King of Gods

Chapter 1375

After swallowing a Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, Zhao Feng suddenly felt that everything between heaven and earth became extremely slow.

His Soul consciousness is immersed in the wonderful world, where time from time to time is slow from time to time.

“The essence of time is truly extraordinary!”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

His mind was conscious of Void, and mysterious Profound Truth strength slowly came to his mind.

That moment, Zhao Feng’s understanding of Profound Truth of Time rose to another level.

In less than 5 days, Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time reached XNUMXth Layer Peak!

Not long ago, his Profound Truth of Time only broke through the 5th Layer, and now he has risen to the 5th Layer Peak so quickly, and only “Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots” can have this wonderful effect.

However, after Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time reached the 5th Layer Peak, that time essence had not been fully used up.

Twenty days later, Zhao Feng all around Profound Truth of Time strength, faded almost to fade away.

Suddenly, a strange Profound Truth of Time strength emerged from Zhao Feng within the body, affecting nearby voids, making it slow and abnormal.

“6th Layer !!!”

Zhao Feng eyes opened.

A section of Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots directly brought his Profound Truth of Time from 5th Layer to 6th Layer.

Really worthy to be called are Rare Treasures in Profound Truth of Time Precious Materials.

Zhao Feng’s comprehension is strong because of God Eye, and Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots can also increase his comprehension of Profound Truth of Time.

This is why Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time directly crosses the domain first layer.

Profound Truth of Time reaches 6th Layer. Already is beginning to have power. It can be connected to other Profound Truth strengths and integrated into Primordial Divine Power.

At this point, Zhao Feng’s Primordial Divine Power has risen to another level, and few people in the Eighth-Rank Ancient God can compare with it.

“Eye Strength has lost money and has largely recovered!”

Zhao Feng checked his situation.


He left Space-Time Robe and returned to the silver giant tower.

The Giant God Clan and the others are also hidden in Void Space and closed in cultivate.

A powerful Immemorial Bloodline aura is constantly leaking out. Among them, Bloodline aura from Xin Wuhen is the most powerful and even covers the other two.

Here, Zhao Feng felt an invisible Bloodline repression.

“Xin Wuhen’s comprehension is also very strong. This time I borrowed God Lord strength to fight Half-Step God Lord. I believe it has been greatly improved!”

Zhao Feng speculated.


At that moment, the huge Immemorial Bloodline aura suddenly weakened.

A void of cyan Space ripples in void, and Xin Wuhen stepped out of it directly.

“The injury is no problem, let’s look at the situation here before …”

Xin Wuhen suggested.

He had previously searched the Giant God Clan Treasury. In the previous Heavens Secret Clan building, he had to arrived a lot of strange Precious Materials. It was not difficult to heal his injuries.

Moreover, Giant God Clan is extremely resilient, there is no need to worry about ordinary injuries, you just need to stabilize the foundation source.


Zhao Feng agrees.

After he restored Eye Strength Will, not at all continued to retreat cultivate, just to understand the situation of this silver giant tower.

Maybe there is a hidden crisis here, or there is still a big opportunity.

“Small Thieving Cat is on the top!”

Zhao Feng estimated the location of Small Thieving Cat through contract induction.

Among the many Heavens Secret Clan buildings here, the huge integrity of this silver should be the highest.

Then this silver giant tower must be special or useful, otherwise the Small Thieving Cat will not be so interested in this silver giant tower and will slide directly to the top floor.

Similarly, because of the long-abandoned, this Heavens Secret Clan building, not at all, is a mechanism trap.

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen went straight up to explore.

During the journey, there were no special circumstances, and the two felt like they were an ordinary Iron Pagoda.

But after Zhao Feng’s perspective with Left Eye, he found that the structure of this silver giant tower is very complicated.

Soon, the two went directly to the top floor.

“this is?”

Xin Wuhen complexion was startled.

The scene on the top floor is completely different from the structural layout of the lower floors.

The top floor is all around, filled with unknown mechanical instruments, countless tiny crystal tubes, tangled and complicated, all over the room.

In the center of the room, there is a huge black disc. Above the disc, there are nine metal stone platforms.

And Small Thieving Cat, right in the center of these nine metal platform centers, it has two claws on the ground, constantly rubbing.

“What is it doing?”

Xin Wuhen asked.

I saw countless tiny white lines on the black disc.

The Small Thieving Cat’s claws slide back and forth on the countless lines of densely packed.

Zhao Feng is also very strange, what exactly is Small Thieving Cat doing.

Just when he was about to ask.


The black disc suddenly flickering from faint white light, in which some ancient inscriptions continued to emerge, pouring into the nine metal stone platforms all around the disc.

For a while, the nine metal tables simultaneously lit up, emitting a white light to both sides, connected to each other, forming a pentagon.

On the nine-sided shape, various colors, lines and light spots suddenly appeared.

“this is……”

Zhao Feng’s eyes, staring at this picture carefully, the complexion suddenly startled.

“This is nearby terrain!”

Xin Wuhen immediately said.

As an Ancient God, I almost never forget where I walked.

Seeing this picture, they wanted to arrived the terrain nearby.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat called at this moment, making a gesture in front of Zhao Feng, and then showing a very drag.

Xin Wuhen immediately looked towards Zhao Feng, and only Zhao Feng knew what Small Thieving Cat was talking about.

“This is a ‘Perception Tower’!”

Zhao Feng said directly.

Enters into the Space, and everyone ’s Spiritual Sense and senses are greatly suppressed, only 10% of the original.

And there are crises all over the place, which makes everyone dare not run wild.

But this Perception Tower was built by the great wisdom of Heavens Secret Clan, and the perceptual map information is very wide.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat stretches out a hand, looks compostnt!

“Five millions li!”

Zhao Feng complexion was startled.

Everyone’s Spiritual Sense can only be extended to three thousand ten thousand li.

However, this Perception Tower can survey the map information of Fangyuan Millions Li.

In addition, the five millions li are only temporary maximum perceived range, that is, this value can be increased.

In addition, if the perception distance is reduced, the information in a certain range can be presented more comprehensively and in detail.

Small Thieving Cat fiddles again.

Soon, the map showed that the range was shrinking, and eventually it was only five hundred thousand miles.

But everything in this five hundred thousand is clear, including the number of Demon God, and even blurry images can be seen.

“Sky blood glass fruit!”

Xin Wuhen suddenly made a noise.

Just now, in one of the detailed images on that map, he saw an incomparable gigantic red fruit tree with three or four skull-sized blood-red glass crystal fruits on it.

The sky blood glass fruit, converging heaven and earth blood Qi, can greatly promote the flight of life level, and can also be integrated into some specific Immemorial Bloodline to increase Bloodline concentration.

Giant God Clan is full of vitality and blood, and still walks Body Tempering Dao, and it happens that Tianxue Liuli has a certain promotion effect on Giant God Clan Bloodline.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat looks crafty and talks with Zhao Feng Xin Wuhen.

What Small Thieving Cat means is that it’s here, surveying the neighborhood with the Perception Tower.

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen, as they instructed, searched for Precious Materials.

After all, there is Perception Tower, which grasps everything clearly, and the success rate of capturing treasure has improved a lot.

“it is good!”

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen agreed directly.

Xin Wuhen body has the mission of making Giant God Clan rise. When he comes here, his primary purpose is to search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures to the greatest extent.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen left the place directly.

Zhao Feng and Xiao (cat communicate, only between ideas, the screen can also be easily transmitted.

“Go here!”

Zhao Feng took Xin Wuhen to a place of ruins, and then plunged into the subterranean.

After a short while, they discovered that from the rock layer, several round light stones were found.

“This is ‘God Origin Stone’. As cultivate Precious Materials, it can condense Divine Power. If it is in battle, it can absorb the energy in God Origin Stone and instantly replenish the Origin Energy and Divine Power consumption!”

Xin Wuhen immediately said.

Although the God Origin Stone is not as good as the previous Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots and Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone, it is also very precious.

And these two pieces of God Origin Stone and Zhao Feng did not pay anything at all, they were easily obtained.

Next, the two went to the second location.

This place is exactly where the “Tianxue Liuliguo” is hidden. It is surrounded by a Demon God group, and the danger is high.

However, Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen knew the distribution of Demon God within them, and even grasped their cultivation base, so it was easy to plan the response.

“I’m going to lead them away, and you take the opportunity to enter into them, and grab the Sky Blood Glass Fruit, as well as several other precious Precious Materials!”

Zhao Feng Profound Truth of Time reaches 6th Layer, combined with Space Profound Truth, the ability to escape is stronger.

call out!

Zhao Feng sneaked into the building and killed several Demon God, immediately fled.

In order to anger the Ninth-Rank Peak Demon God inside the building, he also launched Cross-Space Eye to conduct a sneak attack on them.

“Humans, you are courting death!”

The Demon God group almost set out, towards Zhao Feng pursuit.

For this situation, Zhao Feng knew it through Small Thieving Cat.

He was well prepared and quickly fled into the Perception Tower.

Perception Tower has complete preservation, defense ability is very good, these Demon God groups are helpless.

And taking this opportunity, Xin Wuhen sneaked into their nest and successfully obtained the Tianxue glass fruit, as well as several Profound Truth of Time cultivate Precious Materials.

After the Demon God group retreated, the two Zhao Feng headed to another destination again.

At this time, the two got “Nine Lotus Jade Brithing Flower”. This Precious Materials contains powerful pure Divine Power. There are a few lotus leaves on the flower, which is the Divine Power cultivation base that can promote several levels of Ancient God.

Just now, the three jade leaf flowers that the two got were all nine lotus leaves.

In this way, with the help of Small Thieving Cat, the two looted Precious Materials near Perception Tower.

Most of the resources in the five hundred thousand range were searched by the two.

If the range is further away, the perceived information is more vague and more dangerous.

Of course, there are some particularly powerful Demon God groups or dangerous places. The two of them cannot get involved.

On this day, the two were inquiring towards a destination.

Suddenly, a message and picture came from Zhao Feng’s mind.

“Not good, Ancient Soul Palace expert, approaching here!”

Zhao Feng immediately told Xin Wuhen.

“How’s it going?”

Xin Wuhen asked.

The information Perception Tower can perceive is very detailed.

“In addition to Ancient God Yu Hai, there is also a Half-Step God Lord …”

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