King of Gods

Chapter 1134

“Here is Green Flower Continent Western Continent, and your hometown is North Continent Canopy Great Country”

Zhao Feng told Liu Qinyin, who was a little confused about the complexion.

After spending an hour, the two leaped from Western Continent to North Continent and came to Canopy Great Country.

At this time, Liu Qinyin’s eyes were slightly flashes, as if he was familiar with arrival.

“I use Dao of Illusions strength to change your appearance. You use Liu Qinxin’s identity and live in her former hometown for a while …”

After speaking, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye was filled with an invisible spiritual fog, which was shrouded in Liu Qinyin all around.

In this way, anyone who sees Liu Qinyin sees what Liu Qinxin once looked like.

And Zhao Feng is like this. Anyone who sees him will see the same kind of Zhao Feng.

“Peak, I’ll go first”

After Liu Qinyin said a word, he drifted away.

Zhao Feng 愣 on the spot. At that moment, the person standing in front of him seemed to be Liu Qinxin.

“Maybe this is the last time I’m standing in the Green Flower Territory”

Zhao Feng said with emotion.

After many years, he was still struggling in this land. Already is the expert at the top of the entire Continental domain.

At this time, Zhao Feng returned to the Green Flower Continent. He had no other choice but to take a look at the place where he had lived and struggled, accompanied his parents, and met his friends. Let his restless struggle for a short rest.

After separating from Liu Qinyin, Zhao Feng first came to Arrived Iron Blood Religion.

“Zhao Feng”

Religion Master Hong stared at a Daoist in surprise.

Last time, Zhao Feng returned with Skeleton Hall Master and changed the fate of the entire Green Flower Continent.

The Skeleton Hall Master compiled Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, established the Scarlet Moon Hall, and became the dominant force of the Green Flower Territory.

No one knows that Green Flower Continent is the most expert Skeleton Hall Master, just Zhao Feng’s a servant.

And at this time, Religion Master Hong looked at Zhao Feng and couldn’t feel the depth of Zhao Feng’s, just like ordinary Martial Artist. However, Religion Master Hong was sure that Zhao Feng at this time was afraid that aready reached Realm, which he could not imagine.

Later, Tie Mo also rushed here, and the three of them talked about One Day and One Night.

The next day Zhao Feng left Iron Blood Religion for Transverse Cloud Territory.

Along the way, Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Sense blends into the bottom, and occasionally I can meet faces that make Zhao Feng more familiar.

When passing the Great Lake, Zhao Feng also watched arrived Liu Yuan, Liu Tingyu, Master Tie Qian and the others.

At this time, in the Great Lake City, City Lord Liu Jiutian was full of red light and tears in his eyes.

After a few decades, he finally saw his daughter, and he knew all this, and it should be Zhao Feng’s credit.

jade leaf In the still lake in the sky, the father and daughter sit in the center pavilion.

Liu Qinyin chuckled and talked with Liu Jiutian about what happened after Liu Qinxin went to Tianqin Inheritance based on the memories of his dreams.

At a certain moment, Liu Qinyin raised one’s head and looked over a glance.

call out

Zhao Feng’s figure already disappeared.

It didn’t take long for Zhao Feng to come to Hunan Cloud Country in the Arrived Transverse Cloud’s 13 Countries.

Above Sky Moon Mountain, Zhao Feng stood in the wind, and at the sweep of Divine Sense, he clearly understood the situation of the entire Broken Moon Sect.

At the same time, a long-held childhood memory appeared in Zhao Feng’s mind. As if the moment before, he was still struggling with Broken Moon Sect.


Zhao Feng descends directly on Broken Moon Sect.

“Junior Brother Zhao”

Lin Fan, who was preparing to do business, found Zhao Feng’s silhouette.

“Senior Brother Lin”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Lin Fan, formerly the first person of Broken Moon Sect Outer Sect, after entering into the Inner Sect, the two took care of each other and survived and grew together.

“After many years, you are back”

Lin Fan showed a sense of memory.

“Go ahead first …”

Lin Fan dismissed several disciples and Elder.

Later, Lin Fan and Zhao Feng walked in Broken Moon Sect. Whenever they met former teachers and friends, Zhao Feng would take the initiative to chat.

Finally, Zhao Feng came to the house of the Granded Elder.

Zhao Feng originally wanted to help the Master reunite the broken arm.

But Grand Elder refused.

“This’ Dark Light Disk, I’m used to teaching already, it’s quite easy.”

Grand Elder smiled.

After bidding farewell to Grand Elder, Zhao Feng returned to his parents.

At this time, Zhao Feng lived next to his parents, accompanied them, and enjoyed a warm family relationship with daily coarse tea and light rice.

A month later, Zhao Feng left here.

Zhao Feng’s silhouette flashed to somewhere in the sky.

In front of him, a floating man was standing with a crisscross skeleton of Silver Marks.

Today’s Skeleton Hall Master is the Palace Lord of Scarlet Moon, Continent’s first force, the Continent hero who annihilated Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, and the legendary figure that awes the entire Qinghua.

“Zhao … Master”

Skeleton Hall Master was slightly restrained and respectful.

At this point, Zhao Feng felt like an ordinary person.

But the more so, the more shocked Skeleton Hall Master was.

Based on his understanding of Zhao Feng’s, at this time, Zhao Feng, perhaps breakthrough breakthrough Mystic Light Realm, has reached the level of Saint Lord.

Mystic Light Saint Lord, which is placed in the entire Deep Green Sea, is a peerless supreme being, legendary character, and a 3-Star leader.

“You are already free again, don’t call me Master again”

Zhao Feng indifferently said.

When leaving the Skeleton Hall Master in the Green Flower Territory, Zhao Feng had said that he was to guard the Green Flower Territory and give him freedom.


Skeleton Hall Master with joy.

Zhao Feng’s sentence is also equivalent to recognize his actions in the Green Flower Territory.

“Green Flower Territory, I leave it to you”

Zhao Feng walked to Skeleton Hall Master and patted his shoulder lightly.

Zhao Feng’s silhouette disappeared directly between heaven and earth, and even the senses of Skeleton Hall Master could not capture a trace.

“Sure enough, his already is so powerful I can’t imagine …”

Skeleton Hall Master was shocked, and now he is very grateful that he followed Zhao Feng himself.

“Hmm? My years of bottleneck”

Skeleton Hall Master complexion.

Originally, he had been trapped in Void God Realm for many years and was unable to break through.

A large part of the reason is that Green Flower Continent heaven and earth Origin Energy is too thin, and the other is his own foundation problem.

But at this time, Skeleton Hall Master found that the Crystal Nucleus inside his body was quietly transforming, as if he could break through the Void God Realm at this moment.

One day, in the hall of Green Flower Continent scarlet moon, an all-knowing Void God mighty, magnificent momentum, and turbulence in all directions.

Green Flower Continent.

Since then, the Scarlet Moon Hall has entered the threshold of 2-Star forces.

But only Skeleton Hall Master, who is Void God King, knows that all of this is because of Zhao Feng’s gentle tap.

Great Lake City.

Liu Qinyin and City Lord Liu Jiutian reluctantly parted.

Looking at the back of Zhao Feng and daughter, Liu Jiutian’s heart smiled with relief.

“It seems that my daughter already finds her real emperor …”

The journey back to the Continental domain is much easier.

Zhao Feng used the space coordinates left by Bewildering Space Realm to teleportation all the way.

On this day, Zhao Feng and Liu Qinyin came to Arrived Sky Zither Region.

“Peak, goodbye, goodbye”

Liu Qinyin smiled at Zhao Feng for a long time.


Zhao Feng expression is slightly dim.

On the way, Liu Qinyin stated her plan, and she wanted to stay in Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

Zhao Feng knew the mysterious magic of Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, and Liu Qinyin seemed to have some connection with Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace. For Liu Qinyin, this is indeed an excellent and safe cultivate place.

But in Zhao Feng’s view, this difference may be hard to see in this life.

After all, Zhao Feng’s goal now is Heaven Rank God Position, enters into the Wild God Region, and see everything in Immemorial Myth.

In addition, Zhao Feng did not ask about Bai Lin.

Zhao Feng’s Realm has reached this level, and Bai Lin can influence him less and less.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng guessed that Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace or Liu Qinyin would have used Bai Lin.

Zhao Feng’s figure, gradually faded in a faint silver shadow, and eventually disappeared.

“Feng, sorry, I can’t stay with you”

Liu Qinyin expression was slightly sad and sighed.

“But we will meet again …”


Liu Qinyin floated directly to the forbidden area of ​​Heavenly Zither Saint Palace, and the entire Heavenly Zither Saint Palace was unblocked.

Enters into the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace, Liu Qinyin appears directly on the fourth 19th-layer.

In the center, Bai Lin is bound by a strange and irreversible strength, unable to move even a little bit.

“what are you going to do?”

Bai Lin’s Eye of Destiny, alert is completely ineffective, which keeps her in fear all the time.


The entire ring-shaped circular hall suddenly turned into operation.

The vast starry sky above the palace seems to have life, and countless large and small stars seem to have some kind of found mystery, numerology, and movement.

At one moment, above the vast sky, a strong ultimate strength emerged.

“This aura…”

Bai Lin body shivered under the starry sky, his face was incredible.

Gradually, the stars in the starry sky come together to form a picture of the stars, which looks like one, the eye pupil

One day, Zhao Feng returned to Ruler Palace.

Before he left here, it was no different. After all, Zhao Feng had only told Bi Qingyue about his departure from the Ruler Palace.

Zhao Yufei, Nangong Sheng, and Kun Yun are still closed.

“It looks like Yufei’s opportunity in the dive corpse is extraordinary”

Zhao Feng whispering softly, looked towards Zhao Yufei.

I saw that all around the great great hall, surrounded by layers of ice crystals, exudes terrifying aura.

“Master, medicine pill already runs out, and Tie Family five disciple, all awakened the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline”

When Zhao Feng returned, Bi Qingyue sensed arrived and directly sent to Zhao Feng sound transmission.

“Okay, send them back to Tie Family”

Zhao Feng is directly instructed.

The five Tie Family disciples are carefully selected by the Tie Family. Whether it is strength, innate talent, Bloodline, or potential, they are the well-know figures of many Tie Family disciples.

After nothing else, Zhao Feng entered into the forbidden area.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness sinks into God Eye Space.

“Zhao Feng”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon in God Eye Space is completely suppressed, and nothing can be done. Even the self-healing ability of the World Extinguishing Dragon Body is also restricted.

Without saying a word, Zhao Feng first launched a Soul attack to weaken the Soul awareness of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Be my servant, you can survive, and it is even possible to return to Peak strength”

Zhao Feng persuaded the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Zhao Feng condensed a darkened Heart Heart Seal and imprinted to the depth of Soul of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

However, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon did not cooperate. His Soul Will is strong and strong, adheres to Soul, and fights hard.

“Want me to succumb to you, foolish dreaming”

(Today’s accompany in the Tian Family, there is only one change, which is half a day off. In addition, the book enters into the closing stage, which will be completed in about two months)

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