King of Gods

Chapter 1143

Zhao Feng returned to the moment of Ruler Palace, in another palace in the forbidden area.

“Yes, he does have aura of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.”

The expression of Evil God in Nangong Sheng within the body was suddenly shocked.

Some time ago, there was only a rumor in Great Heaven, and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was Zhao Feng tame the heart, but the Evil God ideological body could not witness it in person and could not believe it.

After all, at the beginning, his Master Ancient God Xie Yang could not completely kill the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, but only sealed it.

“I didn’t expect Zhao Feng’s strength, Already reached this level, tame the heart smashed the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and defeated True God Tian Fa”

Nangong Sheng complexion is heavy and seems a little unwilling.

He continued to integrate Evil God’s Power to improve strength, but he was still left behind by Zhao Feng, only to see Zhao Feng’s back.

“You don’t have to worry about this either, his eyes have the potential to become Ninth God Eye, and once Ninth God Eye has fully grown …”

Evil God trembled in his mind, a feeling of awe in his heart.

“True God Tian Fa’s Storage Space is also a Sub-Divine Tool”

Zhao Feng stared at a black ring in his hand.

When True God Tian Fa was killed, the storage space of the Sub-Divine Tool was damaged, but not completely destroyed.

Zhao Feng Spiritual Sense penetrated into it and found that it was very empty, leaving only some low-level resources, Divine Weapon and Ancient Book.

“Hey? Is this?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes first locked on a torn black iron block.

This small black iron block is very common. The reason it attracts Zhao Feng’s attention is because this small black iron block has some similarities with the Divine Tool ‘Ancient God Seal in Zhao Feng’s hands.

Zhao Feng opened God Eye and observed the small piece of iron carefully.

“Just ordinary metal objects”

After a long time, Zhao Feng came to a conclusion.

This piece of iron is just ordinary metal. It is not very useful, but it is placed in Storage Space by True God Tian Fa, which makes Zhao Feng somewhat confused.

At this time, Zhao Feng remembered the battle with True God Tian Fa.

When I took out the Ancient God Seal, True God Tian Fa seemed very shocked.

“Don’t tell me, what True God Tian Fa came here to find, is’ Ancient God Seal ,?”

Combined with some clues from the battle of True God in divine corpse, Zhao Feng came to a surprising conclusion.

Remember that when True God Tian Fa arrived, Zhao Feng’s’ Ancient God Seal had some changes.

Want to come, the role of this black iron block is to sense the position of ‘Ancient God Seal’.

As for True God Tian Fa and the forces behind him, why do they value ‘Ancient God Seal’, Zhao Feng does not know.

“Fortunately True God Tian Fa is dead”

Zhao Feng relaxed.

If True God Tian Fa escapes and returns to the Wild God Region, then Zhao Feng will be watched by the forces behind him.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng set his sights on other items.

The remaining cultivation resources in the space cannot be included in Zhao Feng’s method. Zhao Feng picked up some Ancient Books.

“Everything is a Heaven Grade Peak Level cultivation technique, and a God Level cultivation technique”

Above Heaven Grade, it is God Level. God Level cultivation technique is also divided into Low Level, Middle Level, High Level, and Peak Level.

However, the only God Level cultivation technique here is not suitable for Zhao Feng.

“It seems that True God Tian Fa Body Possession has been reborn, consuming most of the resources”

Zhao Feng was slightly disappointed. In the Storage Space of True God Tian Fa, not at all particularly attracted Zhao Feng’s item.

However, this is also because Zhao Feng’s vision is too high. In fact, the cultivation resources and Heaven Rank Divine Weapon in the True God Tian Fa Storage Space are placed in the Continental domain and are peerless Rare Treasures.

After clearing up, Zhao Feng picked up two God Level cultivation techniques in the Storage Space, “Nine Heavens Extinguishing Dragon Spear” and “Black Origin God Technique”.

Although these two cultivation techniques are not suitable for Zhao Feng, Great Dao has thousands of things in common.

After a while, Zhao Feng took the contents of these two God Level cultivation techniques in his mind, and then slowly Comprehension.

In a few days, Zhao Feng learned many advanced techniques from these two God Level cultivation techniques, and his vision was also improved.

At this time, Zhao Feng got the news that Supreme Emperor Palace had a new Half-God, and Dragon King True God, Already went to the Wild God Region.

As soon as the Dragon King left, the Imperial Clan of the Great Heaven Dynasty also kept a low profile.

A few days later, Zhao Feng discovered that Ruler Palace was more lively than ever.

Many high-level leaders in the Great Heaven Dynasty have come to Ruler Palace, and some seem to be requesting to become subsidiary forces of Ruler Palace.

After Zhao Feng rode the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon in the Continental domain, the influence of Ruler Palace in the Continental domain was totally comparable to the two big 4-Star forces, and even surpassed them.

Some ordinary 2-Star forces who want to become a subsidiary of Ruler Palace need to undergo strict screening and inspection.

Of course, these things, Zhao Feng would not care, all are handled by Bi Qingyue.

“Today, the overall strength of Ruler Palace is the same as the two big 4-Star forces, but Ruler Palace has more development potential …”

Zhao Feng’s eyes are flickering. As long as the Ruler Palace is given decades, or even ten years, the overall strength of the Ruler Palace will stabilize the Supreme Emperor Palace and Heavenly Floating Palace.

Heavenly Floating Palace doesn’t have much ambition, and Supreme Emperor Palace is now very low-key, almost any move to Ruler Palace can be tolerated, turn a blind eye

Ruler Palace distance Zhao Feng The ultimate goal of dominating Continent, already is not far away.

One day, the Yu Family of Eight Great Aristocratic Families also came to Arrived Ruler Palace.

Yu Tianhao’s eyes stared at the forbidden area where Zhao Feng was located, and a sense of admiration came into his heart.

At first, in the Imperial Family Tomb, he and Zhao Feng were still equally valued, but today, Zhao Feng already becomes the first person in the entire dynasty.

“Zhao Feng, you are the most admired person of my Yu Tianhao, but I will definitely catch up with you”

In Yu Tianhao’s eyes, endless fighting spirit was ignited.

When Ruler Palace expanded rapidly, the forces spread throughout the Great Heaven Dynasty.

Zhao Feng already is preparing for enters into the Wild God Region.

On this day, Zhao Feng came to Kun Yun’s residence.

“What’s the matter?”

Kun Yun’s eyes were grave, looking at Zhao Feng.

“I want to make the last deal with you”

Zhao Feng sat down and smiled.

“The last deal?”

Kun Yun expression startled.

Kun Yun thought that Zhao Feng would no longer need his help in the future. However, if you think about it, Zhao Feng’s strength and alert are invincible to the dynasty. After becoming the Half God Dragon Emperor, the greatest expert of the Great Heaven Dynasty.

This is why Alien Race did not take any action after the Dragon King went to the Wild God Region.

The rise of Ruler Palace makes the strength of Great Heaven Dynasty slightly surpass that of Serene Moon Dynasty.

“Maybe, it won’t be long before I enters into the Wild God Region”

Zhao Feng said with emotion.

“What? You want assault Heaven Rank God Position?”

This is the first idea that comes to mind in Kun Yun.

But after calming down, Kun Yun thought he was stupid.

Zhao Feng is now Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, no matter how fast the cultivate is, every ten years, how is it possible to assault Heaven Rank God Position.

“No, I’m going to the Wild God Region, assault God Position …”

Zhao Feng told Kun Yun his plan.

In the previous God Position Half-God, after Kun Yun heard all this, he knew that this method was indeed feasible.

As long as within the body contains enough wild source gas, the existence of the Wild God Region can be sensed

“The last transaction was: After I left, you guarded the Ruler Palace for thirty years. The reward is that you can enter into the Wild God Region in advance.”

Zhao Feng said the content of the transaction.

When Kun Yun heard it, Zhao Feng said that the reward is to give himself a sufficient amount of wild source gas, so that Kun Yun also enters into the Wild God Region in this way.

“it is good”

Kun Yun did not think, and directly agreed with Zhao Feng’s proposal.

Originally, after XNUMX years of Kun Yun preparation, assault Heaven Rank God Position.

At this time, Zhao Feng just let him guard the Ruler Palace for XNUMX years. Thirty years later, he could go directly to the Wild God Region.

In the Wild God Region, assault Heaven Rank God Position has a higher probability and more gains. Why such a cost-effective deal, Kun Yun did not do it.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Kun Yun signed a blood contract scroll.

“These portions should be enough”

Zhao Feng gave Kun Yun a Storage Space.

After leaving the hall where Kun Yun was located, Zhao Feng walked around in the Ruler Palace and talked with Bi Qingyue, Saint Lord You Ye, Old Monster Xu and other followers at the beginning, and talked about it. Told them.

Zhao Feng then returned to Bewildering Space Realm and began to retreat.

In order to enter into the Wild God Region in advance, one of the most important requirements is that the level of life must reach at least Half-God.

Inside Bewildering Space Realm, there are many Immemorial Precious Materials floating in front of Zhao Feng’s.

Running “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, Zhao Feng quickly absorbed the medicine efficacy of medicine ingredients.

Zhao Feng’s life level is slowly increasing.

In the Thunder Soul Body, XNUMX Thunder Calamity imprints simultaneously flickering, which ignites a dazzling destruction of Thunder Calamity Strength, and reverses the tempered Saint Thunder Body.

On the other side, Zhao Wan is also cultivating “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, sharing experience between the two, and the cultivate benefits have reached unprecedented heights.

one year later.

Zhao Wan whole body’s Wind Thunder aura suddenly increased a level, a dark yellow Thunder Force, surging one side heaven and earth.

“Realm naturally broke through to Saint King Realm”

Zhao Wang was slightly surprised and then looked towards Zhao Feng.

I saw that in the place of Zhao Feng cultivate, Fangyuan ten thousand li was like a dim world of thunder and lightning. Just looking at it from afar, you could feel the terrifying thunder and lightning.

Click it click it

At a certain moment, Zhao Feng whole body skeleton, a crisp sound, the dark yellow Thunder Marks on his skin, blooming amazing Lightning Glow Hua.

Layers of dense dark yellow thunder and lightning surround the whole body of Zhao Feng, and it fluctuates constantly.

Hong long long

The ground on which Zhao Feng was located suddenly collapsed downward, forming a huge zhang giant pit, which was black inside.

“Really strong”

Ten thousand li apart, Zhao Wan can feel the terrifying physical pressure.

“Saint Thunder Body seventh layer”

There was a touch of surprise and excitement on Zhao Feng’s face.

Saint Thunder Body reached the seventh layer and stepped into the level of True God.

Today, few people in the Continental domain can hurt Zhao Feng in the slightest.

“Master, when do you set off?”

The eyes of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon also flashed a touch of excitement.

Although the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is still Saint King Realm, his World Extinguishing Dragon Body is extremely powerful and not inferior to the Saint Thunder Body of Zhao Feng seventh layer.

Therefore, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is also eligible for entering into the Wild God Region.

“You continue cultivate, I allow you to revert to Half-God Realm”

After speaking, Zhao Feng began to consolidate the Saint Thunder Body that had just broken through.

Until one day, Zhao Wang returned to the Arrived Ruler Palace, and Zhao Feng thought of it and pulled Zhao Wang into Bewildering Space Realm.

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