King of Gods

Chapter 1083

“I thought you were looking for an amazing helper, it turned out to be just three ordinary Saint Lords”

The whole body emerald green transparent Alien Race woman, glomy and cold smiled.

“what is the benefit?”

Zhao Feng said again to the injured Qing King Saint King.

After all, if Zhao Feng and the others assisted by gets rid, they would face six Alien Races, including two Saint King experts.

This kind of harmless and dangerous thing, Zhao Feng really was unwilling to help, and Nangong Sheng on the side was even more reluctant to care about it.

In addition, if the young Saint King meets other Saint Kings or Half-God of human beings, he will surely hand over a lot of income and ask the other party for help.

In other words, despite the crisis, Saint King and the others, relying on his status as Supreme Emperor Palace, looked down on Zhao Feng and the others and wanted to call Zhao Feng directly.

The injured Qingjia man was extremely embarrassed with another Saint Lord, complexion.

If it wasn’t critical at this time, the two of them might have gotten directly to Zhao Feng.

As the high level of the Great Heaven Dynasty 4-Star Great Sect, they are the manipulators behind the entire dynasty, and Zhao Feng took the opportunity to blackmail them at this time.

“We are the high-level Supreme Emperor Palace, and the forces behind the Great Heaven sect, you are a bit inappropriate for this.”

The Qingjia man said, holding back the anger in his heart.

“Saint King Bi Guang, let’s take out some of the resources we just got.”

At this point, Saint Lord Gao Huang immediately persuaded.

After all, Zhao Feng and the others can save their lives, it is also appropriate to take out some gains, and those Alien Race is not weakling.

“You humans, it’s funny, but you’re still fighting internally”

The whole body emerald green transparent Alien Race woman, laughed.

“Kill them all”

Another Alien Race Saint King holding a giant axe, yelled loudly and got rid directly.

At the same time, behind the other Alien Races, sneer, immediately followed.

“If you can help us fight back the Alien Race, we are willing to give you 30% of what we just got”

Seeing the other party Saint King expert already started, said Saint King Bi Guang immediately.

Another Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment, ordered nodded, said there was no objection.

In fact, they did not think that Zhao Feng and the others could help them solve the crisis.

They just wanted to use Zhao Feng to delay time, because, when they were pursued by Alien Race, they all ready for help.


Zhao Feng said directly.

“Courting death, ignorant human”

The Alien Race holding the giant axe, seeing Zhao Feng and the others, was still chatting and looking extremely pale.

“Okay, just 50%”

Saint King Bi Guang was angry, but only swallowed, and agreed to Zhao Feng’s request.

“Let’s go together”

When Zhao Feng agreed, he said directly.

When Zhao Feng fights alone, even if Saint King Bi Guang surrenders all the resources, Zhao Feng will not help.


Saint King Bi Guang immediately shouted.

In the left hand of Saint King Bi Guang, a platinum long sword appeared, exuding bursts of glory.

Sou sou

Six humans simultaneously charged out.


Nangong Sheng surged with Zixue Shenghui and collided with the Alien Race man holding a simple and unadorned giant axe.

At the same time, the other five battled fiercely with other experts of Alien Race.

“This is Spirit Clan Bloodline”

The Alien Race woman with a body emerald green and transparent, knew Zhao Yufei’s identity when she met Zhao Yufei.

Zhao Yufei can raise heaven and earth Origin Energy with her hands, and help her move power.

“Ling Yao Slam”

Zhao Yufei jade hand bloomed an amazing purple jade crystal, and then burst out a layer of bright purple crystal glow, rushing towards the emerald green transparent Alien Race Saint King.

On the other side, the Alien Race man holding a giant axe was also playing Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering with Nangong Sheng, which was moving.

The simple and unadorned giant axe in the hands of Alien Race Saint King exudes an overbearing strength that suppresses everything, and suddenly splits an incomparable gigantic assault wave.

Nangong Sheng showed no weakness, running a trace of Evil God’s Power, condensing two demon giant claws, and resisting the attack of Alien Race Saint King.

“Evil God’s Power, Nangong Sheng?”

The Alien Race man holding the giant axe was startled by the complexion and recognized Nangong Sheng’s identity.

And Zhao Feng, fighting with other Saint Lords in this Alien Race team.

This is a strategy that Zhao Feng and the others have drawn up very early.

Meet the Saint King team, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, pin down Alien Race Saint King Grade Battle Strength.

Nangong Sheng owns Evil God’s Power and Sub-Divine Tool Golden Pond Shield, it is very easy to contain a Saint King, and Zhao Yufei’s Spirit Clan Bloodline is in the divine corpse, and the Battle Strength is also doubled.

Zhao Feng looks the weakest and is easily overlooked, so he quickly defeats other Saint Lord Battle Strength in the Alien Race team, and then he can turn things around.

Of course, this strategic approach is only suitable when the Alien Race team has only two Saint Kings.

But even so, Zhao Feng and the others only rely on this strategy to occupy a certain advantage. It is still difficult to defeat the opponent, unless Zhao Feng and the others play some cards.

Once the number of Saint Kings in the Alien Race team exceeds three, or the overall team strength and strength are very strong.

Then the three Zhao Feng could only retreat with all their strength.

“Destroying Heaven Saint Thunder Palm”

Zhao Feng blends Wind Thunder Strength and Thunder Soul Strength Domain to strike a Thunder Light Red Golden Palm.

I saw a huge golden red Thunder Light giant palm, flickering infinite thunder, and pushed forward.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s palm also combines the weight and strength of the Thunder Soul Strength Domain.


In front of Zhao Feng, a Mystic Light Great Accomplishment and a Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment could not resist the peerless power of Zhao Feng, and were strikes directly on the crystal wall at the rear.

The Alien Race Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment was almost shot dead by the palm of Zhao Feng.

“Senior, we are not his opponent”

Another great accomplishment Saint Lord suffered some injuries and was afraid of Zhao Feng.

“How is it possible that even the boy’s strength is so good?”

The whole body emerald green, transparent Alien Race woman was shocked.

The strength of the three Mystic Light Saint Lord in front of them is far beyond their expectations.

“Really strong strength”

Saint King Bi Guang was shocked.

He didn’t expect that Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, Already grew to such a degree that he was able to contain Saint King Grade Battle Strength.

And Zhao Feng’s strength cannot be underestimated.

From this point of view, the two of them can really fight off the Alien Race very smoothly.


Saint Lord Gao Huang was pleasantly surprised.

He didn’t even think that Zhao Feng’s strength and alertness had risen to this point.

Thinking that they met for the first time, Zhao Feng’s strength was only equivalent to Myriad Forms Saint Lord, and Nangong Sheng could only fight against Saint Lord Ta Tian.


The two Saint Kings of Alien Race directly released Clone to assist the great accomplishment Saint Lord against Zhao Feng.

The two Saint King’s Clone, with 50% Battle Strength of Saint King, are very good. They joined forces with the Alien Race Saint Lord of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, and even suppressed Zhao Feng.

“Saint King Bi Guang, your Clone?”

Saint Lord Gao Huang asked in a hurry.

“My Clone was hit hard just now and can’t fight”

Saint King Bi Guang declined to support Zhao Feng.

Hum hu hu

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhao Feng immediately released the fantasy world small world projection to weaken the strength of the three Alien Race experts.

Two of them, Clone, have weak consciousness and have been greatly weakened in Zhao Feng’s fantasy city.

Moreover, in the projection of the small world of Zhaocheng, Zhao Feng’s Illusion Dao Eye Technique is more powerful.

“Purple Star Confusion”

“Soul Mess”

Zhao Feng runs Left Eye, freely performing some of the simple Illusion Dao Eye Techniques he learned in Ji Family.

Zhao Feng’s innate talent on Dao of Illusions is actually much higher than attack’s Eye Technique, but he did not deliberately delve into that’s all.

“Not good, that kid is also very tricky”

Alien Race Saint King holding a giant axe, I feel the situation is not right.

With the support of the two of them, Clone, Zhao Feng still fought with ease and gradually took advantage.

Moreover, the Battle Strength of the other three Supreme Emperor Palace leaders cannot be ignored.

Saint King Bi Guang, although seriously injured, also has the Battle Strength of Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.


whole body emerald green Transparent Alien Race woman, immediately transmitting sound to everyone.

Obviously unfavorable situation, there is no need to continue fighting.

sou sou sou

At the same time, all Alien Races, simultaneously escaped.

The human side did not go to pursuit.

“Many thanks Zhao Feng little brother”

Thank you Saint Lord Gao Huang immediately.

Zhao Feng faced Saint Lord Gao Huang slightly smiled, and then looked towards Saint King Bi Guang.

“Please Senior, keep the promise you made.”

Zhao Feng’s voice was calm.

The previous battle, if the two Supreme Emperor Palace executives, got all rid of it, it would end faster.

But Saint King Bi Guang saw that the two Alien Race Saint Kings moved out of Clone, but did not get rid to help.

“I will honor this at Saint King Bi Guang.”

Saint King Bi Guang reluctantly surrendered a storage ring.

Saint King Bi Guang Anyway, he is also a Saint King and Supreme Emperor Palace.

Zhao Feng took over the storage ring, and first looked it up, revealing a hint of surprise.

“43 precious Spirit Ingredients, sixteen inferior grade God Crystals, and three true God Crystals”

Zhao Feng believes that Saint King Bi Guang certainly did not give enough weight, but these resources exceeded Zhao Feng’s expectations, and he did not compare with Saint King Bi Guang.

“Farewell, guys”

The transaction was completed and Zhao Feng said goodbye to Saint King Bi Guang.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei quickly left.

Shortly after the Zhao Feng trio left, several powerful auras appeared in the behind of Saint King Bi Guang.

“Saint King Bi Guang, what happened? Are you injured?”

newcomer is exactly Saint King Yu Ling.

He was just around here, and immediately received a distress message from Saint King Bi Guang, and immediately arrived.

“Meeting Arrived Alien Race, not enough. We just met Arrived Zhao Feng’s team. We joined forces and repelled Alien Race.”

Saint King Bi Guang sighed.

If Saint King Yu Ling arrived early, he wouldn’t be blackmailed by a few juniors.

“What? Zhao Feng?”

Saint King Yu Ling expression was shocked, showing surprise.

The Saint King Admiring Sea next to him is also slightly flashes.

“Brother Biguang, where has Zhao Feng gone? Tell me quickly”

Saint King Yu Ling expression is excited.

“Brother Yu Ling, what are you looking for Zhao Feng?”

Saint King Bi Guang was surprised when Saint King Yu Ling looked like this.

“Brother Biguang, you don’t know, Zhao Feng is the Deadly Beast who killed the Imperial Clan Thirteenth Prince, and he once got rid of Supreme Emperor Palace’s senior ……

Saint King Yu Ling said directly.

Of course, he was repelled by Zhao Feng’s serious injuries, and he simply ignored it.

“This junior is so abominable. He just took the opportunity to blackmail the precious resources I got in the divine corpse. I went with Yuling to catch this child.

The Saint King Bi Guang complexion was shocked and even happier than Saint King Yu Ling.

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