King of Gods

Chapter 1169

All of Sky Feather Island Lord’s people were killed. The news spread slowly shortly after Zhao Feng left.

With strength that breaks the heavens and the earth, I am afraid that only Patriarch among the top five forces in Sky Feather Island can do it.

But the many forces of Sky Feather Island, no one dare to kill the people of Sky Feather Island Lord. Who is it that offends True God Gui Sha and kills the Sky Feather Island Lord?

At this moment, Zhao Feng stepped on the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and rushed directly to the site of Sky Feather Island Lord.

Some of the forces on the way are Sky Feather Island’s other forces that Zhao Feng has never seen before. Among them, Zhao Feng also sees stronger forces than Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan.

“This Flood Dragon body actually contains such terrifying Bloodline”

Patriarch, a powerful force, felt the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon fly past his top of the head, within the body Bloodline trembling non-stop.

Sky Feather Island In addition to the forces of the Sky Feather Island Lord, the other forces are at most Second-Rank True God. At this time, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon already recovered to the strength of First-Rank True God, and they were naturally frightened.

“When did Sky Feather Island appear so powerful”

Many experts watched the Black Flood Dragon and the blond man on its top of the head, feeling it in his heart.

call out

The black flames flashed, leaving a ruined crimson flame light in void.

The strength of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has increased, and the speed has also increased a lot, and the original Zhao Feng pursuit True God Gui Li originally distance Sky Feather Island Lord was not far away, so in a month, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon came to Arrived Sky Feather Island Lord’s site.

The Sky Feather Island Lord’s site is surrounded by mountains.The malevolent aura is soaring and countless graves are standing on it.

At this time, there were some servants in these halls, and the strength was even weaker, so they were not called by True God Gui Sha.

“Everyone roll, otherwise kill without mercy”

Zhao Feng runs Mystic Light Holy Force and sips.

The sound of a thunderclap suddenly spread forward, shaking into everyone’s ears and minds for a long time.

Although Zhao Feng is decisive, he never kills innocent people.

Immediately, some of the servants in the palace immediately flew out. After evacuating for some distance, they concealed and did not leave, and some people thought that Zhao Feng would never dare to mess with. ?

Whenever there are exceptions, this time Zhao Feng is the exception.


Zhao Feng indifferently said.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon The tail fluttered, rushed out instantly, opened his mouth and spit out a ball of black to destroy Dragon Flame.

The buildings here are made of very precious mineral materials, and the formation is more solid, but under the destruction of the Dragon Flame by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, there is only destruction.

Wherever the black flames pass, it burns everything.

“Teleportation ancient array”

Zhao Feng’s gaze was directly below these halls.

Zhao Feng’s figure immediately reached the teleportation ancient array.

At this moment, Zhao Feng is also hesitating whether he should leave using teleportation formation.

At this moment, Ghost Qi, who was shocked by heaven and earth, suddenly came.

“Zhao Feng, how dare you ruin this place”

True God Gui Sha looked at the sight in front of her, and her angry eyes were about to spit fire.

Zhao Feng was ruined even here. After the big brother returned, he was even harder to explain. However, as long as Zhao Feng is killed and his body’s treasure is obtained, he should be able to calm down the anger of the big brother.

Immediately, the eyes of True God Gui Sha stared at Zhao Feng body.

“It’s stupid. This teleportation ancient array requires the adjustment of the Formation Master. You can teleportation to any teleportation great formation in Blue Bay. You cannot use it at all.”

The eyes of True God Gui Sha gloomy and cold revealed irony.


Behind True God Gui Sha, a ghostly Nether Soul shadow world suddenly ripples, which is exactly the power of his small world projection.

“True God Gui Sha is going all out”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were frozen.

At the beginning, True God Gui Sha released the strength of the small world projection. In this case, Zhao Feng could not leave the teleportation. Even if he hid in Bewildering Space Realm, there were a lot of weak spots.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon came to Zhao Feng’s. Although he returned to First-Rank True God, it was still not enough to deal with Ghost Dao expert of Third-Rank True God.

“Heavenly Ghost Fist”

Faced with Zhao Feng, True God Gui Sha hit a punch directly. With the increase of the small world projection, the dark boxing punch was even more powerful, and Ghost Qi was up.

Zhao Feng stands in the small world projection of True God Gui Sha. He does not run Mystic Light Holy Force, but just smiles.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye flashed a dream light glow, and then turned into a golden glow. His Left Eye locked the attack of True God Gui Sha and instantly analyzed the structural information of this attack.


A dark ghost fist shadow of Ghost Qi burst out from Zhao Feng’s Left Eye.


True God Gui Sha lost his ability to think at the time and watched midair’s two ghost punches collide.

Zhao Feng actually exhibited exactly the same Battle Skill as him, and the power was comparable.

Suddenly, on the left side of True God Gui Sha, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s mouth exudes a taboo destruction strength.

“Not good, Destroy Strength of Source”

True God Gui Sha complexion changed slightly. He had long noticed the whereabouts of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, but the scene was so shocking that he forgot other things.

He never underestimated the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon carrying the World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline to In the body.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Breath”

From the mouth of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, a black raging taboo god inflammation was directly spit out.


Between heaven and earth, a huge Crimson Fireball emerged, like a Crimson Sun, burning and destroying everything, even the small world strength of True God Gui Sha was burning and destroying.


A heaven shaking Ghost Qi dispelled Crimson Sun. True God Gui Sha, as Third-Rank True God, naturally had a lot of cards, and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon couldn’t deal with him.

When I saw True God Gui Sha holding a dark silver spear in his hand, the tip of the gun seemed to be a sharp tongue protruding from that skeleton, terrifying.

However, when he broke the blow, Zhao Feng’s Thunder Calamity Eye Flame already was brewing successfully.


A twisted platinum thunderbolt strikes over the skull of True God Gui Sha.


True God Gui Sha felt that Soul was penetrated by Wan Lei, and his heart was sore.

After the blow was completed, Zhao Feng had not stopped, and a triangular iron block appeared in his hands.


The triangular iron block changes into a black long sword with green glow and fine-grained flickering on it.

Destroy Yan Lei and Divine Power, Zhao Feng directly chopped out a black blade that destroyed everything.

“Little Black, go”

Zhao Feng collected the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon into the Bewildering Space Realm, then touched the water swirl in the mysterious golden sphere, and came to Immemorial Dreamland.

Use Left Eye’s Copy Ability to attract the attention of True God Gui Sha, and then the powerful attack is interlocked and all hit.

However, once True God Gui Sha slowed down, he was still invincible with the Divine Tool.

Zhao Feng knows that he can’t kill True God Gui Sha now.All he just did is just telling True God Gui Sha that he is not a weak person who can be crushed by himself. He can hurt him, and he can even kill it within a short time. he.

If True God Gui Sha knows the truth, he can leave now. If he wants to kill Zhao Feng, then when Zhao Feng becomes stronger, it is the death of True God Gui Sha.

“Ah … Zhao Feng”

True God Gui Sha roar towards the sky, venting the fire of anger in my heart.

Just now, he was injured by World Extinguishing Dragon Breath, and severely injured Soul by Zhao Feng’s Thunder Calamity Eye Flame. He finally suffered the beating of Zhao Feng Divine Tool. From beginning to end, he was almost passively beaten.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng disappeared again, completely disappeared in this Space, he could not revenge if he wanted revenge.

“Zhao Feng, you forced me”

After that, True God Gui Sha left here.

After backing ten thousand li, True God Gui Sha took out another command token and sent out a saying: “All True God experts, come to the land of Sky Feather Island Lord”

True God Gui Sha is not a stupid person. Zhao Feng was hidden in that Space for half a year, and suddenly appeared when he left, which proves that Zhao Feng can see the situation outside.

So at this time, True God Gui Sha stepped back a few thousand thousand li, and summoned all True God experts on Sky Feather Island to completely siege the place, he did not believe that Zhao Feng could never hide it.

Several of these people are good at Space Profound Truth. Maybe they can find Zhao Feng’s weak spot. Maybe next time Zhao Feng comes out, he will stop Zhao Feng from hiding in that unknown alien space.

True God Gui Sha just finished all this, the group is surrounded by little, under the dark flame of the Dragon Flame, silver shining on the teleportation ancient array, and then a white silhouette appears.

“Ghost brake, what’s going on?”

The man was wearing a white robe, with a pale temperament, and a flowing white hair, looking young.

But when Guicha saw this person, he was chilling all over, and the big brother came back.

In Space, a strange space wave suddenly appeared, flashes passed away.

Sky Feather Island Lord slightly raised one’s head, both eyes shot a cold and severe awn, looked towards the place that flashed through the strange space.

In Immemorial Dreamland, Zhao Feng was unsure.

“Sky Feather Island Lord is back”

Zhao Feng originally thought that the big brother of True God Gui Li and True God Gui Sha should be a Devil Path old man, but he did not expect to be a youth.

However, this shows that this person’s innate talent is excellent, the strength is strong, and he was cultivate to True God Realm at a very young age, he is a genius

“Sky Feather Island Lord, Fourth-Rank True God, the most expert of Sky Feather Island, it seems that I can’t go out for a long time”

Zhao Feng smiled helplessly.

He came here to wreak havoc, just to deter True God Gui Sha and make him angry and depressed, but he did not expect that Sky Feather Island Lord actually returned.

Although Immemorial Dreamland and Wild God Region are not much different, but Zhao Feng stayed here all his life, he couldn’t do it.

Martial Path should be arbitrarily rushing along the way, not afraid of danger. At this moment, Zhao Feng is besieged by others, even dare not go out. This will have a serious impact on Zhao Feng’s state of mind, and even become a hidden danger when the Thunder Calamity shocks.

However, at this time Zhao Feng was so noisy that even Sky Feather Island Lord returned and rushed out to kill him completely.

In succession, many true God experts from Sky Feather Island arrived here.

Originally, they were still very dissatisfied with the order of True God Gui Sha, but when they saw Sky Feather Island Lord, they were completely dissatisfied.

Soon, among these people, the True God expert, who was good at Space Profound Truth and formation, teamed up to arrange a forbidden great formation and block the space of ten thousand li.

Ten thousand li or more, dozens of silhouettes floated out of the air, all of them were actually True God experts.

“If successful, the island owner will not treat you ill”

Sky Feather Island Lord expression is cold and can’t see the mood swings.

True God Sky Fire is here too, but after he explained everything, Sky Feather Island Lord didn’t care about him, maybe disdain.

True God Sky Fire, looking at such a big battle, was also terrified and worried. Zhao Feng alone would make Sky Feather Island like this.

“Hey, my great limit has fallen, and Blazing Golden Sheep Clan will also be completely lonely. This is why the Sky Feather Island Lord disdains me.”

True God Sky Fire laments.

“Zhao Feng, once you appear, impossible to escape”

True God Gui Sha gloomy and cold 狰狞.

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