King of Gods

Chapter 1178

“Hou Qing is a descendant of the Sky Water Demon clan Grand Elder. It is overbearing in the tribe. It is unavoidable, but it happens that this person’s innate talent and strength are also very good …”

Seeing that Zhao Feng didn’t know about Hou Qing, Yu Hen took the initiative to speak.

“Strength and innate talent are really good”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

Hou Qing’s strength is on par with Zhao Feng’s promotion to Mystic Light Realm Perfection. You must know that Zhao Feng has the huge resources of Immemorial Dreamland, and the strong supreme being power of God Eye. Although Hou Qing is a child of the 4-Star Peak power, it is really good to have such achievements, at least better than Zhao Feng. All the geniuses you see in the Wild God Region are strong.

“I just saw Brother Zhao did n’t even use Bloodline Power, so I scared Hou Qing like that. It seems Brother Zhao ’s strength is extraordinary.”

Yu Hen looked at Zhao Feng a glance deeply and praised.

But he guessed that Hou Qing escaped because Zhao Feng had the help of Third-Rank expert, and Hou Qing was alone.

“My Bloodline is very mundane and not very useful”

Zhao Feng said directly.

Yu Hen’s sentence just now is actually exploring the disciple of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s answer was actually saying that he did not have Immemorial Bloodline.

“Brother Zhao can cultivate to such an extent by relying on the ordinary Bloodline, which is really admirable”

Yu Hen slightly smiled. Originally, he thought that Zhao Feng was a great power, or how could he dare to pursuit Hou Qing.

At this point, Zhao Feng himself acknowledged that his Bloodline was low, which means he did not include Immemorial Bloodline, or the Bloodline ranking was very low.

Golden Arm Clan’s tall woman and tall middle-aged woman were also attracted by Zhao Feng’s words. After slightly sensing the Bloodline Power sensor, she decided that Zhao Feng did not have Immemorial Bloodline.

Zhao Feng expression Wei Wei, looked towards Yu Hen, this person is too friendly towards himself.

But maybe it was Zhao Feng who came to the Wild God Region.

On the way, Zhao Feng learned that it was the site of the capuchin, and the capuchin was one of the four most beautiful races in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, ranking XNUMX

Races so high in the rankings are naturally only members of powerful forces who dare to go in, such as Sky Water Demon clan at 4-Star Peak, which is expected to become the Golden Arm Clan at 4-Star Peak.

Of course, there are also some weak members who want to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain. After all, Treasure Land, do as you wish to dig into some opportunities, and equivalent to their gains in other places for dozens of days.

Phoenix Forest distance This place is extremely distant. The three men flew at full strength and it took more than a month.

“This should be the middle edge area of ​​Immemorial Dreamland.”

Zhao Feng whispering in his heart.

Zhao Feng explored in the Immemorial Dreamland in a relatively small area.At present, he is only mixing on the XNUMX to XNUMX race sites.At this time, he followed the Golden Arm Clan three to the Immemorial ranking of more than XNUMX Fengwei Construction site for tits.

“These Quasi-God and True God strength equivalents are powerful. If they come together, they are a terrifying strength.”

Zhao Feng expression grave, do as you wish in Wild Immemorial secret realm, a race gathers together, Zhao Feng plus all Demon Beast groups are not its opponent.

However, Zhao Feng did not plan to go against them. Since these experts are going to conquer the land of those opportunities, they can also mix in and try to search for some benefits, so Zhao Feng and the Golden Arm Clan are arrived here.

In Immemorial Dreamland, Zhao Feng’s perception ability and speed have absolute advantages, and he also has a lot of life saving cards.

“This is Phoenix Forest”

The Golden Arm Clan showed a touch of joy.

I saw that in the far sky, there were countless huge various colored vines and ancient trees. These plants depended on each other and intertwined, soaring into the sky, almost covering half the sky

Before they approached, everyone felt a strong heaven and earth Origin Energy, mixed with the refreshing plant and wood aroma, took a deep breath, and felt comfortable.

Sou sou

A team of four people flew past it, and distributed a terrifying Dao of Fire aura, cultivation base Gundam Third-Rank True God.

“A lot of expert teams”

Zhao Feng was surprised.

Zhao Feng’s field of vision is extremely broad. It can be seen that all around have teams approaching Phoenix Forest. It seems that this place is a very famous place of opportunity.

“Phoenix Forest, the habitat of the anchovies, all kinds of rare Immemorial Precious Materials can be found in it, and the more inward, the higher the level of Precious Materials, and the Phoenix Nest in the Phoenix Forest Center is an opportunity Infinite, good luck can also get the tail feathers of a powerful capuchin … “

The woman in pink palace clothes said slowly, as if responding to Zhao Feng’s emotion.

“The tail feathers of the capuchin?”

Zhao Feng eyes reveal surprise.

“Yes, Phoenix Tail Bird Clan has a certain relationship with legendary phoenix. Their tail feathers are extremely precious, not only heaven and earth Precious Materials, but also the source of the fire of the capuchin.”

After Yu Hen spoke, the crowd flew directly to Phoenix Forest.

As you approach, you can see the sound of fighting in several places in Phoenix Forest.

Zhao Feng’s eyes penetrated the outer area of ​​Phoenix Forest, and saw a three-man squad killing with a Third-Rank True God’s anchovies.

The capuchin is smaller in size, and the fantastic colored tail feathers are longer than its body, and the long tail feathers burn with colorful flames.


The capuchin spewed countless flame filaments, forming a densely packed colored inflammation net, and fighting with all around three experts.

“Really strong control”

Zhao Feng can’t help Marvel.

His eyes penetrated the Phoenix Forest and he clearly observed the battle. The capuchin controls the strange flames within the body very carefully, and fuses all the flame strengths into a filament. If the filament is entangled, the consequences can be imagined.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the so fine control of the flames, they are good at using fire but still inhabit the woods.

Zhao Feng was watching the finch fight, but suddenly he heard a sound of disgust not far away.

“Big brother, Zhao Feng’s kid”

Hu Cheng saw Zhao Feng flying towards here, and the complexion was happy.

At first, he and his big brother found Zhao Feng, but happened to beast tide, so Zhao Feng escaped.

I didn’t expect such a big Wild Immemorial secret realm, he saw Zhao Feng again, it was really enemies on a narrow road.

“Oh? I will kill him this time”

Hu Yu’s gaze also left from Phoenix Forest and looked towards Zhao Feng at the rear.

“Well? Five people.”

Hu Meng’s complexion changed slightly. At this time Zhao Feng actually had four more people. Although he could not see the Bloodline of the other four, the aura of the other was very good and should be very strong.

However, Hu Fun was surrounded by more Blue Scales Clan, with eight people.

“Brother Zhao”

Wei Ke saw joy at Zhao Feng.

I happened to encounter such terrifying beast tide that day and saw Zhao Feng was all right, he was relieved.

On the other hand, Ma Lingshi was a bit worried, and met Zhao Feng again, and the villain Hu Cheng would not let Zhao Feng go.

Hu Cheng and Hu Meng flew out and intercepted in front of Zhao Feng and Yu Hen. The rest of Blue Scales Clan also noticed their actions.

“Everyone, this guy is hostile to my Blue Scales Clan. Leave him.”

Hu Meng complexion was as usual, with strong words, pointing at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng body does not have Immemorial Bloodline, and the others have Immemorial Bloodline, so they are certainly not of one race. Hu Fun believes that the other four will not offend the eight Blue Scales Clan people for Zhao Feng alone.

“he is my friend”

Yu Hen’s eyes glanced at the same two people in front of him, differently said.

The tall woman looked at the situation in front of her, always smirking without a smile, and the tall man kept coming all the way and said nothing.

“He offended us”

Hu fung showed a trace of ruthlessness.

Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi stared angrily at Hu and Hu but they didn’t dare to say anything.

Among the eight Blue Scales Clan present, except for their Hu Family brothers, and one was the strongest Blue Scales Clan Quasi-God Quasi-God Lan Ye, and the other three True Gods favored Hu Fun and Quasi-God Lan Ye. I don’t care about them at all.

Three old man shook the head in Blue Scales Clan, approached and said directly: “Don’t do it for a Mystic Light Realm Perfection.

The three old man’s words were not blunt, but with a slight threat, meaning that if Yu Hen and the others did not surrender Zhao Feng, they would offend the eight Blue Scales Clan present.

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, a flash of cold color flashed in his eyes.

Among the eight people in front of the Blue Scales Clan, in addition to the four he knew, there was also a youth and three old men, of which only two were Third-Rank True God. If Zhao Feng were to flee, the opponent would not catch up.

But the point is, Zhao Feng spent a lot of time feeling Phoenix Forest, how could he return without success.

“Are you threatening the Golden Arm Clan?”

Yu Hen’s handsome face suddenly became cold and severe, both eyes flashed a sharp edge.

Suddenly, a wonderful Golden texture appeared on his clenched right fist, and then the entire arm shone with Golden’s dazzling radiance, and a suffocating force exudes suddenly.

“Golden Arm Clan”

The three old man and Hu Cheng Hu mourning complexion suddenly shocked, and then burst out a smile: “I didn’t expect you to be the Quasi-God Chosen of Golden Arm Clan. The old man’s eyes were awkward.”

Golden Arm Clan, the strongest of the 4-Star semi-powers, has great hope to become a 4-Star Peak power, which is by no means comparable to ordinary 4-Star semi-powers such as Blue Scales Clan.

“It’s all a misunderstanding. We confessed the wrong person.”

Hu Cheng complexion was embarrassed, only to say that Golden Arm Clan wants to protect Zhao Feng, they are really difficult to get started.

On the other side, Quasi-God Lan Ye who looked at all this coldly, both eyes flashed a flash of Fighting Intent.

Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi complexion were startled, and did not expect Zhao Feng and Golden Arm Clan to be so good.

all around other expert teams also noticed the situation here, most of their eyes stayed on the body of Golden Arm Clan and the others.

“I didn’t expect this time, Golden Arm Clan has also targeted Phoenix Forest.”

“But they are just a few of them, not the opponent of those great forces in the Phoenix Forest.”

The squads gathered in all around were not very powerful members, so they have not left yet.

“I admit the wrong person and apologize to my friend”

Yu Hen complexion is unchanged, coldly said.


Hu Cheng and Hu Meng were obviously reluctant. There were so many people watching here, they took the initiative to go to trouble, but at last they apologized.

“Apologize quickly, there are so many people here, we can’t be against the Golden Arm Clan”

The old man from Blue Scales Clan Third-Rank True God gave sound transmission to the second brother of Hu Family.

“Sorry, we confessed the wrong person”

The Hu Family brothers buried their heads and made a low, unwilling voice.

“Go, go.”

The coldness in Zhao Feng’s eyes disappeared. The two could not deal with themselves because of Golden Arm Clan, and Zhao Feng could not kill them because of these people like Blue Scales Clan.

Sou sou

Golden Arm Clan and the others and Zhao Feng, left here directly and headed for Phoenix Forest.

“Damn, this Golden Arm Clan hasn’t become a 4-Star Peak force yet.”

Hu funeral complexion was red and whispered.

“There are so many people here, we can’t clearly fall out with Golden Arm Clan”

the old man whispered.

The same as the 4-Star semi-power, Blue Scales Clan has a lot of people but whispers, and anyone will be uncomfortable.

“We go in too”

Old man said directly.

Hu Cheng and Hu Fun looked at a glance, understood the words of old man in their hearts, and can’t help sneer.

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