King of Gods

Chapter 1356

“Are you arrived?”

Within Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng roughly sensed the situation in spaceship.

He has been retreating for the past three years, and most of the time, he is in Space within Space-Time Robe.

For three years, his cultivation base was completely consolidated in the Eighth-Rank Ancient God, Space Profound Truth reached 7th Layer, and “Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” was also cultivated to the Third Layer initial stage.

In addition, the fourth layer of “Soul Dividing Secret Art” was successfully deduced, but he did not have a soul fragment. After all, the soul fragment is a dangerous thing and cannot be disturbed. After the soul fragment, there is a short period of weakness.

In addition, Zhao Feng perfected his various Eye Techniques, and also used his cultivated cultivation techniques and insights to promote some new Eye Techniques.

On the other side, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has absorbed a large amount. The World Extinguishing Dragon Clan reverse scale produced by Zhao Feng Copy has already reached the Eighth-Rank Ancient God, and the body of the Flood Dragon is being transformed towards True Dragon. The Bloodline concentration of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan , Also increased.

The fastest growth in these three years is it, and strength has grown more than Zhao Feng.

Of course, this also comes from his excellent Bloodline.

The most powerful World Extinguishing Dragon Clan in the Immemorial period is the deadly counterpart of Golden Crow. You can see the terrifying of this Bloodline.

However, the excessive use of Dragon Scales has long since lost its original effect.

Next, if the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon wants to improve, it needs to start from other aspects.

“Master, with my current strength, generally the Eight-Rank Peak Ancient God is not my opponent!”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon saw Zhao Feng close the retreat, immediately said.

He can have today’s cultivation base, all because of Zhao Feng. Now the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon will even think, fortunately, he surrendered to Zhao Feng at the beginning.

However, Zhao Feng’s progress was too great, and the pressure on him was very great. Once he could not keep up with his pace and was thrown too far, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was very insecure.

“This Black Flood Dragon!”

Aside, Kun Yun sighed with jealousy.

In three years, under the guidance of Zhao Feng’s, he had already broken through Third-Rank True God, and cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, Already reached Third-Rank Peak.

These cultivate speeds can be proud of ordinary 5-Star forces.

But staying with people like Zhao Feng, he was completely unfulfilled.

He even heard that Zhao Feng’s former friend Xin Wuhen, Already was Palace Lord of Giant God Clan’s force, and Kun Yun almost died without shock.


Zhao Feng leaves Space-Time Robe Space.

“Brother Zhao, your aura is very restrained, and it seems that already has completely consolidated the cultivation base!”

Ancient God Po Yue said in surprise.

In the ranks of Ancient God, many people have already reached the end of their potential innate talent, and they have spent all their hard work to nearly break through. Therefore, it is difficult to completely consolidate.

“Hurry up!”

Zhao Feng asked.

Before he felt that the spaceship was slowing down, and the Giant God Palace ended the retreat, so he decided that it was almost arrested.

But in his vision, nothing was found.

“It’s in the Sea Territory ahead!”

Ancient God Ning Yue said with a smile.


Zhao Feng for a moment.


The spaceship went straight into the depths of the sea in front of it, heading for a distance, after circling several huge vortexes, and finally stagnating in a blood-red coral land.

After disembarking, the two came to somewhere in the blood-red coral, forming hand seals.

Suddenly, a gloomy Channel appeared in front.

After the three simultaneously passed through the Channel, they came to another vast land.

There are ten thousand li cloudless, immensely huge mountains all over the land, and there are many different palaces on many mountains.

“It’s so secretive!”

Zhao Feng was surprised, no wonder he had never heard of Giant God Palace.

You know, the fifteenth Giant God Clan of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race is so eye-catching, but the forces are so hidden, almost no one knows.

“There’s a reason for that too, you’ll know by then!”

Ancient God Ning Yue sighed and didn’t say much.

At this moment, several nearby high and deep schools swept out of the Spiritual Sense.

Subsequently, several Daoist shadows emerged from the palace.

In the distance, an Ancient God expert wearing a Golden Armor, immediately flew over.

“Ancient God Po Yue, Ancient God Ning Yue, you are back, who is this person?”

After a greeting from Golden Armor Ancient God, to Zhao Feng, his eyes were slightly bad.

“The owner of the Ancient God Seal!”

Ancient God Po Yue said directly.

As soon as this word came out, the Golden Armor Ancient God said immediately, “Why brought him here?”

The meaning of Golden Armor Ancient God is obvious, as long as you take back the Ancient God Seal, you should not bring Zhao Feng here.

“He was invited by Lord Wuhen!”

Ancient God Ning Yue complexion is slightly cold.

At the beginning of the battle with Ancient God You Gu and three years of getting along, the relationship between the two has been good, and Ancient God Ning Yue’s views on Zhao Feng’s have gradually improved.

Hearing the words “Master Wuhen”, the Golden Armor man suddenly bowed his head.

At this moment, among the countless mountains, I remembered a loud voice: “Ningyue, invite the guests to me!”

Suddenly, the whole piece of heaven and earth was silent, and everyone bowed their heads to worship.

Zhao Feng judged that it was Xin Wuhen who said this, but he couldn’t see that the sound came from the mountain peak.


Afterwards, Ancient God Ning Yue took Zhao Feng, over the mountains and over mountains, to an ancient yellow peak.

On the top of the giant peak is a simple and unadorned palace, and a straight silhouette stands before the great hall.

He looks ordinary and ordinary, but the temperament of raising his hands and feet is extremely out of the ordinary. He stands there quietly, but looks like he is integrated with the whole mountain peak. Ashamed.

“Zhao Feng, long time no see, come in and talk!”

Xin Wuhen smiled casually.

“You are really unfathomable!”

Zhao Feng sighed, and entered into the great hall.

Even at the end of the Continental domain, he knew Xin Wuhen’s out of the ordinary, but the actual situation was far beyond his expectations.

After Zhao Feng enters into the Wild God Region, there have been many opportunities, even directly assaulting to the Seventh-Rank Ancient God God Position, but still far worse than him.

Today’s Xin Wuhen feels like Zhao Feng, at least Ninth-Rank Ancient God, but it is deeper and more unpredictable than the Ninth-Rank Ancient God he has ever seen!

“I originally thought that it would take at least five hundred years for you to meet me. I didn’t expect you to progress so fast!”

After sitting down, Xin Wuhen looked at Zhao Feng carefully.

“Five hundred years?”

Zhao Feng smiled a little and changed to another True God from Foreign Territory to the Wild God Region. For another thousand years, it was difficult to achieve the achievement of Zhao Feng.

But Xin Wuhen predicted that for XNUMX years, it is also clear that Zhao Feng Left Eye is out of the ordinary.

“Back to you!”

Zhao Feng took out the Ancient God Seal, which was originally Xin Wuhen’s.

During the three years, he researched Ancient God Seal many times, and the deeper he researched, the more he found that Ancient God Seal was not simple.

In the end, he understood one thing: Ancient God Seal was not completely refining by him, because Ancient God Seal has always been the owner, and that is Xin Wuhen.


Ancient God Seal floats to Xin Wuhen automatically.

Gradually, a powerful aura was released from it, and the surface of the Ancient God Seal was surrounded by a virtual light of pure crystal.

Another layer of seal was lifted, and Ancient God Seal directly emitted the aura of the top grade Divine Tool.

“You already know, yes, this Ancient God Seal is the Faith Token of ‘Ancient God Palace’ Palace Lord!”

Xin Wuhen was slightly surprised and put away the Ancient God Seal.

“Ancient God Palace ?”

Isn’t Xin Wuhen’s power the Giant God Palace? What does it have to do with this Ancient God Palace?

“Three hundred million years ago, the Scarlet Star Region had a top 5-Star force named Ancient God Palace. Looking at the entire Wild God Region, its reputation is not small; and Ancient God Palace is run by two major races, Giant God Clan and Ancient Soul Clan … “

Xin Wuhen has a trace of memory, slowly said.

It turned out that Scarlet Star Region had no Giant God Palace or Ancient Soul Palace before, but only the 5-Star superpower ‘Ancient God Palace’.

The highest ruler of Ancient God Palace is Giant God Clan, but the characteristics of Giant God Clan are that Bloodline has a low probability of continuation, Bloodline concentration is also low, and Bloodline concentration is high and low, and it is gradually fading.

Ancient Soul Clan has a large number of people. Although the ranking is not as good as Giant God Clan, Bloodline has a high concentration and weird methods. They are dissatisfied with the status quo and have been planning for a long time. They finally conspired to seize the position and defeated Giant God Clan in one fell swoop.

From then on, Ancient God Palace was named Ancient Soul Palace!

It’s been a long time ago, and only some old monsters in the Wild God Region know about these secrets.

“This is actually the case!”

Zhao Feng was shocked and stopped everything in his ears.

Now he finally understands why the Giant God Palace is hiding in such a hidden place.

Because now, the strength of Giant God Palace is far worse than that of Ancient Soul Palace, and Ancient Soul Palace will not let go of Giant God Clan!

“I was besieged by Ancient Soul Clan. Before Divine Soul Annihilation, I reluctantly opened the Foreign Territory Channel. As a result, the fleshly body fell to the Continental domain. Although Divine Soul died, blood Rebirth cannot be used, but as God Lord, I can use the ‘source mark’ Samsara is born again … “

Xin Wuhen complexion said complexly.

For these, Zhao Feng had long expected.

But he did not expect that Xin Wuhen of the previous life was actually one of the most powerful God Lords of the Giant God Clan.

So when Xin Wuhen came to the Wild God Region, he inherited the position of Palace Lord, and no one disputed it.

“So precious Ancient God Seal, why did you give it to me in the first place?”

Zhao Feng asked another doubt.

This Ancient God Seal was originally a top grade Divine Tool, and there seemed to be other secrets, such an important thing, in the Continental domain, Xin Wuhen was given to Zhao Feng, which made him a little incredible.

“When I inherited the Bloodline fleshly body from the previous life, Ancient Soul Palace noticed my existence. I expected that True God’s arrival in the Continent domain might bring a devastating storm. I set each item in the previous life as a Inheritance, choose for you, one is to compensate you, the other is to add strength to you, to deal with the next crisis, as for Ancient God Seal, you took it through the test … “

Xin Wuhen laughed. Ancient God Seal was not given by him. It was obtained by Zhao Feng by himself.

Moreover, Xin Wuhen inherited the previous life strength enters into the Wild God Region, and has also been repeatedly pursuited by Ancient Soul Palace.

Ancient God Seal is so important that it must never fall into the hands of Ancient Soul Palace, so he intends to leave it to others.

But keeping the Ancient God Seal is also a crisis, and ordinary people can’t …

“Want to know the secret of Ancient God Seal?”

Xin Wuhen suddenly asked.

At a stroke of Zhao Feng, he naturally knew that the secrets involved with Ancient God Seal could be significant.

But Xin Wuhen did not hide Zhao Feng’s meaning.

“After all, you have helped me a lot. It is also considered half the Master of Ancient God Seal. Knowing what it is, it should be …”

Xin Wuhen is going to tell the secret.

But at this moment, a heavy depression aura came to the whole great hall.

You know, after Zhao Feng enters into the place, great hall all around turned on the protective barrier.

But the mysterious expert of Aura came, ignoring the protective barrier.

This aura, as heavy as a mountain, across the barrier, makes Zhao Feng unable to move even a little bit, and feels like a tiny ant, his life is held by others.

He had experienced this before.

“God Lord!”

Zhao Feng was shocked. He had met God Lord Tian Ji and was able to judge the opponent’s cultivation base based on this Concept aura.

“Wuhen, are you going to tell this outsider the secret of Giant God Clan?”

An old majestic voice echoed inside the great hall. If there are illegal or illegal content, don’t be lucky. The consequences are serious, please do not make mistakes.

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