King of Gods

Chapter 1165

Zhao Feng expression was shocked. Looking at the scene in front of him, although all this was done by him, he didn’t know it would become like this before he did it.


In void, two identical Hexa Blade Edges collided together, and a terrifying malevolent aura storm surged towards all around heaven and earth.

“How is this going?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was shocked and couldn’t understand.

I did not expect that after Zhao Feng’s introduction of God Eye source strength, such a scene would happen.

Ninth God Eye, what exactly is God Eye?

Qi of Black Fiend disperses, and in front of him, reveals True God Gui Li’s stunned look.

“Boy, what did you just do?”

True God Gui Li expression trembled suddenly.

He still can’t understand the scene just now, how is it possible for Zhao Feng to perform ‘Hei Sha Yu He, this is his strongest Battle Skill

Moreover, even if Zhao Feng would move this way, it would not be possible to achieve such a might. One is the Realm gap, and the other is that Heisha’s extermination is the Ghost Dao Battle Skill. Zhao Feng’s body does not have the slightest Ghost Dao aura. Heisha exterminates to such an extent.

But in fact, Zhao Feng’s did show a trick ‘Heisha extermination, and the power was comparable to him.

At this time, Zhao Feng was still thinking, and he ignored the words of True God Gui Li at all.

Previously, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye was able to ‘Copy’ resources directly, so after a moment of surprise, Zhao Feng returned to peace.

“It seems my ‘Copy’ ability has been improved again. Previously, I could only copy items in the Left Eye Space, but now I can copy anything outside.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng’s heart-shocked, then ecstatic.

Copy Ability improved, so that he has such terrifying ability.

However, directly copying other people’s moves, its consumption is not what Zhao Feng can afford.

First, Zhao Feng within the body Origin Energy and Eye Strength Will lost more than half, and then the loss of Strength of Source

Zhao Feng found that at this time his ability in all aspects of God Eye had declined, as if he had reached middle age in an instant.

The reason for all this is naturally Zhao Feng’s God Eye, which lost a lot of Strength of Source.

At this point, Zhao Feng finally understood that Copy Resources in God Eye Space actually consumed the Strength of Source of his own eyes.

However, Copy resources and Copy methods are not a level at all.Copy resources spend a lot of time and slowly consume the Strength of Source, which is almost invisible.

The Copy method, in Split second, extracts the Strength of Source and uses the capabilities of Left Eye to the limit.

After figuring everything out, Zhao Feng raised one’s head, looking towards True God Gui Li with a smile.

Although Zhao Feng copied the trick just now, which left Left Eye’s ability temporarily reduced, True God Gui Li was indeed scared by Zhao Feng.

Because he couldn’t think of it, why did Zhao Feng exhibit such a powerful ‘Guisha Extermination Prison’.

“Boy, answer me quickly, how do you get my Battle Skill?”

Although True God Gui Li has a little fear, after all, Zhao Feng is just the Realm of Mystic Light Perfection. After a while, his arrogance reappeared.

“Hehe, you guess?”

Zhao Feng can’t help sneer, even the secret of his God Eye, even the Small Thieving Cat World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, do n’t know, how could he tell True God Gui Li.

“you are courting death ”

After hearing Zhao Feng’s reply, True God Gui Li forehead suddenly raised.

True God Gui Li surging Divine Power, pouring into Divine Tool, ready to start.

At this moment, in Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, an amazing Eye Strength Will suddenly appeared.

“Hei Sha He Jie”

Zhao Feng drunk.


True God Gui Li was suddenly shocked, can’t help take a few steps back.

But the next moment, he found out that Zhao Feng not at all was playing ‘Hei Sha to exterminate the prison,’ and Zhao Feng was actually scaring him just now.

True God Gui Li complexion is extremely indignant. His dignified Second-Rank True God was actually scared by an expert from Mystic Light Perfection. This spreads out, what face will he have in the future.

But at this moment, in the void, a trace of dark and cold ripples quietly stroked him.

“Not good”

The True God Gui Li complexion suddenly changed and operated Divine Power for protection.

Jeer laugh

A dark ripple ran through his chest.

call out

The gray silver line flashed, Small Thieving Cat immediately walked away, and returned to Zhao Feng.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat explained the assassination situation to Zhao Feng. True God Gui Li used Divine Power to resist most of the small Thieving Cat’s assassination at the critical moment.

“Already is enough”

Zhao Feng complexion is cold, both eyes staring at True God Gui Li, straight into Soul.

Since the beginning of the battle, Zhao Feng has kept Small Thieving Cat aside, so that True God Gui Li’s defense will be reduced, and Small Thieving Cat’s assassination will be easier to succeed.

Unexpectedly, True God Gui Li is so cautious, worthy to be called is the old Second-Rank True God.

“Abominable, shameless junior”

There was a hint of blood in the corners of True God Gui Li’s mouth.

He didn’t expect Zhao Feng to be so cunning. The reason to scare him was to give the Spirit Pet a wonderful murderous intention in the dark.

And this Spirit Pet actually has a terrifying Divine Tool. Fortunately, its Realm is not high, otherwise True God Gui Li could be planted here.


Zhao Feng immediately drank.

“Destroying God Finger”

Zhao Feng turned to destroy Yan Lei, and directly approached True God Gui Li.

“You courting death”

Although True God Gui Li suffered some injuries, he is still not afraid.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Strike”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon also approached directly, waving both layers of terrifying Crimson Dragon Flame.

While the Small Thieving Cat already was exposed, it was naturally impossible to hide it. It took out the dark gold Dragon Snake whip on its neck and swept away towards True God Gui Li.

“Heavy soil, tangled wood”

Behind, Zhao Wan keeps suppressing and affecting True God Gui Li.

At this moment, everyone teamed up to attack, and Zhao Feng gradually suppressed True God Gui Li without using any hole cards.

“Abominable, you deceive more”

True God Gui Li growled angry.

Just now, Zhao Feng and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon joined forces, and he was not afraid.

But at this time, the Small Thieving Cat was also added. The Small Thieving Cat is very cunning and good at sneak attacks, and Zhao Wan uses Eye of Myriad Forms to continuously influence his strength.

“Hehe, can this be considered bullying? Xiao Hei and Small Thieving Cat are my Spirit Pets, and he is my Clone.”

Zhao Feng can’t help smirk.


True God Gui Li complexion is resentful but has nothing to say.

He can only hate that Zhao Feng actually has two such powerful Spirit Pets, and Zhao Feng’s Clone Battle Strength is not ordinary. He also owns Eye of Myriad Forms.

True God Gui Li’s Clone was not brought out in the palace, and his Clone strength is average. Even if it is brought, it will have little impact on the battle situation.


True God Gui Li had this idea in his heart, and if he continued like this, he would be besieged and killed by Zhao Feng and the others.

call out

True God Gui Li turned into an astonishing shaman and darted to the distance.

At the same time, a command token appeared in his hand, and True God Gui Li sent a word directly.

“Where to escape”

With a big wave, Zhao Feng took Xiao Hei, Small Thieving Cat, and Zhao Wan into the Bewildering Space Realm, and broke away.

Zhao Feng’s has a golden bow shining in his hand.

This longbow is exactly the Sub-Divine Tool that Lu Wei used to assassinate Zhao Feng. After Lu Wei was killed, this Sub-Divine Tool naturally fell into Zhao Feng’s hands.

The title is ‘Instant Sky,’ which is the bow of assassination. The attack is powerful and lightning fast.

Although the characteristics of this bow are not as good as the Heaven Locking Bow, but after all it is the Sub-Divine Tool, and the Ability in all aspects is far better than the Heaven Locking Bow.

Zhao Feng merged into a devastating flame of thunder and penetrated into ‘Instant Sky.’

call out

Golden light suddenly appeared, a red light flame arrow, penetrating ten thousand li away, brushing over the shoulder of True God Gui Li

If Lu Wei can see this scene, he must be shocked. Instantaneous is the bow of assassination, suitable for assassination, not suitable for pursuit, let alone distance is so far away.

“This bow does not have the ability to lock, fortunately I have God Eye”

This bow is not suitable for pursuit, but with Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, it can make up for this shortcoming.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye has a wide field of vision and always locks True God Gui Li. Whenever he gets a chance, he shoots out the arrow that destroys Yan Lei.

Skilled in ‘Instant Sky’, after that, Zhao Feng’s arrow became more accurate.

Gradually, True God Gui Li’s injuries were getting worse and slower.

Hu hu

Zhao Feng summoned Xiaohei and asked him to pursue True God Gui Li with Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng made full use of ‘Instant Sky’ to pursue.

“Zhao Feng, let me go, I promise not to trouble you”

True God Gui Li whole body was scorched and complexion was very pale. At this time, his already was pursued by Zhao Feng for a month. He was seriously injured and was no longer Zhao Feng’s opponent.

Zhao Feng sneered, didn’t speak.

True God Gui Li doesn’t come to Zhao Feng’s trouble, he will definitely let others come to trouble himself, True God Gui Li will never let himself go.

“Zhao Feng, we are getting closer and closer to the site of Sky Feather Island Lord, and we are going to solve him”

At this time, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon said.

Although True God Gui Li was pursued by Zhao Feng, the escape routes were all unmanned areas, because he did not want others to see himself being so embarrassed by Zhao Feng pursuit, and the ultimate goal of his escape was naturally the site of Sky Feather Island Lord.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame”

Zhao Feng said nothing, gathered nearly XNUMX Thunder Calamity imprints, and exhibited the most terrifying Thunder Calamity Eye Technique.


A thunderbolt exploded over True God Gui Li’s head.

True God Gui Li screaming and holding her head, struggling, desperate.

Suddenly, True God Gui Li smiled grimly.

“You guys are finished, my second brother is here”

Weak True God Gui Li, looked towards Zhao Feng and Black Flood Dragon, just like watching dead people.

Long before he ran away, True God Gui Li summoned his second brother for help, but he did not at all tell the big brother Sky Feather Island Lord. Because it’s too shameful, but his second brother ‘True God Gui Sha, Third-Rank True God, obliterates Zhao Feng with no difficulty.

Hu Hong

In the far sky, dark clouds roll over, heaven shaking Ghost Qi is rolling over.

“Impudent, dare to do something to Sky Feather Island Lord”

I saw a cold old man with skin-colored bones rushing directly.

“Can he live if he comes?”

As Zhao Feng expression became cold, the terrifying Bloodline Divine Power in the index finger radiated, and at the same time, a mass of destruction Yan Lei surrounded it.

At the same time, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon at his feet, the gas suddenly destroyed the black inflammation.

“Heaven Piercing Finger”

“World Extinguishing Dragon Breath”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon this move World Extinguishing Dragon Breath, but it uses the Strength of Source.

“Dare you kill me …”

True God Gui Li expression was terrified. A chill of death spread throughout the body, but at this time he was too weak to resist the attack of Zhao Feng and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.


Their destructive attack instantly destroyed True God Gui Li completely.

“Ah … you courting death, dare to kill me Third Brother”

In the far sky, True God Gui Sha looks distorted, like a hell evil spirit, and rushes towards Zhao Feng.

“Third-Rank True God”

Zhao Feng complexion froze.

When he pursues True God Gui Li, he knows that he may offend the forces of Sky Feather Island Lord, but this is also no way out.Xi Feng will not let him go, True God Gui Li will not let him go, Sky Feather Island Lord’s forces will not let go of themselves.

In this case, Zhao Feng doesn’t have to hesitate at all, the people of Sky Feather Island Lord, kill one is one

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