King of Gods

Chapter 1081

The top of the crystal wall cave cracked directly.


A heavy, huge silhouette came to the crowd, and in the center of that silhouette, flickering was a group of Pure Crystal Void divine light, exuding terrifying aura.

The dust dissipated, and a huge crystal monster appeared in front of the two Saint Kings of Half-God Annihilation, Black Poison and Purple Poison.

This crystal monster has clear features and the body of Crystallization within the body, flowing through countless fine Pure Crystal lines, as if the Meridians of his whole body.

And the center of these lines is exactly that group of platinum Void divine light.

“You broke into the Master’s within the body, trying to steal the Master’s strength?”

The crystal giant that contains the Divine Power light group, looked towards the human races in front of them, with a cold words, like a crowned king, and looks down on the world.

Facing the terrifying power of the Divine Power crystal giant, the black poison, purple poison Saint King, and other Saint Lords in Half-God Annihilation, the whole body shuddered, cold sweat straight.

The instinct of strength suppression made them unable to resist the idea of ​​resistance.

“Divine Power has become a Demon Spirit. This Demon Spirit has the strength of True God.”

Black King Saint King, startled.

At first, they and Zhao Feng and the others wanted to steal this Divine Power light group.

Unexpectedly, this Divine Power light group is still born Spiritual Wisdom, and turned into Demon Spirit.

“Hmph, your Master, is long gone, and what he left is for whoever gets it”

Half-God Annihilation, eyes narrowed, looking at the Divine Power crystal giant in front of him.

The energy source of this crystal giant is the Pure Crystal Divine Power light group, but this does not mean that the crystal giant can directly exert its strength.

If he can use that strength, it proves that his Realm has reached Heaven Rank God Position, then when it shows this strength, it will be rejected by this world, and will be drawn by the Wild God Region. , enters into the Wild God Region.

Therefore, Half-God Annihilation is convinced that the Demon Spirit in front of it is not at all terrifying in imagination.

Saint King looked towards Half-God Annihilation.

Devil Heavenly Palace was originally only a 3-Star ordinary sect. It was because of the recent touch of Half-God by Annihilation Saint King that Devil Heavenly Palace became the 3-Star Peak Great Sect of Serene Moon Dynasty.

Although Half-God Annihilation has just broken through to Half-God, he owns the Eye of Annihilation, which makes Serene Moon Dynasty certain Half-God that has lived for tens of thousands of years, and is not his opponent.

Therefore, Half-God Annihilation is likely to lead Devil Heavenly Palace to become another 4-Star Great Sect of Serene Moon Dynasty.

“I just want you to get Master’s strength.”

Divine Power Crystal Giant, can’t help sneer.

The Divine Power light group, slightly flashes, terrifying aura of the god of Divine Power crystal giant heart, diffused from his body, and the Pure Crystal vein in Divine Power crystal giant body suddenly flickering light glow.

“If you stay here, you might get a slice of it.”

Half-God Annihilation shines like both eyes like Sun, pervading a Profound Truth of Destruction of Annihilation heaven and earth.

Half-God Annihilation can’t force the other Saint Lord next to him, but if they help, it will undoubtedly reduce a lot of pressure on him. Therefore, Half-God Annihilation only said so.

“Annihilation Senior, we help you”

Two Saint Kings, Black Poison and Purple Poison, chose to stay.

The two small accomplishment Saint Lords in the Half-God Annihilation team left directly.

Fight at God Level, Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment, dare to participate.

“Giant Divine Seal”

The Divine Power crystal giant stepped out, waved his fist, condensed a Golden Seal, carrying the strength to suppress Jiutian, and oppressed Half-God Annihilation and the others.

“Light of Annihilation”

Half-God Annihilation both eyes suddenly changed, flickering bright gold glow light glow, bursting out the bright golden light line to the world.

On the edge of the divine corpse, the silhouette of Zhao Feng and the others, slowly appeared in a layer of empty silver shadow.

This is where Zhao Feng and the others, enters into the divine corpse.

At the beginning of the operation, Zhao Feng had left the Space tag here with Bewildering Space Realm.

“Close call, actually Alien Race Half-God Annihilation”

Nangong Sheng clenching one’s teeth said.

“Even if Half-God Annihilation does not come, we still have to leave, then the Divine Power light group, already gave birth to the Spiritual Wisdom”

Zhao Feng said frankly.

“What? Birth of Spiritual Wisdom?”

Nangong Sheng was dubious.

“Here we go, restore and strengthen the strength.”

Zhao Feng offered.

In the battle just now, everyone consumed a lot, and they all suffered injuries of varying degrees.

In addition, Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, and Zhao Yufei are all eager to explore here, so they forcibly raised the cultivation base to a Realm. The foundation of all people is very unstable, and the foundation of Nangong Sheng is the weakest.


Zhao Yufei groaned.

This divine corpse is undoubtedly the perfect Cultivation place for her Spirit Clan Bloodline.


In Zhao Yufei’s hand, an inferior grade God Crystal appeared. This is exactly the inferior grade God Crystal obtained by killing the crystal giant just now.

“Zhao Feng, why did you catch Myriad Forms Saint Lord?”

At this time, Nangong Sheng asked.

Just now in the crystal wall cave, everyone faced two crises at the same time, but Zhao Feng captured Myriad Forms Saint Lord in that case, which shows Zhao Feng’s dedication to Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

“Some interest in Eye of Myriad Forms”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

During the battle in the crystal wall cave just now, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei had to arrived a few inferior grade God Crystals, and the gain was relatively small.

Zhao Feng, who captured Myriad Forms Saint Lord, can be said to be the one who has gained the most.

After speaking, I went directly to Bewildering Space Realm.

“Zhao Feng, what do you want?”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord’s confused voice kept coming.

At this time, Myriad Forms Saint Lord was tied up by the Small Thieving Cat.

On top of Myriad Forms Saint Lord, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly floating stand in the air, exuding powerful Bloodline oppression, fanning its wings from time to time, and spraying a layer of colorful dream pollen, leaving Myriad Forms Saint Lord in a state of constant power loss.

On the other side, the Small Thieving Cat waved the shovel from time to time and slapped Myriad Forms Saint Lord on the head.

“Gaze of God’s Eye”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, an astonishing Eye Strength emerged.

In an instant.

A bottomless purple vortex is formed in the left eye, as if a misty, infinitely extending purple fantasy abyss.

A taboo strength against Soul is shrouded in the body of Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

“That’s the trick again …”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord’s Soul was so cold and uncontrollable that he broke out.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, Gundam Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, at this time Zhao Feng applied Gaze of God’s Eye to Myriad Forms Saint Lord, and the other side’s Soul was imprisoned.

Coupled with the fact that Myriad Forms Saint Lord itself was infiltrated by a lot of pink dream pollen, Soul was very weak and could be said to have no resistance.

Soul of Myriad Forms Saint Lord was inhaled into Left Eye Space by Zhao Feng.

“Slave it first, leave Divine Corps, and then capture Eye of Myriad Forms”

Zhao Feng thought for a moment, whispering.

At this time, it is impossible for Zhao Feng to perform a soul fragment, otherwise Soul Will will fall, and then he cannot continue to explore here.

Moreover, Myriad Forms Saint Lord after being enslaved can also become Zhao Feng’s helper. The power of Eye of Myriad Forms is very clear. Zhao Feng is very clear.

With the decision, Zhao Feng enters into the Left Eye Space and slowly imprinted the Dark Heart Seal in the Soul of Myriad Forms Saint Lord.

Zhao Feng puts Soul of Myriad Forms Saint Lord back into his body.

“Master, what do you tell me?”

Myriad Forms Saint Lord half-knelt, respectfully.

“You recover from the injury first, and help me at a critical moment”

After finishing Myriad Forms Saint Lord, Zhao Feng also began to meditate and strengthen.

“Try the effect of the crystal giant within the body inferior grade God Crystal”

In Zhao Feng’s hands, a platinum shiny crystal pearl appeared.

Running “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, Zhao Feng began to absorb the energy in this inferior grade God Crystal.

At the same time, a blood-red crystal pearl appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands. Zhao Feng was wholeheartedly multi-purpose, looking at this crystal pearl exuding terrifying Bloodline aura.

This Blood-Red Crystal Bead was obtained by Zhao Feng at the bottom of the pool. At that time, Zhao Feng had not had time to observe it carefully.

“It seems to be God Crystal”

After observing for a long time, Zhao Feng concluded that Zhao Feng had seen Evil God Crystal after all, and a God Crystal was also inlaid in his own magic city.

But this God Crystal is slightly different. In addition to a crystallization of Divine Power and heaven and earth Life Essence, there is also a huge Bloodline Life Essence.

“Blood God Crystal?”

Zhao Feng expression was shocked. This is a God Crystal that contains a divine corpse Bloodline.

According to the expert guess in the Continent domain, this dive corpse is likely to be the fifteenth Giant God Clan in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.

Giant God Clan, terrifying Immemorial Bloodline that ranks higher than Spirit Clan

At this time, there may be a trace of Giant God Clan Bloodline in the God Crystal in the blood of Zhao Feng.

After Zhao Feng calmed down, he put away the blood God Crystal.

The value of this blood God Crystal is undoubtedly probably above the Evil God Crystal of Nangong Sheng.

However, if Zhao Feng used this blood God Crystal, it would undoubtedly waste its value.

First of all, Zhao Feng’s body contains the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, which has nothing in common with Giant God Clan’s Bloodline. They are used rashly, and I don’t know what the consequences will be.

Secondly, the quality of Zhao Feng’s perfect Blood Devil Sun is also very high. The quality of this Giant God Clan Bloodline may not be better than Zhao Feng’s perfect Blood Devil Sun.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat came with Concealed Blue Spirit Gourd.

Zhao Feng took some blood-red liquid from the water pool, applied it on the body surface, and then operated Saint Thunder Body.

“Enhance Bloodline, increase life level, and also contain a trace of Profound Truth of Earth”

Zhao Feng complexion.

The effect of this blood-red liquid is better than the Bloodline effect of Sky Fire-Thunder Ape. The key is that it contains a trace of Profound Truth of Earth, which is beneficial to the Cultivation of Zhao Feng Wind Thunder of Earth Holy Force.

One day later.

Zhao Feng body ’s physical aura is getting stronger and stronger, Saint Thunder Body sixth layer has been further improved, completely consolidated in Small Accomplishment Realm, and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” Ninth Layer ’s Wind Thunder of Earth is also more stable.

Consuming a lot of blood-red liquid and some inferior grade God Crystal, Zhao Feng almost solved the problem of foundation instability caused by breaking through Realm a few days ago.

Zhao Feng leaves Bewildering Space Realm.

In one day, Nangong Sheng also used the resources obtained to consolidate his Realm and control the strong strength.

However, due to the lack of Concept Realm, it is still difficult to fully control this strength, but the state at this time is slightly better than the original.

On the other side, Zhao Yufei is also making rapid progress. Mystic Light Holy Force is more condensed, almost like Saint King’s Mystic Light Holy Force.

However, like Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng, Concept Realm is too low.

Otherwise, the strength of the two will go to the next level.

“Let’s go, there should be a condensed Soul in the divine corpse to increase the resources of Concept”

Zhao Feng simply said.

Zhao Feng also lacks resources in this regard.

Subsequently, the three set off again. The area they had explored in the divine corpse one day ago was estimated to be less than one ten thousandth of the entire divine corpse, and it was still the outer area of ​​the divine corpse.

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