King of Gods

Chapter 1373

“God Eye Copy ・ Soul Scream!”

The lacquered dragon roll suddenly burst out, engulfing all three of Ancient Soul Palace.

It can be seen that the Soul body of the Ancient Soul Palace Eighth-Rank Peak Ancient God was instantly drawn into the lacquered Black Dragon roll, and it was smashed in less than a moment, turning it into the energy source of the lacquered Black Dragon roll, increasing its power.

Ancient Soul Palace Ninth-Rank Ancient God, has long been aware of it, but cannot escape, but can only resist as hard as possible.

“How come, this is my secret technique!”

Ancient God Yu Hai was shocked.

However, in the face of the crisis of alive or death, he had no time to think too much. He could only urge Soul defense Secret Technique, and a layer of dark swirling water flowed over the body.

Boom xiu xiu!

The lacquered Black Dragon rolls through the Ancient Soul Palace trio and blasts into the distance.


The bodies of the Ancient Soul Palace Eighth-Rank Peak and Ninth-Rank Ancient God fell directly.

Their Soul, already was pulled away by the lacquered Black Dragon roll, and nothing was strangled.

Only Ancient God Yu Hai, the dark Soul body still floating in the sky, looking very weak and dim.

After all, Soul Scream is his trump card stunt. Ancient God Yu Hai is very familiar with the principle and it is easier to deal with it.

Hu hu!

Heaven and earth stormy, the feeling of suppressing everything was suddenly disappeared.

In the distance, Xin Wuhen, the complexion was slightly tired, and his body gradually became smaller.

Using God Lord-level strength has a huge load on his body, is not well controlled, and even causes great damage to the foundation.


Ancient God Yu Hai stared at Xin Wuhen, afraid for a while.

If it was just now, Xin Wuhen’s strength control is stronger, and he can even use God Lord’s strength to directly hurt him.

“How did you get my Soul Secret Skill?”

Ancient God Yu Hai stared faintly at Zhao Feng.

Originally, after Xin Wuhen exhibited God Lord strength, he would definitely enter into the period of weakness, as long as he waited for the opportunity, he could reap the whole field.

But Zhao Feng, who did not know what method to use, exhibited his stunt “Soul Scream”.

The Ancient Soul Palace did not expect this.

Suddenly, two members of the Ancient Soul Palace lost their lives, and Soul of Ancient God Yu Hai was also hit hard.

At this moment, he can only play at most 40% of the strength of the Peak period.

“How is this going?”

Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Po Yue, 怔怔 stood to place, my mind was blank.

Just that moment, what happened is too much and amazing.

The first is Ancient God Yu Hai’s powerful Soul killing strike, which directly took Xin Wuhen’s life, but Xin Wuhen broke out with the hidden God Lord strength within the body, Megatron heaven and earth in all directions, directly deterred Ancient God Yu Hai and the others.

Immediately after, Zhao Feng released the Secret Skill of Ancient God Yu Hai, hit Ancient Soul Palace completely unprepared, and killed two Ancient God directly.


The silver eyes above the sky disappeared.

The consumption of God Eye Copy depends on the condition of the copy object. Zhao Feng Copy Half-Step God Lord ’s trump card, the consumption is not ordinary.

“You don’t worry about your life, you care about it.”

Zhao Feng looked towards Ancient God Yu Hai, smiling indifferently.

“Haha, even if you kill them both, just because of your current strength, why can’t you old man!”

Ancient God Yu Hai first laughed, and then laughed.

First of all, as an Ancient Soul Clan Half-Step God Lord, his speed is first in the field.

Secondly, Xin Wuhen exhibited God Lord-level strength, and the load is huge, and it is difficult to play much strength.

Although I don’t know how Zhao Feng came up with his Secret Skill, he must consume a lot of money and the strength also dropped greatly.

The remaining Ancient God Po Yue and Ancient God Hua Cai do not have to worry at all.


Zhao Feng low roaring sound.

The Giant God Clan three, immediately moved away.

They hate Ancient Soul Palace far more than Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng, four people, approaching Ancient God Yu Hai.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

Zhao Feng runs Thunder Calamity Strength, condenses a group of lightning flames, and strikes directly.

At this time, Ancient God Yu Hai was very weak, his perception and resistance were greatly reduced, and he was hit directly by (Thunder Calamity Eye Flame of Feng.

Moreover, the power of Thunder Calamity Eye Flame is related to the intensity and quantity of Thunder Calamity Strength, and has little to do with Soul and Eye Strength.


Ancient God Yu Hai hissed and the complexion was startled.

Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique exhibited at this time, compared with the previous one, Wei Neng actually weakened a lot.

“The wind is pointing!”

Xin Wuhen flew quickly and pointed out.

Even if Giant God Clan Bloodline strength is not urged, his strength is very strong, coupled with a deep Concept, it hurts quite well.

Boom bang!

On the other side, Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Po Yue released countless fist lights and shadows and smashed away at Ancient God Yu Hai.


Ancient God Yu Hai complexion is extremely embarrassing.

At this moment, two of his team members died, and he was also badly hit. He couldn’t help Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen.

But the reason why Ancient God Yu Hai didn’t want to leave was that he didn’t want to admit this defeat.

This already is the third miss, and this time already cannot be said to be a miss, but a disastrous defeat.

However, the many people of the other party continue to struggle, which is definitely not good for Ancient God Yu Hai.

“This old man must report!”

Ancient God Yu Hai flew away as soon as he bit his teeth.

“Hmph, Ancient God Yu Hai, have you forgotten something?”

Zhao Feng suddenly smiled.

“Not good !”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion changed.

call out!

I saw a white light flickering in front of him, and approached quickly.

“Kill, kill you!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun, with a vicious look, appeared in front of Ancient God Yu Hai.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Several white sharp blades slashed straight down, passing through the body of Ancient God Yu Hai within the body.

Moreover, a strange wave of energy pervaded him all around, making the speed and movement of Ancient God Yu Hai slow.

Sou sou sou ……

At this moment, Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan and the others approached quickly.

The multi-colored energy fluctuations instantly swallowed Ancient God Yu Hai.

“you guys……”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion is extremely embarrassing.

Originally he also thought that although he could not help Zhao Feng or Xin Wuhen, the other party could not help himself.

At his speed, it was easy to escape.

But Ancient God Yu Hai ignored Ancient God Cheng Yun, a difficult guy.

“Damn, I can only ask for help!”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion Tieqing.

As a Half-Step God Lord, he was hit by a group of Ninth-Rank and Eighth-Rank Ancient God for help. Thinking of this, Ancient God Yu Hai felt extremely humiliated.

But with Ancient God Cheng Yun, he can’t get rid of this group of people at all. If he continues, his Soul trauma will only get worse and worse, which may make him unable to enter into the God Lord for life.

Ancient God Yu Hai immediately sent a command token to another Half-Step God Lord and Yu Heng for help.



After receiving a message, Yu Heng stood to place, the complexion was somewhat ice-cold.

“Which team, enters into the space’s crisis zone, is in danger, and sends us a call for help?”

Mie Liu Ancient God asked.

After all, this Space is a treasure everywhere, even if it is Half-Step God Lord, it cannot bear the temptation of some strange treasures.

The other two teams, while searching for the whereabouts of Xin Wuhen and the others, will definitely collect Precious Materials.

Mie Liu Ancient God is because he is in a team with Yu Heng and can only follow Yu Heng to search for the Ancient God Seal, otherwise he will find the Precious Materials he needs and set the search task aside.

“Ancient Soul Palace Ancient God Yu Hai squad, find Arrived Xin Wuhen and the others, but they were defeated, but helplessly sent out for help!”

Yu Heng ice-cold’s face suddenly burst into a smile, which can’t help chill.

Yu Heng emphasized the words Ancient Soul Palace before this sentence.

Before enterings into the God God Xingxiang repeatedly emphasized that he should follow Yu Heng’s instructions, otherwise take responsibility for the consequences.

But the people at Ancient Soul Palace, after all, didn’t do as God Lord Xingxiang said.

“How is this possible? The Ancient God Yu Hai team was defeated?”

Mie Liu Ancient God can’t help startled.

Although he hoped that Ancient God Yu Hai failed, this failure was unreasonable.

Another Eight-Rank Peak is also unbelievable.

Ancient God Yu Hai actually failed, asking other teams for help.

“Let’s get over!”

Mie Liu Ancient God expression was a little excited.

Xin Wuhen and the others and the Ancient God Yu Hai squad must have been extremely weak after a great battle.

If they rush past, they must end everything with absolute advantage!

At that time, you can watch the joke of Ancient God Yu Hai.


Yu Heng whispered.

“Don’t tell me, is that Dao of Destiny strength that purposefully guided me here?”

Yu Heng complexion sinks, secretly thought inside.

Before, he did n’t at all feel this way, but now, with the current situation and many details, he just thinks about it.


On the other side, Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan and the others joined forces, pursuit Ancient God Yu Hai.

“You … will die terribly!”

Ancient God Yu Hai body is dim, with a embarrassed face, and can only operate defense secrets to minimize damage.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng stopped.

“Leave, withdraw first!”

Zhao Feng said flatly.


Ancient God Hua Cai immediately asked.

At this moment they have the advantage. It is possible to continue pursuit and kill Ancient God Yu Hai. Why should they withdraw.

“This Space may have other Ancient Soul Palace experts!”

Zhao Feng said directly.

Ancient God Yu Hai was very anxious before, but suddenly calmed down, there must be a reason for this.

As the words came out, Giant God Clan and the others were startled.

Zhao Feng said this is entirely possible!

If other Experts from Ancient Soul Palace came, in their current state, there would be no fight.

As for Ancient God Cheng Yun, already has completely lost his mind. If the crowd stopped him, he might still be attacked by his counterattack.

Sou sou sou !

Zhao Feng entire group suddenly evacuated.

“Run away!”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion Sink.

His support would arrive soon, but Zhao Feng and the others ran away.

At this point, his injuries were more serious, there was no ability to stop Zhao Feng entire group, and there was an Ancient God Cheng Yun stalking him.


In the distance, heaven and earth, suddenly a chill came through Soul.

Immediately, the three Daoist shadows slowly appeared, and the leader was shrouded in ice and snowflakes, revealing only that cold and gorgeous face.

“Ancient God Han Yu!”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion

“Yuhai, I didn’t expect you to be so careless, this picture is terrible!”

Ancient God Han Yu said flatly, his eyes glanced at a glance Ancient God Cheng Yun.

The hole penetrated Soul’s chill and penetrated into Ancient God Cheng Yun within the body, as if to make him awake.

Ancient God Han Yu, also the Half-Step God Lord, is more threatening than Ancient God Yu Hai during the heyday.

“Your body, there are ‘they’ aura!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun complexion angry gloomy, stagnant in midair.

At this moment, there were two Half-Step God Lords in front of him, but Ancient God Cheng Yun still did not immediately retreat.

It can be seen how deep his resentment against Ancient Soul Palace is.

Suddenly, the Ancient God Cheng Yun complexion changed, and most of the anger disappeared.

“Come, come here!”

A summon voice from Soul travels through heaven and earth, and sounds in mind.

The voice of summon is extremely affectionate and familiar, making the thought body of Ancient God Cheng Yun within the body more calm and eager to pass by.

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