King of Gods

Chapter 1367

“Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots!”

Everyone’s eyes were simultaneously staring at the interior of the Heavens Secret Clan building.

Even Zhao Feng was so impressed that he forgot about the crisis that Small Thieving Cat just said.

Ordinary Profound Truth of Time cultivate Precious Materials is just the strength and Concept of containing Profound Truth of Time, but Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots contains the essence of time. It is Rare Treasures in Profound Truth of Time cultivate Precious Materials.

After taking this Precious Materials, you can slowly refining Comprehension Time Insight, insight Profound Truth of Time, twice the result with half the effort.

And there are rumors that after taking Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, it can increase the comprehension of Profound Truth of Time by the users, which is the Precious Materials that Profound Truth of Time Cultivator dreams of.

Although such a treasure appears, everyone is excited, but no one to act blindly without thinking.

According to previous experience, where there are treasures, there are certain crises.

Maybe the Heavens Secret Clan building where ‘Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots’ is located is in unknown danger.

Everyone approached carefully and watched all around.

“Not at all what’s abnormal!”

After careful observation, everyone didn’t find anything suspicious, so they can’t help speed it up autonomously.

However, when the people’s distance Heavens Secret Clan building was less than ten zhang distance, they suddenly felt an extremely deep suppression of Profound Truth of Time.

“Really strong suppression!”

Ancient God Hua Cai said in surprise.

“It must be the timestrength of ‘Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots’!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun said excitedly.

Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots are Rare Treasures of cultivate Profound Truth of Time. The rank is extremely high, and the Precious Materials here have a longer history. It is not surprising to emit this profound timestrength.

Of course, there are other reasons that people are not good at Profound Truth of Time, otherwise the repression will be much weaker.

After enterings into the Heavens Secret Clan building, everyone still didn’t notice anything abnormal, so they got bolder and went straight to the “Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots”.

However, the closer it was, the repression of Profound Truth of Time increased madly, as if the entire Space became extremely thick and heavy, and everyone’s every move was greatly hindered and extremely slow.

But the more so, it proves that Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots has a very high rank.

When the crowd distance Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, but a distance, the next step to get closer to each point seems extremely long.

At this moment, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye caught some strangeness.

“Be careful!”

Zhao Feng immediately reminded, but the sound was very slow.

Before the words were finished, three false white lights appeared inside the Heavens Secret Clan building.

Xiu xiu!

split second, the three lights approached Zhao Feng and the others, and the speed made everyone heart startled.

Because of the suppression of Profound Truth of Time, everyone had no time to react, and even the defense method could not be used.

Bang bang!

Several thick white beams of arms, with extreme speed, strikes where everyone is.

Fortunately, the attack was not powerful, and everyone was not fatally injured, but if you continue to stay near Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, there will be no fight back. The continuous damage will slowly accumulate enough to cause huge damage.

Immediately, the crowd left near Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots.

“What it is?”

“Fortunately, their cultivation base is not high, and the attack is not strong, otherwise we will suffer!”

Zhao Feng entire group left Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, and the influence of Profound Truth of Time also weakened.

Everyone, staring at the three strange Spirit Physique floating on the top of the head.

The three special Demon Gods are about the same size as ordinary people, with relatively ugly faces, triangular eyes, and long ears. They look like three little demons. They have no legs and float in void.

“Human, die!”

The three “Demon God” both eyes glared at Zhao Feng entire group and directly launched the attack.

“It’s really act recklessly, so weak and dare to get rid of us!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun can’t help sneer.

Just now they almost got Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, because these three demons, Demon God, had to step back.

The strength of these three demons, Demon God, they have also seen, attack power is only slightly stronger than ordinary Eight-Rank.

The three demons, Demon God, were unmoved at all, and the killing intent of the crowd was condensed into substance.

Xiu xiu!

A few white auroras shine directly down.

Ancient God Cheng Yun was hit directly by the opponent attack before reacting.

The rest came over to reaction, but only Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen avoided the attack.

“So fast attack!”

Ancient God Hua Cai said in astonishment.

Because of the huge suppression of Profound Truth of Time, they didn’t realize it.

“Kill them, or you won’t get ‘Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots’.”

Ancient God Cheng Yun immediately drank it, rushed to the utmost, and split it out with one palm.


Ancient God Cheng Yun cultivate Profound Truth of Wind, this palm is extremely fast.

However, the three Demon Gods, the body moved slightly to the left, and those with no difficulty avoided it.

At the same time, the crowds also tried to attack and prepare to solve the three Demon Gods.

Boom xiu xiu!

Attack in the sky, flying back and forth.

The three Demon Gods fold back and forth in the attack slits of the crowd, avoiding all the attacks, without any damage.

On the contrary, everyone, the body is more or less dotted.

The three demons, Demon God attack speed, are extremely fast. If they concentrate attention completely, they can dodge.


This situation makes everyone feel a little bit aggrieved.

But anyway, the speed of the three demons, Demon God, is really too fast, a comparable teleport.

The teleport takes time, and the speed of these three Demon Gods seems to be born.

The opponent has such a fast speed, and everyone wants to fight in close proximity, it is probably not feasible.

“Eye Technique is also hard to lock!”

Zhao Feng smiled helplessly.

The three demons, Demon God, were very perceptive and moved quickly when they realized that Zhao Feng had locked them.

“So fast, don’t tell me is the Light Clan in the top ten of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List?”

Xin Wuhen whispering.

In the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, Ranked Seventh Light Clan controls Power of Time and has the fastest speed among Brahma Universes.

But Light Clan does not belong to Demon God, and its appearance is completely different from those Demon God.


On the other side, the three teams of Ancient Soul Palace carried out a raid on the Giant God Clan Treasury, and then separated directly to search the whereabouts of Xin Wuhen and the others again.

“Don’t let me catch you, or you’ll die!”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion gloomy.

Originally, they were about to get the Ancient God Seal and be the biggest contributor.

However, due to the tricks of Xin Wuhen and Zhao Feng’s, they were besieged by the two Demon God groups, and they even lost his face in front of Mie Liu Ancient God.

Having just finished speaking, the Crystal Ball in the hands of Ancient God Yu Hai suddenly flickered into a cyan light spot.

“In the vicinity!”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion

The expressions of the other two Ancient Soul Palace were also shocked.

Unexpectedly, they were so lucky that they searched the target location again.

“Elder, don’t you tell Yu Heng?”

Ninth-Rank Ancient God in the team asked.

Yu Heng once told that once the whereabouts of the Ancient God Seal are found, he must be notified immediately.

“No hurry!”

After a moment of hesitation, Ancient God Yu Hai said.

As long as this time, he succeeded in winning the Ancient God Seal.

There is another reason. His rival Mie Liu Ancient God is just a team with Yu Heng. He doesn’t want to make Mie Liu Ancient God profitable.

“If we can solve it, the credit is ours. If it is more difficult, it is not too late to inform them!

Ancient God Yu Hai added, and the other two agreed.

With the direction of the Crystal Ball, Ancient God Yu Hai and the others, fly fast.

“Heavens Secret Clan building!”

Ancient Soul Palace Ninth-Rank expert, criticed out in surprise.

“How come there are the buildings of Heavens Secret Clan?”

Another team member was whispering in surprise.

In their knowledge, Ancestral Lost Treasury is a private treasure house of Giant God Clan, but did not expect that there is actually a Heavens Secret Clan building in it. It seems that the origin of this treasure house is not ordinary.

“They must be searching for treasures in the Heavens Secret Clan building!”

Ninth-Rank Ancient God complexion.

Throughout the Brahma Universe, the Inheritance branch of Heavens Secret Clan is not innumerable, and there are many opportunities to contain it.

A space as high as Ancestral Lost Treasury, the Heavens Secret Clan Inheritance in it is definitely not ordinary.

“Hmph, enemies on a narrow road!”

Ancient God Yu Hai chuckled and led everyone straight away.

Before approaching the Heavens Secret Clan building, everyone noticed the amazing Divine Power fluctuations and the sound of fighting, so the speed slightly eased.


Heavens Secret Clan building.

The three extremely fast demons, Demon God, irritated everyone.

“Use the big range attack to block their dodge range completely!”

Zhao Feng suggested.

This suggestion was immediately agreed with everyone. Although the three demons, Demon God, move fast, the space here is small, which limits their strengths.

“Water-Thunder fantasy world!”

Zhao Feng runs Left Eye, which sends out a ball of thunder net wire.

That lightning strength quickly expanded, absorbing Profound Truth of Water strength between heaven and earth, and changing into a huge Water-Thunder web, blocking the retreat of the three demons, Demon God.

On the other side, Giant God Clan and the others, exhibits a range of powerful attacks.

The Demon God is just fast, and the defense is more general. It is hit by the joint attack of the crowd and falls directly.

“Finally solved!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun exhaled and turned and looked towards Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots.

But at this moment, outside the Heavens Secret Clan building, three powerful auras suddenly appeared.

“Hehe, Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots is ours, and your life is ours too!”

Ancient God Yu Hai said loudly with a smile.

Last time they lost, now they find Zhao Feng and the others again. In addition, they also found cultivate Rare Treasures ‘Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots’ from Profound Truth of Time.

“There are others!”

Ancient God Hua Cai complexion changed.

The faces of other people were also more embarrassed.

They are inside the building, perception and senses are hindered, and the situation outside the building is not detected early.

“They are … the Ancient Soul Palace!”

Ancient God Po Yue was shocked.

Isn’t Ancestral Lost Treasury able to open Channel only through Ancient God Seal?

Why did the people of Ancient Soul Palace come here?

“People from Ancient Soul Palace actually come here?”

Xin Wuhen and Zhao Feng, complexion were also shocked, and some were hard to believe.

“How could this be?”

Ancient God Cheng Yun trembled and his face was despair.

Before, it was time to get Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots. When the cultivate Rare Treasures waited, the three demon gods suddenly made trouble.

After solving them, we ushered in a greater crisis.

Although there are only three enemies in front of them, they and the others can’t continue. The Half-Step God Lord alone is enough to control the situation.

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