King of Gods

Chapter 1098

“The juniors do have some special methods. If Senior doesn’t mind, you can send several disciples to Ruler Palace. The juniors will try their best to help them and awaken the truly perfect Blood Devil Sun. In the end, the juniors can’t fully guarantee it.”

Zhao Feng talked about a method he had thought about a long time ago.

“Special method?”

Inside the cave, many members of the Tie Family were whispering.

The perfect Blood Devil Sun of Zhao Feng within the body has already surpassed the perfect Blood Devil Sun that appeared on the day of Tie Family. Therefore, Tie Family executives have been speculating that there may be any way that Zhao Feng may continue to promote Bloodline.

Now Zhao Feng speaks for themselves, they are more convinced of the previous guess.

At the same time, some Tie Family Elders are greedy. If this method can be obtained, wouldn’t Tie Family be able to cultivate the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline in large quantities.

Tie Family executives exchange sound transmission with each other.

Among them, they have roughly two attitudes towards Zhao Feng’s plan.

First, promise Zhao Feng, and make friends with Ruler Palace.

Ruler Palace’s recent development, all the forces of the Great Heaven Dynasty are obvious to all, and it won’t be long before Ruler Palace will become the king of Imperial court one of the very best.

Secondly, Zhao Feng was sacked to obtain the special method mentioned by Zhao Feng.

As long as Tie Family Half God Scarlet Blood is out, Zhao Feng’s slaying should not be as easy as pie.

Once the Tie Family is able to look at the perfect Blood Devil Sun, it won’t be long before the Tie Family will become the strongest 3-Star force in the Continental, and even the 4-Star.

But at this time, Saint King of Chiyang spoke.

“That being the case, then have troubled Zhao little friend”

Chiyang Saint King slightly smiled.

At first, he just planned to combine Zhao Feng with the Tie Family girl and give birth to several children, so the possibility of perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline is very high.

But now, Zhao Feng acknowledges that he has a special method and is willing to help the Tie Family disciple wake up the perfect Blood Devil Sun.

Compared to the previous high-level approach of the Tie Family, at this time Zhao Feng’s plan will undoubtedly make the Tie Family gain more.

However, this benefit can also be expanded, that is, to obtain that special method from Zhao Feng.

But in the end, Saint King of Chiyang dispelled this idea.

First: He doesn’t believe there is any way to wake up such a powerful Bloodline without limit.

Second: Zhao Feng’s growth really shocked him. When the two met, Zhao Feng was still the Great Emperor Realm, but now it is Saint Lord small accomplishment. With Zhao Feng’s innate talent potential, even the breakthrough God Position is not impossible.

Third: Zhao Feng dare to say that he has a special method, which surprised Saint King in Chiyang. How did Zhao Feng know exactly that Tie Family would not get him rid?

Fourth: This is also the idea of ​​Half God Scarlet Blood.

After saying this, Saint King of Chiyang, Tie Family’s other experts, only to dispel Zhao Feng’s thoughts.

Because of this decision made by Saint King of Chiyang, it must have been discussed with Tie Family Supreme Elder Half God Scarlet Blood.

“But this matter can’t be completed until the younger returns to Ruler Palace.”

Zhao Feng revealed a crafty smile.

The meaning of Zhao Feng’s sentence is very obvious, that is, to allow the Tie Family to protect themselves unconditionally. Once unexpectedly, the plan just mentioned cannot be implemented.

“This is nature”

Saint King of Chiyang understands Zhao Feng’s.

With the shelter of Tie Family, Nine Nether Palace would never dare to know what to do with Zhao Feng.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is with Kun Yun, and also owns Sub-Divine Tools such as Bewildering Space Realm. As long as he does not intentionally risk, there should be no problem.

“That junior will leave first”

Zhao Feng worshipped slightly and left the cave.

At this moment, the voice of Half God Scarlet Blood sounded slightly.

“After the divine corpse trip, the old man will try to break through God Position, which may succeed or fail, so during this time, the Tie Family should not be hostile to other forces …

Tie Family, there was silence for a while.

assault Heaven Rank God Position, Cheng then returns to the ancient god, enters into the Wild God Region, failure may be assigned to eternal damnation, and it is gone.

In other words, when the Tie Family no longer has a Half-God expert, and the Ruler Palace is a great force with great potential, the Tie Family will try to make good interests with it, and it will not offend and hurt itself.

In the wide crystal wall Space, Zhao Feng left safely from the Tie Family station.

At a corner below, Zhao Yufei complexion was happy.

“Brother Feng, Tie Family didn’t treat you right?”

Zhao Yufei asked with concern.

“They won’t do anything to me”

Zhao Feng said confidently.

Now that Zhao Feng has the shelter of the Tie Family, at least don’t worry too much about the Half-God of Nine Nether Palace, then the last God-Slaying Arrow can stay and deal with other crises

Subsequently, Zhao Feng’s eyes looked towards the front of this vast crystal wall Space.

At the end, there is a huge platinum Void light barrier. This light barrier is composed of extremely high-grade Divine Power. Its terrifying Divine Power aura makes any two great dynasty dare not come too close.

In addition, even Half-God’s Spiritual Sense cannot penetrate the platinum Void light barrier.

However, from here until now, Zhao Feng found that the strength in the light barrier was gradually weakening.

People who believe in the two great dynasty have also discovered this, and both are stationed here.

As long as the Divine Power of that platinum Void light barrier completely disappears, everyone can enter into it.

“This should be the most critical place. I don’t know what is behind the platinum Void light barrier.”

Zhao Feng couldn’t calm down.

The opportunity in this divine corpse is beyond doubt, and it is definitely the largest hidden treasure that has ever appeared in the entire Continental domain.

Otherwise, Small Thieving Cat will not get the real Divine Tool.

However, the overwhelming majority of King Continent’s Imperial court did not have the Small Thieving Cat’s ability. This divine corpse is so precious that it can smash Half-God’s crazy treasure, but it cannot be tapped.

Even Zhao Feng got the three vine fruits only with the help of Small Thieving Cat.

Zhao Feng can’t help Run the Left Eye’s strength and gold pupil on its own, and suddenly a layer of light gold mysterious ripples permeated.

“Try it”

Zhao Feng’s vision, difficult to penetrate that layer of white golden light curtain that Divine Power circulates endlessly, at the same time, Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will, quickly consumed.


Zhao Feng’s vision became dark instantly, as if suddenly from day to night, the powerful difference made Zhao Feng’s heart jump.

“This is the scene behind the light barrier?”

Zhao Feng was tense.

It’s dark between heaven and earth.

But this extremely dark space has something very conspicuous, which instantly attracted Zhao Feng’s eyes.

It is a white golden light road tiled in the dark world, extending to a very far place, and finally leading to a bright huge ball of light, the ball of light slowly rotates, blooming a gorgeous that can not be removed from the eyes Halo.

“The real opportunity should be in that ball of light, but there seems to be only one road.”

Zhao Feng brows tightly knit.

That white golden light road is very narrow and almost only allows four people to pass at the same time.

But here are all the prominent characters of two great dynasty, Peak expert, a road that can only be passed by four people at the same time.

In this way, wouldn’t it force the two great dynasty to get rid directly? If so, the victim is naturally the weakest Saint Lord in the strength, and may not be able to approach the ball of light at all.

However, all this is just Zhao Feng’s speculation, and what will happen at that time, no one knows.

“The last hidden treasure of the distance is open, and there is still some time, try to improve the strength”

Zhao Feng told Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei.

However, if at that time, as Zhao Feng guessed, the two great dynasty would compete for a road, Zhao Feng would leave directly, looking for opportunities elsewhere in the divine corpse.

At this moment, Zhao Feng noticed that the Spiritual Sense of many forces in the two great dynasty was swept out, and the complexion was complicated, surprised or frightened.

“Saint King Samsara”

“Eyes of Samsara in Eight Great God Eyes Inheritance”

Zhao Feng can’t help looked towards Channel.

“Eye of Samsara Inheritance”

Zhao Feng expression was surprised.

I didn’t expect the owner of Eye of Samsara to come here, but Zhao Feng didn’t find Liu Qinyin’s silhouette. I want to come. Even Liu Qinyin’s Realm is extremely dangerous, even if it is protected by her Master.

Saint King Samsara, alone, standing in Channel, but the contact team showed a look of dreading, no one dare to doubt his true strength.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also felt many unspeakable voices and angry auras from the two great dynasty.

But think about Zhao Feng.

Eye of Samsara controls the dead and lets them fall into Samsara of Death forever.

And the Saint King Samsara made into the Immortal Samsara Body is naturally not a general generation. It must be the top expert in the two great dynasty, so virtually, Saint King Samsara offended many forces.

However, the ability of Saint King Samsara Samsara of Life has also helped many super forces, supreme being.

Coupled with his very low-key, inestimable Battle Strength, even if Saint King Samsara offends so many forces, he still lives in the Continental domain intact.

Saint King Samsara is alone, slowly entering into the vast crystal space.

“Zhao Feng little brother, we met again”

Saint King Samsara slowly moved towards where Zhao Feng was.

In the two great dynasty, many forces and experts vibrated again.

“Who the hell is this boy, and why is it related to him no matter what?”

“I didn’t expect Zhao Feng to know Saint King Samsara. It seems I still underestimated him.”

The Saint King complexion in Chiyang is deep. In the hands of Saint King Samsara, there is also the Soul of the Tie Family.

“This kid, it’s really unusual.”

Nine Nether Palace Half God You Hai.

“Hmph, anything, in front of me, only the end of destruction”

Alien Race Half-God Annihilation, golden light flickering, and a flash of Fighting Intent emerged.

Next to Zhao Feng, Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng complexion were a little surprised. The bland old man in gray, let them feel an irreversible power, and the illusion of unwillingness to contact them.

In Kun Yun’s eyes, there is also a rare fear.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect Senior to come to such a lively place”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Zhao Feng immediately removed the barrier and let Saint King Samsara come in.

“I don’t like liveliness, but I like expert places”

Saint King Samsara faced with kindness, both eyes glanced around all around.

Within the two great dynasty, many Saint Lord and Saint King complexion suddenly changed, can’t help be cautious.

“Zhao Feng little brother is really making great progress. I haven’t seen it for a few years, so there is such a big improvement.”

Eye of Samsara sat down cross-legged and seemed to be staying here.

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