King of Gods

Chapter 1301

“Hehe, Fifth-Rank True God, Source Space I’m afraid I can’t accommodate this level of Death Water Liquid, aren’t you afraid of death space damage?”

Ancient God Hei Ji sneered.

Even himself, he didn’t dare to go too fast and drew too much Death Water Liquid.

After all, source Space is about Eye of Death. Once damaged, it is equivalent to Eye of Death and is badly hit.

But the next moment, Ancient God Hei Ji expression froze.

I saw, Zhao Wang’s Eye of Death ran like crazy, like a huge black water vortex, quickly drew the Death Water Liquid from the pool.

Its drawing speed is much faster than Ancient God Hei Ji.

“How … possibly, isn’t he afraid of death?”

Ancient God Hei Ji body froze and was horrified inside.

On the other side, Zhao Feng, Lin Chengwu and the beautiful young woman restrained Eye of Death Demon God.

Lin Chengwu also discovered the specialness of Zhao Wang.

Compared to Ancient God Hei Ji, they hope that Zhao Wang can get most of the Death Water Liquid.

“Ancient God Hei Ji, how slow are you, slower than Zhao Feng Clone!”

The beautiful young woman laughed and made Ancient God Hei Ji complexion iron blue.

Zhao Wang slightly smiled and didn’t speak.

Although he just broke through Fifth-Rank Ancient God, but under the guidance of Death Curse Staff, Immemorial Dreamland advanced resources and expert, he has now reached Fifth-Rank Peak and distance Sixth-Rank.

At this time, his, Already received preliminary approval from Death Curse Staff, and was able to exert some of the power of Death Curse Staff.

Within the Death Space.

Every time the enters into the Death Water Liquid, it will consciously flow to the whole body of the Death Curse Staff, and after one rotation, it will flow into the interior of the Death Curse Staff.

Death Curse Staff was sealed under Sealed God stele for many years, and its power was greatly damaged.

Today, these Death Water Liquids are its great supplements.

While absorbing Death Water Liquid, Death Curse Staff will also reduce the quality of a portion of Death Water Liquid and put it into the Death Space for Zhao Wang’s use.

The two are mutually beneficial.

“What’s going on? Unless his Eye of Death reaches the level of God Eye, how can he possibly bear it?”

Ancient God Hei Ji watched Zhao Wang all the time.

He thought that Zhao Wang didn’t know much about it before, so he absorbed it so boldly.

But after so long, the other party has not changed, and the speed of absorbing Death Water Liquid has not been reduced.

At this time, the death of Ancient God Hei Ji Space has a tendency to bear.

After a while, Ancient God Hei Ji couldn’t stop absorption non-stop, glanced at a glance Zhao Wang, sat cross-legged, and refining for a moment.

However, when he opened his eyes again, the Death Water Liquid in the puddle had almost nothing left, and the surface was full of Profound Truth of Death.

On the other side, the Eye of Death Demon God held by the Zhao Feng trio gradually weakened.

“It’s dying!”

Zhao Feng whispered, then moved forward a few steps.

The expressions of Lin Chengwu and the beautiful young women changed slightly, and they moved closer to the puddle to ensure that they would get more benefits by then.

At one point, the three of them simultaneously launched a fatal blow to Eye of Death Demon God.


The Eye of Death Demon God’s body gradually faded, and then burst apart.


The beautiful young woman and Lin Chengwu rushed directly to the depleted pool.

Zhao Feng pretended to be close to the water pool, and Left Eye gazed somewhere after the crash of Eye of Death Demon God, and a space water vortex slowly emerged.

Above the vortex of Space, there is an inky diamond crystal exuding a thick Death Qi.

This is the Crystal of Profound Truth of Eye of Death Demon God within the body.

But with Zhao Feng’s eyes, you can see that this diamond-shaped crystal within the body has a ball, similar to the eyeball.

Seeing Zhao Feng, this diamond crystal will be collected directly.

However, the Silhouette of Ancient God Hei Ji suddenly appeared in the vicinity, he clawed out, and the dark mist dangled on it to create a huge suction, pulling the Crystal of Profound Truth, making him leave Zhao Feng to take in the range.

“The goal of this person is …”

Zhao Feng complexion sinks a bit, performs Space Profound Truth, flickering away.

He wanted to get it because he had Left Eye and found that this black diamond crystal was special.

But Heijigu? The initial goal seemed to be the Crystal of Profound Truth of Demon God within the body.

Shua! Shua!

Zhao Feng flickering again and again, first approached the rhombus crystal and grabbed it.

“Brother Zhao is a good idea!”

Ancient God Hei Ji saw Zhao Feng already got the Crystal of Profound Truth, and he didn’t get rid again.

On the other side, Lin Chengwu and the beautiful young woman also stopped and looked at Zhao Feng and Ancient God Hei Ji.

“Zhao Feng, what do you have to arrived?”

“The four of us are temporarily cooperating. Would you like to swallow something alone?”

The two naturally knew that they seemed to miss the more precious treasure.

“This is the Crystal of Profound Truth of Demon God within the body. The quality is much higher than the Crystal of Profound Truth in the pool. If you are willing to give me this Crystal of Profound Truth, I will not be in the pool. Crystal of Profound Truth! “

Zhao Feng has no taboos, showing the Crystal of Profound Truth just obtained.

After saying this, Zhao Feng looked towards Ancient God Hei Ji.

In the eyes of everyone, the Crystal of Profound Truth in Zhao Feng’s hands, as he said, is only slightly higher in quality than other Crystal of Profound Truth.

But Ancient God Hei Ji seemed to know something, depending on whether he was willing to say it.

If he didn’t say, the other two wouldn’t object, then the Crystal of Profound Truth was in the hands of Zhao Feng.

However, what Ancient God Hei Ji finally said made Zhao Feng somewhat unexpected.

“I have no opinion!”

Ancient God Hei Ji is very casual.

But inside, Ancient God Hei Ji sneered again and again: “Everything here, even if you get it temporarily, it will be mine by then!”

Lin Chengwu and beautiful young women do not need these Crystal of Profound Truth, they just value the value of these Crystal of Profound Truth.

After weighing the pros and cons, they eventually agreed.

They felt that the most important thing to watch out for was Ancient God Hei Ji. Since Ancient God Hei Ji didn’t care, they didn’t need to press Zhao Feng.

In the end, Zhao Feng got the special Crystal of Profound Truth.

Before putting it into the Storage Space, Zhao Feng slightly operated Left Eye and looked carefully at a glance.

He found that there was an Eye of Death in the Crystal of Profound Truth!

“Don’t tell me is that after the expert died, his eyes encountered other conditions and mutated into Demon God?”

Zhao Feng wondered for a moment, but didn’t think much.

Although he had to arrived this special Crystal of Profound Truth, just now Zhao Wang also learned a lot of Death Water Liquid. In general, Zhao Feng’s harvest was the biggest of several people.

Soon, the crystal of Profound Truth of Death in the pool was divided up by three others.

There are only a few broken things, like dried herbs, energy-dried ore, and so on.

“Go, there is Channel in front, you should be able to reach other important places!”

Ancient God Hei Ji said immediately, lead the way.

However, as soon as he came to this Channel, Ancient God Hei Ji stopped and moved forward step by step.

“The mechanism traps on the road before were all broken by me, so I can move forward at will, but next, I need to be cautiously, you better not touch anything!”

Ancient God Hei Ji solemnly said.

The rest ordered nodded. I do n’t know who is your place to live here, but at least it is far beyond what they are today.

They have no doubt that the mechanism trap here can kill them directly.

If Ancient God Hei Ji weren’t good at mechanism formation, they would probably give up exploring.

Before long, there were several forks.

But everyone knows nothing about this and can only let Ancient God Hei Ji choose.

On the way, everyone passed through some large and small rooms, and some were completely collapsed and destroyed, but there were still some Demon God hidden inside.

In some spaces, many people have found many precious resources that contain Profound Truth of Death.

“Don’t tell me this is where a powerful Eye of Death descendant lived?”

The beautiful young woman was somewhat impatient with complexion.

Exploring to this day, everyone encountered things related to Profound Truth of Death, which made her very irritable.

“It should be impossible, we have been outside before and met a lot of Demon God that contains Profound Truth of Destruction, Profound Truth …”

Lin Chengwu said flatly.

“Everything, this ruins is huge, don’t worry!”

Ancient God Hei Ji smiled slightly.

Everyone ordered nodded, at least when looking outside, this ruins is really huge.

However, because of the hindrance of mechanism formation, everyone is moving very slowly. The area explored should be less than 1% of the entire ruins.

Just then, above the ruins.

Nearly ten silhouettes floated to the head, figure was like a tower, Golden’s eyes were extremely fortitude.

“Ancient God Ju Ling, here it is!”

Beside, a youth with dark gold complexion said with a smile.

This person is the ancient God Liu Jin who almost defeated the remaining people of Spirit Clan on top of the two races.

“The source of my destruction strength within the body is the opportunity that comes from this ruins, but there are so many mechanisms in it that I have no power to continue to explore …”

Ancient God Liu Jin continued.

He had gone out to practice before, inadvertently broke into this place, obtained various opportunities, and broke through Ancient God, and finally returned to the clan, becoming a trump card on top of the two races.

Unfortunately, he lost to Zhao Feng in the end.

“This time we are prepared to at least dig out most of the treasures of this ruins!”

Ancient God Ju Ling whispered.

“The old man has also explored several Heavens Secret Clan remnants before!”

Next to him, a purple clouds robe old man smiled confidently.

Just then, all around, many Demon God found the rush.

“courting death !”

The Ancient God Ju Ling body shocked, shook the sky, and the golden flame raged.

A golden flame storm of majestic heaven and earth swept away all around, all around gravel and broken ruins flew away all around.

Those strengths are lower than Seventh-Rank Ancient God’s Demon God, and before they are approaching the crowd, they are disappeared directly by that powerful strength.

“too strong!”

The remaining Demon God with strong strength, deeply felt the danger from Ancient God Ju Ling, and produced a hint of fear.

Just then, Ancient God Ju Ling Golden clicked his fingers again and again.

Xiu xiu!

A few dazzling Golden Flames were shot directly, penetrating a few surviving Demon Gods in the distance.


Their whole body golden flame spread, the body gradually shattered, and eventually turned to ashes.

“Eighth-Rank Ancient God, it really is extraordinary!”

Ancient God Liu Jin was amazed.

“Get ready to explore!”

After solving everything, Ancient God Ju Ling said indifferently.

“It seems that others have been here before!”

The purple robe old man, whispered after observing all around.

“It’s just right, let them explore the road ahead …”

Ancient God Ju Ling expression is unchanged.

Subsequently, Fiery Gold Clan entire group found an entry, enters into it.

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