King of Gods

Chapter 1198

In the subterranean, Zhao Feng will successfully refining the treasure he seized from Quasi-God Kong Yuan.

Put the silver bracelet on your hand, and Zhao Feng puts the treasure he won before, directly into it.

Zhao Feng came out from within the earth.

I have been using Cross-Space Eye continuously before, which consumes a lot of Zhao Feng’s. Once Soul and Eye Strength have been consumed, God Eye will be unusable.

call out

Zhao Feng unfolded a pair of golden light wings and went directly to the team of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Save strength and prepare for the treasure”

Zhao Feng’s voice sounded in everyone’s mind.

Everyone ordered nodded.

Originally, everyone could get one or two treasures, even if it was not bad. They did not think about the most precious treasure in the transparent palace.

But the arrival of Hongyan Kirin stopped all Fifth-Rank True God and reduced the weakness of Zhao Feng’s team, which made them gain a lot; and the more important treasure, they also had the opportunity to participate.

At this moment, everyone can feel that the transparent palace above the sky may break at any time.

By then, all the treasures will fall.

Zhao Feng’s team, mixed in crowded crowds, occasionally competed with weaker teams for treasure; they did not go all out, but consumed before secret recovery.

After Zhao Feng participated in the battle, he did not use the eye pupil. He could crush the ordinary Second-Rank True God only by the Saint Thunder Body and the strength of Destroying the Thunder.

“Big brother, I saw Zhao Feng”

Hu Cheng suddenly saw Zhao Feng not far away, expressing surprise, said to his big brother.

Blue Scales Clan did not intend to participate in the battle for heavy treasures here, but before the transparent palace opened, they happened to meet another team of the arrived clan, including a Fourth-Rank True God, so Blue Scales Clan was planning to come and try one’s luck.

Unexpectedly, Fifth-Rank True God was restrained, and their squad had a large number, and they had to arrived a lot of Divine Tool and treasure.

“Quasi-God Lan Ye, Zhao Feng is there”

The Hu Family brothers immediately told Quasi-God Lan Ye.

The Hu Family brothers have no status in the team, so they can only mobilize Quasi-God Lan Ye; Quasi-God Lan Ye had three bets with Zhao Feng before, and was defeated. Quasi-God Lan Ye may want to kill Zhao Feng more than they do. .

“Haha, what a kid”

Quasi-God Lan Ye smiled, killing intent.

Subsequently, Quasi-God Lan Ye began to communicate with the experts in the team.

The Quasi-God expert in the team, except Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi, did not dare to disobey the meaning of Quasi-God Lan Ye; and the True God expert also has a large part, standing in Quasi-God Lan Ye On this side.

In the end, the Blue Scales Clan team decided to go against Zhao Feng and the others gets rid.

“You two eat what you eat”

A Third-Rank True God scolded.

He naturally refers to Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi.

“Kill them all”

Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God, cold eyes.

Sou sou

Nearly sixteen Blue Scales Clan experts, aggressively rushed towards the Zhao Feng team.

“People on Blue Scales Clan, run away”

Zhao Feng noticed something different in advance.

There are too many Blue Scales Clan people, as well as Fourth-Rank True God, and Zhao Feng naturally won’t hit him.


Zhao Feng and the others fled directly to the distance.

Among them, Little Ling, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Zhao Feng are the fastest, followed by azure clothed old man and Zhao Wan, and finally Zhao Wang.

Of course, Zhao Wang’s speed is also relatively fast, but it is far worse than the others in the team.

Sou sou

“Where can you escape?”

Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God and a small number of experts are extremely fast, and slowly approach Zhao Feng and the others. The remaining majority of the weaker strengths are left far behind.

For example, Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi were originally low in strength, and they were not willing to pursuit Zhao Feng, so they stopped halfway.

“Zhao Feng, obediently come up to die, other people in your team, we can let go”

Quasi-God Lan Ye smiles evil.

Other experts at Blue Scales Clan ordered nodded, and the strategy of Quasi-God Lan Ye is very good. Facing the crisis of alive or death, even the people with the best relationship may betray them.

However, to the surprise of Blue Scales Clan, everyone in Zhao Feng’s team seemed to have heard the words, and the speed was not reduced.

Sou sou

After a short chase, the Blue Scales Clan has six players who are faster and are the first to approach the Zhao Feng team.

“To die”

Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God, directly facing Zhao Wang gets rid on the bottom.

call out

Long sword waved, a huge blue sword edge, panning an amazing wave, sweeping forward.

From a distance, this cut is like the heaven shaking tsunami, as if it is going to devour everything.


In the Zhao Feng team, little Ling suddenly turned around and got rid directly.

Boom hu hu

The sky’s blue-violet flames instantly condense into countless filaments and weave into a huge web of flames, blocking it in front.

Bang Bang

The sky and fire were intertwined, and the blow from Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God was resolved.

“The girl is beautiful, and the strength is good. It is better to cooperate with Blue Scales Clan”

Blue Scales Clan, a Third-Rank True God, wandering recklessly over the lovable body of little Ling.

But the next moment, the six people who caught up with the Blue Scales Clan, including the Fourth-Rank True God, complexion, were slightly shaken.

All of Zhao Feng’s team suddenly turned around and killed them directly.

“Little Ling, Zhao Wang, you deal with Fourth-Rank True God, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and me, and quickly kill a Third-Rank True God, and the rest will pin down other Blue Scales Clan people

At the moment of the action, Zhao Feng issued an order.

Today, Blue Scales Clan only catches up to six people. Zhao Feng and the others definitely have a battle, and even through this battle, the whole situation is changed.


Zhao Feng was extremely fast and rushed to a Third-Rank True God with World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.


A black iron long sword appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands, which was the changed Ancient God Seal.


Zhao Feng turned to destroy Yan Lei, and chopped out a dark golden sword to chop ripples.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Strike”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon operates to destroy the Strength of Source, and directly performs a killing strike.

Bang Bang

The two were extremely fast, thunderclap gets rid, and the Third-Rank True God had not yet reacted, and they had endured two terrifying attacks.


Zhao Feng and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon physique are powerful and desperate to kill them.

“Flame Qi Cut”

Little Ling waved her hands, and countless flames of silk shuttled to the Fourth-Rank True God.

“such insignificant ability ”

Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God waved the long sword in his hand, and chopped out a huge sky shaking clear water sword edge.

Zhao Wang attacked the Fourth-Rank True God from the side.

“Quasi-God, really courting death”

Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God can’t help grin.

Such a weak Quasi-God wouldn’t hurt him at all.

A dark scepter and a thick Death Qi suddenly appeared in Zhao Wang’s hands, instantly darkening nearby heaven and earth.

“This Death Aura”

The Fourth-Rank True God whole body shuddered. The terrifying evil aura made him feel the crisis of death.

“Death black hole”

Zhao Wang holds “Death Curse Staff” while running Eye of Death.

call out

The eyes on Death Curse Staff echo the Eye of Death, shooting out a cloud of black mist, the evil mist of thriller, and the heart-breaking Profound Truth strength.


Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God was negligent and was hit by the black mist.


This dark mist instantly changed into a dark dead hole, creating a terrifying suction that sucked the soul and life of this Fourth-Rank True God.


Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God directly burned Divine Power, bursting out amazing Profound Truth strength, and receding to the rear.


One arm of the Fourth-Rank True God was completely devoured by the black hole, and his life and Soul were also severely damaged.

And he felt like he was surrounded by an untouchable Curse Strength.

“What the hell is this?”

Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God complexion pale, staring at Zhao Wang with a look of horror.

However, at this time Zhao Wang already took back the “Death Curse Staff”. After all, the quality of this Divine Tool can even be compared to the Supreme Treasure in the transparent palace.


On the other hand, Zhao Feng teamed up with World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and desperately killed a Third-Rank True God.

And all this happened in less than two breaths.

sou sou sou

At this time, the remaining experts of Blue Scales Clan came.

“how come?”

Hu Cheng was startled.

When they arrived, they saw that Four-Rank True God in the clan had lost an arm, and another Third-Rank True God was beheaded.

While Zhao Feng and the others gathered, the complexion was calm, and there was no escape or panic in the face of the Blue Scales Clan crowd.


A moment of stalemate, Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God, suddenly clinching one’s teeth said.

His injury was not simply a loss of an arm; his Soul and life were eroded by Profound Truth of Death, and he was also entangled with a Curse Strength, and his various states were reduced to the extreme.

If treatment is not resumed in time, the injuries will only get worse.

In addition, he was also a little afraid of the Divine Tool that Zhao Wang had just brought out, and the treasure in the transparent palace may appear at any time. He must restore the strength as soon as possible, and there may still be a fight.

“Don’t kill them?”

Quasi-God Lan Ye was astounded. The Fourth-Rank True God of Blue Scales Clan actually flinched. What happened just now.


Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God, angry snorted, heaven and earth strength immediately rushed to Quasi-God Lan Ye.

Deng deng

Quasi-God Lan Ye was shaken back two steps, immediately bowed his head, and stopped talking.

Hong long long

Just then, the transparent palace above Heavens exploded directly.

Boom hu hu

The terrifying Space storm swept all around, distorting heaven and earth.

At this moment, all the experts competing for treasure were all stunned; even the Red Flame Kirin and Fifth-Rank True God who fought in the distance were both slightly paused.


I saw, in the space shaking space storm, there were several silver glories.

These treasures have survived the devastating Space Storm and have undoubtedly proved their quality.

Of these several silver brilliances, four are the most shining, exuding amazing aura fluctuations.

“Zhongbao, the real one appeared”

The force squad that was still fighting for treasure immediately boiled.

“Space-Time Robe”

Quasi-God Kong Yuan’s eyes locked a dazzling radiance, which is a dark silver elegant robe.

“Heavenly Yuan Stone Plate”

The Quasi-God Si Kong of Heavenly Fate Holy Land also falls on a heavy treasure, which is an ancient gray stone plate with deep and obscure inscriptions.

“Not good, Chongbao Already appeared”

Blue Scales Clan Fourth-Rank True God, resentment.

Because of the private affairs of Quasi-God Lan Ye, he was seriously injured, and I am afraid he had no chance with Chongbao.

“Master, which one shall we grab?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon beating, immediately asked.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon only knows that four of these treasures are the most precious, but he doesn’t know any of them

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