King of Gods

Chapter 117

On the way back, Princess Yun Xiangmeng accompanied Zhao Feng.

Along the way, Yun Xiangmeng smiled cleverly and was more polite and kind than Zhao Feng’s words.

Zhao Feng had a weird heart, and a little swept away Xiang Xiang Princess.

From the sect assessment to the enters into the Outer Sect, the Xiangyun Princess, with its exquisite and beautiful face, noble identity, and elegant temperament, made other Outer Disciple self-defeating, and refused to be beyond a thousand miles.

Previously, Xiang Yun Princess naturally dismissed a glance for the ordinary youngster, Zhao Feng, a natural talent.

But the past and the past are different.

The recent experience made Yun Xiangmeng faintly realize that the youngster at present might be a genius character that must not be missed in his life.

For a while, she seemed to see the rise of the miracle of the next generation of alchemy genius, becoming a bright star in the alchemy world.

As Xiangyun Princess, Yun Xiangmeng’s vision is far beyond other Outer Disciple.

She certainly understands that an outstanding top Alchemist Master has a great effect on sect.

A sect has more excellent Alchemist Masters, which can produce enough high-quality Spirit Pills, which can promote the overall strength of the sect.

If the Alchemy genius in front of us can be attracted, the effect on the Xiangyun royal family will be unimaginable.


Zhao Feng kept deliberate affection and enthusiasm for Yun Xiangmeng.

He doesn’t like this Hunan Cloud Country Princess, but he doesn’t want to offend easily.

After all, Hunan Cloud Country is also his country, his hometown.

Yun Xiangmeng sighed secretly, knowing that he had not impressed Zhao Feng’s before, causing him not to sell himself too much.

Of course, she will not give up easily. This is a future star that will have a great effect on the sect and the royal family of Xiangyun.

Not long.

Zhao Feng returned to Outer Sect Hall.

Many people know that today is the day when new Zhao Feng comes to challenge Inner Sect Substitute disciple “Ji Fengyun”.

Many Outer Disciple, put down their work and ran to watch the battle.

At this time, I saw Zhao Feng and Yun Xiangmeng coming side by side, and some Outer Disciple nearby, especially the new Disciple, were surprised.

“When will Zhao Feng be fine with Hunan Cloud Country Princess?”

Some Outer Disciple, clicking one’s tongue in wonder, felt incredible.

enters into the sect During this time, everyone was used to the noble indifference of Xiangyun Princess. Apart from a few people like Xiao Yun and Liu Yue’er, they didn’t care much about other Outer Disciple.

After a while, Zhao Feng came to the Specialized Challenge Platform of the Arrived Outer Sect Hall.

This Challenge Platform is located near the residence of the Substitute Inner Disciple.

Those Substitute Inner Disciple, there are separate courtyards in Outer Sect, enjoy the superior treatment and cultivation of sect.

Once it becomes a Substitute Inner Disciple, there is basically no work to do, and it is usually more free. Unlike the ordinary Outer Disciple, it basically works as a laborer and a messer for sect.

Challenging Platform is made of special black rock. Zhao Feng visually checked with his left eye that its hardness is several times better than steel. Martial Path Master is also difficult to damage.

Whenever someone challenges the Inner Sect Substitute disciple, the neighborhood is particularly lively.

Zhao Feng successively watched several familiar silhouettes, Xiao Yun, Liu Yue’er, Chen Feng … and rushed to two Senior Brothers, Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan.

Not long after, the challenged “Ji Fengyun” also came.

Like this formal challenge, Deacon or Vice-Deacon from Outer Sect Hall is usually present to supervise the test.

Today’s challenge is led by Deacon Qiu.

He is familiar with Deacon Qiu and the new disciple. He is the person in charge of the entrance examination.

However, unexpectedly, there seems to be more than one person challenging the Inner Sect Substitute disciple today.

“In the first game, ‘Wang Yang’ challenged Inner Sect Substitute disciple ‘Xia Yundong’.”

Deacon Qiu’s voice was filled with a majestic oppression of spirituality, echoing several li.

The noisy scene on the field quickly calmed down.

bass! bass!

Two silhouettes emitting powerful auras, falling onto Martial Arts Field.

The two youths on the stage are opposite each other.

One is Xia Yundong, which is ranked XNUMXth by the Inner Sect Substitute disciple, and the other is Wang Yang, the challenger.

Both of them have the cultivation base of Half-Step Ascended Realm, Martial Path Inner Strength bolt of lightning, surging around the body surface, all around the wind force hunting, the invisible Qi Field oppression, compared with Guangling Mansion’s “One Guard” “, Don’t bother.

“Half-Step Holy Realm level battle!”

Zhao Feng heart divide might 凛.

Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan are standing beside him, and they pay close attention to the fighting.

Shua! Shua!

The figure was shaking on the stage, the two afterimages were swiftly moving on the ground and midair, the collisions between the moves, the roar of roar, and the violent winds swept like violent waves.

Half-Step Ascended Realm’s fight with is generally close to Consolidated Realm’s 8th Layer, I’m afraid it will be twisted into pieces.

The two experts are equipped with two or three Low-Rank Mortal Grade Cultivation Technique martial skills, equivalent to the legal Holy-Rank Martial Art in the outside world.

Jian Xiao Fengyun!

Substitute Inner Disciple “Xia Yundong” in the hands of a long sword stabbed a fierce sword wind, howling, and a lingering sword wind aftershock, like the invisible Blade Edge, covering the challenger.

For a while, the sharp and sharp Jianming Wind howls shook the eardrums, and some of the cultivation base eight 9th Layer Outer Disciples on the stage were very bloody and uncomfortable.

“This turns out to be the strength that the ‘Consolidated Realm’ hierarchy can have?”

“Half-Step Ascended Realm is much stronger than the average 9 Ranks of Consolidated Realm.”

Many Outer Disciple who watched the show, trembled, and were awed by Half-Step Ascended Realm and Substitute Inner Disciple.

In Broken Moon Sect Outer Sect, the Substitute Inner Disciple is definitely the leader in Battle Strength.

Generally Outer Disciple, if you want to challenge the Substitute Inner Disciple, you must have at least the cultivation base of Half-Step Ascended Realm.

Of course, there are not a few special cases. With Martial Path Ninth Layer Peak cultivation base, the challenge is successful.

However, in the last two years, the twenty Substitute Inner Disciples and the cultivation base are basically Half-Step Ascended Realm.

On the stage, there is a clear gap between the two major Half-Step Ascended Realm fight with.

As a Substitute Inner Disciple’s “Xia Yundong”, he always has the initiative. With every move and every sword, there is a sharp sharp light. Opponent is not close to his body.

After forty to fifty rounds of the war, Inner Sect Substitute Xia Dongyun finally won the battle, defeating Wang Yang, the challenger.

The focus of this challenge is not high.

The outcome is also reasonable and expected.

However, seeing this battle, the new Outer Disciple has a deep understanding of the terrifying strength of the Substitute Inner Disciple.

In particular, I also wanted to challenge the “Xiao Yun” of the Substitute Inner Disciple, with shortness of breath, a pale face, can not help, and thank myself for my caution.

If let him face Xia Yundong, I am afraid that even ten moves can not support. Not to mention the Xia Dongyun of the Substitute Inner Disciple, even the challenger Wang Yang, he has no odds of success.

“Too strong. Before Mo Mo left, so did strength.”

Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan both worry about Zhao Feng secretly.

Xia Yundong is just the Substitute Inner Disciple ranked second XNUMX. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the XNUMXth “Ji Fengyun” will be.

Thinking of this, Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan, the last hope of Zhao Feng, also completely extinguished.

The first challenge was settled.

Next, we will usher in the second “expected” challenge.

In the first challenge, the strengths of the two sides are relatively close. They are both old Outer Disciples. Everyone is familiar with them and is not very attractive.

In the next game, the challenger is just a newcomer to the Consolidated Realm eight layer.

This kind of strong disparity challenge has been rare in Outer Sect in the last ten years.

Rather than saying that everyone is watching the battle, it is better to see how the “ignorant youngster” became a laughingstock.

“In the second game, ‘Zhao Feng’ challenged Inner Sect Substitute disciple ‘Ji Fengyun’.”

Deacon Qiu announced.

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar under the stage, some people whistled, and many people laughed and roared.


Qiu coldly snorted, invisible spiritual pressure, as the mountains came, the nearby Outer Disciple was shocked.

The “Ascended Seventh Sky Layer” on the Consolidated Realm is like the 7th Layer’s unattainable mountains. It composes the forgotten Outer Disciple on the stage, and acts like a ants.

The audience suddenly diedly stillness.

A group of Outer Disciple, as if chirping, deeply understand the strict hierarchy of sect world.

Under the focal length of the eye, today’s two main characters, Ji Fengyun and Zhao Feng, have appeared on the Challengering Platform.

Among them, “Ji Fengyun”, the name speaks for itself, Outer Disciple ranks XNUMXth, which can be described as the prominent character in Outer Sect.

His popularity is even higher than the previous “Xia Yundong”.

In the Substitute Inner Disciple ranking, there is a small gap between each one, not too big.

But the thirteenth and twentieth span seven, and the gap between them must not be ignored!

After seeing the strength of Xia Dongyun before, even Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan completely lost confidence in Zhao Feng.

“Surnamed Zhao’s kid, I admire your courage, and dare to challenge Ji.”

Ji Fengyun stood on the stage leisurely and cozily, with a careless look.

No one thinks he is entrusted!

In front of the Half-Step Ascended Realm expert, a Consolidated Realm’s 8th Layer kid can reach out and reach out.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base did not even reach the 8th Layer Peak.

“Junior Brother Zhao …”

Yang Qingshan clasped his hands tightly, his body and mind shivered, and his face was ashamed, but more powerless.

It was for him that Feng Zhao challenged Ji Fengyun.

At this moment, seeing the unprecedentedly isolated silhouette of Junior Brother Zhao in countless joking eyes, he deeply rebuked himself.

Nangong Fan also bowed his head sadly, prejudiced and disliked Zhao Feng’s in the past, and turned into a cloud of smoke at this moment, which was so ridiculous in retrospect.

Offstage, some new entry disciples, Xiao Yun and the others, have expressions of pity, sarcasm, etc. in their eyes.

In the past, Liu Yue’er, who had some “festivals” with Zhao Feng, flashed a bit of intolerance in his pretty eyes.

“Perhaps only in this way, he will be willing to embark on the ‘right way’ and step into the Dao of Alchemy with all his heart.”

Yun Xiangmeng whispering in his heart.


Challenging Platform.

“It was a little tricky this time …”

Zhao Feng remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, face the unprecedented strong opponent.

At this moment, he seems to feel the real pressure, within the body qi and blood and Martial Path Inner Strength, to rush forth, to squeeze out more potential.

“Boy, otherwise, I’ll let you have one hand, if you can win, even–“

Ji Fengyun walks leisurely, with a slightly playful way.

Flowing Wind Form! Smoking Waves Shadowless Step!

With a flash of phantom, Zhao Feng disappeared from Ji Fengyun’s sight.

Ji Fengyun’s voice came to an abrupt halt. Suddenly in his heart, he suddenly felt a howling and howling coming from his back.

There was an uproar under the field, and the overwhelming majority did not even see Zhao Feng’s silhouette clearly.

No sound, no trace, like smoke in the water.

Zhao Feng’s “Smoking Waves Shadowless Step”, I don’t know when to cultivate to the highest Perfect Realm, and integrate the fully understood “Flowing Wind Form” to reach a new level.

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