King of Gods

Chapter 1171

The towering dense forest exudes heaven and earth Origin Energy and Immemorial aura, which are stronger than the Wild God Region.

A clear-eyed youth man with a layer of scale pattern on the skin of light blue, he was surprised and walked cautiously.

“Here is the Wild Immemorial secret realm?”

The man was slightly excited.

His name is Wei Ke, a member of the Ancient Long Region Blue Scales Clan. He has excellent innate talent. He has been cultivate to Half-God Realm in just a hundred years, and has become a member of the inner race.

In the race for the Wild Immemorial secret realm, Wei Ke emerged and took a place.

However, in the Blue Scales Clan enters into the one, he still exists at the bottom.

“Look at the map first”

Wei Ke’s idea goes deep into Soul world, a piece of scattered map information comes to mind.

This is the generation of Blue Scales Clan generations of discrete enters into the Wild Immemorial secret realm.The map information summarized after countless years of precipitation, but the map information in it still cannot be connected. The secret realm is huge.

Immemorial Wild secret realm, the largest secret realm in the Wild God Region, opened once every XNUMX years.

The Immemorial Wild secret realm distance was last opened, but it has been opened again for a thousand years.

So, being able to enter into the Wild Immemorial secret realm, in Wei Ke’s view, is like dreaming.

“Unable to determine location”

Wei Ke’s idea returns to the body.

“Listen to seniors in the clan, this place is extremely dangerous. I still want to get in touch with people in the clan first.”

A fish-shaped blue command token appears in Wei Ke’s hand.

This is a command token for communication. Within a certain circle, as long as this command token appears, he can directly sound transmission.

But at this time, Wei Ke urged the command token in his hands, but he didn’t feel the slightest. That is to say, he was all around a certain range, and there was no Blue Scales Clan person.

“The Wild Immemorial secret realm is really too big. No one from the Bluescale Ice Clan is near me”

Wei Ke sighed, eyes revealed firmness, since he can only start exploring by himself.

Wei Ke cautiously flew through the forest, looking calmly all around.

“This is, Blood Soul Grass”

Wei Ke’s eyes lit up and he flew somewhere, staring at a piece of blood-red, meridian-red medicine.

Blood Soul Grass, which can promote the movement of qi and blood, is conducive to cultivate breakthrough, and also has certain benefits for Soul, which is not very precious for Half-God experts.

But there is a whole piece of Blood Soul Grass in front of him, which adds up to hundreds of strains, so Wei Ke is very excited.

As Wei Ke picked Blood Soul Grass, there was a roar not far away.

Immediately, a blood-red light and shadow rushed towards him.

There was an extra long sword in Wei Ke’s hands. Between the waves, a layer of water ripples rolled forward, breaking several towering ancient trees and blasting towards the blood-red light and shadow.

“Blood Clan”

Wei Ke’s eyes stared at the Immemorial Races, a strange race of thick blood-red liquid.

The blood race can devour the qi and blood of other races, and can change the shape of the incarnation body arbitrarily.

“Sure enough, the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race here is all ontology”

Wei Ke showed surprise, and Fighting Intent continued.

This blood race is also Half-God Realm, but Wei Ke is Quasi-God, much more powerful than him, and the Blue Scales Clan’s Bloodline is stronger.

But at this moment, more blood-red lights and shadows rushed towards here, and the huge blood-red lights and shadows made Wei Ke tremble.

“Hurry up”

At this moment, in the other direction, a blond man with a handsome face and sharp diamonds appeared.

Zhao Feng was extremely fast and came to Wei Ke’s side instantly, running Will strength, and taking Wei Ke out of danger.

After flying for a while, the silhouette of the Blood Yuan clan gradually disappeared.

“Many thanks brother gets rid”

Wei Ke said with a smile, his eyes were full of gratitude.

Zhao Feng’s speed was at least twice as fast as Wei Ke. This made Wei Ke admire Zhao Feng a bit. In his opinion, Zhao Feng is at least some 4-Star semi-powerful genius.

The wild immemorial secret realm is full of dangers. Many races kill each other for the benefit of others. In other people, Wei Ke will not be controlled at all, but Zhao Feng took the initiative to save his life. This also proves that Zhao Feng is not an evil young younger generation.

“No thanks, but why are you here alone?”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

In fact, Zhao Feng found him when Wei Ke first came here, but he didn’t manage it at that time, because Wei Ke’s strength was not strong, and Zhao Feng was too lazy to go to slavery.

However, Zhao Feng suddenly discovered that Wei Ke took out the communication command token, which made Zhao Feng a little curious, so Zhao Feng slowly approached and observed in secret. The blood race just now was also deliberately arranged by Zhao Feng.

“Isn’t your Excellency alone?”

Wei Ke said something strange, but he added immediately: “enters into the Wild Immemorial secret realm, all are random teleportation, which is also no way out”

From Wei Ke’s point of view, the sentence he added seemed to be nonsense, but Zhao Feng’s mind turned up Stormy Sea.

“Wild Immemorial secret realm”

Zhao Feng heard about this secret realm in Trading Spirit Palace, so I know a few.

“Here is the Wild Immemorial secret realm?”

Zhao Feng just wanted to ask the question, but he blocked this sentence in his heart.

If Immemorial Dreamland is really a Wild Immemorial secret realm, Zhao Feng would definitely be regarded as a fool by Wei Ke when he said this sentence.

Pingping Pingping

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye beat for a moment, then calmed down.

“My name is Wei Ke. I wonder if this lord is willing to act with me temporarily?”

Wei Ke immediately invited, and his clear eyes could not see any other purpose.

Wild Immemorial secret realm’s fierce danger, he always only heard about it, until he saw it with his own eyes, if it was not Zhao Feng gets rid rescued, he would be afraid to lose his life.

At the same time as the invitation was issued, Wei Ke began to feel Zhao Feng’s cultivation base Realm. It didn’t seem to be very strong, which caused him some confusion. Zhao Feng’s speed was obviously much faster than him, but the cultivation base seemed to be Mystic Light Realm Perfection.

“My name is Zhao Feng. It’s safer to act together when I first came here.”

Zhao Feng smiled.

Originally, he just planned to get some information from Wei Ke, but Wei Ke had simple thinking and no malicious intentions, and he directly invited Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng still can’t believe it is a Wild Immemorial secret realm, so I will act with Wei Ke for a while and see what is going on.

If Immemorial Dreamland is really a Wild Immemorial secret realm, wouldn’t genius in the Wild God Region come to plunder his resources, Zhao Feng can’t just sit idly by and ignore it.

For a long time, Immemorial Dreamland is a cultivate secret realm that Zhao Feng recklessly plunders and plunders resources, but at this moment, it may be broken in by countless geniuses from the Wild God Region.

“Brother Zhao strength is extraordinary. It is a top expert of a 4-Star semi-power.”

Wei Ke said with a smile, already treats Zhao Feng as a friend.

“Fortunately, the forces behind are not very powerful.”

Zhao Feng said vaguely that the power behind him was not Blazing Golden Sheep Clan, it could even be considered weak.

“Wei Ke, let’s go this way, I feel there is a dangerous aura in that direction”

Zhao Feng said directly.

In fact, there is Zhao Feng’s territory over there. Accompanying Wei Ke to explore there, wouldn’t it allow him to plunder his resources, and Immemorial Races who were enslaved by Zhao Feng would not be able to attack Zhao Feng, which would make Wei Ke doubtful. .

“it is good”

Wei Ke didn’t think much, and Zhao Feng moved in the other direction.

“How many people did Brother Wei come to Wild Immemorial secret realm?”

Within a few steps, Zhao Feng began to inquire about intelligence.

“Blue Scales Clan is only a 4-Star half race, so only 40 people come in, but my family has a powerful Fifth-Rank True God who comes here, if only he met him.”

Wei Ke didn’t want to speak directly.

“40 Five People, Fifth-Rank True God”

Zhao Feng stared for a moment, and his heart was startled.

According to Zhao Feng’s guess, the 40-five were either Quasi-God or Second-Rank True God, but he didn’t expect that there was Fifth-Rank True God. Fifth-Rank True God, stronger than Sky Feather Island Lord

“Be careful, Zhao Feng”

Suddenly Wei Ke drank, and the long sword in his hand moved a huge ripple of water, rushing out directly to meet a Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

This Sky Fire-Thunder Ape is naturally not the one enslaved by Zhao Feng. Its strength is stronger, reaching the First-Rank True God Peak.

Zhao Feng expression was cold, and Wei Ke’s strength could not deal with this Sky Fire-Thunder Ape, and it was even dangerous, but Wei Ke didn’t seem to think that many.

This made Zhao Feng’s impression of the Wild God Region changed a bit. He always thought that in the Wild God Region, everyone only looked at the interests and strength.

Zhao Feng runs Wind Thunder of Metal and rushes out.


Zhao Feng hit a golden light thunder fist and smashed it into the Sky Fire-Thunder Ape’s chest. No one noticed it. A ray of Profound Truth of Metal penetrated the fist light, causing huge damage to the internal organs of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape Damage.

Wei Ke strength is not weak. It is much stronger than First-Rank True God. Together with Zhao Feng, it quickly killed Sky Fire-Thunder Ape.

And most of the precious materials of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape body, Zhao Feng let Wei Ke take away.

“Brother Zhao is not only fast, but also strong.”

Wei Ke smiled purely.

“My people of similar race seem to be in the vicinity”

Wei Ke sent a discourse immediately through the blue command token in his hand.

After determining the direction, Wei Ke and Zhao Feng started to move, and soon encountered a similar race of arrived Wei Ke.

“Are you from Blue Scales Clan?”

An eyebrow-like sword, a slightly proud yellow clothed man, glanced at Wei Ke a glance.

“Hu Cheng, this person is indeed from Blue Scales Clan, but the person next to him is not …”

Next to the yellow clothed man, a delicate and pretty woman said that her tender skin had the texture of light blue and she had several points of exquisite figure.

“Hu Cheng big brother, my name is Wei Ke, it’s great to meet you”

Wei Ke was a little excited, and Already stood next to Hu Cheng and Ma Lingshi.

“Wei Ke, it’s okay for you to act with us, but this person does not know which race it is, and only the cultivation base of Mystic Light Perfection …”

Hu Cheng, as a strong Eldest Disciple of Blue Scales Clan, is naturally embarrassed to abandon other members of the clan, but he looks towards Zhao Feng’s eyes, but it is extremely despicable.

He didn’t understand which force of Zhao Feng was the Realm of Mystic Light Perfection, and went to the Wild Immemorial secret realm.

In Blue Scales Clan, the ones that enter into the Wild Immemorial secret realm are at least Quasi-God or Second-Rank True God.

But after thinking about it, maybe Zhao Feng’s race is too weak, Quasi-God and Half-God all came in and there are still vacancies, so I sent in the people of Mystic Light Perfection.

“Hu Cheng big brother, Zhao Feng I just met here, his strength is stronger than me”

Wei Ke simply said.

“Hehe, just let him come with us”

Ma Lingshi smiled and said directly.

In her opinion, Wei Ke intentionally said that Hu Cheng wanted Zhao Cheng to accept Zhao Feng. How could Mystic Light Perfection be better than Quasi-God.

“Now that Lingshi has said so, let him join us, but when you are in danger, you have to work hard”

Hu Cheng looked towards Ma Lingshi, with a trace of fiery, then looked at a glance Zhao Feng in disdain, and said directly.

With Zhao Feng’s cultivation base, it is estimated that they will die soon, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t go with them.

His main focus is on Ma Lingshi body. Although Ma Lingshi is not as good as the number one beauty in the clan, his appearance is also excellent.

Hu Cheng has the strongest strength among the four, and at that time, he can just perform in front of Ma Lingshi and get her.

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