King of Gods

Chapter 113

The duties of the new entry disciple are basically assigned, which can be described as a family of joy and sorrow.

There are only a few people who are really assigned to good errands.

But everyone has no choice. As Outer Disciple, and newcomers, they are undoubtedly the most marginalized circle of Sect.

The bad luck among them is Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan. They do the dirtiest and hardest work, and the workload is huge. In this case, it is difficult for them to squeeze extra time to cultivate.

The mission was announced, and the Vice-Deacon put away the booklet and was about to leave.


Zhao Feng stunned and stood on the spot for a moment.

Everyone has a mission. Why don’t you?

Whether it is Yun Xiangmeng, Xiao Yun, or Yang Qingshan, Nangong Fan, for better or for worse, they are all assigned tasks.

But that Vice-Deacon did not mention Zhao Feng from beginning to end.

“Wait! Lord Deacon!”

Zhao Feng yelled at Vice-Deacon Wang.

“What’s the matter? I’m only responsible for announcing my job, and other people are responsible for specific work.”

Vice-Deacon Wang’s face was slightly displeased, and his indifferent gaze swept Zhao Feng.

The morning breeze all around, quietly quiet.

An invisible spiritual coercion, fatly discernible, all around.

The crowd present was short of breath and unexplained anxiety, and then they really realized that the Vice-Deacon in the sect world was standing opposite.

Of course, there are some people who look to Zhao Feng to rejoice in other people’s misfortunes.

This includes Liu Yue’er, but she secretly sweated for Zhao Feng.

“Excuse me, Vice-Deacon Wang, why didn’t I announce my position just now?”

Zhao Feng is cautious in his words and acts with respect.

He knew very well that the Vice-Deacon Wang in front of him was several times larger than the Master Lord Guangjun and stronger.

As Vice-Deacon, the opponent’s cultivation base, at least on the Ascended Realm Fifth Sky Layer, even if it is Inner Disciple, dare not offend him easily.

When Zhao Feng said this, some of the people present were stunned and confused.

Everyone was assigned the position of arrived, why did Zhao Feng not?

“What’s your name?”

Vice-Deacon Wang expressionless.

“Zhao Feng.”

youngster stood in the morning light breeze, not humble.

He enters into the sect without leaving any handles. He doesn’t believe what the other party can do to him.

“You are Zhao Feng?”

Vice-Deacon Wang showed a hint of surprise, and suddenly looked at him with a strange, brand-new look.

The invisible spiritual coercion scattered all around, also smoke disappearing and rain scattering.

People who are more attentive find that Vice-Deacon Wang’s expression has become more kind, and he seems to have paid attention to Zhao Feng.

“It’s the junior.”

Zhao Feng replied that he did not expect Vice-Deacon Wang to know himself.

“Cough cough, because of some special reasons, your position has not been determined for the time being.”

There was a smile on Vice-Deacon Wang’s face.

what! ?

Some New Disciple were present, weird look, why did Vice-Deacon Wang suddenly become polite?

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Zhao Feng’s eyes were slightly flickering.

However, Vice-Deacon Wang didn’t say much and turned away.

As Vice-Deacon, he has a good identity and is only responsible for announcing the task. For other specific details, can’t help him.

Xiao Yun and Princess Yun Xiangmeng, looking at Zhao Feng with a surprising colour.

In the Enterance Exam second pass, Zhao Feng’s strength appeared to surprise them, but they didn’t take it seriously, after all, Zhao Feng’s natural talent was very average.

However, this time, Zhao Feng did not make the decision, and the matter was by no means simple.

Liu Yue’er was also a little annoyed. He had intended to see Zhao Feng ashamed, but he didn’t expect the other party to pay attention to Vice-Deacon and treat him specially.

Even Zhao Feng’s two Senior Brothers, Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan, were confused and confused.

Zhao Feng shook the head, saying he didn’t know much.

A total of twenty-one Outer Disciple, except Zhao Feng, the other twenty were assigned to the post.

On the same day, Yang Qingshan and Nangong Fan reported to the person in charge of their respective posts.

“Depressed! I was in the ruins of Grass-Wood Hall together with Chen Feng, the beast. His job is easier than me …”

Nangong Fan complexion.

“The medical field I am in is under the control of ‘Ji Fengyun’. I have more than a dozen agricultural workers under my belt.”

Yang Qingshan’s face was also embarrassing.

After Zhao Feng listened, complexion changed slightly.

Chen Feng, Ji Fengyun, and a stronger Hou Yuan!

These three people and Quan Chen are clearly in a slump.

On that day, Nangong Fan and Yang Qingshan both went to their respective areas to fulfill their obligations in sect.

Enters into the sect, from the outsider’s perspective, what a beautiful scenery is tantamount to turning into a dragon from a fish.

But who knows, Outer Disciple is at the edge of the sect, most of which help sect hit the handyman, and can’t get real training.

Zhao Feng suddenly remembered what Master Lord Guangjun said:

“After entering into the sect, your first goal is to become an ‘Inner Disciple’ as soon as possible. Because Outer Disciple is not valued and cultivated by sect at all. Sometimes when one or two Outer Disciple are killed, the top management of sect will not be held too accountable. “

“Only becoming an Inner Disciple will be cultivated and protected by Sect. At this time, even ‘Spirtual Master Yun Hai’ cannot easily move you.”


Outer Disciple, in sect, is an ant that can be manipulated by anyone. Even if they are killed, the high-level sect will not be held accountable.

Only by becoming an Inner Disciple can you enter the true circle of sect.

Since no tasks were assigned, Zhao Feng first went to see the work of the two Senior Brothers.

Yang Qingshan, traveling between septic tanks, water wells, farmland and other places, shuttled over several acres of farmland, doing dirty and tired work.

Outer Disciple, who has the same job as him, has a much easier task.

“Newcomer, hurry up. If you can’t finish the task this evening, your Lu in Sect will be deducted.”

An ice-cold sound came from a nearby house.

At a glance, Zhao Feng saw Ji Fengyun calmly, urging Yang Qingshan.

Yang Qingshan felt a rage in his heart, but only forbearance.

Every Outer Disciple will be distributed in Sect.

For example, the three of Zhao Feng have one Inferior Grade Primal Crystal Stone each month, and Spirit Pill in sect.

Primal Crystal Stone is said to be the crystallization of heaven and earth Origin Energy. It contains extremely pure heaven and earth strength, which is great for Cultivation.

The real Primal Crystal Stone is of great value, which can greatly promote Cultivation, even Ascended Realm experts are extremely extravagant.

Primal Crystal Stone, divided into: low grade, middle grade, high grade, top grade.

However, as Outer Disciple, they can’t get the real Primal Crystal Stone, otherwise they will certainly speed up the breakthrough Ascended Realm.

However, even “Inferior Grade Primal Crystal Stone” is better than the overwhelming majority cultivation resources in the outside world.

Secondly, the “Spirit Pill” issued by sect is placed outside, and it is the Immortal Pill holy medicine.

The lowest Spirit Pill is also a level higher than the “Cold Snow Eroding Body Pill” and “Burning Sun Tempering Bone Pill” used by Zhao Feng.


Yang Qingshan can’t help but feel angry.

First, Ji Fengyun is the supervisor of this medical field. If he speaks against him, he can punish him.

Second, to buckle Lulu, this is the excavation of Yang Qingshan.

At least for now, Yang Qingshan has no resistance.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng in the heart couldn’t bear it and planned to help Senior Brother.

“Stop it for me! He does the work himself, and no one else is allowed to help.”

Ji Fengyun stretched his face and came over.

“Outer Sect Hall, not at all this rule; on the contrary, everyone has a busy time, and according to the rules, you can ask someone to take leave instead. I don’t believe that Senior Brother Ji can take charge of this place without cultivate daily.”

Zhao Feng complexion calm down and argue by reason.

“Get off! I’m in charge of this farmland, and no outsiders are allowed to interfere.”

Ji Fengyun said impatiently.

He doesn’t make sense!

Reasonably, that is in the case of a level of equivalent to, depending on whether the other party is qualified.

In his eyes, Zhao Feng’s newcomer is a nobody who allowed him to play around.

“Junior Brother Zhao, your kindness, I understand. You should go now.”

Yang Qingshan quickly persuaded Zhao Feng to leave, and the non-stop winked.

“Ji Fengyun, I heard that Outer Sect has a total of twenty ‘Substitute Inner Disciple’ places, and you are one of them.”

Zhao Feng not at all left, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Yes, what do you want?”

Ji Fengyun’s expression was slightly proud, and he had a sense of superiority.

As a Substitute Inner Disciple, his status is better than other Outer Disciple.

In a sense, the Substitute Inner Disciple is a quasi-Inner Disciple.

They are, to a certain extent, cultivated by sect, and once they break through Ascended Realm, they can “turn right” at any time.

“According to the sect rule, I can challenge you. If I can win, I can replace your ‘Substitute Inner Disciple’ qualification.”

Zhao Feng body has emerged a Fighting Intent.


Challenge Substitute Inner Disciple!

The conflict here has also attracted the attention of several Outer Disciple nearby.

“Junior Brother Zhao, don’t be impulsive!”

Yang Qingshan complexion changed.

In Outer Sect, the twenty Substitute Inner Disciples are definitely the well-know figures in Outer Disciple.

Each Substitute Inner Disciple, cultivation base reaches “Half-Step Ascended Realm”.

Ji Fengyun is ranked thirteenth, and strength is at least equivalent to one bathroom, and even stronger.

“Ha Ha Ha …… Jimou admires your courage! To challenge the ‘Substitute Inner Disciple’ in accordance with the sect rule, you need to apply to Outer Sect Hall and formally challenge it three days later. Before these three days, Jimou did not embarrass your friend, But if you fail, he is my dog. “

Ji Fengyun laughed a long time and finally pointed at Yang Qingshan.

The implication is that Zhao Feng has to consider the consequences. The fate of his Senior Brother is in his own hands.

“Okay! See you in three days.”

Zhao Feng said goodbye to Senior Brother and went to Grass-Wood Hall to see the situation of Senior Brother Nangong Fan.

Nangong Fan handles alchemy waste.

In Grass-Wood Hall, years of alchemy, waste materials pile up.

Often mountainous materials can be used to make dozens of Spirit Pills, so there are many waste materials.

The so-called alchemy is to extract the essence of various plants, heaven and earth Spirit Ingredient, and the remaining waste accounts for more than XNUMX%.

Nangong Fan’s situation is not much better than Yang Qingshan. Because he is working with Chen Feng, he is the most bitter and most tired one.

Seeing Zhao Feng coming over, Chen Feng converged and looked jealous.

On that day, Zhao Feng defeated him strongly, and Chen Feng’s heart was somewhat shadowy.

“When I become a ‘Substitute Inner Disciple’, these people want to bully two Senior Brothers and have to weigh one or two.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng returned to Outer Sect Hall.

Upon his return, he immediately applied to Outer Sect Hall to challenge Ji Fengyun, who ranked XNUMXth.

It was a noise in Outer Sect.

Later that night, some of the new Outer Disciple had to arrived the news.

Zhao Feng’s Challenge application, approved!

“Hehe, no one has challenged the Substitute Inner Disciple for a long time. This newcomer is really a new born calves do not fear tigers.”

Many people are waiting to see jokes.

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