King of Gods

Chapter 1195

Heaven and earth are booming. The endless Profound Truth attack is brilliant.

Hundreds of experts with True God strength fight together, terrifying fight with collisions, razing all nearby mountain peaks to the ground.

Today, from the transparent palace, a total of seven treasures have been dropped, the first white tea cup, already obtained by the people of Space-Time Holy Land.

The comb that World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and the others compete for is more common than other treasures, so it has less power to compete.

Pu chi

The dark yellow comb, from time to time, released several Space spikes, quickly rushing through void.

However, the experts who are fighting are well prepared and dodged.

“If we get this comb, the Battle Strength will be greatly enhanced, which will be more beneficial for the next fight”

A Fifth-Rank True God with dark-skinned and red-eyed eyes, with a greedy face.

This comb’s main attack can easily kill Second-Rank True God. If it is refining, how powerful can it be.

“wishful thinking”

Immediately scolded by another team fighting for the comb.

“Everyone, we can cooperate and take this comb down temporarily”

The red-eyed Fifth-Rank True God told World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and the others.

Although the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and the others cultivation base is low, the strength is good, and he can’t find others and authors.

“Okay, then we can help Senior get this treasure.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon said with a smile.

But in fact, all the forces here have their own hearts, and everyone knows it.


The two sides collided violently.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and the others contain only a small number of people and hand a large number of enemies to the race where the red-eyed Fifth-Rank True God belongs.

call out

A silver gray line flashed, and Small Thieving Cat rolled the dark gold Dragon Snake whip in his hand and rolled the comb.

“Hehe, a bunch of idiots”

That red-eyed Fifth-Rank True God, sneered.

“kill them”

When Small Thieving Cat got this comb, in addition Three Great Influences, immediately rushed to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and the others.

“What is this Thieving Cat?”

little Ling panicked.

Although the treasure is good, there are too many experts here. Whoever gets the treasure will lead to group attacks from other forces.

The Fifth-Rank True God forces that just joined with the Black Flood Dragon. When they saw that they got treasure, they killed them directly.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat grinned, waved his whip, and threw the comb directly next to another force.

“Damn, this stupid cat”

The three forces scolded their teeth and killed another.

Subsequently, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and the others continued to act, only to make trouble, not to win the treasure.

distance The 200,000 miles of subterranean here, Zhao Feng has a deep look and captures everything in the far sky.

“Let the major forces have hatred first, and make the scene more chaotic”

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

The first batch of items dropped out is not so precious compared to other items in the transparent palace. Therefore, at present, Zhao Feng has no plans to get a rid contention.

“That is?”

Zhao Feng’s gaze suddenly gazes into the transparent palace.

I saw, in the center of the transparent palace, a layer of Space shrouded in phantom, a dark silver robe emerged, with countless wonderful lines rune drawn on the robe, flashing silver gloss.

call out

The dark silver robe moved by itself in the transparent palace.

Pu chi

A terrifying gale of wind struck it.

Above the dark silver robe, a layer of Space ripples appeared, blocking the power of this Space gale.

In this scene, most of the experts who are fighting outside are naturally watching arrived.

“What treasure is that? With spiritual intelligence, the ability to move freely, terrifying Space Storm can’t hurt it in the slightest.”

Below the palace, many fighting experts, their hearts beating.


Suddenly, this dark silver robe collided wildly in the palace.

The large and small Space storm constantly assaulted onto the dark silver robe, but did not cause any damage to it.

Instead, some treasures in the palace were inadvertently touched by the dark silver robe and were directly hit by flying.

“Awesome treasure”

Everyone can see that this robe is a treasure of the most spiritual intelligence in the transparent palace.

“Must get this robe”

Fifth-Rank True God of Space-Time Holy Land flashed a grim look.

Space-Time Holy Land is most familiar with Profound Truth of Space-Time. According to his judgment, this robe is likely to be the most precious item in the palace. It’s just that this item is not attack, so laymen can’t see how precious it is.


That robe shook the entire palace slightly, and many items in the palace were shaking and wagging.

Hu hu

More items fell from the cracks in the transparent palace.

“Falling another treasure”

“Quality seems to be higher than just now”

Many experts below were shocked, and the whole body non-stop was trembling, ready to get rid to compete.

Many of these treasures are flowers and plants, most likely Precious Materials that contain Profound Truth of Space-Time, which can help people feel Profound Truth of Space-Time.

One side of the mirror radiates a layer of void rays of light and penetrates into the void.

Suddenly, the void of heaven and earth was locked, and everyone could not use Space Profound Truth.

“That is, Locking Spatial Mirror”

An old man in Space-Time Holy Land, staring at this mirror horribly, his heart was shocked.

Locking Spatial Mirror, lock one side void, so that Opponent can not use Space Profound Truth, people of Space-Time Holy Land are particularly afraid of this treasure.

call out

After “Locking Spatial Mirror” locks a void, it flees directly to the distance.

“Chasing, can’t let” Locking Spatial Mirror “escape”

Suddenly, ten forces left for the Locking Spatial Mirror, and there were three people in Holy Land.

After all, this Locking Spatial Mirror is the highest High Grade qualitative treasure currently available, which is many times higher than the previous those tea cups and combs.

If you control the “Locking Spatial Mirror” ability, it is more convenient to grab the treasure next.

“Quick, grab the remaining treasure”

“Locking Spatial Mirror” has attracted a large number of powerful forces, and the remaining forces are competing for other treasures.

These treasures may not be as good as the Locking Spatial Mirror, but they are also much more precious than the first batch of treasures that fell down.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon low roaring sound.

Today, there are many treasures in the sky, and powerful forces and experts are attracted by the Locking Spatial Mirror.

Bang Bang

Some two weak teams are fighting for a silver flower, and the two sides are fighting hard.

At this moment, a light gold eye suddenly appeared above them, surrounded by many colorful Wind Thunder, indifferent, as if with heaven and earth stand side by side, looking down.

The two fighting teams suddenly turned pale, the whole body trembled, and the Spiritual God soul received an invisible assault. Only two of them, Fourth-Rank True God expression, were calm.

“Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain”


I saw that the huge amber gold pupil evolved into an endless Purple Gold maze world, exuding a fatal attraction.

All the experts in the two teams were bewildered by the mighty Dao of Illusions strength, and even the eyes of Fourth-Rank True God were struggling.

That silver flower and grass all around, an Eye Strength vortex emerged, and then swallowed it.

The next moment, the Golden Eye of Filling the Heaven in the sky also disappeared.

The two teams looked in shock, looked at each other a glance, and determined that it was not the other’s means.

“Is it the genius of Space-Time Holy Land hiding in the dark?”

A Fourth-Rank True God was surprised, and then led the team to compete for other treasures. These small forces naturally dare not offend the people of Divine Realm Holy Land.

In subterranean, Zhao Feng smiled.

In such a chaotic battlefield, he used the Eye of Filling the Heaven method, and no one could detect who it was.

And to this level, the means of Eye of Filling the Heaven is not so shocking. For those who have Space-Time Holy Land present, most people will doubt the body of the Space-Time Holy Land expert.

“My Eye of Filling the Heaven seems to have enhanced a lot”

Zhao Feng said with a little surprise.

This is the first time Zhao Feng has performed Eye of Filling the Heaven in Immemorial Dreamland. At that moment, Zhao Feng felt that he could borrow more strength between heaven and earth to increase the power of Eye Technique.

Eye of Filling the Heaven has a certain increase in Zhao Feng’s various Eye Techniques, but in Immemorial Dreamland, this increase is even greater.

“Huh? Immemorial Races is going to act?”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye noticed a trace of movement in the extreme direction, whispering.

It seems that the place where the movement occurred is where the ten forces are fighting for the “Locking Spatial Mirror”.

“That is”

Zhao Feng’s eyes shook, as if looking at something that was terrifying.

Bang Bang

Ten forces, for Locking Spatial Mirror, played Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, murky heavens dark earth.

Hong long long

At this moment, the distant sky shook violently, and the terrifying Immemorial gas swelled into the sky.

“Be careful, a strong enemy appears”

Quasi-God Si Kong of Heavenly Fate Holy Land took a step back and didn’t get rid again.

Sou sou

Two huge lights and shadows, one black and one red, rushed out.


Terrifying’s Will will make all the experts competing for Locking Spatial Mirror aura solidify, and the figure sinks.

call out

The red giant rushed directly to the Locking Spatial Mirror.


A Fourth-Rank True God furiously shouted from Heaven Devourer Holy Land, gets rid of it.


The next moment, a flame light beam burst out from the red light and shadow, rushing towards the Fourth-Rank True God, engulfing its figure.

And when the flames disappeared, people were gone


More than a hundred experts at the scene, Soul was trembling, the figure was deadlocked, and looked towards the red giant shadow.


This is a huge Flaming Qilin, powerful, terrifying face, and drink from Tianyi.

Bang bang bang

Heaven and earth exploded for a while, distance Flaming Qilin’s closer expert, felt the endless flame pressure, body Soul was extremely hot, within the body Bloodline trembled as if to break out of the body.


Strength is lower than Fourth-Rank True God, directly spurt a mouthful of blood.

In the distance, the forces fighting for treasure under the transparent palace were also affected by this invisible power.

roar roar roar

With the roar of Flaming Qilin, more huge Immemorial Races suddenly appeared in the rear. The strength of these Immemorial Races is not very strong, but the number is very terrifying.

But everyone’s eyes are still set on the forefront, the body of that red flame unicorn.

“Ancient God”

Fifth-Rank True God from Heavenly Fate Holy Land, his face trembled slightly.

This powerful aura is definitely the Ancient God expert.

“It’s Ancient God”

Experts of some 5-Star forces can’t help startled after hearing this.

At the scene, Chosen of the three Holy Lands looked dizzy.

“This is, ‘Blood Flaming Qilin Clan, # XNUMX in Immemorial Ten Thousand Race,”

An ancient Fourth-Rank True God recognizes the true nature of these two Immemorial Races.

Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List More than a hundred powerful ancient gods, how terrifying the strength should be

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