King of Gods

Chapter 1354

A small and simple spaceship with a simple and unadorned appearance runs through heaven and earth at a fast speed.

This is the flying item of Giant God Palace. The speed reaches Seventh-Rank Peak, the defense force is also very strong, and it is very valuable.

The Scarlet Star Region and the Dark Sky Region where the Giant God Palace is located are also separated by a Yang Tomb Region. Such a far distance is naturally the use of flying items.

On the way, Zhao Feng learned that the strong man was named Ancient God Po Yue, and the abundance woman was called Ancient God Ning Yue. Both were from the Giant God Palace, and they were also the Bloodline owner of the Giant God Clan.

“It’s all an Immemorial Ten Thousand Race!”

Zhao Feng can’t help in shock.

The Giant God Clan Immemorial Ten Thousand Race is ranked fifteenth. It is said that after Giant God Clan urged Bloodline, his body was incomparable gigantic.

Perhaps before I looked down on these people, the fifteenth-ranked race is definitely not as simple as it seems.

“In fact, the situation is not as Young Master Zhao thought. Although Giant God Clan is strong, Bloodline is special …”

Ancient God Ning Yue is more enthusiastic and actively introduced.

Immemorial Ten Thousand Race Each Bloodline race has its own peculiarities.

Giant God Clan Bloodline is extremely powerful, but this race also has the disadvantages of other Bloodline races, that is, Bloodline has a low probability of succession, and Bloodline concentration is relatively thin and extremely difficult to improve.

For example, Ancient God Po Yue and Ancient God Ning Yue, although both are Giant God Clan, the Bloodline concentration is very low, which is not the true name of the Giant God Clan.

Therefore, although they are the Giant God Clan ranked fifteenth, in terms of strength, they are similar to the Ancient Soul Clan ranked twenty-sixth.

“But Lord Wuhen is the one with the highest Bloodline concentration in the Giant God Clan. If you give him time …”

Ancient God Ning Yue has a look of reverence.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded. His understanding of each of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race is not detailed.

From the words of Ancient God Ning Yue, he learned that although Giant God Clan Bloodline is powerful, there are not many owners of Giant God Clan Bloodline, and there are even fewer Bloodlines.

“It seems that the origin of Xin Wuhen is not ordinary!”

Zhao Feng was lost in thought.

He can be sure that when he met Xin Wuhen before, he didn’t have any Bloodline.

Then contact the Giant God Clan divine corpse in the Continental domain, and Zhao Feng soon thought of something

“Maybe, that divine corpse is the previous life of Xin Wuhen. After the reincarnation, Xin Wuhen came to the divine corpse and gained the memory of the previous life. Inheritance includes Bloodline. The previous life of the Giant God Clan divine corpse is definitely a peerless supreme being!”

Only in this way can we explain why Xin Wuhen owns Giant God Clan Bloodline and even becomes Giant God Palace Palace Lord directly.

However, if you think about it this way, there are even more odd things.

So Xin Wuhen’s previous life is so powerful, why did it fall, and he died in the Continental domain.

Also, why did Ancient Soul Palace want to win the Ancient God Seal, and the Giant God Palace where Xin Wuhen is located also needed the Ancient God Seal?

These questions should be the secrets of Giant God Palace, and Zhao Feng didn’t ask more.

“What happened to your injury?”

Zhao Feng looked towards Ancient God Po Yue, and his Soul was hit a bit, before Zhao Feng saw it.

“When we came to find you, Ancient Soul Clan …”

Ancient God Po Yue complexion is a little embarrassing, directly.

At this moment, the three felt the whole small spaceship suddenly shaken violently.

“It must be Ancient God You Gu them!”

The Ancient God Po Yue complexion suddenly changed, and the Ancient God Ning Yue also had some grave.


Zhao Feng can’t help urge Left Eye to see through.

I saw three people in spaceship all around, attacking simple and unadorned spaceship with a calm smile.

The three were all Eight-Rank Ancient God, the leader was a Deep Green Hair old man, that is, Ancient God You Gu in the mouth of Ancient God Po Yue, the strength reached Eighth-Rank Peak, and the other was a man and a woman.

All three of them have a characteristic, that is, the body is dark and translucent.

“Giant God Palace, go out and die!”

The short-haired middle-aged man laughed evilly.

“Ancient Soul Clan!”

Zhao Feng judged them based on their physical characteristics.

Combining the information previously obtained, it is not difficult for Zhao Feng to think that these people are from Ancient Soul Palace.

“How do they know where we are? It’s over!”

Ancient God Ning Yue complexion anxious.

“Now that I am seriously injured, there is an Eight-Rank Peak among them, we are not their opponent!”

Ancient God Po Yue said angrily.

“We now have Young Master Zhao, and the three are united, and we should have the power to continue!”

Ancient God Ning Yue immediately looked towards Zhao Feng.

Based on her previous relationship, she felt that Zhao Feng strength was definitely not weak.

“Although Brother Zhao has just broken through Eighth-Rank, the strength is unusual, but Brother Zhao you are good at Soul Dao, Ancient Soul Clan but Soul Dao Immemorial Races …”

Ancient God Po Yue looked towards Zhao Feng, shaking his head slightly.

Although Zhao Feng Eye Bloodline is mysterious, it doesn’t belong to Eight Great God Eyes, after all, it is not very useful.

Ancient Soul Clan is an Immemorial Races specializing in Soul Dao. Zhao Feng cannot be the opponent of Ancient Soul Clan, and may be restrained by Ancient Soul Clan.

“Hiding here is not the way!”

Zhao Feng said flatly.

Although this spaceship defense Ability is good, it cannot withstand the siege of three Eight-Rank Ancient Gods.


The three stowed the spaceship and immediately appeared.

“Huh? One more person, you are Zhao Feng, the one holding the Ancient God Seal!”

The short-haired middle-aged stared at Zhao Feng, showing surprise.

“I didn’t expect to let you go alive, but I really caught a big fish!”

The woman who looked so strange on the side smiled evilly.

“What, let us go on purpose?”

Ancient God Ning Yue both eyes startled.

“Otherwise, just you two, can you escape from us?”

Ancient God You Gu can’t help sneer.

Ancient God Po Yue and Ancient God Ning Yue were aware of this, and their eyes were suddenly dim.

“You should know Ancient God Black Sky!”

Zhao Feng suddenly spoke.

“Hmph, the old fellow, took the initiative to capture you, but it turned out to be futile, really shameful!”

That short-haired middle-aged coldly said.

“That being the case, there is no need for me to show mercy!”

Zhao Feng complexion ice-cold, a icy killing intent permeated.

At that time, Ancient God Black Sky and Ancient God Ye Long, together with pursuit themselves, almost killed Zhao Feng.

Later he only killed Ancient God Ye Long and let Ancient God Black Sky escape.

Now that the forces of Ancient God Black Sky have taken the initiative to come to his door, he is naturally not polite.

“Zhao Feng !”

Ancient God Ning Yue expression For a moment, looked towards Zhao Feng.

don’t tell me Zhao Feng Can’t see the situation? Now they are clearly weak on their side.

“Haha, you better not show mercy, or you will die for nothing!”

The short-haired middle-aged laughed suddenly.

“Stop talking nonsense, kill them all!”

Ancient God You Gu complexion said coldly, impatiently.

“Spell with them!”

Ancient God Ning Yue clenches the teeth, within the body exudes a powerful Immemorial Bloodline aura.


The black shadow flashed, and the short-haired middle-aged floated to Zhao Feng.

“Hehe, boy, don’t be merciful!”

Short-haired middle-aged Yin said with a smile.

He could see that Zhao Feng had just broken through Eighth-Rank, and within the body Bloodline seemed very weak, so he didn’t worry at all.


Zhao Feng runs Primordial Divine Power to launch a tentative attack.

Ancient Soul Clan in Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, he has never been contacted, but he knows that the top ranked races cannot be underestimated.

“Divine Power is so powerful?”

The short-haired middle-aged man showed surprising colour, and then smiled: “But it’s too slow!”


His figure turned into a faint black light wave, avoiding Zhao Feng’s punch.

“It’s my turn!”

The middle-aged man with short hair suddenly showed figure and hit a black light palm with his hand.

The light palm exudes the powerful Soul aura, and there is a lifelike dark snake in the palm of the palm, slowly twisting, vomiting a snake.

“Soul attack!”

Zhao Feng Left Eye condenses and parses the opponent’s attack.

That palm belongs to the Soul attack, with both speed and power.


Zhao Feng figure flashes, dodging each other’s attack.

“Space Flickering … but what’s the use?”

Short-aged middle-aged expression was slightly sloppy, and then an evil looking smile appeared.

I saw the black light palm that shot down, turned around, and continued to attack Zhao Feng.

“Sure enough, weird!”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

The other hand’s hand, Zhao Feng, couldn’t understand it, so it must be strange.


Zhao Feng figure continued flickering, avoiding the dark black light palm.

However, the palm of the black light seems to have spiritual intelligence, and it is in hot pursuit.

More crucially, Zhao Feng found that short-haired middle-aged, not at all how to control this Soul attack.

“Zhao Feng, this is a special means of Ancient Soul Clan, that snake image is the” soul beast “from their cultivate, equivalent to Spirit Pet of Master Beast Tamer …

Just then, Ancient God Ning Yue, who fought Ancient God You Gu on the other side, immediately reminded.

“Is it like this?”

Zhao Feng was surprised.

No wonder this gloomy palm light, like spiritual intelligence, has been closely following itself, and the power has not weakened at all. It is actually a special cultivate method, a soul beast cultivate.

For Ancient Soul Clan, the soul beast is their Spirit Pet, but it is easier to manipulate and can be integrated into a Soul attack.

Meow meow!

Just then, the Small Thieving Cat scooped out of the Storage Space.

“Let’s see, whose Spirit Pet is even better!”

Zhao Feng suddenly smiled.

Since Small Thieving Cat runs out automatically, naturally I want to play, I believe that Small Thieving Cat also has a way to deal with Ancient Soul Clan.

“Hmph, do as you wish A wild cat can also be on my terms with my soul beast?”

Short-haired middle-aged coldly snorted, a little angry.

He formed hand seals, dim light waves from the whole body.

At the same time, the snake in the palm of dim light gradually increased in size, flew out of the palm of dim light, and devoured it.

Si si !

The enlarged dim light snake, close to a small house, 狰狞 terrifying, swooped towards Zhao Feng, as if to swallow its Soul.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat suddenly extended the double gates, and after the flash of silver and rune flashed, a white cat’s shadow flew out.

The silver cat’s body grew larger, even bigger than the dim light snake.

Pu chi!

The silver cat pounced directly on the dim light snake, leaving a few deep scratches on its body, and at the same time biting it crazy.

“That’s … how did you do Ancient Soul Clan Bloodline Secret Skill ‘Soul Devouring Strike’!”

Short-haired middle-aged suddenly screamed.

The attack just exhibited by the Small Thieving Cat is exactly the ancient Bloodline Secret Skill “Soul Devouring Strike” of Ancient Soul Clan. Once it is displayed, it will condense the soul beast briefly and devour the other side’s Soul.

“No, my shadow snake!”

At this moment, short-haired middle-aged only reacted, his soul and beast was about to perish.

“You will die before him!”

Suddenly, a short-haired middle-aged person sounded an ice-cold sound.

“Not good !”

Short-haired middle-aged complexion.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

Zhao Feng tone barely fell, Soul with short hair and middle age, was ignited by a lightning flame.


Countless lightning filaments exude the amazing Destruction Aura, wandering and bombarding within him.

“what happened?”

Ancient God You Gu noticed the anomaly on the other side, the Spiritual Sense swept away, and the complexion suddenly changed.

“Zhao Feng he has the advantage!”

Ancient God Po Yue looked towards Zhao Feng.

Not long after the battle began, the Ancient Soul Clan expert was defeated by Zhao Feng!

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