King of Gods

Chapter 1075

“It turns out so”

Zhao Feng observed the situation of the subterranean through the perspective of Left Eye and quickly got some information.

Experts in the depths of the subterranean are mostly headed by a powerful force, gathered together.

These forces stationed in the subterranean, in addition to the members of the force itself, will also take in other experts.

Some ordinary Mystic Light small accomplishment and great accomplishment Saint Lord, alone, are afraid to go deep into the subterranean to explore the hidden treasure, so temporarily join the powerful forces and sect of the Imperial Court to seek asylum.

Similarly, these powerful forces, sects, absorb foreign experts and expand their overall strength to ensure that they can obtain more benefits.

In addition, there are also some Lone Rangers, or the temporary Saint Lord team.

Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei are temporary teams.

Nangong Sheng At this time Realm reached Mystic Light Great Accomplishment, strength may not be consolidated yet, but there is definitely a battle against Saint King.

Although Zhao Yufei only has Realm of Mystic Light small accomplishment, she is in the Spirit Clan Bloodline and fights in the heaven and earth Life Essence rich divine corpse. The Battle Strength is not weaker than Nangong Sheng.

Therefore, the Battle Strength of the Zhao Feng trio is still very strong. As long as they do not meet the Half-God team, there is basically no unexpected. It is exactly the same, Zhao Feng rest assured that Zhao Yufei will follow.

Moreover, Zhao Feng had a hole card, Half-God Kun Yun

Through the simple and unadorned Quartet command token in his hand, Zhao Feng can roughly sense Kun Yun’s position.

I believe that after such a long time, Kun Yun’s strength should have grown a lot.

“follow me”

Zhao Feng runs the Mystic Light Holy Force of contain Wind Thunder of Earth, wrapping Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng directly into the cliff on the side of the abyss.

“Zhao Feng, will you be soiled?”

Nangong Sheng asked in surprise.

I remember that at Divine Illusory Space, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng, facing the Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon and Blue Flood Dragon who fled from the soil, there was nothing they could do. In the end, Small Thieving Cat got rid and forced them out.

Zhao Feng did not answer Nangong Sheng’s words, and took the two of them to quickly shuttle among the subterranean.

“The power of Nine Nether Palace is not nearby”

Zhao Feng secretly rejoices.

If the power of Nine Nether Palace is near here, then Zhao Feng can only go a long way.

In the end, Zhao Feng chose a place and stayed.

“Stay here for now, wait for God Position strength to completely disappear, then act”

Zhao Feng said directly.

Zhao Feng knew exactly what was under the subterranean, and what range of God Position strength was shrouded.

For Zhao Feng’s words, Zhao Yufei has no doubt. Immediately integrated into his small world and started cultivate.

At this point, the God Position strength of Zhao Yufei distance is very close, which is more conducive to her cultivate of Spirit Clan Bloodline.

Although Nangong Sheng was questioned, he didn’t say much.

Zhao Feng directly enters into the Bewildering Space Realm.

On the side of Bewildering Space Realm, the Small Thieving Cat sleeping hu hu, gray hair on the whole body, flickering with a strange light glow, its within the body, emits a Bloodline aura that made Zhao Feng’s heart beat.

“Don’t tell me Small Thieving Cat contains some kind of Bloodline from the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List?”

Zhao Feng said in surprise.

Zhao Feng is very knowledgeable, especially with his contact with Immemorial Ten Thousand Bloodline.

According to his guess, if the Small Thieving Cat is wearing Immemorial Ten Thousand Bloodline, then the Bloodline ranking is at least the top thirty of the nations.

However, based on this complicated and chaotic Bloodline aura, Zhao Feng cannot determine what kind of Bloodline the Small Thieving Cat has.

Zhao Feng had many doubts about Small Thieving Cat. At this time, there was another.


In Zhao Feng’s hands, two inferior grade God Crystals appeared.

“Distance God Position strength disappears, there is still some time, fight before that, through Mystic Light small accomplishment”

Zhao Feng’s firm eyes, running “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” to absorb the pure energy in inferior grade God Crystal.

Even if Zhao Feng teamed with Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei at this time, Zhao Feng still felt that it was too dangerous to explore the divine corpse with the Realm of Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment.

At the same time, Zhao Feng sucked an inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow into Left Eye Space and started to copy

With Zhao Feng’s current strength, launching an inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow in dark gold color can cause great trauma to Saint King, and its power is almost equivalent to Zhao Feng’s ‘Thunder Calamity Eye Flame’ launched with all Thunder Calamity branding.

But why did Zhao Feng consume all the Thunder Calamity brand at once, therefore, Zhao Feng needs to copy some inferior grade God-Slaying Arrow.

In the subterranean, God Position strength is slowly fading.

Except for Zhao Feng, the other sect forces or individual teams are all going down with God Position strength.

Because they don’t know how deep the source of this God Position strength is.

Supreme Emperor Palace power center.

The Half God Dragon Emperor holds the golden faucet of the dragon head, and the figure remains motionless, but the invisible terrifying aura shocks Fang Yuan ten thousand li.

At the edge of the Supreme Emperor Palace’s influence, Saint King Yu Ling’s eyes moved and he thought about entering into the Storage Space. At this time, some item in his Storage Space suddenly flashed rays of light.

Saint King Yu Ling thought about it and got the information in it.

“Hehe, how dare you come here”

Saint King Yu Ling smiled with a mockery.

“Saint King Admiring Sea, that kid is here, and will help me in that time, and I will thank him in the future.”

Saint King Yu Ling said to the blue-haired middle-aged man aside.

The forces of the Supreme Emperor Palace are led by Half-God and Saint King as Captain, and lead other members to explore the hidden treasure.

Saint King Yu Ling and Saint King Admiring Sea are in the same team, and Saint King Yu Ling is the team.

In the team, in addition to their two Saint Kings, there is also a Mystic Light Great Accomplishment and two Mystic Light small accomplishments

This terrifying team, placed outside, can almost destroy a 3-Star Super Great Sect.

But at this moment, the team led by Saint King Yu Ling, of all the teams, is estimated to be in the top twenty.

“Thank you for my friendship, don’t use it again.”

Saint King Admiring Sea said with a smile.

His entire body was moved by Profound Truth, the rule of invisible water, which turned all around the mud into a stream of water, as if the whole body had become a rough ocean world.

subterranean On the other side, in the mist of demonic energy.

“禀 Supreme Elder, confirmed, Zhao Feng came to the subterranean”

A Saint Lord of Mystic Light small accomplishment, said kneeling respectfully.

In the mist of demonic energy, a cloud of Void light and shadow suddenly appeared.

“Zhao Feng, he came to die”

Nine Nether Palace Supreme Elder Half God You Hai, flickering nether purple magic flame.

For Zhao Feng, all the senior members of Nine Nether Palace hated him.

When Nine Nether Palace and Zhao Feng confronted each other, Zhao Feng beheaded Nine Nether Palace, knowing how many experts, annexed the numerous forces and resources of Nine Nether Palace, and also used the fame of Nine Nether Palace to rise rapidly.

Such shame, Nine Nether Palace naturally will not endure.

Originally, Half God You Hai planned to resolve the matter personally after exploring the subterranean’s burial.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng actually came to the door.

“Meet Zhao Feng and kill him directly”

The voice of Half God You Hai sounded in this mist of demonic energy.


Demonic energy In the fog, some aura powerful squads Captain answered directly.

Somewhere in the subterranean.

A man with a whole body covered in black Dragon Scales stands with a bland white clothed woman.

“Worthy to be called is Eye of Destiny, hidden here, the experts of other great forces can’t detect my existence”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon smiled.

The place where the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is hiding at this moment is just away from all the powerful forces of the two great dynasty.

Bai Lin pale’s both eyes suddenly burst into a Soul Strength of Profound Mysteries, and finally formed a colorful and abstract picture.

“Unpredictable at Zhao Feng’s Everything”

Bai Lin wailed, and Pal’s eyes kept turning.

At a certain moment, a slight change appeared on that picture, and finally a purple blood monster silhouette was formed, and all around began to appear some blurred scenes.

“Target, divine corpse head, where you will meet Zhao Feng”

Bai Lin said lightly.

Can’t predict Zhao Feng’s action, then make predictions from people related to Zhao Feng.

“Divine corpse head?”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon eyes flashes.

Even if Bai Lin didn’t say this, his ultimate goal would be the head of divine corpse.

“Ready to enter into the”

Bai Lin said suddenly.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon whole body shocked.

next moment.

In the depths of the subterranean God Position strength that destroyed everything, completely dissipated.


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon involved Bai Lin in his own small world and rushed down.

Presented in front of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is a piece of Pure Crystal Matter.

“Divine Physique and Divine Power”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon immediately understood the status of the dive corpse.

True God Realm has Divine Physique, unding and indestructible, and the combination of Divine Physique and Divine Power is more terrifying metamorphosis.

Today, this divine corpse is combined with Divine Power and whole body Crystallization is no stronghold one cannot be overcome.

Even if Half-God in the Continent domain join forces, it is estimated that it is impossible to destroy it.


With the eyes of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon condensing, he was even more impressed by Eye of Destiny.

The divine corpse is so huge that it is difficult to find a gap, but in front of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, there is a small gap. All of this must be under the control of Eye of Destiny.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, drilled into a gap in the surface of the divine corpse.

subterranean deep.

When the God Position strength was completely dissipated, this dive corpse was completely exposed to everyone’s eyes.

“It’s a divine corpse!”

Half God Dragon Emperor eyes startled.

“With such a huge divine corpse, what kind of strength does this person have, and why does his body appear here?”

The Emperor Songta ’s Spiritual Sense saw this huge and extremely divine corpse.

Boom hu hu

Suddenly, two great dynasty, all forces, simultaneously set off, rushed to the huge divine corpse of whole body Crystallization.


A Saint King filmed a devastating red thunderbolt without leaving any traces on the surface of the divine corpse.

“Actually unscathed”

The Saint King was so shocked and helpless that he had to lead the squad to find other entrances.

The other end of the subterranean.

“Zhao Feng”

Nangong Sheng showed bloodthirsty anger and immediately drank.

Zhao Feng’s silhouette immediately appeared beside him, with a slight smile on his face.

“Brother Feng, did you break through?”

Zhao Yufei is aware of the changes in Zhao Feng aura, congratulations.


Zhao Feng smiled reluctantly.

At the last minute, Zhao Feng breakthrough went to Mystic Light small accomplishment, but no one knew how much Prefeng Materials and inferior grade God Crystal had been consumed by Zhao Feng during this period.

Zhao Feng runs the Mystic Light Holy Force of Contain Wind Thunder of Earth, curls up the two, and rushes straight down.

“This is a divine corpse”

Zhao Feng did not continue to conceal and said directly.

call out

The three Zhao Fengs entered directly into the divine corpse body directly below the gap in the surface of the divine corpse.

“How could it be so coincident that there is an entrance just below”

Nangong Sheng’s eyes fell.

He felt again that Zhao Feng’s mysterious was unpredictable, and that impassable illusion suddenly struck.

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