qianchuan ice fields.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

> The three major Half-Step God Lords, complexion grave, centered on Ancient God Han Yu, stand side by side together.

Zhao Feng used the advantage of speed as the “commanding height” to slash two Ninth-Rank Ancient Gods and even recreate a Half-Step God Lord to bring them a huge assault and mental alertness.

They can no longer lose.

Fortunately, the three major Half-Step God Lords joined forces. Even if Zhao Feng was twice as fast, it would be difficult to find a weak spot.

However, at this time, the mutation is sudden.

xiu xiu xiu! chi chi chi!

Behind Yu Heng’s battlefield, a large army of Bore Insect emerged. They were madly hostile, swept by Swallowing Heaven, Devouring Earth.

Impressively, both sides were chilling.

Once the “locust locust insect race” truly develops the human-sea tactics, even if it is a higher existence of the cultivation base, it is necessary to flee from the wind and not to shock its front.

“what happened!”

Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan were all stunned.

Ancient Soul Clan’s three major Half-Step God Lords, their faces are even more ugly.

At this moment, their situation is even more unfavorable: the former is the Giant God Clan side, and the later is the army of Bore Insect.

“How to do?”

The three asked Yu Heng, who was responsible for the detention.

When launching the plan, Yu Heng asked to stay behind, and aura was very convergent and did not easily get rid.

They suspected that the insect race of this locust was attracted by Yu Heng.


At the forefront of the insect sea, Yu Heng was alone, and complexion calmly said: “The smell of the insert race is really sensitive …”

It seems that the reaction of these insects is completely in his expectation.

“Come and meet first.”

Yu Heng finally spoke, giving an order to the Big Three Half-Step God Lord.

Hearing this, the three major Half-Step God Lord complexion changes.

“This … meeting?”

“Don’t tell me that it is unwise for us to fight against the insect race of locusts.”

The three were slightly hesitantly, but not disobedient.

Before they can get through Ancestral Lost Treasury, they have to arrived explicitly and obey this mysterious youth.

Sou sou sou !

The three Half-Step God Lords quickly retreated and merged with Yu Heng at the back.

Zhao Feng couldn’t stop them, let alone they could not avoid the army of Bore Insect.

Once caught in the sea of 鈥嬧€媔nsects, the consequences will be unimaginable.

“What the hell do these guys pay attention to? They first tried to kill us, and now give up.”

Giant God Clan A few people, puzzled.

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen faced a glance, and soon they had a resolution.

“Look first, in case something is wrong, I’ll put you all into Space-Time Robe, and it’s not difficult to escape.”

Zhao Feng pondered then said.

In the Ancient Soul Clan camp, the only thing he couldn’t see through was the Yu Heng.

Unfortunately, in the previous battle, the opponent refused to get rid.

“Is that youth, Ancient Soul Clan?” Zhao Feng asked suddenly.


Xin Wuhen, a few people, never thought about it, very sure.

As the enemy of Ancient Soul Clan, Giant God Clan is very keen on his Bloodline aura.

Zhao Feng has long noticed that the Bloodline aura of mysterious youth body is very vague and unfathomable.

at this time.

Yu Heng meets with three Half-Step God Lords.

The tide-like insect pounced over, but was easily destroyed by the three Half-Step God Lords.

These insects are no different from the ants in the presence of Half-Step God Lord.

The human sea tactic of the insect race of the locust is the second most lethal, and the terrifying is the consumption.

“With our strength, it’s not too difficult to defeat the cricket locust mother with all our strength. It’s just a lot of consumption, and it seems to be more than worth it.”

Mie Liu Ancient God questioned.

Yu Heng stood in the center, calmly instructed: “Wait for the insert race to lose and go straight to ‘Ancestral Item fragments’.”


Three Big Half-Step God Lord, dumbfounded.

Insect race lost? Take Ancestral Item fragments straight? They don’t quite understand what Yu Heng means.

“In case, we defeat the insect race and consume a lot. How many Giant God Clan people, what should we do?”

Ancient God Han Yu was a bit dissatisfied.

This yu

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