King of Gods

Chapter 1328

“Slow, we are also Infiltrator, we are peers!”

Just then, Ancient God Xuan Mo was loudly shouted, as Zhao Feng’s ordered.

When this silver clothes woman saw Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, she went straight to kill.

Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others also confirmed that this person was not the person of Sky Devil Hall.

As a result, the identity of the other party is ready, it must be Infiltrator.

Space-Time Holy Land sent some people outside to contain most of the staff in Sky Devil Hall and secretly let this woman in silver clothes sneak in.

This taboo zone Territory within, the guard is completely absent, must have been killed by her in advance.

“Infiltrator? Travel?”

The Eye Strength fluctuations in the silver clothes women’s both eyes slightly eased.

She sneaked in here and killed many people in Sky Devil Hall. It was the first time she heard someone killed and said such a thing.

In addition, the other party was aware of her in advance, otherwise there would be no chance to speak.

“What proof?”

Silver clothes The woman’s killing intent is not diminished, and the Eye Technique brewed in both eyes still exists.

As if as long as the Ancient God Xuan Mo has any action, she will kill it as soon as possible.


At this time, an illusory silver pupil appeared in the void of the top of the head of Ancient God Xuan Mo, as if embedded in Space, giving an invisible sense of depression.

When I touched the illusory silver eye, the Eye of Space-Time of the silver clothes woman was inexplicable.

At the same time, the Dark Heart Seal of Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others body was also exposed as belonging to Zhao Feng’s Soul aura.

“This is the head office!”

The voice of Zhao Feng’s Soul, out of thin air sounded.

“We were members here, but now we work for the Master!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo immediately said.

The woman in silver clothes showed the color of contemplation, and guessed a while later, the killing intent in her both eyes also gradually converged, but did not disappear.

“It turned out to be Ancient God who is good at Soul Type!”

silver clothes the woman said blandly.

Judging from the situation just now, the person hiding in the dark also owns Eye Bloodline and is good at Soul Type.

Now several insiders of Sky Devil Hall are being controlled by the hidden?

“What is your purpose?”

the woman asked directly.

The person who has the ability to sneak in here is by no means an ordinary person, so she is not at all Xiao Yan who is hidden in the dark.

In addition, with such a big crisis, the purpose of sneaking in here is definitely not ordinary.

“What’s your purpose?”

Zhao Feng did not answer, but asked back.

The woman in silver clothes raised her eyebrows slightly, and then said without hesitation: “Help, my younger brother was caught here!”

Silver clothes After the woman finished speaking, the coldness in both eyes was astonished, her gaze turned to Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, making them tremble.

“I’m done, what’s your purpose?”

silver clothes the woman said coldly.

“Save the cat, my Spirit Pet was caught by them!”

Zhao Feng did not hide either.

The expression of the silver clothes woman became even more ice-cold, seemingly totally unbelievable.

For a Spirit Pet, sneak into Sky Devil Hall, how can there be such a ridiculous thing.

“However, there must be an expert guard in the Sky Devil Hall, and we can work together to enter into it!”

Zhao Feng didn’t care about silver clothes, the girls didn’t believe it, and said directly.

The silver clothes woman did not continue to ask Zhao Feng’s purpose, which had little to do with her.

“Take action!”

The woman in silver clothes was obviously anxious.

Then, her figure dived into void and moved slowly.

The Ancient God Xuan Mo followed, and gave many instructions.

Although the silver clothes woman is descended from Space-Time God Eye, she can’t avoid touching some traps or mechanism.

“What a deep Space hermit!”

Zhao Feng can’t help observe the space hermit of her silver clothes woman.

Anyone who is good at Space Profound Truth can hide himself in void.

But that’s just hiding. Once there is a big movement in void, it will cause movement and it will be easy to be noticed.

After hiding in the void, the woman in silver clothes kept the speed extremely fast, and suppressed the fluctuation to a very low level. If she didn’t perceive it carefully, she would find it.

“I should be able to do it too!”

Zhao Feng can’t help start Left Eye.

His “Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” majors in Space Profound Truth. If the use of Space Profound Truth is strengthened, it will undoubtedly make Primordial Divine Power stronger.

And Zhao Feng and Space-Time Robe, such as the space-time Divine Tool, want to do this, it should not be difficult.


Outside, an illusory silver eye slowly emerged and moved as everyone moved.

The illusory silver eyes locked on the silver clothes woman body, a dream light glow permeated.


The front of the silver clothes woman brows slightly raise, showing the color of vigilance.

Just now, she suddenly had the illusion that she had been stripped of her clothes, and everything was clearly seen by others.

“This eye is a bit out of the ordinary!”

The silver clothes woman secretly said in one’s heart and didn’t bother.

In addition to Eye pupils of descendants of Eight Great God Eyes, there is also some Eye Bloodline close to this level.

Even after some Eye Bloodline mutations, their abilities are extremely special, and they can be compared to the descendants of Eight Great God Eyes, but it may be slightly worse to grow Space.

Pu chi!

Two silver sharp light streaks, two guards who have not yet reacted, the body is cut in half at the same time.

And this Space attack affected Soul and killed it directly.

“Seventh-Rank Ancient God is killed in one hit. This woman’s strength is stronger than I thought!”

Zhao Feng was a little more alert inside.

It didn’t take long for Zhao Feng to completely copy the silver clothes of the woman’s Space.

But at this time he had no chance to try.

After Copy was successful, the illusory silver eyes floating outside, not at all disappeared.

At this moment he teamed up with a woman in silver clothes. The guards he encountered were all beheaded, so there was no need to worry about exposure.

And doing so is conducive to observing the enemy ’s situation and controlling all around.

“Find arrived, that secret hall!”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, through layers of obstacles, observed a very tight, all around there is a secret hall of Seventh-Rank Ancient God guard.

However, this secret hall is quite special, and Zhao Feng can only barely penetrate it now, seeing some silhouettes.

“Not good, someone is here!”

Zhao Feng suddenly saw the two Daoist shadows rushing towards him where he was now.


The illusory silver eyes in void suddenly disappeared.

Ancient God Xuan Mo five people immediately silver clothes The woman pulled away the distance and showed a hostility.

The woman in silver clothes stared at the Ancient God Xuan Mo, expression slightly.

These people just said they would join hands with him, why now they suddenly pulled away from her, showing hostility.

don’t tell me everything was just fake? Is the means of these people.

“You lied to me?”

silver clothes If a woman’s face is frost, the killing intent is as real.

“Someone is here!”

However, the next moment, Zhao Feng’s voice sounded in her mind.

“I still have to use these five people, so in front of members of Sky Devil Hall, we are the enemy!”

Zhao Feng explained again.

Although the silver clothes woman had doubts, she soon felt two powerful auras.

Sou! sou!

A man and a woman came here quickly.

“Looking for arrived, I didn’t expect to sneak in here, it would be Luo Ling Ancient God!”

The two of them spoke at the same time.

But in fact, these two Immortal Samsara Body are connected with Will of You Quan Ancient God, this sentence is controlled by You Quan Ancient God in the secret temple.

And You Quan Ancient God directly called the name of the woman in silver clothes, which shows that this woman is still somewhat famous.

Luo Ling Ancient God complexion Sinks.

Obviously, these two people are now beyond her coping range.

“You two, why are you here?”

Twin God Xie Sheng stared directly at Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others.

“and who are you?”

Ancient God Xuan Mo asked directly.

If it’s normal, almost all Sky Devil Hall Leader appears here, he would never ask that.

But the situation is different at this moment, and both of them are Immortal Samsara Body, and they have never seen it before.

“You Quan Ancient God!”

Twin God Xie Sheng also said that complexion was furious.

“It turned out to be You Quan Elder!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo is unmanned, complexion changes, revealing respectful colors.

“禀 You Quan Elder, there was a big explosion in the gravity training room. The five of us passed through clues, found this place, and chased this Infiltrator, and were preparing to capture it, and then report it to everyone Elder!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo said directly, as Zhao Feng said.

“Hmph, great joy, is this person you can handle?”

Twin God Xie Sheng coldly snorted, his skepticism about Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others slightly reduced.

For your own benefit, the above is not notified in advance, and it is often the case that you act alone.

He also knew about the big bang in the gravity training room.

Originally, he should have passed, and resurrected the dead with Eye of Samsara, but at this time he would guard the secret hall and could not leave.

“What You Quan Elder learned, but your Immortal Samsara Body is here, this girl can only be obediently surrender!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo flattered.

“hmph! ”

Twin God Xie Sheng coldly snorted, immediately launched an attack on Luo Ling Ancient God.


The instantaneous power of the two caused the Divine Power and Bloodline of Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others to almost freeze, and they backed off.

The body was surrounded by a dark and dense fog, and the tall man was holding a ghost-headed sword and slamming a spooky sharp ghost chop.

On the other side, the white clothed holy woman’s crystal white long sword cut out several holy light sharp light.

“Heaven and earth!”

Luo Ling Ancient God’s Eye of Space-Time was launched directly, heaven and earth were void, and a layer of Space phantom flashed and passed away.


After this move, Luo Ling Ancient God’s figure in this space is almost elusive.

At some point in her hands, a small silver Crescent Blade appeared.

call out!

With just a slight wave, they chopped out a sharp and sharp void.

φ And the Twin God Xie Sheng is Immortal Samsara Body. Even ordinary injuries can be repaired immediately even if they cause injuries.

“Ghost sharp slash!”

“Holy light fairy Spirit Sword!”

Twin God Xie Sheng, as Immortal Samsara Body, has no scruples and is aggressive.

“All three are Eighth-Rank Peak!”

Through the battle, Zhao Feng thoroughly understood the cultivation base of the three men.

One to one, no one in Twin God Xie Sheng can be the opponent of Luo Ling Ancient God.

But at this moment they are Immortal Samsara Body and have no regrets, so they have an advantage.

“I will help you!”

In the dark, Zhao Feng gave Luo Ling Ancient God sound transmission.

At this time, he needed the strength of Luo Ling Ancient God, otherwise he would not be able to successfully enter into the secret hall and rescue the Small Thieving Cat.

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