King of Gods

Chapter 1131

If the injury is replaced by injury, it is definitely the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon that has the advantage.

But at this time, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon found that Zhao Feng used the defense Divine Tool to completely block his’ World Extinguishing Dragon Breath. That is to say, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was beaten by Zhao Feng’s ‘Thunder Calamity Eye Flame’.

Moreover, after rushing out, Zhao Feng cast ‘Heaven Piercing Finger’ at the speed of thunder, which caused him some trauma again.

“Zhao Feng has a defense Divine Tool. With my current strength, I can’t hurt him at all.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon pondered.

Zhao Feng’s defense Divine Tool did not scare the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, but made him want to kill Zhao Feng’s idea, which is more intense.

From the perspective of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, he believes that the Feng Divine Tool in Zhao Feng’s hands is by no means the ordinary Divine Tool.

“Hmph, Divine Tool needs Divine Power to drive it. I see how much Divine Power you have.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon angrily snorted.

Hu Hong

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon whole body soared into the sky, a black dragon silhouette with several hunting zhangs appeared between heaven and earth.

A disaster Aura Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, stunned heaven and earth, centered on the Black Flood Dragon, and deterred ten thousand li.

A huge black Flood Dragon is faintly visible throughout the expert in the Sky Zither Region.

“Heavens … what’s that?”

“So terrifying monster”

distance Black Flood Dragon The extremely distant experts, trembling, dumbstruck. They have never seen such a huge terrifying monster in this life.

“Zhao Feng”

Liu Xueyi is worried about those fighting the Black Flood Dragon.

The white clothed woman who came here half a year ago is very similar to the white clothed woman who was the fourth 18th-layer and the fourth 19th-layer.

Therefore, Liu Xueyi speculates that Zhao Feng in the mouth of Alien Race expert just now is Zhao Feng she once knew.


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon roared to the sky and crushed directly towards Zhao Feng.

He who recovered the body, figure incomparable gigantic, Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique, and Heaven Piercing Finger caused him a lot of damage.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon at this time intends to use the World Extinguishing Dragon Body to meet Zhao Feng, forcing Zhao Feng to use the defense Divine Tool to exhaust Divine Power.

Chi Chi

On top of the giant claw of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, there was a layer of crimson Dragon Flame that destroyed everything and attacked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng saw the restoration of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and flew directly to him, and he knew the idea of ​​the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

With the huge body of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, the damage caused by Zhao Feng Heaven Piercing Finger is almost negligible.

However, Zhao Feng of the Big Range is not without it.


A terrifying Immemorial Bloodline Divine Power was dispersed from Zhao Feng’s index finger. At the same time, Zhao Feng integrated the strength of Wind Thunder Small World and Thunder Soul Strength Domain into the upcoming moves.

“Earth Extinguishing Finger”

Zhao Feng’s fingers, blooming an unusually large Wind Thunder Strength, directly blasted out with an extremely overbearing Concept.


A huge and infinite finger light, carrying endless red gold thunderstorms, like the pillar of Holding the Heaven, directly engulfed the giant claw of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and some of the power also spread to the body of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon. Above.

At the same time, the attack of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was like a giant black mountain, pressing on Zhao Feng.

Ding Dong

Zhao Feng directly raised his shield and resisted the attack of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Range is so big, but it still has this power”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon with a hint of fear, looked towards Zhao Feng.

However, in order for Zhao Feng to run out of Divine Power, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon must meet with Zhao Feng.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Broken paw, slowly healing.

“Destroy Dragon Strike”

On top of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s two claws, a blackish black dragon destroyed Dragon Flame.

hu hu 唔

Two devastating Dragon Flames flew in the air, twisted into two red black giant dragons, and attacked Zhao Feng from both sides.

“You can’t consume it like this, you must kill the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon as soon as possible”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were dimmed.

In this state of Black Flood Dragon, the power of Zhao Feng Soul Eye Technique is greatly discounted. If Soul Eye Technique is performed with Eye of Filling the Heaven, then Zhao Feng’s body may be destroyed by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Zhao Feng right hand waved, Zhao Wan appeared beside him.

“Absolute Land”

When Zhao Wan both eyes congealed, heaven and earth Myriad Forms were suddenly changed, and a solid and thick soil attribute Profound Truth rushed to Zhao Feng, and instantly transformed into layers of dark yellow rocky soil.

However, at the level of Zhao Wan, it is difficult to defend the attack of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.


Zhao Feng surged a Wind Thunder of Earth Holy Force, and instantly controlled the rock and soil all around.

“Earth Thunder Saint Armor”

Zhao Feng runs Battle Skill Profound Truth, turning all around endless rock and soil into a huge protective armor.

Bang Bang

The attack of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon hit the joint armor of Zhao Feng and Zhao Wan and was completely blocked.

“Eye of Myriad Forms”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was a little surprised.

Eye of Myriad Forms, with the strongest attack and strongest defense at the Matter level, can also assist high-level experts.

“Why didn’t this guy use the Divine Tool for defense?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was puzzled, can’t help scolded.

At this time, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon very much hoped that Zhao Feng would urge Divine Tool to exhaust Divine Power.

But the next moment, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon froze.

After the soil layer of Zhao Feng all around disappeared, the black iron shield in Zhao Feng’s hands suddenly began to deform.


In Zhao Feng’s hands, a black iron fan appeared, with green glow fine lines and flickering light glow, like a landscape painting.

Zhao Feng thought, Zhao Wan on the other side understood what Zhao Feng thought.

“Myriad Forms Wind Thunder World”

Zhao Wan both eyes Yi Ning, all around heaven and earth Myriad Forms, changed again.

Hu hu

Heaven and earth suddenly changed, the wind was strong, and the thunder and lightning looted.

Zhao Feng penetrated a trace of Divine Power and urged the black iron fan in his hand.

Hum hu hu

That moment, countless heaven and earth Wind Thunder Strength, was completely absorbed into this Divine Tool.

“This Divine Tool …”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon expression.

He knew instantly that the Divine Tool in Zhao Feng’s hands had multiple uses and could change shapes arbitrarily.

“Wind Thunder Fury”

Zhao Feng waved Divine Tool directly.

Boom hu hu

A huge fan-shaped Profound Truth of Wind and Thunder emerged directly between heaven and earth and crushed away towards the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

The Wind Thunder Strength of hiding the sky and covering the earth, like Stormy Sea, roars, and also exudes aura of Megatron Heaven and Earth Divine Power.

“Attack Divine Tool, and still such a huge range”

Looking at the Profound Truth of Wind and Thunder, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was dumbfounded.

With his World Extinguishing Dragon Body, if he completely resists this blow, he will definitely be hit hard.

Forced helpless, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has changed into a humanoid form.

Jeer Chi Chi

After being transformed into human form, only a small part of the sky attack fell on the body of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Subsequently, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon turned into a gloomy dark awn, and disappeared in void instantly.


Zhao Feng took Zhao Wan and went after him.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

The Thunder Wings behind Zhao Feng bloomed brilliant brilliance, turned into a narrow red gold lightning arc, disappeared between heaven and earth.

During the flight, Zhao Wan constantly changed the heaven and earth Myriad Forms, so that Zhao Feng made full use of heaven and earth strength to run the speed to the limit.

After Zhao Feng and Black Flood Dragon left, all experts in the entire Sky Zither Region were suddenly relaxed.

“Finally left”

“If the two of them continue to fight, then the aftermath of the fight will probably destroy the entire Sky Zither Region.”

“However, the other one is who are you, who defeated such terrifying Flood Dragon monster.”

In the Sky Zither Region, the leaders of the major forces were shocked.

In Heavenly Zither Saint Palace, Liu Xueyi sighed lightly, and he determined that it was Zhao Feng who fought the Black Flood Dragon.

At this time, she saw Zhao Feng’s anti-pursuit World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, and she felt relieved.

In the void Fog Sea, a gloomy flashes passed away.

“Bai Lin, I can’t live if I die”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon scolded.

It was only during the battle that the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon discovered that Eye of Destiny was useless.

Inside the Source Space, the Bai Lin complexion is deep.

Until now, her Eye of Destiny didn’t even notice the dangerous aura.

don’t tell me Her Eye of Destiny has lost the ability to predict danger?

“Well, this temple”

Bai Lin’s eyes were fixed on the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

But she found that her Eye of Destiny couldn’t get any secret from it, as if the two were not on the same level at all.

“Since World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon brought this temple in, my Eye of Destiny has had problems”

Thinking of this, Bai Lin felt that the temple was terrifying strangely.

“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, it is better to give this temple to Zhao Feng and look for other opportunities.”

Bai Lin suggested.

“Hmph, I can’t destroy this temple. If I guess correctly, this is definitely a Divine Tool.”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon coldly snorted, rejecting Bai Lin’s proposal.

If the people in this temple can be taken out, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon can not only threaten Zhao Feng, but also get this Divine Tool.

Right now

call out

There is a red golden arrow in the void, which runs directly through the chest of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Abominable, this guy has the help of Eye of Myriad Forms, the speed is doubled”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was embarrassed, can’t help scolded.


There were two red golden light arrows that penetrated void and directly penetrated his body.

“Bai Lin, you are such a waste”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is getting more and more wronged.

He followed Bai Lin’s instructions to bring here, but was unable to get out what Bai Lin said, who could threaten Zhao Feng’s.

Moreover, before Zhao Feng arrived, Bai Lin’s Eye of Destiny did not foresee the crisis in advance.

If it weren’t for the divine corpse, Bai Lin helped the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon obtain a lot of resources and quickly restore the strength. He would certainly think that Bai Lin was intentionally harming him.


A white golden light arrow came with terrifying Divine Power aura.

“Not good”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon expression.

Jeer laugh

The white golden light arrow pierced his chest directly, tearing a Great Dao’s mouth.


In the rear, Zhao Feng and Zhao Wan followed.

A black iron long bow in Zhao Feng’s hands changed into a triangular iron block in a sudden change.

“Zhao Feng …”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is awesome.

It is impossible to exhaust Zhao Feng’s Divine Power.

Because of the Divine Tool, Attack and Defense in One in Zhao Feng’s hands, unless World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon can resist Zhao Feng’s Divine Tool attack.

Moreover, compared to speed, Zhao Feng is assisted by Eye of Myriad Forms, and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon will definitely not escape.

Some escape techniques were completely restrained by Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline.

“Zhao Feng, I am willing to return this temple to you, but you must let me go”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was helpless at this time, and only accepted Bai Lin’s proposal.

“No, I will take it myself”

Zhao Feng expression ice-cold, killing intent.

If the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon could threaten Liu Qinyin, the originally would not be so embarrassed by his pursuit.

Therefore, as long as Zhao Feng kills the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, he can recapture the Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace.

let go World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon? how is this possible

There is also Bai Lin from World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon within the body.

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