King of Gods

Chapter 1117

“The person you are looking for may also be by Saint King Samsara. Eye of Samsara is said to be able to steal Samsara Strength of Source from heaven and earth Samsara by murdering the Samsara rebirth …”

Xin Wuhen already disappeared in the Continental domain, but his words kept echoing in Zhao Feng’s mind.

“Saint King Samsara”

Zhao Feng whole body exudes a heaven shaking killing intent.

Before Xin Wuhen crossed Thunder Calamity, Zhao Feng noticed that his body had the Soul mark of contain strength of Samsara.

If Zhao Feng didn’t guess wrong, this should be the rumored Samsara mark.

The role of the Samsara mark is naturally used to resurrect Soul of the dead, and pull it into the ‘Samsara of Death’ of Eye of Samsara.

In other words, from the beginning, Saint King Samsara wanted Zhao Feng to die, and then made Zhao Feng into an Immortal Samsara Body.

Saint King Samsara has not killed himself before, maybe he wants to grow up for a while, so that Saint King Samsara can get a more powerful Immortal Samsara Body

“So to speak, he was friendly to me, all pretended”

Zhao Feng complexion cold and severe.

At the same time, he remembered another sentence of Sage Liu Wu at the beginning: “If you have to determine the whereabouts of Liu Qinxin, unless you find Eye of Samsara,”

Sage Liu Wu’s sentence, in fact, already and Zhao Feng explained that when Eye of Samsara is found, Liu Qinxin’s whereabouts can be determined.

Zhao Feng should be convinced that Sage Liu Wu’s division is impossible to make mistakes.

“Why do I understand now?”

Zhao Feng said with remorse.

“Qinxin, Qinyin”

Zhao Feng both eyes is very firm.

Saint King Samsara owns the Eye of Samsara and cultivate Samsara, but when Zhao Feng met Liu Qinxin, he did not feel the strength of Samsara from Liu Qinxin body, that is, Eye of Samsara did not consider it to be a discipline at all. .

Combined with Xin Wuhen’s words, Zhao Feng can be sure that Liu Qinyin is Liu Qinxin.

In my mind, those two beautiful white silhouettes gradually overlapped.

Zhao Feng did not expect that he had met Liu Qinxin already, but he missed it again

Saint King Samsara must know that Liu Qinyin is the person Zhao Feng is looking for, but he is hiding himself.

All this also caters to Xin Wuhen’s saying that Saint King Samsara wants to use Liu Qinyin to enhance his strength.

“Saint King Samsara has just left the divine corpse, and it shouldn’t be so fast with Liu Qinyin”

Zhao Feng expression suddenly shocked.

Two times before and after contact with Saint King Samsara, Zhao Feng can feel that the strength of Saint King Samsara has not increased much, which proves that Liu Qinyin is not dead yet.

Zhao Feng saw a glance of this vast thunderous ocean, and waved his left arm indignantly, the figure disappeared in a layer of empty silver shadow.

Knowing all this, Zhao Feng already couldn’t stay here and take advantage of this Thunder Calamity resource.

The next moment, Zhao Feng appeared on the battlefield.

At this time, most of the personnel on the battlefield were gathered near Thunder Calamity Danger Land.

Half-God and Saint King expert, already started to go deep.

“This Zhao Feng was gone as soon as he came out, and he said he hadn’t given me a good reward.”

Kun Yun scolded.

He runs the Golden Earth Saint Body, and has a very strong resistance to Thunder Calamity. He goes deeper into this Thunder Calamity desperate situation than all the Half-Gods present.

“Brother Feng, where have you been?”

An inexplicable anxiety emerged in Zhao Yufei’s heart.


Zhao Feng Left Eye diffused a layer of pale gold ripples, sweeping forward, no silhouette of Saint King Samsara was found.

“Bi Qingyue, mobilize all intelligence members to search the whereabouts of Saint King Samsara. In addition, before the enters into the divine corpse, where did Saint King Samsara pass, please check it …”

Zhao Feng contacts Bi Qingyue directly through the Dark Heart Seal.

Previously, Saint King Samsara disappeared and remained anonymous. Zhao Feng wanted to find him, but could only try one’s luck.

But now, Saint King Samsara appeared in the divine corpse, and he was able to begin his investigation by searching for his traces.


On the other side, Bi Qingyue, who is gathered around Thunder Calamity Danger Land, immediately led all the members and left here.

According to Master’s tone, she could naturally judge the seriousness of the matter.

Zhao Feng used Bewildering Space Realm and quickly left the battlefield.

At a certain moment, Bi Qingyue sent some relevant information to Zhao Feng through the Dark Heart Seal.

Zhao Feng expression slightly condensed, then calmed down and continued on his way.

A day later, Zhao Feng came to an emerald green wood forest. There was a simple wood house deep in the wood forest. There was a quiet flowing blue stream in front of the wood house. There was a white-clothed girl in front of the stream. Strings.

This is where Zhao Feng met Liu Qinyin.

“Qinxin, where are you? I want to hear you play another song”

Zhao Feng was emotional, whispering softly.

Zhao Feng’s thoughts, immersed in this place, a power of illusion appeared in his all around.

At this moment, Zhao Feng relies on his memory to fully reproduce the picture when he first met Liu Qinyin.

In front of the stream, a white clothed woman, an ancient zither, and a quiet and clear sound of nature sounded slowly.


Suddenly, Zhao Feng shattered this illusion.

“Qinxin must be found, she is still in the crisis and may die at any time”

Zhao Feng expression shook away the emotions in his heart.

“Saint King Samsara”

Zhao Feng gnashing teeth for a while.

“By the way, Samsara mark”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickering.

Zhao Feng within the body and the Samsara mark of Saint King Samsara, I do n’t know when.

Zhao Feng did not erase the mark of Samsara because he was afraid that Saint King Samsara would notice it and take precautions. Because Saint King Samsara can perceive the approximate location of Zhao Feng’s through the Samsara mark.

But in fact, Zhao Feng can also use the Samsara mark to retrograde to determine the location of Saint King Samsara.

Only in this way, Zhao Feng became aware of the Samsara mark. When Zhao Feng approaches Saint King Samsara, he will also be noticed by Saint King Samsara.

But at this time, how did Zhao Feng manage so much?

Deep into Zhao Feng’s consciousness enters into the Soul, relying on the strong supreme being power brought by Left Eye, Zhao Feng quickly found the mark of arrived Samsara.


Zhao Feng surged in Soul Strength, which suddenly spurred the mark of Samsara.


A mark of resistance came from the Samsara mark.

In this split second, Zhao Feng’s consciousness noticed that there was a faint Soul wave in a certain position in the vast Continent, echoing the Samsara mark in Zhao Feng Thunder Soul Body.

“Got you”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flashed a bit of fierce awn, and then immediately moved away.

When Zhao Feng perceives the location of Saint King Samsara through the mark of Samsara, Saint King Samsara must be aware of it.

Therefore, Zhao Feng must hurry up to prevent Saint King Samsara from moving.

The armband in Zhao Feng’s hand waved on the spot, and his silhouette suddenly faded and disappeared in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadow.

Using Bewildering Space Realm, teleportation twice in a row, Zhao Feng straddles the distance of a Great Prefecture.

“Just in this Great Prefecture”

Using the Samsara mark, Zhao Feng could only perceive the approximate location of Saint King Samsara.

Zhao Feng conveniently uses Soaring Thunder Wing Escaping Technique, galloping between heaven and earth.

“Saint King Samsara found out what I was doing, and maybe already started moving away from where I was.”

Zhao Feng’s face was calm.

“try again”

Zhao Feng’s consciousness sank deep into Soul, and he decided to stimulate the Samsara mark again.


Zhao Feng expression For a moment, stand to.

A moment later, in front of Zhao Feng, a gray silhouette appeared.

“Saint King Samsara”

Zhao Feng complexion cold and severe, a killing intent emerged.

“Zhao Feng, so eager to find me?”

Saint King Samsara looked towards Zhao Feng, slightly smiled.

“You knew from the beginning that I was looking for Liu Qinyin.”

Zhao Feng asked in a low voice.

“Yes, but she is my target, so I can’t let you take it away”

Saint King Samsara eyes reveal firm.

Cultivation Up to now, Saint King Samsara has used the right eye’s ability to find a total of four Samsara reborns.

The death of the first Samsara rebirth caused him to break through Mystic Light Realm, and the death of the second Samsara rebirth caused him to break through to Saint King Realm.

In Divine Corps, Saint King Samsara did not find the opportunity to break through Heaven Rank God Position, then he can only use the third Samsara rebirth-Liu Qinyin, to help him break through Heaven Rank God Position.

Moreover, among the souls of Liu Qinyin, contain Samsara Profound Truth, which is very powerful, Liu Qinyin itself also has a superb Dao of Destiny innate talent.

If it were not for the Heaven Rank God Position threshold, Saint King Samsara would not be willing to kill his third disciple.

In addition, the fourth Samsara rebirth found by Saint King Samsara is naturally Xin Wuhen, but Saint King Samsara feels that there is a strange strength in the underworld, preventing him from approaching Xin Wuhen.

“Today, you are my target, so you must die”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

Today Saint King Samsara acknowledges everything, and Zhao Feng will never let him go.

“With your strength, you can’t kill me”

Saint King Samsara said confidently.

Having said that, but after the war in divine corpse, Saint King Samsara was really a bit jealous of Zhao Feng.

However, Liu Qinyin is about to die, and his strength will also get a qualitative leap. Zhao Feng cannot be his opponent.

“How to know without trying”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted.

“You don’t want to know the whereabouts of Liu Qinyin?”

Saint King Samsara is compostnt, laughed.

Liu Qinyin has a high degree of innate talent in Dao of Destiny and can predict crisis.

But Liu Qinyin only has innate talent in this area. Saint King Samsara has never let Liu Qinyin be exposed to any Dao of Destiny knowledge, cultivate any Dao of Destiny secrets, so Liu Qinyin’s ability in Dao of Destiny is very ordinary. .

Before heading to divine corpse, Saint King Samsara was located near Liu Qinyin, and an Immortal Samsara Body was placed. Of course, Saint King Samsara did not tell the Immortal Samsara Body of the mission.

At this time, Saint King Samsara already issued an order for the Immortal Samsara Body to kill Liu Qinyin.

distance Zhao Feng is located on the edge of the Great Prefecture, with a beautiful mountain stream.

There is a cave next to the mountain stream. The layout of the cave is the same as that of ordinary mortal homes.

At this moment, at the entrance of the cave, a white snow silhouette came out.

“What to do? The sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, but Master said, let me wait for him here …”

Liu Qinyin’s complexion was slightly anxious.

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