King of Gods

Chapter 1100

The sudden emergence of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has caused many great dynasty experts and forces to be surprised and hostile.

But at this moment, nobody is acting blindly without thinking, and everyone is observing this strange environment.

all around is dark, there is only one light path under the foot, and in the center of this dark world, there is a rotating ball of light, and the ball of light is blooming with a gorgeous halo, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

“The real opportunity should be in the center of the ball of light”

“There must be something in this light path at your feet”

Two great dynasty all expert guesses for a while, and conduct a series of heuristics.


Zhao Feng took a King-class winged wolf from Bewildering Space Realm and placed it outside the light path.

The next moment, the winged wolf fell down and disappeared without a shadow.


Saint Lord Mo Yuan next to Zhao Feng, seeing Zhao Feng’s move just now, his heart suddenly shaken.

Saint Lord Mo Yuan thought that Demon Beast thrown out by Zhao Feng was completely dead.

Many Saint Lord and Saint King next to Zhao Feng saw Zhao Feng’s experiment just now, and his heart sank immediately.

“Well? Not dead”

Zhao Feng froze slightly.

He planted a Dark Heart Seal on this King-winged wolf body. He knew the situation of this wolf-wing wolf very well.

After Winged Wolf fell into the pitch-black space, not at all died, but was taken away by teleportation, appearing somewhere outside the divine corpse.

“That is to say, leaving this light path is equivalent to failure, but there will be no danger, but teleportation.”

Zhao Feng had a slight bottom in his heart.

At least in danger of danger, you can leave the teleportation by leaving the light path.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also sensed more intelligence through the winged wolf.

The area outside the light path belongs to the forbidden air area. Even if Half-God leaves the light path area, it only falls down.

Therefore, the winged wolf, which belongs to the flying Demon Beast, cannot do anything in the area outside the light path, and can only fall.

Just when Zhao Feng was trying out the situation, in the pitch-black space, some experts on the light path started to leave.

At this moment, above the dark space, flickering its strange bright rays of light.

Bang bang bang

I saw countless large and small white golden light groups that smashed down and filled the entire space.

An invisible Divine Power aura suddenly came under pressure, making the expert in the light path nervous.

“That’s Divine Power”

Zhao Feng was shocked.

If it were hit by the white golden light group, even Half-God would be wiped out.


Zhao Feng was unwilling to fall behind and take a step.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng noticed that Mystic Light Holy Force in the Holy Force’s spinning circle was walking away with his legs down.

“Within the body Mystic Light Holy Force, lost”

Zhao Feng complexion was surprised again.

Later, Zhao Feng saw a glance of other experts on the light path. From their expressions, Zhao Feng can be launched, and everyone’s situation is the same.

“It seems that the test of this Space is more difficult than I thought”

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

Enters into the Space, facing the test of the expert, it will not be threatened by other strong enemies, and can leave the light path at any time, teleportation out, the danger can be said to be very low.

However, the test of this space has made everyone take a XNUMX-point spiritual and go all out to deal with it.

This is just the beginning, and everyone faces a double crisis.

There is a landing Divine Power light group, once it is hit, it is completely dead, and the light path below can continuously draw everyone’s Holy Force and Divine Power within the body.

Hurry up

Zhao Feng opened a pair of Scarlet Thunder Saint Light Wings behind, flying above the light path.

In this case, it is best to walk this light path as soon as possible to reach the central area.

However, as soon as Zhao Feng flew a few meters away, he felt an invisible gravity, which slowly came.

“There are still obstructions”

Even Zhao Feng was a little angry.

The test on this light path is too much.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng cultivates “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, and physical defense is powerful, and Zhao Feng’s “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” also cultivates to Ninth Layer Wind Thunder of Earth, and also has a certain understanding of gravity.


Zhao Feng runs the Wind Thunder of Earth Holy Force, and during the week figure becomes an opposite gravity domain to resist the powerful gravity in the light path.

call out

Zhao Feng was flying as fast as usual.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng stopped figure.

The next moment, in front of him, a Divine Power light group descended rapidly.

Subsequently, this huge Divine Power light group penetrated the light path and continued to drop downward.

Below Zhao Feng, an Alien Race Saint Lord is flying on the light road.

When the Saint Lord noticed the unusual fluctuations above, it was too late.


The Divine Power light group passed through the area where the Saint Lord was located and destroyed everything.

“Good terrifying strength”

Zhao Feng body and mind Yi Han.

The Alien Race Saint Lord of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, in front of the Divine Power light group, was completely destroyed without any resistance, leaving nothing.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also saw that, not far away, a small accomplishment Saint Lord fled to the area outside the light path before being hit by the Divine Power light group, and then quickly fell and teleportation went out.

“Hurry up”

Zhao Feng surged Mystic Light Holy Force and suddenly accelerated.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye is in control of the whole world, and enters into the Divine Power light group around him, all in his control.

As Zhao Feng continued to fly, the invisible gravity of Zhao Feng all around continued to increase.

In order to protect himself from this gravity and fly faster on the light path, Zhao Feng fully operated his gravity Domain to fight against it.

Invisibly, Zhao Feng has a deeper understanding of the gravity domain, and his own gravity domain has been enhanced.

“That kid, how could it be so fast?”

Saint Lord Mo Yuan was shocked.

At this time, Zhao Feng, flying fast on the light path, occasionally paused for a moment, and escaped the Divine Power light group that fell above. Already threw Saint Lord Mo Yuan far behind

“How can this be?”

Zhao Feng all around, many experts on the optical path were also shocked.

Experts walking on this light path can almost perceive that the faster the flight speed, the more difficult the test.

Therefore, many experts are very careful to walk on the light path to ensure safety.

As long as you can finally reach the light group in that central area.

Hearing some expert words around him, Zhao Feng stopped for a moment and looked around all the others.

Within a certain range near Zhao Feng, there are two Half-God experts, namely Heavenly Floating Palace Half God Ku Si and Alien Race Half God Ju Meng.

But the speed of the two Half-Gods is only slightly faster than Zhao Feng.

“Don’t tell me, said that everyone’s test is based on their Realm?”

Zhao Feng is like Big Enlightenment.

In other words, the gravity suppression of Half-God on the light path may be dozens of times the gravity suffered by Zhao Feng.

“In this way, I should be more advantageous here”

Zhao Feng was slightly pleased.

The test of this light path seems to be the same as the expert in Realm.

Zhao Feng’s Realm only has Mystic Light small accomplishment, but it is invincible to Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, and even able to resist Saint King expert.

Therefore, Zhao Feng can fly above this light path at a speed far beyond ordinary people.


Before long, the gravity suppression on Zhao Feng’s body suddenly disappeared.

And on the light path in front of Zhao Feng, a strong strength Profound Truth emerged, which then turned into an icy storm.


Zhao Feng activates within the Body Ice-Water Bloodline, runs Wind Thunder Of Water Holy Force, and plunges into the icy storm.

Boom hu hu

A force of Extreme Cold constantly invades Zhao Feng’s body, and freezes his Holy Force and Profound Truth.

But Zhao Feng’s speed has only slowed down slightly.

The light path below is still sucking Zhao Feng within the body’s Mystic Light Holy Force. As Zhao Feng speeds up, the strength of this share will also be greater.

While experiencing these two kinds of disturbances, Zhao Feng must also be aware of the Divine Power light group that has been dropped from above.

Soon, Zhao Feng left the other experts on the light road far behind.

At the same time, some experts stand out on some light paths in other directions.

But these experts are definitely not Half-God or Saint King.

As everyone kept approaching the mysterious light group in the center, everyone was slowly approaching.

Not far from Zhao Feng on the right, Half God Ju Meng who hurried through the cold storm, suddenly looked towards Zhao Feng towards the rear.

鈥淶hao Feng鈥?/p>

Half God Ju Meng has a killing intent.

However, at this moment, he is very close to Zhao Feng, but he cannot do anything with Zhao Feng.

Heavenly Floating Palace Half God Ku Si, just paying a little attention to Zhao Feng, put all his energy on the light path.

“This is going to be a little bad.”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

He was originally very far from Half God Ju Meng.

But as they approached the ball of light in the center, the distance between the light path and the light path kept indenting.

Zhao Feng speculated that when he reached the end, Half God Ju Meng was afraid to be next to Zhao Feng’s.

After a period of time, the effects of the freezing cold storm disappeared, and a layer of hazy white mist permeated in front of the light path.


As Zhao Feng approached the hazy white mist, he realized what the test of this time was.

However, how can such a low-level illusion affect Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng hurried through the hazy white mist. With the increase of his speed, the intensity of the illusion was also increased, but Zhao Feng still ignored it and was completely unaffected.

Soon, Zhao Feng caught up with Half God Ju Meng on the right.

“Damn, this kid”

Half God Ju Meng complexion gloomy.

His dignified Half-God is now overtaken by the Saint Lord of a Mystic Light small accomplishment.

However, Soul Will and Wonderland are indeed half-weakness of weakness.

“If I reach the finish line first, Half God Ju Meng will hardly threaten me”

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of a way.

As long as enters into the light group, Zhao Feng finds Kun Yun, or Tie Family Half-God, and he doesn’t have to be afraid of Half God Ju Meng.

Moreover, those who enter into the light group first have certain opportunities.

It is presumed that Half-God reached the end step first, and the other Saint Lord and Saint King almost couldn’t think of it.

But Zhao Feng has this ability. At this moment, he catches up with Half God Ju Meng, which is the best proof.

Moreover, Zhao Feng must reach the finish line before Half God Ju Meng, otherwise he will face the interception by Half God Ju Meng.

call out

In the test of fantasy, Zhao Feng’s speed began to lead Half God Ju Meng.

With the continuous advancement, the distance between the light paths is getting closer and closer, Zhao Feng can see more supreme being in the two great dynasty.

鈥淶hao Feng鈥?/p>

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon stared at Zhao Feng with a vicious look.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon clearly remembers what Zhao Feng’s did in Divine Illusory Space.

Even if there is no transaction with Bai Lin, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon will not miss Zhao Feng.

Now that the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon learns that Zhao Feng is pregnant with Ninth God Eye, he will never let Zhao Feng go.

“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon”

For a moment, Zhao Feng expression, he felt intense killing intent from World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is almost invincible in Saint King Realm. There are no flaws in all aspects, so the speed of progress is very fast.

In addition, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon also faces the hatred of two great dynasty. For his own safety, he must enter into the Central Light Group as soon as possible.

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