King of Gods

Chapter 1163

At this time, Xi Feng was lying in the pothole in the stone pillar with a look of resentment, but when Zhao Feng approached him, his eyes flashed with fear.

“Bold thief, dare to hurt Sky Feather Island”

On the Oriental stone platform, True God Gui Li stood up suddenly, and a terrifying aura terrifying heaven and earth spread out.

The terrifying momentum of Second-Rank True God coupled with his own deterrence made everyone in the room tremble, can’t help take a few steps back.

“Hehe, this child will surely die”

The Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan sneered at the sight of True God Gui Li.

Although Zhao Feng defeated Xi Feng, it was very shocking, but he hurt Xi Feng, True God Gui Li must get rid, so Zhao Feng must die.

Feeling this terrifying malevolent aura, Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

This time he participated in the Trading Spirit Palace scramble, just to win and get control of this Trading Spirit Palace.

He wanted to kill Xi Feng, but Zhao Feng didn’t kill it because True God Gui Li was here, and Xi Feng was from Sky Feather Island Lord.

But at this moment, True God Gui Li has to do it himself, which makes Zhao Feng a bit of a killer.

“Heaven Piercing Finger”

In Zhao Feng’s index finger, a powerful aura of Immemorial Bloodline was emitted, accompanied by a dazzling Wind Thunder of Metal, shining out.

‘Heaven Piercing Finger’ has extremely fast speed and strong penetrating power. With Wind Thunder of Metal, the characteristics of this Finger Technique will reach its limit.


True God Gui Li yelled and rushed towards Zhao Feng.

True God Gui Li did not expect that after speaking, Zhao Feng dared to do something with Xi Feng. If Zhao Feng really hurt Xi Feng, he would lose his face.

However, Zhao Feng’s Finger Technique is so fast that even Second-Rank True God cannot stop it.

“Zhao Feng, he wants to kill Xi Feng”

Thousands of crowded hearts pounded, this human of Mystic Light Perfection dare to kill Xi Feng

“赵 …… Zhao Feng”

Blazing Golden Sheep Clan and the others were throbbing.

Zhao Feng actually wanted to kill the Sky Xiather Island Lord’s discrete Xi Feng

They did not expect that a battle for the Trading Spirit Palace would eventually evolve into this.

“He is going to kill me …”

Xi Feng is trapped in an icehouse. Since becoming a disciple of the Sky Feather Island Lord, he has never felt this biting killing intent.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s Finger Technique is very strong, even if he can’t kill him, he can still be hit hard.

However, at a critical moment, Xi Feng took out a small round shield from the Storage Space and surged Divine Power to spur it.

Ding Dong

The golden light with the flashes, the assault is above the small round shield.

Xi Feng felt soreness in his hands and his heart pounded.

“Close call, almost …”

Xi Feng whole body has been soaked with cold sweat.

“Boy, today I will definitely crush you down”

True God Gui Li saw that Xi Feng was okay, relaxed, and oppressed directly to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng looked towards True God Gui Li, and there was a Fighting Intent in his eyes.

For Zhao Feng, Half-God is as weak as an ant. First-Rank True God is equivalent to himself, and Second-Rank True God is what he wants to challenge.

Only by fighting with people who are stronger than you can you maximize your potential and strength.

“He actually wants to challenge Second-Rank True God”

Under the battle stage, Gu Lan with an ice-cold face showed a shocking color.

At this moment, everyone is looking at Zhao Feng on the battle stage. He actually sends out a surging Fighting Intent in the face of Second-Rank True God, which shocks them and makes it difficult to move their eyes away from Zhao Feng body.

“Ignorance Junior, I will let you know the power of Second-Rank True God”

True God Gui Li complexion was furious, and Mystic Light Perfection dared to challenge him.

“Tian Luo Di Sha Palm”

True God Gui Li runs an infinite ghost power, Divine Power, and directly shoots a black palm shadow of prestige terrifying.


At this moment, heaven and earth dim under the power of this palm shadow. The terrifying palm shadow seemed to be a ferocious Malhost Ghost, and flung towards Zhao Feng.

“Second-Rank True God is truly extraordinary”

Zhao Feng complexion is calm.

True God’s strength Source is the God Platform, which controls Divine Power, and all attacks are based on pure Divine Power. The higher the God Position level, the more pure and powerful Divine Power becomes.

At this moment, Zhao Feng dare not use the pure Mystic Light Holy Force to fight, otherwise his powerful five-color Mystic Light Holy Force will be unable to withstand a single blow in front of Second-Rank True God.

Zhao Feng mobilized a crystal white Divine Power.

This is exactly what Zhao Feng used “God Transformation Secret Art” to extract the refining Divine Power from God Crystal.

At the same time, the Bloodline Divine Power in Zhao Feng index finger was completely inspired.

“Earth Extinguishing Finger”

Zhao Feng’s finger, blooming a dazzling and unusual gold Thunder Thunder Strength, mixed with a trace of Divine Power, blasted out with an extremely overbearing Concept.


A huge and infinite finger light, carrying an endless red gold thunderstorm, like the pillar of Holding the Heaven, collided with the attack of True God Gui Li.


A wave of terrifying assaults went towards all around strikes.


“Good terrifying strength”

Crowd who had battle stage all around suddenly evacuated far away, even the powerful forces on the stone platform were no exception.

The dust dispersed, Zhao Feng and True God Gui Li stood on the dilapidated battle stage.

From the point of explosion, the fight with the two just now is comparable.

“How is that possible? Zhao Feng was not dead or injured”

All around was a sensation. I didn’t expect Zhao Feng to be able to play against Second-Rank True God. It was a pity that such an outstanding Innate Talent was wiped out by True God Gui Li.

However, those who have a grudge against Zhao Feng have a tight heart, hoping that True God Gui Li will kill Zhao Feng immediately.

“He just hidden the strength just now”

Xi Feng’s pale face was even more embarrassing.

“This kid, there is Divine Power”

True God Gui Li gloomy.

From Realm, he can see that Zhao Feng breakthrough Mystic Light Perfection soon, but Zhao Feng has Divine Power.

If it wasn’t for Zhao Feng’s injury to Xi Feng and making him unable to step down, True God Gui Li would really like Zhao Feng to join Sky Feather Island Lord.

“Come back”

Zhao Feng urged Saint Thunder Body with his right hand surrounding Wind Thunder of Metal and his left hand concentrating Wind-Thunder of Fire. In both Wind Thunder Holy Forces, both contain a Divine Power.

“courting death”

When True God Gui Li complexion is cold, even if Zhao Feng is excellent, he will kill it today.

“Luo Sha palm”

True God Gui Li gathers the power of the gods with both palms, like hell evil spirits, and launches terrifying fierce attack on Zhao Feng.

“Destroying God Finger”

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng uses both hands to perform two powerful Battle Skills.

Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm is the Palm Technique most familiar to Zhao Feng. It is handy to use and has a destructive power.

Destroying God Finger is the strongest Finger Technique of Zhao Feng at present, with Wind Thunder of Metal Bloodline Divine Power, the power is extraordinary.

Bang Bang

Zhao Feng and True God Gui Li, fight with.

They all around, everything, soaring.

“One move, two moves, three moves … Ten moves, Zhao Feng and True God Gui Li played ten moves undefeated”

“Running two strengths at the same time and exerting two powerful Battle Skills, Zhao Feng actually has such terrifying innate talent”

From all parts of the Trading Spirit Palace, the spectators were shocked.

Mystic Light Realm Perfection, it’s incredible to be able to play against True God Gui Li.


Zhao Feng repelled by True God Gui Li

“Haha, boy, how much is your Divine Power?”

True God Gui Li laughed wildly.

Zhao Feng can fight with him, mostly relying on Divine Power, and how much Divine Power can he own with Mystic Light Perfection?

Zhao Feng expression was slightly sinking. His Divine Power was really scarce, and his Divine Power was much weaker than True God Gui Li.

Without this Divine Power, Zhao Feng would not be the opponent of True God Gui Li.

However, at this moment, Zhao Feng showed a smile, which felt strange at this difficult time.

I saw Zhao Feng’s hands together, Wind Thunder of Metal Holy Force and Wind-Thunder of Fire Holy Force.


The bursting strength of the two bursts of booming sounds finally merged together.

You know, this fusion is not only two Wind Thunder Holy Forces, but also Thunder Calamity Strength.

A group of red Thunder Fire flames, flickering with dazzling golden light, emitting terrifying power, completely not weaker than Zhao Feng within the body’s Divine Power.

“This is … you actually took me to hone the strength of strength”

True God Gui Li stared at the ball of golden light Thunder Fire in Zhao Feng’s hands, suddenly furious and terrifying.

The expert of Mystic Light Realm Perfection, actually in the battle with him, sharpened and melded his strength, this is the greatest shame of True God Gui Li’s life.

“Zhao Feng, I’m True God Gui Li, I will crush you to death”

True God Gui Li has black light flashes in his hand, and a black evil sword is held by him. At this moment, the True God Gui Li malevolent aura is dazzling, like the same hell war ghost.

“Hehe, I will call you Mi Yan Lei,”

Zhao Feng was so happy that he earned the strength of the strength within the body.

Battle with True God Gui Li. The reason why he used two kinds of Wind Thunder Strength and two kinds of Battle Skill is naturally trying to find ways to fuse the two strengths together.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

The wings behind Zhao Feng suddenly glowed with a brilliant golden flame.

call out

Zhao Feng’s Thunder Wings flashed in the air. Under the effect of this destroying Yan Thunder, his figure turned into a red gold Thunder Light, flashes and passed away.

Although the two strengths are merged, Zhao Feng is still very calm. At this moment, True God Gui Li is completely angry. Second-Rank True God runs Divine Power to activate the Divine Tool. He does not use his hole cards. Not accessible.

So Zhao Feng without the slightest hesitation, fled here.

“You have no way to escape in Sky Feather Island”

True God Gui Li turned into a shame, and chased away.

Trading Spirit Palace, after a deathly stillness, burst into a bang.

“Really strong, Mystic Light Realm Perfection, can be so strong”

“And Zhao Feng’s is fast. True God Gui Li needs some effort to pursuit soup.”

Throughout the Trading Spirit Palace, countless people talked about Zhao Feng and True God Gui Li, and even Already forgot this important moment today, and forgot the Trading Spirit Palace battle.

However, others can forget, Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan will not forget.

“Zhao Feng offended Sky Feather Island Lord, so his record is not counted, so this time, the owner of this Trading Spirit Palace is Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan”

Patriarch, the blue-faced ice wolf tribe, announced in front of everyone present, and Blazing Golden Sheep Clan was directly ignored by him. Such a low level of 4-Star power, he didn’t need to look at it.

On the other side, Shark Tooth Clan and Green Jade Feather Race want to say something, but Xi Feng is still there, and Xi Feng will definitely stand by the Blue Eye Ice Wolf Clan.

Moreover, their people were defeated by Gu Lan at the beginning, and there was no reason to object.

“Zhao Feng actually honed strength with Martial Uncle, merged strength”

At this moment, Xi Feng is still thinking about the fighting just now, and he completely ignored the matter of Trading Spirit Palace.

At this time, Xi Feng was hit hard, and the proud Martial Path heart was crushed by Zhao Feng.

“No, this man will die. He must be killed.”

Xi Feng showed a hint of madness and flew directly in the direction that Zhao Feng and True God Gui Li left.

He must watch Zhao Feng killed himself, otherwise Xi Feng cannot rest assured.

Suddenly, Xi Feng stopped at midair, and when he thought about it, a white command token appeared in his hand.

“Come back, get set off, head for Golden Jade Clan”

On the command token, a faint voice came from Sky Feather Island Lord.

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